Esempio n. 1
void test_build_destination(void)
    h2o_pathconf_t conf_not_slashed = {NULL, {H2O_STRLIT("/abc")}}, conf_slashed = {NULL, {H2O_STRLIT("/abc/")}};
    h2o_req_t req;
    h2o_iovec_t dest;
    int escape;

    for (escape = 0; escape <= 1; escape++) {
        h2o_init_request(&req, NULL, NULL);

        note("escaping: %s", escape ? "on" : "off");
        req.path_normalized = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("/abc/xyz"));
        req.query_at = req.path_normalized.len;
        req.input.path = req.path = h2o_concat(&req.pool, req.path_normalized, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("?q")));

        /* basic pattern */
        req.pathconf = &conf_not_slashed;
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/xyz?q")));
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def/"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/xyz?q")));
        req.pathconf = &conf_slashed;
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/xyz?q")));
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def/"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/xyz?q")));

        /* test wo. query */
        if (escape) {
            req.pathconf = &conf_not_slashed;
            req.query_at = SIZE_MAX;
            dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def"), escape);
            ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/xyz")));

        /* no trailing */
        req.path_normalized = h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("/abc"));
        req.query_at = req.path_normalized.len;
        req.input.path = req.path = h2o_concat(&req.pool, req.path_normalized, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("?q")));

        req.pathconf = &conf_not_slashed;
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def?q")));
        dest = h2o_build_destination(&req, H2O_STRLIT("/def/"), escape);
        ok(h2o_memis(dest.base, dest.len, H2O_STRLIT("/def/?q")));

Esempio n. 2
static h2o_iovec_t rewrite_location(h2o_mem_pool_t *pool, const char *location, size_t location_len, h2o_proxy_location_t *upstream, h2o_iovec_t req_scheme, h2o_iovec_t req_authority, h2o_iovec_t req_basepath)
    h2o_iovec_t loc_scheme, loc_host, loc_path;
    uint16_t loc_port;

    if (h2o_parse_url(location, location_len, &loc_scheme, &loc_host, &loc_port, &loc_path) != 0
        || ! test_location_match(upstream, loc_scheme, loc_host, loc_port, loc_path))
        return h2o_iovec_init(location, location_len);

    return h2o_concat(pool,
        h2o_iovec_init(loc_path.base + upstream->path.len, loc_path.len - upstream->path.len));
Esempio n. 3
static int on_req(h2o_handler_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req)
    h2o_redirect_handler_t *self = (void *)_self;

    /* build the URL */
    h2o_iovec_t path =
        h2o_iovec_init(req->path_normalized.base + req->pathconf->path.len, req->path_normalized.len - req->pathconf->path.len);
    h2o_iovec_t query = req->query_at != SIZE_MAX ? h2o_iovec_init(req->path.base + req->query_at, req->path.len - req->query_at)
                                                  : h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(""));
    h2o_iovec_t dest = h2o_concat(&req->pool, self->prefix, path, query);

    if (self->internal) {
        redirect_internally(self, req, dest);
    } else {
        h2o_send_redirect(req, self->status, "Redirected", dest.base, dest.len);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
ssize_t h2o_set_header_token(h2o_mem_pool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const h2o_token_t *token, const char *value,
                             size_t value_len)
    size_t found = -1;
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i != headers->size; ++i) {
        if (headers->entries[i].name == &token->buf) {
            if (h2o_contains_token(headers->entries[i].value.base, headers->entries[i].value.len, value, value_len, ','))
                return -1;
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        h2o_header_t *dest = headers->entries + found;
        dest->value = h2o_concat(pool, dest->value, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(", ")), h2o_iovec_init(value, value_len));
        return found;
    } else {
        return h2o_add_header(pool, headers, token, NULL, value, value_len);
Esempio n. 5
static h2o_iovec_t requests_status_final(void *priv, h2o_globalconf_t *gconf, h2o_req_t *req)
#ifndef _MSC_VER
    h2o_iovec_t ret = {NULL};
	h2o_iovec_t ret = { 0 };
    struct st_requests_status_ctx_t *rsc = priv;

