Esempio n. 1
int nl_bridge::fdb_timeout(rtnl_link *br_link, uint16_t vid,
                           const rofl::caddress_ll &mac) {
  int rv = 0;

  std::unique_ptr<rtnl_neigh, decltype(&rtnl_neigh_put)> n(rtnl_neigh_alloc(),

  std::unique_ptr<nl_addr, decltype(&nl_addr_put)> h_src(
      nl_addr_build(AF_LLC, mac.somem(), mac.memlen()), nl_addr_put);

  rtnl_neigh_set_ifindex(n.get(), rtnl_link_get_ifindex(br_link));
  rtnl_neigh_set_master(n.get(), rtnl_link_get_master(br_link));
  rtnl_neigh_set_family(n.get(), AF_BRIDGE);
  rtnl_neigh_set_vlan(n.get(), vid);
  rtnl_neigh_set_lladdr(n.get(), h_src.get());
  rtnl_neigh_set_flags(n.get(), NTF_MASTER | NTF_EXT_LEARNED);
  rtnl_neigh_set_state(n.get(), NUD_REACHABLE);

  // find entry in local l2_cache
  std::unique_ptr<rtnl_neigh, decltype(&rtnl_neigh_put)> n_lookup(
      NEIGH_CAST(nl_cache_search(l2_cache.get(), OBJ_CAST(n.get()))),

  if (n_lookup) {
    // * remove l2 entry from kernel
    nl_msg *msg = nullptr;
    rtnl_neigh_build_delete_request(n.get(), NLM_F_REQUEST, &msg);

    // send the message and create new fdb entry
    if (nl->send_nl_msg(msg) < 0) {
      LOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << ": failed to send netlink message";
      return -EINVAL;

    // XXX TODO maybe delete after NL event and not yet here

  return rv;
Esempio n. 2
void cv::cuda::meanShiftSegmentation(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, TermCriteria criteria)
    GpuMat src = _src.getGpuMat();

    CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC4 );

    const int nrows = src.rows;
    const int ncols = src.cols;
    const int hr = sr;
    const int hsp = sp;

    // Perform mean shift procedure and obtain region and spatial maps
    GpuMat d_rmap, d_spmap;
    cuda::meanShiftProc(src, d_rmap, d_spmap, sp, sr, criteria);
    Mat rmap(d_rmap);
    Mat spmap(d_spmap);

    Graph<SegmLinkVal> g(nrows * ncols, 4 * (nrows - 1) * (ncols - 1)
                                        + (nrows - 1) + (ncols - 1));

    // Make region adjacent graph from image
    Vec4b r1;
    Vec4b r2[4];
    Vec2s sp1;
    Vec2s sp2[4];
    int dr[4];
    int dsp[4];
    for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y)
        Vec4b* ry = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
        Vec4b* ryp = rmap.ptr<Vec4b>(y + 1);
        Vec2s* spy = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y);
        Vec2s* spyp = spmap.ptr<Vec2s>(y + 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x)
            r1 = ry[x];
            sp1 = spy[x];

            r2[0] = ry[x + 1];
            r2[1] = ryp[x];
            r2[2] = ryp[x + 1];
            r2[3] = ryp[x];

            sp2[0] = spy[x + 1];
            sp2[1] = spyp[x];
            sp2[2] = spyp[x + 1];
            sp2[3] = spyp[x];

            dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
            dr[1] = dist2(r1, r2[1]);
            dr[2] = dist2(r1, r2[2]);
            dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
            dsp[1] = dist2(sp1, sp2[1]);
            dsp[2] = dist2(sp1, sp2[2]);

            r1 = ry[x + 1];
            sp1 = spy[x + 1];

            dr[3] = dist2(r1, r2[3]);
            dsp[3] = dist2(sp1, sp2[3]);

            g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));
            g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[1], dsp[1]));
            g.addEdge(pix(y, x, ncols), pix(y + 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[2], dsp[2]));
            g.addEdge(pix(y, x + 1, ncols), pix(y + 1, x, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[3], dsp[3]));
    for (int y = 0; y < nrows - 1; ++y)
        r1 =<Vec4b>(y, ncols - 1);
        r2[0] =<Vec4b>(y + 1, ncols - 1);
        sp1 =<Vec2s>(y, ncols - 1);
        sp2[0] =<Vec2s>(y + 1, ncols - 1);
        dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
        dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
        g.addEdge(pix(y, ncols - 1, ncols), pix(y + 1, ncols - 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));
    for (int x = 0; x < ncols - 1; ++x)
        r1 =<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x);
        r2[0] =<Vec4b>(nrows - 1, x + 1);
        sp1 =<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x);
        sp2[0] =<Vec2s>(nrows - 1, x + 1);
        dr[0] = dist2(r1, r2[0]);
        dsp[0] = dist2(sp1, sp2[0]);
        g.addEdge(pix(nrows - 1, x, ncols), pix(nrows - 1, x + 1, ncols), SegmLinkVal(dr[0], dsp[0]));

    DjSets comps(g.numv);

