Esempio n. 1
 * Reads in a vehicle part from a JsonObject.
void vpart_info::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string &src )
    vpart_info def;

    if( jo.has_string( "copy-from" ) ) {
        auto const base = vehicle_part_types.find( vpart_str_id( jo.get_string( "copy-from" ) ) );
        auto const ab = abstract_parts.find( vpart_str_id( jo.get_string( "copy-from" ) ) );
        if( base != vehicle_part_types.end() ) {
            def = base->second;
        } else if( ab != abstract_parts.end() ) {
            def = ab->second;
        } else {
            deferred.emplace_back( jo.str(), src );

    if( jo.has_string( "abstract" ) ) { = vpart_str_id( jo.get_string( "abstract" ) );
    } else { = vpart_str_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) );

    assign( jo, "name", def.name_ );
    assign( jo, "item", def.item );
    assign( jo, "location", def.location );
    assign( jo, "durability", def.durability );
    assign( jo, "damage_modifier", def.dmg_mod );
    assign( jo, "power", def.power );
    assign( jo, "epower", def.epower );
    assign( jo, "fuel_type", def.fuel_type );
    assign( jo, "folded_volume", def.folded_volume );
    assign( jo, "size", def.size );
    assign( jo, "difficulty", def.difficulty );
    assign( jo, "bonus", def.bonus );
    assign( jo, "flags", def.flags );

    auto reqs = jo.get_object( "requirements" );
    if( reqs.has_object( "install" ) ) {
        auto ins = reqs.get_object( "install" );

        auto sk = ins.get_array( "skills" );
        if( !sk.empty() ) {
        while( sk.has_more() ) {
            auto cur = sk.next_array();
            def.install_skills.emplace( skill_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) ) , cur.size() >= 2 ? cur.get_int( 1 ) : 1 );

        assign( ins, "time", def.install_moves );

        if( ins.has_string( "using" ) ) {
            def.install_reqs = { { requirement_id( ins.get_string( "using" ) ), 1 } };

        } else if( ins.has_array( "using" ) ) {
            auto arr = ins.get_array( "using" );
            while( arr.has_more() ) {
                auto cur = arr.next_array();
                def.install_reqs.emplace_back( requirement_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) ), cur.get_int( 1 ) );

        } else {
            auto req_id = std::string( "inline_vehins_" ) +=;
            requirement_data::load_requirement( ins, req_id );
            def.install_reqs = { { requirement_id( req_id ), 1 } };

        def.legacy = false;
    if( reqs.has_object( "removal" ) ) {
        auto rem = reqs.get_object( "removal" );

        auto sk = rem.get_array( "skills" );
        if( !sk.empty() ) {
        while( sk.has_more() ) {
            auto cur = sk.next_array();
            def.removal_skills.emplace( skill_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) ) , cur.size() >= 2 ? cur.get_int( 1 ) : 1 );

        assign( rem, "time", def.removal_moves );

        if( rem.has_string( "using" ) ) {
            def.removal_reqs = { { requirement_id( rem.get_string( "using" ) ), 1 } };

        } else if( rem.has_array( "using" ) ) {
            auto arr = rem.get_array( "using" );
            while( arr.has_more() ) {
                auto cur = arr.next_array();
                def.removal_reqs.emplace_back( requirement_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) ), cur.get_int( 1 ) );

        } else {
            auto req_id = std::string( "inline_vehins_" ) +=;
            requirement_data::load_requirement( rem, req_id );
            def.removal_reqs = { { requirement_id( req_id ), 1 } };

        def.legacy = false;

    if( jo.has_member( "symbol" ) ) {
        def.sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" )[ 0 ];
    if( jo.has_member( "broken_symbol" ) ) {
        def.sym_broken = jo.get_string( "broken_symbol" )[ 0 ];

    if( jo.has_member( "color" ) ) {
        def.color = color_from_string( jo.get_string( "color" ) );
    if( jo.has_member( "broken_color" ) ) {
        def.color_broken = color_from_string( jo.get_string( "broken_color" ) );

    if( jo.has_member( "breaks_into" ) ) {
        JsonIn& stream = *jo.get_raw( "breaks_into" );
        def.breaks_into_group = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "collection" );

    auto qual = jo.get_array( "qualities" );
    if( !qual.empty() ) {
        while( qual.has_more() ) {
            auto pair = qual.next_array();
            def.qualities[ quality_id( pair.get_string( 0 ) ) ] = pair.get_int( 1 );

    if( jo.has_member( "damage_reduction" ) ) {
        JsonObject dred = jo.get_object( "damage_reduction" );
        def.damage_reduction = load_damage_array( dred );
    } else {
        def.damage_reduction.fill( 0.0f );

    if( jo.has_string( "abstract" ) ) {
        abstract_parts[ ] = def;

    auto const iter = vehicle_part_types.find( );
    if( iter != vehicle_part_types.end() ) {
        // Entry in the map already exists, so the pointer in the vector is already correct
        // and does not need to be changed, only the int-id needs to be taken from the old entry.
        def.loadid = iter->second.loadid;
        iter->second = def;
    } else {
        // The entry is new, "generate" a new int-id and link the new entry from the vector.
        def.loadid = vpart_id( vehicle_part_int_types.size() );
        vpart_info &new_entry = vehicle_part_types[ ];
        new_entry = def;
        vehicle_part_int_types.push_back( &new_entry );
Esempio n. 2
bool get_string(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char* name, std::string& val) {
  if (!has_string(vm, name)) return false;
  val = read_string(vm, name);
  return true;