/* Called when the user clicks the 'Paste' menu. */ void on_paste_menu_item_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, TutorialTextEditor *editor) { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkClipboard *clipboard; clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (editor->text_view)); gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, NULL, TRUE); }
static void gtkhash_properties_on_menuitem_copy_activate(struct page_s *page) { GtkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE); char *digest = gtkhash_properties_list_get_selected_digest(page); gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, digest, -1); g_free(digest); }
/* * copy the selected text to the clipboard and remove it from the buffer * That is called cut. */ static void cut_clicked( GtkButton *cut, GtkTextView *textview ) { GtkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD ); GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer( textview ); /* real implementors */ /* true -- cut the embedded object like image as well */ /* false -- count out of objects like image */ gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard( buffer, clipboard, TRUE ); }
void on_popup_copy_URL_clipboard (void) { itemPtr item; item = itemlist_get_selected (); if (item) { gchar *link = item_make_link (item); gtk_clipboard_set_text (gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY), link, -1); gtk_clipboard_set_text (gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD), link, -1); g_free (link); item_unload (item); } else { liferea_shell_set_important_status_bar (_("No item has been selected")); } }
/* \brief Initialises system clipboard support * \par Function Description * Registers a signal handler to detect if the clipboard has changed * and update the menu item sensitivity if necessary. */ void x_clipboard_init (GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL *w_current) { GtkClipboard *cb = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (cb), "owner-change", G_CALLBACK (clip_handle_owner_change), w_current); }
void EvalCcRqSETCLIPBOARDTEXT (CrossCallInfo *pcci) /* textptr; no result. */ { const gchar *text = (const gchar *) pcci->p1; gtk_clipboard_set_text (gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE), text, strlen(text)); MakeReturn0Cci (pcci); }
void sys_set_clipboard_text(void *user, const char *text) { GtkClipboard *cb; gtk_init_check(NULL, NULL); cb = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gtk_clipboard_set_can_store(cb, NULL, 0); gtk_clipboard_set_text(cb, text, -1); gtk_clipboard_store(cb); }
void playlist_copy (void) { gchar * text = audgui_urilist_create_from_selected (aud_playlist_get_active ()); if (! text) return; gtk_clipboard_set_text (gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD), text, -1); g_free (text); }
static void handle_copy_button(GtkButton * button, gpointer data) { GtkEntry * value_field = GTK_ENTRY(data); GdkAtom atom = gdk_atom_intern_static_string("CLIPBOARD"); const char * value = gtk_entry_get_text(value_field); GtkClipboard * clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(atom); gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, value, -1); gtk_clipboard_store(clipboard); }
void EvalCcRqGETCLIPBOARDCOUNT (CrossCallInfo *pcci) { gint* targets; printf("EvalCcRqGETCLIPBOARDTEXT\n"); gtk_clipboard_wait_for_targets(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE), NULL, targets); MakeReturn1Cci (pcci, (int64_t) *targets); }
static void on_menuitem_treeview_copy_activate(struct hash_func_s *func) { char *digest = list_get_selected_digest(func->id); g_assert(digest); gtk_clipboard_set_text(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE), digest, -1); g_free(digest); }
nsresult nsClipboard::Store(void) { // Ask the clipboard manager to store the current clipboard content if (mGlobalTransferable) { GtkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gtk_clipboard_store(clipboard); } return NS_OK; }
const char *sys_get_clipboard_text(void* user) { GtkClipboard *cb; static gchar *text = NULL; gtk_init_check(NULL, NULL); g_free(text); cb = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); text = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(cb); return text; }
/** * a_clipboard_type: * * Return the type of data held in the clipboard if any */ VikClipboardDataType a_clipboard_type ( ) { GtkClipboard *c = gtk_clipboard_get ( GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD ); VikClipboardDataType *vcdt = g_malloc ( sizeof (VikClipboardDataType) ); gtk_clipboard_request_targets ( c, clip_determine_type, vcdt ); gint answer = *vcdt; g_free ( vcdt ); return answer; }
