static void prvSetupHardware( void ) { /* Convert a Hz value to a KHz value, as required by the Init_FLL_Settle() function. */ unsigned long ulCPU_Clock_KHz = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 1000UL ); halBoardInit(); LFXT_Start( XT1DRIVE_0 ); Init_FLL_Settle( ( unsigned short ) ulCPU_Clock_KHz, 488 ); halButtonsInit( BUTTON_ALL ); halButtonsInterruptEnable( BUTTON_SELECT ); /* Initialise the LCD, but note that the backlight is not used as the library function uses timer A0 to modulate the backlight, and this file defines vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() to also use timer A0 to generate the tick interrupt. If the backlight is required, then change either the halLCD library or vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() to use a different timer. Timer A1 is used for the run time stats time base6. */ halLcdInit(); halLcdSetContrast( 100 ); halLcdClearScreen(); halLcdPrintLine( "", 0, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); }
static void prvSetupHardware( void ) { taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); /* Disable the watchdog. */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; halBoardInit(); LFXT_Start( XT1DRIVE_0 ); hal430SetSystemClock( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ, configLFXT_CLOCK_HZ ); hal430SetSubSystemMasterClock( ); halButtonsInit( BUTTON_ALL ); halButtonsInterruptEnable( BUTTON_SELECT ); /* Initialise the LCD, but note that the backlight is not used as the library function uses timer A0 to modulate the backlight, and this file defines vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() to also use timer A0 to generate the tick interrupt. If the backlight is required, then change either the halLCD library or vApplicationSetupTimerInterrupt() to use a different timer. Timer A1 is used for the run time stats time base6. */ halLcdInit(); halLcdSetContrast( 100 ); halLcdClearScreen(); halLcdPrintLine( "", 0, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); }
/****************************************************************************** * @fn main * * @brief Main handles all applications attached to the menu system * * input parameters * * output parameters * *@return */ void main( void ) { /* Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset */ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; /* Settingcapacitor values for XT1, 32768 Hz */ halMcuStartXT1(); /* Clocks: * mclk = mclkFrequency * smclk = mclkFrequency * aclk = 32768 Hz */ mclkFrequency = HAL_MCU_SYSCLK_16MHZ; halMcuSetSystemClock(mclkFrequency); /* Care must be taken when handling power modes * - Peripheral units can request clocks and have them granted even if * the system is in a power mode. Peripheral clock request is enabled * as default. * - Per test only needs ACLK to be enabled to timers * during power mode operation */ halMcuDisablePeripheralClockRequest((MCLKREQEN+SMCLKREQEN)); /* SPI flash uses same SPI interface as LCD -- we'll disable the SPI flash */ P8SEL &= BIT6; /*ioflash_csn = gp. */ P8DIR |= BIT6; /*tpflash_csn = ouut. */ P8OUT |= BIT6; /*flash_csn = 1. */ /* Init leds and turn them on */ halLedInit(); /* Init Buttons */ halButtonsInit(); halButtonsInterruptEnable(); /* Instantiate tranceiver RF spi interface to SCLK = 1 MHz */ trxRfSpiInterfaceInit(0x10); halLedSet(LED_1); initSimpleLink(); halLedSet(LED_2); simpleLinkMaster(); while(1) { halLedSet(LED_3); halTimer32kMcuSleepTicks(3276); halLedClear(LED_3); halTimer32kMcuSleepTicks(3276); } }
int main(void) { uint8_t currState; uint8_t targetState; uint16_t readbcLength; uint32_t nwkId; uint8_t errorCheckInterval = 100; // Stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Initialize the MCU and board peripherals halBoardInit(); halBoardStartXT1(); halBoardSetSystemClock(SYSCLK_16MHZ); halButtonsInit(BUTTON_ALL); halLcdInit(); halLcdBackLightInit(); halLcdSetContrast(90); halLcdSetBackLight(10); halLcdClearScreen(); halLcdPrintLine(" CC85XX SLAVE ", 0, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); halLcdPrintLine(" ", 1, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); halLcdPrintLine("S1: Power toggle ", 2, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); halLcdPrintLine("S2: Pairing start", 3, OVERWRITE_TEXT ); uifLcdPrintJoystickInfo(); // Wipe remote control information memset(&ehifRcSetDataParam, 0x00, sizeof(ehifRcSetDataParam)); // Initialize EHIF IO ehifIoInit(); // Reset into the application ehifSysResetPin(true); currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; targetState = CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE; // Get the last used network ID from CC85XX non-volatile storage initParam(); ehifCmdParam.nvsGetData.index = 0; ehifCmdExecWithRead(EHIF_EXEC_ALL, EHIF_CMD_NVS_GET_DATA, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NVS_GET_DATA_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NVS_GET_DATA_DATA_T), &ehifCmdData); nwkId =; // Handle illegal default network IDs that may occur first time after programming if ((nwkId == 0x00000000) || (nwkId == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { nwkId = 0xFFFFFFFE; } // Main loop while (1) { // Wait 10 ms EHIF_DELAY_MS(10); // Perform action according to edge-triggered button events (debouncing with 100 ms delay) switch (pollButtons()) { // POWER TOGGLE case BUTTON_S1: if (currState == CC85XX_STATE_OFF) { targetState = CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE; } else { targetState = CC85XX_STATE_OFF; } break; // PAIRING TRIGGER case BUTTON_S2: if (currState != CC85XX_STATE_OFF) { targetState = CC85XX_STATE_PAIRING; } break; } // Run the state machine if (currState != targetState) { if (currState == CC85XX_STATE_OFF) { // HANDLE POWER ON // Ensure known state (power state 5) ehifSysResetPin(true); currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; } else if (targetState == CC85XX_STATE_OFF) { // HANDLE POWER OFF // Ensure known state (power state 5) ehifSysResetPin(true); currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; // Set power state 0 ehifCmdParam.pmSetState.state = 0; ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_PM_SET_STATE, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_PM_SET_STATE_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); currState = CC85XX_STATE_OFF; } else if (targetState == CC85XX_STATE_PAIRING) { // HANDLE PAIRING // Let the last executed EHIF command complete, with 5 second timeout ehifWaitReadyMs(5000); // Disconnect if currently connected if (ehifGetStatus() & BV_EHIF_STAT_CONNECTED) { initParam(); // All parameters should be zero ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_JOIN, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_JOIN_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); } // Search for one protocol master with pairing signal enabled for 10 seconds initParam(); ehifCmdParam.nwmDoScan.scanTo = 1000; ehifCmdParam.nwmDoScan.scanMax = 1; ehifCmdParam.nwmDoScan.reqPairingSignal = 1; ehifCmdParam.nwmDoScan.reqRssi = -128; ehifCmdExecWithReadbc(EHIF_EXEC_CMD, EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_SCAN, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_SCAN_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam, NULL, NULL); // Fetch network information once ready ehifWaitReadyMs(12000); readbcLength = sizeof(ehifNwmDoScanData); ehifCmdExecWithReadbc(EHIF_EXEC_DATA, EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_SCAN, 0, NULL, &readbcLength, &ehifNwmDoScanData); // If found ... if (readbcLength == sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_SCAN_DATA_T)) { // Update the network ID to be used next nwkId = ehifNwmDoScanData.deviceId; // Place the new network ID in CC85XX non-volatile storage initParam(); ehifCmdParam.nvsSetData.index = 0; = ehifNwmDoScanData.deviceId; ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_NVS_SET_DATA, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NVS_SET_DATA_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); } // Done currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; targetState = CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE; } else if (targetState == CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE) { // We're disconnected. Proceed only if EHIF is ready, so that power toggle and pairing // buttons can still be operated uint16_t status = ehifGetStatus(); if (status & BV_EHIF_STAT_CMD_REQ_RDY) { // Perform join operation first and then activate audio channels. We're using remote // volume control if (!