    if (rsc->logconf != NULL) {
        ret = h2o_concat(&req->pool, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT(",\n \"requests\": [")), rsc->req_data,
                         h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("\n ]")));
#ifndef _MSC_VER
    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
File: proxy.c Progetto: firewood/h2o
static h2o_iovec_t rewrite_location(h2o_mem_pool_t *pool, const char *location, size_t location_len, h2o_url_t *match,
                                    const h2o_url_scheme_t *req_scheme, h2o_iovec_t req_authority, h2o_iovec_t req_basepath)
    h2o_url_t loc_parsed;

    if (h2o_url_parse(location, location_len, &loc_parsed) != 0)
        goto NoRewrite;
    if (loc_parsed.scheme != &H2O_URL_SCHEME_HTTP)
        goto NoRewrite;
    if (!h2o_lcstris(,, match->host.base, match->host.len))
        goto NoRewrite;
    if (h2o_url_get_port(&loc_parsed) != h2o_url_get_port(match))
        goto NoRewrite;
    if (loc_parsed.path.len < match->path.len)
        goto NoRewrite;
    if (memcmp(loc_parsed.path.base, match->path.base, match->path.len) != 0)
        goto NoRewrite;

    return h2o_concat(pool, req_scheme->name, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("://")), req_authority, req_basepath,
                      h2o_iovec_init(loc_parsed.path.base + match->path.len, loc_parsed.path.len - match->path.len));

    return (h2o_iovec_t){};
Esempio n. 7
File: proxy.c Progetto: firewood/h2o
static int on_req(h2o_handler_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req)
    struct rp_handler_t *self = (void *)_self;
    h2o_req_overrides_t *overrides = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(&req->pool, sizeof(*overrides));
    const h2o_url_scheme_t *scheme;
    h2o_iovec_t *authority;

    /* setup overrides */
    *overrides = (h2o_req_overrides_t) {};
    if (self->sockpool != NULL) {
        overrides->socketpool = self->sockpool;
    } else if (self->config.preserve_host) {
        overrides-> = self->;
        overrides->hostport.port = h2o_url_get_port(&self->upstream);
    overrides->location_rewrite.match = &self->upstream;
    overrides->location_rewrite.path_prefix = req->pathconf->path;
    overrides->client_ctx = h2o_context_get_handler_context(req->conn->ctx, &self->super);

    /* determine the scheme and authority */
    if (self->config.preserve_host) {
        scheme = req->scheme;
        authority = &req->authority;
    } else {
        scheme = self->upstream.scheme;
        authority = &self->upstream.authority;

    /* request reprocess */
    h2o_reprocess_request(req, req->method, scheme, *authority,
                          h2o_concat(&req->pool, self->upstream.path, h2o_iovec_init(req->path.base + req->pathconf->path.len,
                                     req->path.len - req->pathconf->path.len)),
                          overrides, 0);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
File: file.c Progetto: ancuop/h2o
static int on_req(h2o_handler_t *_self, h2o_req_t *req)
    h2o_file_handler_t *self = (void *)_self;
    char *rpath;
    size_t rpath_len, req_path_prefix;
    struct st_h2o_sendfile_generator_t *generator = NULL;
    int is_dir;

    if (req->path_normalized.len < self->conf_path.len) {
        h2o_iovec_t dest = h2o_uri_escape(&req->pool, self->conf_path.base, self->conf_path.len, "/");
        if (req->query_at != SIZE_MAX)
            dest = h2o_concat(&req->pool, dest, h2o_iovec_init(req->path.base + req->query_at, req->path.len - req->query_at));
        h2o_send_redirect(req, 301, "Moved Permanently", dest.base, dest.len);
        return 0;

