Esempio n. 1
static void
kms_rtp_endpoint_start_transport_send (KmsBaseSdpEndpoint *
    base_sdp_endpoint, gboolean offerer)
  KmsRtpEndpoint *self = KMS_RTP_ENDPOINT (base_sdp_endpoint);
  SdpMessageContext *remote_ctx =
      kms_base_sdp_endpoint_get_remote_sdp_ctx (base_sdp_endpoint);
  const GstSDPMessage *sdp =
      kms_sdp_message_context_get_sdp_message (remote_ctx);
  const GSList *item = kms_sdp_message_context_get_medias (remote_ctx);
  const GstSDPConnection *msg_conn = gst_sdp_message_get_connection (sdp);

  /* Chain up */
  KMS_BASE_SDP_ENDPOINT_CLASS (parent_class)->start_transport_send
      (base_sdp_endpoint, offerer);

  for (; item != NULL; item = g_slist_next (item)) {
    SdpMediaConfig *mconf = item->data;
    GstSDPMedia *media = kms_sdp_media_config_get_sdp_media (mconf);
    const GstSDPConnection *media_con;
    KmsRtpBaseConnection *conn;
    guint port;

    if (media->port == 0) {

    if (gst_sdp_media_connections_len (media) != 0) {
      media_con = gst_sdp_media_get_connection (media, 0);
    } else {
      media_con = msg_conn;

    if (media_con == NULL || media_con->address == NULL
        || media_con->address[0] == '\0') {
      const gchar *media_str = gst_sdp_media_get_media (media);

      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Missing connection information for '%s'",

    conn = kms_rtp_endpoint_media_get_connection (self, mconf);
    if (conn == NULL) {

    port = gst_sdp_media_get_port (media);
    kms_rtp_base_connection_set_remote_info (conn,
        media_con->address, port, port + 1);
    /* TODO: get rtcp port from attr if it exists */
Esempio n. 2
static void
kms_connection_ext_get_connection_attrs (KmsISdpMediaExtension * ext,
    const GstSDPMedia * media, GArray * conns)
  guint i, len;

  len = gst_sdp_media_connections_len (media);

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const GstSDPConnection *conn;

    conn = gst_sdp_media_get_connection (media, i);

    add_address_to_list (conns, conn);
Esempio n. 3
static GstSDPStream *
gst_sdp_demux_create_stream (GstSDPDemux * demux, GstSDPMessage * sdp, gint idx)
  GstSDPStream *stream;
  const gchar *payload, *rtcp;
  const GstSDPMedia *media;
  const GstSDPConnection *conn;

  /* get media, should not return NULL */
  media = gst_sdp_message_get_media (sdp, idx);
  if (media == NULL)
    return NULL;

  stream = g_new0 (GstSDPStream, 1);
  stream->parent = demux;
  /* we mark the pad as not linked, we will mark it as OK when we add the pad to
   * the element. */
  stream->last_ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
  stream->added = FALSE;
  stream->disabled = FALSE;
  stream->id = demux->numstreams++;
  stream->eos = FALSE;

  /* we must have a payload. No payload means we cannot create caps */
  /* FIXME, handle multiple formats. */
  if ((payload = gst_sdp_media_get_format (media, 0))) {
    stream->pt = atoi (payload);
    /* convert caps */
    stream->caps = gst_sdp_demux_media_to_caps (stream->pt, media);

    if (stream->pt >= 96) {
      /* If we have a dynamic payload type, see if we have a stream with the
       * same payload number. If there is one, they are part of the same
       * container and we only need to add one pad. */
      if (find_stream (demux, GINT_TO_POINTER (stream->pt),
              (gpointer) find_stream_by_pt)) {
        stream->container = TRUE;
  if (!(conn = gst_sdp_media_get_connection (media, 0))) {
    if (!(conn = gst_sdp_message_get_connection (sdp)))
      goto no_connection;

  stream->destination = conn->address;
  stream->ttl = conn->ttl;
  stream->multicast = is_multicast_address (stream->destination);

  stream->rtp_port = gst_sdp_media_get_port (media);
  if ((rtcp = gst_sdp_media_get_attribute_val (media, "rtcp"))) {
    /* FIXME, RFC 3605 */
    stream->rtcp_port = stream->rtp_port + 1;
  } else {
    stream->rtcp_port = stream->rtp_port + 1;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, "stream %d, (%p)", stream->id, stream);
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, " pt: %d", stream->pt);
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, " container: %d", stream->container);
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (demux, " caps: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, stream->caps);

  /* we keep track of all streams */
  demux->streams = g_list_append (demux->streams, stream);

  return stream;

  /* ERRORS */
    gst_sdp_demux_stream_free (demux, stream);
    return NULL;