Esempio n. 1
/// Move to next index
bool TreeExtensionOld::moveDown()
	auto model = impl_->currentIndex_.model();
	assert( model != nullptr );

	if (impl_->expanded( impl_->currentIndex_ ))
		// Move to the first child item when the current item is expanded
		impl_->currentIndex_ = impl_->currentIndex_.child( 0, 0 );
		return handleCurrentIndexChanged();
		QModelIndex parent = impl_->currentIndex_.parent();

		int nextRow = impl_->currentIndex_.row() + 1;
		while (parent.isValid())
			if (nextRow < model->rowCount( parent ))
				// Update the current index if the next item is available
				impl_->currentIndex_ = parent.child( nextRow, 0 );
				return handleCurrentIndexChanged();
				// Reached the bottom, keep searching the parent
				nextRow = parent.row() + 1;
				if (!parent.parent().isValid())
				parent = parent.parent();

		parent = parent.isValid() ? parent : impl_->currentIndex_;
		if (nextRow < model->rowCount( parent ))
			QModelIndex sibling = parent.sibling( nextRow, impl_->currentIndex_.column() );
			if (sibling.isValid())
				impl_->currentIndex_ = sibling;
				return handleCurrentIndexChanged();

	return false;
Esempio n. 2
/// Expand the current item if it is expandable or move to the first child
bool TreeExtensionOld::moveRight()
	auto model = impl_->currentIndex_.model();
	assert( model != nullptr );

	// Make sure the current item has children
	if (model->hasChildren( impl_->currentIndex_ ) )
		if (impl_->expanded( impl_->currentIndex_ ))
			// Select the first child if the current item is expanded
			impl_->currentIndex_ = impl_->currentIndex_.child( 0, 0 );
			return handleCurrentIndexChanged();
			// Expand the current item
			int expandedRole = -1;
			this->encodeRole( ExpandedRole::roleId_, expandedRole );

			setData( impl_->currentIndex_, QVariant( true ), expandedRole );

	return false;
Esempio n. 3
/// Collapse the current item if it is collapsible or move to the parent
bool TreeExtensionOld::moveLeft()
	auto model = impl_->currentIndex_.model();
	assert( model != nullptr );

	// Move up to the parent if there are no children or not expanded
	if (!model->hasChildren( impl_->currentIndex_ ) || !impl_->expanded( impl_->currentIndex_ ))
		// Move up to the parent
		QModelIndex parent = impl_->currentIndex_.parent();

		if (parent.isValid())
			// Update the current index if the parent is valid
			impl_->currentIndex_ = parent;
			return handleCurrentIndexChanged();
		// Collapse the current item
		int expandedRole = -1;
		this->encodeRole( ExpandedRole::roleId_, expandedRole );

		setData( impl_->currentIndex_, QVariant( false ), expandedRole );

	return false;
Esempio n. 4
/// Move to previous index
bool TreeExtensionOld::moveUp()
	auto model = impl_->currentIndex_.model();
	assert( model != nullptr );

	int prevRow = impl_->currentIndex_.row() - 1;

	if (0 <= prevRow)
		QModelIndex prevIndex = impl_->currentIndex_.sibling( prevRow, 0 );
		int prevIndexsBottomRow = 0;

		do {
			// Previous item's bottom row
			prevIndexsBottomRow = model->rowCount( prevIndex ) - 1;

			impl_->currentIndex_ = prevIndex;

			if (model->hasChildren( impl_->currentIndex_ ))
				// Keep search in child tree if the bottom item has child tree and expanded
				prevIndexsBottomRow = model->rowCount( impl_->currentIndex_ ) - 1;

				prevIndex = impl_->currentIndex_.child( prevIndexsBottomRow, 0 );
		} while (model->hasChildren( impl_->currentIndex_ ) && impl_->expanded( impl_->currentIndex_ ));

		return handleCurrentIndexChanged();
		// We are the first child, move up to the parent
		QModelIndex parent = impl_->currentIndex_.parent();

		if (parent.isValid())
			// Update the current index if the parent is valid
			impl_->currentIndex_ = parent;
			return handleCurrentIndexChanged();

	return false;
Esempio n. 5
void QtAffiliationEditor::setAffiliations(MUCOccupant::Affiliation affiliation, const std::vector<JID>& jids) {
	affiliations_[affiliation] = jids;
	if (affiliationFromIndex(ui_.affiliation->currentIndex()) == affiliation) {