    // Find adjacent components
    for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v)
        for (int e_it = g.start[v]; e_it != -1; e_it = g.edges[e_it].next)
            int c1 = comps.find(v);
            int c2 = comps.find(g.edges[e_it].to);
            if (c1 != c2 && g.edges[e_it].val.dr < hr && g.edges[e_it].val.dsp < hsp)
                comps.merge(c1, c2);

    std::vector<SegmLink> edges;

    // Prepare edges connecting differnet components
    for (int v = 0; v < g.numv; ++v)
        int c1 = comps.find(v);
        for (int e_it = g.start[v]; e_it != -1; e_it = g.edges[e_it].next)
            int c2 = comps.find(g.edges[e_it].to);
            if (c1 != c2)
                edges.push_back(SegmLink(c1, c2, g.edges[e_it].val));

    // Sort all graph's edges connecting differnet components (in asceding order)
    std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());

    // Exclude small components (starting from the nearest couple)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
        int c1 = comps.find(edges[i].from);
        int c2 = comps.find(edges[i].to);
        if (c1 != c2 && (comps.size[c1] < minsize || comps.size[c2] < minsize))
            comps.merge(c1, c2);

    // Compute sum of the pixel's colors which are in the same segment
    Mat h_src(src);
    std::vector<Vec4i> sumcols(nrows * ncols, Vec4i(0, 0, 0, 0));
    for (int y = 0; y < nrows; ++y)
        Vec4b* h_srcy = h_src.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
            int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols));
            Vec4b col = h_srcy[x];
            Vec4i& sumcol = sumcols[parent];
            sumcol[0] += col[0];
            sumcol[1] += col[1];
            sumcol[2] += col[2];

    // Create final image, color of each segment is the average color of its pixels
    _dst.create(src.size(), src.type());
    Mat dst = _dst.getMat();

    for (int y = 0; y < nrows; ++y)
        Vec4b* dsty = dst.ptr<Vec4b>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
            int parent = comps.find(pix(y, x, ncols));
            const Vec4i& sumcol = sumcols[parent];
            Vec4b& dstcol = dsty[x];
            dstcol[0] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[0] / comps.size[parent]);
            dstcol[1] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[1] / comps.size[parent]);
            dstcol[2] = static_cast<uchar>(sumcol[2] / comps.size[parent]);
            dstcol[3] = 255;
Esempio n. 3
int nl_bridge::learn_source_mac(rtnl_link *br_link, packet *p) {
  // we still assume vlan filtering bridge
  assert(rtnl_link_get_family(br_link) == AF_BRIDGE);

  VLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": pkt " << p << " on link " << OBJ_CAST(br_link);

  rtnl_link_bridge_vlan *br_vlan = rtnl_link_bridge_get_port_vlan(br_link);

  if (br_vlan == nullptr) {
               << ": only the vlan filtering bridge is supported";
    return -EINVAL;

  // parse ether frame and check for vid
  vlan_hdr *hdr = reinterpret_cast<basebox::vlan_hdr *>(p->data);
  uint16_t vid = 0;

  // XXX TODO maybe move this to the utils to have a std lib for parsing the
  // ether frame
  switch (ntohs(hdr->eth.h_proto)) {
  case ETH_P_8021Q:
    // vid
    vid = ntohs(hdr->vlan);
    // no vid, set vid to pvid
    vid = br_vlan->pvid;
    LOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << ": assuming untagged for ethertype "
                 << std::showbase << std::hex << ntohs(hdr->eth.h_proto);

  // verify that the vid is in use here
  if (!is_vid_set(vid, br_vlan->vlan_bitmap)) {
    LOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << ": got packet on unconfigured port";
    return -ENOTSUP;

  // set nl neighbour to NL
  std::unique_ptr<nl_addr, decltype(&nl_addr_put)> h_src(
      nl_addr_build(AF_LLC, hdr->eth.h_source, sizeof(hdr->eth.h_source)),

  if (!h_src) {
    LOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << ": failed to allocate src mac";
    return -ENOMEM;

  std::unique_ptr<rtnl_neigh, decltype(&rtnl_neigh_put)> n(rtnl_neigh_alloc(),

  rtnl_neigh_set_ifindex(n.get(), rtnl_link_get_ifindex(br_link));
  rtnl_neigh_set_master(n.get(), rtnl_link_get_master(br_link));
  rtnl_neigh_set_family(n.get(), AF_BRIDGE);
  rtnl_neigh_set_vlan(n.get(), vid);
  rtnl_neigh_set_lladdr(n.get(), h_src.get());
  rtnl_neigh_set_flags(n.get(), NTF_MASTER | NTF_EXT_LEARNED);
  rtnl_neigh_set_state(n.get(), NUD_REACHABLE);

  // check if entry already exists in cache
  if (is_mac_in_l2_cache(n.get())) {
    return 0;

  nl_msg *msg = nullptr;
                               NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_EXCL, &msg);

  // send the message and create new fdb entry
  if (nl->send_nl_msg(msg) < 0) {
    LOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << ": failed to send netlink message";
    return -EINVAL;

  // cache the entry
  if (nl_cache_add(l2_cache.get(), OBJ_CAST(n.get())) < 0) {
    LOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << ": failed to add entry to l2_cache "
               << OBJ_CAST(n.get());
    return -EINVAL;

  VLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": learned new source mac " << OBJ_CAST(n.get());

  return 0;