// Paste the text from the clipboard or the primary selection StdStrBuf C4AbstractApp::Paste(bool fClipboard) { char * r = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(gtk_clipboard_get(fClipboard ? GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD : GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY)); // gtk_clipboard_request_text(gtk_clipboard_get(fClipboard ? GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD : GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY), // GtkClipboardTextReceivedFunc callback, gpointer user_data); StdStrBuf rbuf; rbuf.Copy(r); g_free(r); return rbuf; }
static void copy_callback (GtkWidget *w) { if (kselected.d[0] || kselected.d[1]) { gchar *string_utf = utf8_for_char (kselected); gtk_clipboard_set_text (gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD), string_utf, -1); g_free (string_utf); } }
void iscreenshot_save_to_clipboard(GtkWidget *widget,GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { GtkClipboard *clip; clip=gtk_clipboard_get(gdk_atom_intern_static_string("CLIPBOARD")); gtk_clipboard_clear(clip); gtk_clipboard_set_image(clip,pixbuf); gtk_main_quit(); }
void selection_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webkitwebview, gpointer ud) { (void)ud; gchar *tmp; webkit_web_view_copy_clipboard(webkitwebview); tmp = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)); send_event(SELECTION_CHANGED, NULL, TYPE_STR, tmp ? tmp : "", NULL); g_free(tmp); }
TILP_EXPORT void on_scdbox_button5_clicked(GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GtkClipboard *clipboard; pixbuf = gtk_image_get_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(scrn_img)); clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gtk_clipboard_set_image(clipboard, pixbuf); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; GtkClipboard *cb = NULL; GdkPixbuf *image = NULL; GError *e = NULL; GOptionContext *opt_ctx = NULL; char *help = NULL; static int timeout; static const GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "timeout", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &timeout, "Timeout", "secs" }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; opt_ctx = g_option_context_new("<file>"); g_option_context_add_main_entries(opt_ctx, entries, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse(opt_ctx, &argc, &argv, &e)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e->message); goto error_out; } if (argc == 1 || !g_file_test(argv[1], G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { help = g_option_context_get_help(opt_ctx, TRUE, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%s", help); g_free(help); goto error_out; } image = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(argv[1], &e); if (image == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e->message); goto error_out; } gtk_init(&argc, &argv); cb = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE); gtk_clipboard_set_image(cb, image); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(cb), "owner-change", G_CALLBACK(on_owner_change), NULL); if (timeout > 0) { g_timeout_add_seconds(timeout, (GSourceFunc)on_timeout_expired, NULL); } gtk_main(); g_object_unref(image); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; error_out: g_option_context_free(opt_ctx); return ret; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MMSapEvents::OnKillFocusEvent( wxFocusEvent& event ) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { //For GTK, we copy the selected text to the PRIMARY clipboard // when we lose the focus #if not defined(__WXGTK__) event.Skip(); return; #endif // If selected text, copy to clipboard //remember event window pointer wxObject* pEvtObject = event.GetEventObject(); cbStyledTextCtrl* pControl = 0; cbEditor* ed = 0; wxString selectedText = wxEmptyString; if ( ((wxWindow*)pEvtObject)->GetName().Lower() == _T("sciwindow") ) { ed = (cbEditor*)((wxWindow*)pEvtObject)->GetParent(); pControl = (cbStyledTextCtrl*)pEvtObject; } if ( ed ) do { if ( not MouseSap::pMouseSap->IsAttachedTo( pControl ) ) break; selectedText = pControl->GetSelectedText(); if ( selectedText.IsEmpty() ) break; #if defined(__WXGTK__) gtk_clipboard_set_text( gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY), selectedText.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), selectedText.Length() ); #else //__WXMSW__ //testing if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { wxTheClipboard->AddData(new wxTextDataObject(selectedText)); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } #endif #if defined(LOGGING) DumpClipboard(); if (ed && pControl && (not selectedText.IsEmpty())) LOGIT( _T("OnKillFocus[%s][%s]"), ed->GetTitle().c_str(),selectedText.c_str()); #endif }while(false); event.Skip(); } // end of OnGPM
