const mozilla::Module* nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(nsILocalFile* aFile) { nsresult rv; if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { // If this call is off the main thread, synchronously proxy it // to the main thread. nsRefPtr<LoadModuleMainThreadRunnable> r = new LoadModuleMainThreadRunnable(this, aFile); NS_DispatchToMainThread(r, NS_DISPATCH_SYNC); return r->mResult; } nsCOMPtr<nsIHashable> hashedFile(do_QueryInterface(aFile)); if (!hashedFile) { NS_ERROR("nsIFile is not nsIHashable"); return NULL; } nsCAutoString filePath; aFile->GetNativePath(filePath); NativeLoadData data; if (mLibraries.Get(hashedFile, &data)) { NS_ASSERTION(data.module, "Corrupt mLibraries hash"); LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(\"%s\") - found in cache", filePath.get())); return data.module; } // We haven't loaded this module before rv = aFile->Load(&data.library); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { char errorMsg[1024] = "<unknown; can't get error from NSPR>"; if (PR_GetErrorTextLength() < (int) sizeof(errorMsg)) PR_GetErrorText(errorMsg); LogMessage("Failed to load native module at path '%s': (%lx) %s", filePath.get(), rv, errorMsg); return NULL; } #ifdef IMPLEMENT_BREAK_AFTER_LOAD nsCAutoString leafName; aFile->GetNativeLeafName(leafName); char *env = getenv("XPCOM_BREAK_ON_LOAD"); char *blist; if (env && *env && (blist = strdup(env))) { char *nextTok = blist; while (char *token = NS_strtok(":", &nextTok)) { if (leafName.Find(token, true) != kNotFound) { NS_BREAK(); } } free(blist); } #endif void *module = PR_FindSymbol(data.library, "NSModule"); if (!module) { LogMessage("Native module at path '%s' doesn't export symbol `NSModule`.", filePath.get()); PR_UnloadLibrary(data.library); return NULL; } data.module = *(mozilla::Module const *const *) module; if (mozilla::Module::kVersion != data.module->mVersion) { LogMessage("Native module at path '%s' is incompatible with this version of Firefox, has version %i, expected %i.", filePath.get(), data.module->mVersion, mozilla::Module::kVersion); PR_UnloadLibrary(data.library); return NULL; } mLibraries.Put(hashedFile, data); // infallible return data.module; }
const mozilla::Module* nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(nsILocalFile* aFile) { nsresult rv; if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { // If this call is off the main thread, synchronously proxy it // to the main thread. nsRefPtr<LoadModuleMainThreadRunnable> r = new LoadModuleMainThreadRunnable(this, aFile); NS_DispatchToMainThread(r, NS_DISPATCH_SYNC); return r->mResult; } nsCOMPtr<nsIHashable> hashedFile(do_QueryInterface(aFile)); if (!hashedFile) { NS_ERROR("nsIFile is not nsIHashable"); return NULL; } nsCAutoString filePath; aFile->GetNativePath(filePath); NativeLoadData data; if (mLibraries.Get(hashedFile, &data)) { NS_ASSERTION(data.module, "Corrupt mLibraries hash"); LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(\"%s\") - found in cache", filePath.get())); return data.module; } // We haven't loaded this module before rv = aFile->Load(&data.library); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { char errorMsg[1024] = "<unknown; can't get error from NSPR>"; if (PR_GetErrorTextLength() < (int) sizeof(errorMsg)) PR_GetErrorText(errorMsg); LOG(PR_LOG_ERROR, ("nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(\"%s\") - load FAILED, " "rv: %lx, error:\n\t%s\n", filePath.get(), rv, errorMsg)); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(\"%s\") - load FAILED, " "rv: %lx, error:\n\t%s\n", filePath.get(), (unsigned long)rv, errorMsg); #endif return NULL; } #ifdef IMPLEMENT_BREAK_AFTER_LOAD nsCAutoString leafName; aFile->GetNativeLeafName(leafName); char *env = getenv("XPCOM_BREAK_ON_LOAD"); char *blist; if (env && *env && (blist = strdup(env))) { char *nextTok = blist; while (char *token = NS_strtok(":", &nextTok)) { if (leafName.Find(token, PR_TRUE) != kNotFound) { NS_BREAK(); } } free(blist); } #endif void *module = PR_FindSymbol(data.library, "NSModule"); if (module) { data.module = *(mozilla::Module const *const *) module; if (mLibraries.Put(hashedFile, data)) return data.module; } else { LOG(PR_LOG_ERROR, ("nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule(\"%s\") - " "Symbol NSModule not found", filePath.get())); } // at some point we failed, clean up data.module = nsnull; PR_UnloadLibrary(data.library); return NULL; }
void guFolderInspector::run() { isbnMethods isbnExtractor; QDirIterator::IteratorFlag flag; if (toSearchInSubFolders) flag = QDirIterator::Subdirectories; else flag = QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags; QDirIterator it(searchPath,nameFilters, QDir::Files, flag); while (it.hasNext()) { if(terminate) { emit inspectFinished(); terminate = false; return; }; QString filePath = it.filePath(); QFile hashedFile(filePath); if (! continue; QByteArray hashedData = hashedFile.readAll(); hashedFile.close(); QByteArray hashData; hashData = QCryptographicHash::hash( hashedData, QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString hashString(hashData.toHex()); hashedData.clear(); hashData.clear(); ebook newEbook; newEbook.inLib = false; newEbook.inLibChecked = false; newEbook.fileName = it.fileName(); if(toExtractIdentifiersFromFileNames) //если указоно, то { //ищем ISBNы в имени файла isbnExtractor.findIsbns(newEbook.fileName, newEbook.ISBNs); } //убираем точку в конце файла и точки внутри замен¤ем пробелами newEbook.fileExtension = it.fileInfo().suffix(); //убираем расширение и точку newEbook.fileName = newEbook.fileName.left(newEbook.fileName.length() - newEbook.fileExtension.length() - 1); //по умолчанию заголовок - это им¤ файла newEbook.title = newEbook.fileName.replace(".", " "); newEbook.title = newEbook.title.replace("_"," "); newEbook.filePath = filePath; if (toExtractIdentifiersFromFiles) //если указано, то {//ищем »—ЅЌы из самих файлов extractIsbnsFromFile(newEbook.filePath, newEbook.ISBNs, newEbook.fileExtension); } newEbook.fileSize = it.fileInfo().size(); newEbook.inLibCheckSended = false; newEbook.categoryManualSetted = false; newEbook.inLibChecked = false; newEbook.inLib = false; newEbook.biblioSetted = false; newEbook.uploaded = false; newEbook.catogorySubjectSetted = false; newEbook.pubYear = 0; newEbook.pageNum = 0; newEbook.orientation = 0; newEbook.scanDpi = 0; newEbook.scanColor = 0; newEbook.scanCleaned = 0; newEbook.categoryTreeSetted = false; newEbook.MD5 = hashString; emit addNewEbook(hashString, newEbook); } emit inspectFinished(); return; //exec(); }