void bedSqlFieldsExceptForChrom(struct hTableInfo *hti,
	int *retFieldCount, char **retFields)
/* Given tableInfo figure out what fields are needed to
 * add to a database query to have information to create
 * a bed. The chromosome is not one of these fields - we
 * assume that is already known since we're processing one
 * chromosome at a time.   Return a comma separated (no last
 * comma) list of fields that can be freeMem'd, and the count
 * of fields (this *including* the chromosome). */
struct dyString *fields = dyStringNew(128);
int fieldCount = fieldCount = hTableInfoBedFieldCount(hti);

dyStringPrintf(fields, "%s,%s", hti->startField, hti->endField);
if (fieldCount >= 4)
    if (hti->nameField[0] != 0)
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s", hti->nameField);
    else /* Put in . as placeholder. */
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",'.'");  
if (fieldCount >= 5)
    if (hti->scoreField[0] != 0)
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s", hti->scoreField);
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",0", hti->startField);  
if (fieldCount >= 6)
    if (hti->strandField[0] != 0)
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s", hti->strandField);
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",'.'");  
if (fieldCount >= 8)
    if (hti->cdsStartField[0] != 0)
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s,%s", hti->cdsStartField, hti->cdsEndField);
	dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s,%s", hti->startField, hti->endField);  
if (fieldCount >= 12)
    dyStringPrintf(fields, ",%s,%s,%s", hti->countField, 
        hti->endsSizesField, hti->startsField);
if (htiIsPsl(hti))
    /* For psl format we need to know chrom size as well
     * to handle reverse strand case. */
    dyStringPrintf(fields, ",tSize");
*retFieldCount = fieldCount;
*retFields = dyStringCannibalize(&fields);
struct bed *dbGetFilteredBedsOnRegions(struct sqlConnection *conn,
                                       char *db, char *dbVarName, char *table, char *tableVarName,
                                       struct region *regionList, struct lm *lm,
                                       int *retFieldCount)
/* Get list of beds from database, in all regions, that pass filtering. */
    /* A joining query may be required if the filter incorporates linked tables. */
    struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
    struct slName *fieldList = getBedFieldSlNameList(hti, db, table);
    struct joinerDtf *dtfList = NULL;
    struct joinerDtf *filterTables = NULL;
    boolean doJoin = joinRequired(db, table,
                                  fieldList, &dtfList, &filterTables);
    struct region *region;
    struct bed *bedList = NULL;
    char *idField = getIdField(db, curTrack, table, hti);
    struct hash *idHash = identifierHash(db, table);

    if (! doJoin)
        for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
            char *identifierFilter = identifierWhereClause(idField, idHash);
            char *filter = filterClause(dbVarName, tableVarName, region->chrom, identifierFilter);
            struct bed *bedListRegion = getRegionAsMergedBed(dbVarName, tableVarName,
                                        region, filter, idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
            struct bed *bed, *nextBed;
            for (bed = bedListRegion; bed != NULL; bed = nextBed)
                nextBed = bed->next;
                slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
        struct joiner *joiner = allJoiner;
        struct joinedTables *joined = joinedTablesCreate(joiner,
                                      db, table, dtfList, filterTables, 1000000, regionList);
        int bedFieldCount = hTableInfoBedFieldCount(hti);
        if (retFieldCount != NULL)
            *retFieldCount = bedFieldCount;
        bedList = joinedTablesToBed(joined, hti, bedFieldCount, lm);
    return bedList;
Esempio n. 3
boolean doGetBedOrCt(struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean doCt,
                     boolean doCtFile, boolean redirectToGb)
/* Actually output bed or custom track. Return TRUE unless no results. */
char *db = cloneString(database);
char *table = curTable;
struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
struct featureBits *fbList = NULL, *fbPtr;
struct customTrack *ctNew = NULL;
boolean doCtHdr = (cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaPrintCustomTrackHeaders, FALSE)
	|| doCt || doCtFile);
char *ctWigOutType = cartCgiUsualString(cart, hgtaCtWigOutType, outWigData);
char *fbQual = fbOptionsToQualifier();
char fbTQ[128];
int fields = hTableInfoBedFieldCount(hti);
boolean gotResults = FALSE;
struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
boolean isBedGr = isBedGraph(curTable);
boolean isBgWg = isBigWigTable(curTable);
boolean needSubtrackMerge = anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable);
boolean doDataPoints = FALSE;
boolean isWig = isWiggle(database, table);
struct wigAsciiData *wigDataList = NULL;
struct dataVector *dataVectorList = NULL;
boolean doRgb = bedItemRgb(hTrackDbForTrack(db, curTable));

if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaDoGreatOutput, FALSE) && !doCt)

if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaDoGreatOutput, FALSE))
    fputs("#", stdout);

if ((isWig || isBedGr || isBgWg) && sameString(outWigData, ctWigOutType))
    doDataPoints = TRUE;

for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
    struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024);
    struct dataVector *dv = NULL;

    if (isWig && doDataPoints)
        if (needSubtrackMerge)
            dv = wiggleDataVector(curTrack, curTable, conn, region);
            if (dv != NULL)
                slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
            int count = 0;
            struct wigAsciiData *wigData = NULL;
            struct wigAsciiData *asciiData;
            struct wigAsciiData *next;

            wigData = getWiggleAsData(conn, curTable, region);
            for (asciiData = wigData; asciiData; asciiData = next)
                next = asciiData->next;
                if (asciiData->count)
                    slAddHead(&wigDataList, asciiData);
    else if (isBedGr && doDataPoints)
        dv = bedGraphDataVector(curTable, conn, region);
        if (dv != NULL)
            slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
    else if (isBgWg && doDataPoints)
        dv = bigWigDataVector(curTable, conn, region);
        if (dv != NULL)
            slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
    else if (isWig || isBgWg)
        dv = wiggleDataVector(curTrack, curTable, conn, region);
        bedList = dataVectorToBedList(dv);
    else if (isBedGr)
        bedList = getBedGraphAsBed(conn, curTable, region);
        bedList = cookedBedList(conn, curTable, region, lm, &fields);