(status & BV_EHIF_STAT_CONNECTED)) { // Enable disconnection notification to avoid unnecessary EHIF activity while active initParam(); ehifCmdParam.ehcEvtClr.clearedEvents = BV_EHIF_EVT_NWK_CHG; ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_EHC_EVT_CLR, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_EHC_EVT_CLR_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); initParam(); ehifCmdParam.ehcEvtMask.irqGioLevel = 0; ehifCmdParam.ehcEvtMask.eventFilter = BV_EHIF_EVT_NWK_CHG; ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_EHC_EVT_MASK, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_EHC_EVT_MASK_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); // Not connected: Start JOIN operation initParam(); ehifCmdParam.nwmDoJoin.joinTo = 100; ehifCmdParam.nwmDoJoin.deviceId = nwkId; ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_JOIN, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_DO_JOIN_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); } else { // Connected: Subscribe to audio channels (0xFF = unused) memset(&ehifCmdParam, 0xFF, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_ACH_SET_USAGE_PARAM_T)); ehifCmdParam.nwmAchSetUsage.pAchUsage[0] = 0; // Front left -> I2S LEFT ehifCmdParam.nwmAchSetUsage.pAchUsage[1] = 1; // Front right -> I2S RIGHT ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_NWM_ACH_SET_USAGE, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_NWM_ACH_SET_USAGE_PARAM_T), &ehifCmdParam); currState = CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE; } } } } else { // Only OFF and ACTIVE are permanent target states. SCAN is only a temporary target state. // In the OFF state we do nothing, so only need to handle the ACTIVE state. if (currState == CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE) { // Detect network disconnection without generating noise on the SPI interface if (EHIF_INTERRUPT_IS_ACTIVE()) { currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; } // Perform error checking at 10 ms * 100 = 1 second intervals: // - No timeouts or SPI errors shall have occurred // - We should be connected unless disconnection has been signalized if (--errorCheckInterval == 0) { errorCheckInterval = 100; uint16_t status = ehifGetStatus(); if (ehifGetWaitReadyError() || (status & BV_EHIF_EVT_SPI_ERROR) || (!(status & BV_EHIF_STAT_CONNECTED) && !(status & BV_EHIF_EVT_NWK_CHG))) { // The device is in an unknown state -> restart everything ehifSysResetPin(true); currState = CC85XX_STATE_ALONE; } } // If the network connection is up and running... if (currState == CC85XX_STATE_ACTIVE) { // Send remote control commands (mouse or play control, depending on which uif file // is included in the build) if (uifPollFunc(&ehifRcSetDataParam)) { ehifCmdExec(EHIF_CMD_RC_SET_DATA, sizeof(EHIF_CMD_RC_SET_DATA_PARAM_T), &ehifRcSetDataParam); } } } } } } // main
void main( void ) { unsigned int ucState=0xffff; unsigned char test[10]; memset(test,'\0',10); int i=0; halBoardInit(); hal430SetSystemClock(); halButtonsInit(); Init_Uart(115200); Init_Lcd(); Msp430_ADC12_Init(); Write_NByte((unsigned char *)eeprom,10,0); Read_NByte_Randomaddress(test,10,0); printf("main %s\r\n",test); while(1) { if(flag==1) { //WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTNMI + WDTTMSEL + WDTSSEL + WDTCNTCL; // Start watchdog timer //IE1 |= WDTIE; // Enable WDT interrupt printf("we are in active state\r\n"); //这里写自己的程序,把程序做在一个有限的循环里,这样做完之后就可以自动结束并关机。 for(i=0;i<1000;i++){ ucState = halButtonsPressed(); if(ucState!=0xffff) { i=0; send_wave(); hal_buzzer(2); Get_Power(); //printf("%x is pressed\r\n",ucState); switch(ucState) { case BUTTON_MATL: printf("matl is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_HARD: printf("hard is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_DIREC: printf("direc is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_TIMES: printf("times is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_SAVE: printf("save is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_UP: printf("up is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_DEL: printf("del is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_AVE: printf("ave is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_LEFT: printf("left is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_MENU: printf("menu is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_RIGHT: printf("right is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_BACKLIGHT: printf("backlight is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_ESC: printf("esc is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_DOWN: printf("down is pressed\r\n"); break; case BUTTON_ENTER: printf("enter is pressed\r\n"); break; default: break; } } //LPM3; Delay(100); } //如需定时,上边这个LPM3要被包括在那个有循环的循环体中,这样才能实现类似便携式仪表5分钟自动关机的效果。如果不使用定时也可以不要LPM3这句话。 //WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD + WDTNMI; // Stop watchdog timer flag=0; } else { //如果周边设备在关机时有需要复位的或是关闭的在这里处理 printf("we are in power off state\r\n"); } hal_buzzer(0); printf("we going to LPM4\r\n"); LPM4; } }