    /* build path (still unterminated at the end of the block) */
    req_path_prefix = self->conf_path.len;
    rpath = alloca(self->real_path.len + (req->path_normalized.len - req_path_prefix) + self->max_index_file_len + 1);
    rpath_len = 0;
    memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, self->real_path.base, self->real_path.len);
    rpath_len += self->real_path.len;
    memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, req->path_normalized.base + req_path_prefix, req->path_normalized.len - req_path_prefix);
    rpath_len += req->path_normalized.len - req_path_prefix;

    /* build generator (as well as terminating the rpath and its length upon success) */
    if (rpath[rpath_len - 1] == '/') {
        h2o_iovec_t *index_file;
        for (index_file = self->index_files; index_file->base != NULL; ++index_file) {
            memcpy(rpath + rpath_len, index_file->base, index_file->len);
            rpath[rpath_len + index_file->len] = '\0';
            if ((generator = create_generator(req, rpath, rpath_len + index_file->len, &is_dir, self->flags)) != NULL) {
                rpath_len += index_file->len;
                goto Opened;
            if (is_dir) {
                /* note: apache redirects "path/" to "path/index.txt/" if index.txt is a dir */
                h2o_iovec_t dest = h2o_concat(&req->pool, req->path_normalized, *index_file, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("/")));
                dest = h2o_uri_escape(&req->pool, dest.base, dest.len, "/");
                if (req->query_at != SIZE_MAX)
                    dest =
                        h2o_concat(&req->pool, dest, h2o_iovec_init(req->path.base + req->query_at, req->path.len - req->query_at));
                h2o_send_redirect(req, 301, "Moved Permantently", dest.base, dest.len);
                return 0;
            if (errno != ENOENT)
        if (index_file->base == NULL && (self->flags & H2O_FILE_FLAG_DIR_LISTING) != 0) {
            rpath[rpath_len] = '\0';
            int is_get = 0;
            if (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET"))) {
                is_get = 1;
            } else if (h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("HEAD"))) {
                /* ok */
            } else {
                return 0;
            if (send_dir_listing(req, rpath, rpath_len, is_get) == 0)
                return 0;
    } else {
        rpath[rpath_len] = '\0';
        if ((generator = create_generator(req, rpath, rpath_len, &is_dir, self->flags)) != NULL)
            goto Opened;
        if (is_dir) {
            h2o_iovec_t dest = h2o_concat(&req->pool, req->path_normalized, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("/")));
            dest = h2o_uri_escape(&req->pool, dest.base, dest.len, "/");
            if (req->query_at != SIZE_MAX)
                dest = h2o_concat(&req->pool, dest, h2o_iovec_init(req->path.base + req->query_at, req->path.len - req->query_at));
            h2o_send_redirect(req, 301, "Moved Permanently", dest.base, dest.len);
            return 0;
    /* failed to open */

    if (errno == ENFILE || errno == EMFILE) {
        h2o_send_error(req, 503, "Service Unavailable", "please try again later", 0);
    } else {
        if (h2o_mimemap_has_dynamic_type(self->mimemap) && try_dynamic_request(self, req, rpath, rpath_len) == 0)
            return 0;
        if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            h2o_send_error(req, 403, "Access Forbidden", "access forbidden", 0);
    return 0;

    return serve_with_generator(generator, req, rpath, rpath_len,
                                h2o_mimemap_get_type_by_extension(self->mimemap, h2o_get_filext(rpath, rpath_len)));
Esempio n. 9
static int send_headers(h2o_http2_conn_t *conn, h2o_http2_stream_t *stream)
    h2o_timestamp_t ts;

    h2o_get_timestamp(conn->super.ctx, &stream->req.pool, &ts);