    /*  this is a one-time only initial creation of the custom track
     *  structure to receive the results.  gotResults turns it off after
     *  the first time.
    if (doCtHdr && !gotResults &&
	((bedList != NULL) || (wigDataList != NULL) ||
         (dataVectorList != NULL)))
        ctNew = beginCustomTrack(table, fields,
                                 doCt, (isWig || isBedGr || isBgWg), doDataPoints);

    if (doDataPoints && (wigDataList || dataVectorList))
        gotResults = TRUE;
        if ((fbQual == NULL) || (fbQual[0] == 0))
            for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
                if (bed->name != NULL)
                    subChar(bed->name, ' ', '_');
                if (doCt)
                    struct bed *dupe = cloneBed(bed); /* Out of local memory. */
                    slAddHead(&ctNew->bedList, dupe);
                    if (doRgb)
                        bedTabOutNitemRgb(bed, fields, stdout);
                        bedTabOutN(bed, fields, stdout);

                gotResults = TRUE;
            safef(fbTQ, sizeof(fbTQ), "%s:%s", hti->rootName, fbQual);
            fbList = fbFromBed(db, fbTQ, hti, bedList, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE);
            if (fields >= 6)
                fields = 6;
            else if (fields >= 4)
                fields = 4;
                fields = 3;
            if (doCt && ctNew)
                ctNew->fieldCount = fields;
                safef(ctNew->tdb->type, strlen(ctNew->tdb->type)+1,
                      "bed %d", fields);
            for (fbPtr=fbList;  fbPtr != NULL;  fbPtr=fbPtr->next)
                if (fbPtr->name != NULL)
                    char *ptr = strchr(fbPtr->name, ' ');
                    if (ptr != NULL)
                        *ptr = 0;
                if (doCt)
                    struct bed *fbBed = fbToBedOne(fbPtr);
                    slAddHead(&ctNew->bedList, fbBed );
                    if (fields >= 6)
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end, fbPtr->name,
                                0, fbPtr->strand);
                    else if (fields >= 4)
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end, fbPtr->name);
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end);
                gotResults = TRUE;
    bedList = NULL;
if (!gotResults)
else if (doCt)
    int wigDataSize = 0;
    /* Load existing custom tracks and add this new one: */
    struct customTrack *ctList = getCustomTracks();
    removeNamedCustom(&ctList, ctNew->tdb->table);
    if (doDataPoints)
        if (needSubtrackMerge || isBedGr || isBgWg)
            wigDataSize = dataVectorWriteWigAscii(dataVectorList, ctNew->wigAscii, 0, NULL);
            // TODO: see if can make prettier wig output here that
            // doesn't necessarily have one value per base
            struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
            /* create an otherwise empty wds so we can print out the list */
            wds = wiggleDataStreamNew();
            wds->ascii = wigDataList;
            wigDataSize = wds->asciiOut(wds, db, ctNew->wigAscii, TRUE, FALSE);
#if defined(DEBUG)    /*      dbg     */
            /* allow file readability for debug */
            chmod(ctNew->wigAscii, 0666);

    slAddHead(&ctList, ctNew);
    /* Save the custom tracks out to file (overwrite the old file): */
    customTracksSaveCart(db, cart, ctList);
    /*  Put up redirect-to-browser page. */
    if (redirectToGb)
        char browserUrl[256];
        char headerText[512];
        int redirDelay = 3;
        safef(browserUrl, sizeof(browserUrl),
              "%s?%s&db=%s", hgTracksName(), cartSidUrlString(cart), database);
        safef(headerText, sizeof(headerText),
              "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"%d;URL=%s\">",
              redirDelay, browserUrl);
        webStartHeader(cart, database, headerText,
                       "Table Browser: %s %s: %s", hOrganism(database),
                       freezeName, "get custom track");
        if (doDataPoints)
            hPrintf("There are %d data points in custom track. ", wigDataSize);
            hPrintf("There are %d items in custom track. ",
        hPrintf("You will be automatically redirected to the genome browser in\n"
                "%d seconds, or you can \n"
                "<A HREF=\"%s\">click here to continue</A>.\n",
                redirDelay, browserUrl);
else if (doDataPoints)
    if (needSubtrackMerge || isBedGr || isBgWg)
        dataVectorWriteWigAscii(dataVectorList, "stdout", 0, NULL);
        /*	create an otherwise empty wds so we can print out the list */
        struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
        wds = wiggleDataStreamNew();
        wds->ascii = wigDataList;
        wds->asciiOut(wds, db, "stdout", TRUE, FALSE);
return gotResults;