static void debug_logger_copy_clicked(GtkWidget *widget, DebugLogger *logger) { GtkClipboard *clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); GList *selected_rows = NULL, *entry; GtkTreeView *view; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeSelection *selection; gint current_page; GString *copy_data; g_return_if_fail(IS_DEBUG_LOGGER(logger)); if (gtk_notebook_get_n_pages(logger->priv->notebook) == 0) return; copy_data = g_string_new(NULL); current_page = gtk_notebook_get_current_page(logger->priv->notebook); view = GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtk_bin_get_child( GTK_BIN(gtk_notebook_get_nth_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK(logger->priv->notebook), current_page)))); model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(view); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(view); selected_rows = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows(selection, &model); for(entry = selected_rows; entry != NULL; entry = g_list_next(entry)) { GtkTreeIter iter; gchar *message; gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, entry->data); gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, MSG_COLUMN, &message, -1); copy_data = g_string_append(copy_data, message); copy_data = g_string_append_c(copy_data, '\n'); g_free(message); } /* Don't clobber clipboard if we have nothing to add to it. */ if(copy_data->len != 0) gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, copy_data->str, copy_data->len); g_string_free(copy_data, TRUE); g_list_foreach(selected_rows, (GFunc)gtk_tree_path_free, NULL); g_list_free(selected_rows); }
/* * get clipboard content - partialy inspired by Downloader for X */ gboolean my_get_xselection(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event) { GdkAtom atom; gint format; size_t length; gchar *content = NULL; /* previous clipboard content */ static size_t old_content_len = 0; static gchar *old_content = ""; begin_func("my_get_xselection"); gtk_clipboard_request_text(gtk_clipboard_get(clipboard), my_get_selection_text, NULL); return_val(TRUE); length = (size_t) gdk_selection_property_get(gtk_widget_get_window(window), (guchar **) &content, &atom, &format); if (length > 0) { if ((length != old_content_len || memcmp(content, old_content, length) != 0) && !gtk_check_menu_item_get_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_app_clip_ignore))) { /* new data in clipboard */ /* store new content for future comparation */ if (old_content_len > 0) g_free(old_content); old_content = content; old_content_len = length; /* process item */ /* process_item(content, length, 0, TRUE); */ } else { /* no new data */ g_free(content); } /* when clipboard is locked, set selection owener to myself */ if (gtk_check_menu_item_get_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_app_clip_ignore)) || gtk_check_menu_item_get_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_app_clip_lock))) { if (gtk_selection_owner_set(dock_app, clipboard, GDK_CURRENT_TIME) == 0) selected = NULL; } } return_val(TRUE); }
gchar* get_clipboard_text (void) { GtkClipboard *c = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); if (! c) return NULL; if (! gtk_clipboard_wait_is_text_available (c)) return NULL; return gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text (c); }
void fm__gth_browser_realize_cb (GthBrowser *browser) { GtkClipboard *clipboard; clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); g_signal_connect (clipboard, "owner_change", G_CALLBACK (clipboard_owner_change_cb), browser); }
static void empathy_webkit_copy_address_cb (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, gpointer user_data) { WebKitHitTestResult *hit_test_result = WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT (user_data); gchar *uri; GtkClipboard *clipboard; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (hit_test_result), "link-uri", &uri, NULL); clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, uri, -1); clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, uri, -1); g_free (uri); }
void playlist_paste (void) { gchar * text = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text (gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)); if (! text) return; gint list = aud_playlist_get_active (); audgui_urilist_insert (list, playlist_get_focus (list), text); g_free (text); }
/* * get clipboard content - partialy inspired by Downloader for X */ gboolean my_get_xselection(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event) { begin_func("my_get_xselection"); gtk_clipboard_request_text(gtk_clipboard_get(clipboard), my_get_selection_text, NULL); return_val(TRUE); }
gboolean Copy_activate(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gchar *hostname; GtkTreePath *path = (GtkTreePath*)data; hostname = getSelectedHost(path); if (hostname != NULL) { GtkClipboard *clipboard; clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, hostname, -1); clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboard, hostname, -1); g_free(hostname); } return TRUE; }
void EvalCcRqGETCLIPBOARDTEXT (CrossCallInfo *pcci) /* no params; string result. */ { gchar *text, *result; printf("EvalCcRqGETCLIPBOARDTEXT\n"); text = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE)); result = g_strdup(text); g_free(text); MakeReturn1Cci (pcci, (int64_t) result); }