    /* cancel push with an error response */
    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        if (400 <= stream->req.res.status)
            goto CancelPush;
        if (stream->cache_digests != NULL) {
            ssize_t etag_index = h2o_find_header(&stream->req.headers, H2O_TOKEN_ETAG, -1);
            if (etag_index != -1) {
                h2o_iovec_t url = h2o_concat(&stream->req.pool, stream->req.input.scheme->name, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("://")),
                                             stream->req.input.authority, stream->req.input.path);
                h2o_iovec_t *etag = &stream->req.headers.entries[etag_index].value;
                if (h2o_cache_digests_lookup_by_url_and_etag(stream->cache_digests, url.base, url.len, etag->base, etag->len) ==
                    goto CancelPush;

    /* reset casper cookie in case cache-digests exist */
    if (stream->cache_digests != NULL && stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.capacity_bits != 0) {
        h2o_add_header(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE,
                       H2O_STRLIT("h2o_casper=; Path=/; Expires=Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"));

    /* CASPER */
    if (conn->casper != NULL) {
        /* update casper if necessary */
        if (stream->req.hostconf->http2.casper.track_all_types || is_blocking_asset(&stream->req)) {
            if (h2o_http2_casper_lookup(conn->casper, stream->req.path.base, stream->req.path.len, 1)) {
                /* cancel if the pushed resource is already marked as cached */
                if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id))
                    goto CancelPush;
        if (stream->cache_digests != NULL)
            goto SkipCookie;
        /* browsers might ignore push responses, or they may process the responses in a different order than they were pushed.
         * Therefore H2O tries to include casper cookie only in the last stream that may be received by the client, or when the
         * value become stable; see also:
        if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
            if (!(conn-> == 0 && (conn->num_streams.push.half_closed - conn->num_streams.push.send_body) == 1))
                goto SkipCookie;
        } else {
            if (conn->num_streams.push.half_closed - conn->num_streams.push.send_body != 0)
                goto SkipCookie;
        h2o_iovec_t cookie = h2o_http2_casper_get_cookie(conn->casper);
        h2o_add_header(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE, cookie.base, cookie.len);

    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id)) {
        /* for push, send the push promise */
        if (!stream->push.promise_sent)
            h2o_http2_stream_send_push_promise(conn, stream);
        /* send ASAP if it is a blocking asset (even in case of Firefox we can't wait 1RTT for it to reprioritize the asset) */
        if (is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);
    } else {
        /* raise the priority of asset files that block rendering to highest if the user-agent is _not_ using dependency-based
         * prioritization (e.g. that of Firefox)
        if (conn-> == 0 && stream->req.hostconf->http2.reprioritize_blocking_assets &&
            h2o_http2_scheduler_get_parent(&stream->_refs.scheduler) == &conn->scheduler && is_blocking_asset(&stream->req))
            h2o_http2_scheduler_rebind(&stream->_refs.scheduler, &conn->scheduler, 257, 0);

    /* send HEADERS, as well as start sending body */
    if (h2o_http2_stream_is_push(stream->stream_id))
        h2o_add_header_by_str(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_STRLIT("x-http2-push"), 0, H2O_STRLIT("pushed"));
    h2o_hpack_flatten_response(&conn->_write.buf, &conn->_output_header_table, stream->stream_id,
                               conn->peer_settings.max_frame_size, &stream->req.res, &ts, &conn->super.ctx->globalconf->server_name,
    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_SEND_BODY);

    return 0;

    h2o_add_header_by_str(&stream->req.pool, &stream->req.res.headers, H2O_STRLIT("x-http2-push"), 0, H2O_STRLIT("cancelled"));
    h2o_http2_stream_set_state(conn, stream, H2O_HTTP2_STREAM_STATE_END_STREAM);
    h2o_linklist_insert(&conn->_write.streams_to_proceed, &stream->;
    if (stream->push.promise_sent) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
        h2o_http2_encode_rst_stream_frame(&conn->_write.buf, stream->stream_id, -H2O_HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
		h2o_http2_encode_rst_stream_frame(&conn->_write.buf, stream->stream_id, H2O_HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
    return -1;