Esempio n. 1
HB_BOOL hb_fsOS2QueryPathInfo( const char * pszPathName,
                               HB_FOFFSET * pnSize, HB_FATTR * pnAttr,
                               long * plJulian, long * plMillisec )
   HDIR hdirFindHandle = HDIR_CREATE;
   HB_FILEFINDBUF3L findBuffer;
   ULONG ulFindCount = 1;
   char * pszFree;
   APIRET ret;
   HB_BOOL fIsWSeB = hb_isWSeB();

   pszPathName = hb_fsNameConv( pszPathName, &pszFree );
   ret = DosFindFirst( ( PCSZ ) pszPathName, &hdirFindHandle,
                       FILE_ARCHIVED | FILE_DIRECTORY |
                       FILE_SYSTEM | FILE_HIDDEN | FILE_READONLY,
                       &findBuffer, sizeof( findBuffer ), &ulFindCount,
                       fIsWSeB ? FIL_STANDARDL : FIL_STANDARD );
   hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) ret );
   if( hdirFindHandle != HDIR_CREATE )
      DosFindClose( hdirFindHandle );
   if( pszFree )
      hb_xfree( pszFree );

   if( ret == NO_ERROR )
      if( fIsWSeB )
         if( pnSize )
            *pnSize = ( HB_FOFFSET ) findBuffer.ffbl.cbFile;
         if( pnAttr )
            *pnAttr = hb_fsAttrFromRaw( ( HB_FATTR ) findBuffer.ffbl.attrFile );
         if( plJulian )
            *plJulian = hb_dateEncode( findBuffer.ffbl.fdateLastWrite.year + 1980,
         if( plMillisec )
            *plMillisec = hb_timeEncode( findBuffer.ffbl.ftimeLastWrite.hours,
                                         findBuffer.ffbl.ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2, 0 );
         if( pnSize )
            *pnSize = ( HB_FOFFSET ) findBuffer.ffb.cbFile;
         if( pnAttr )
            *pnAttr = hb_fsAttrFromRaw( ( HB_FATTR ) findBuffer.ffb.attrFile );
         if( plJulian )
            *plJulian = hb_dateEncode( findBuffer.ffb.fdateLastWrite.year + 1980,
         if( plMillisec )
            *plMillisec = hb_timeEncode( findBuffer.ffb.ftimeLastWrite.hours,
                                         findBuffer.ffb.ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2, 0 );
      return HB_TRUE;
   return HB_FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
/* return UTC julian timestamp in milliseconds */
HB_MAXUINT hb_dateMilliSeconds( void )
   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_dateMilliSeconds()" ) );

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      SYSTEMTIME st;
      GetSystemTime( &st );
      return ( HB_MAXUINT ) hb_dateEncode( st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay ) *
             HB_MILLISECS_PER_DAY +
             hb_timeEncode( st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds );
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) || defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
      struct timeval tv;
      gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
      return ( ( HB_MAXUINT ) tv.tv_sec +
               ( HB_MAXUINT ) HB_SYS_DATE_BASE * HB_SECONDS_PER_DAY ) * 1000 +
             tv.tv_usec / 1000;
      struct timeb tb;
      ftime( &tb );
      return ( ( HB_MAXUINT ) tb.time +
               ( HB_MAXUINT ) HB_SYS_DATE_BASE * HB_SECONDS_PER_DAY ) * 1000 +
Esempio n. 3
void hb_timeStampStrRawGet( const char * szDateTime, long * plJulian, long * plMilliSec )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, iMSec, iLen;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampStrRawGet(%s, %p, %p)", szDateTime, plJulian, plMilliSec ) );

   *plJulian = *plMilliSec = 0;

   iLen = 0;
   while( iLen < 10 && HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ iLen ] ) )

   if( iLen == 8 || iLen >= 10 )
      hb_dateStrGet( szDateTime, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay );
      *plJulian = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
      szDateTime += 8;
      iLen -= 8;

   if( iLen >= 2 )
      hb_timeStrRawGet( szDateTime, &iHour, &iMinutes, &iSeconds, &iMSec );
      *plMilliSec = hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, iMSec );
Esempio n. 4
static int hb_lexDateGet( YYSTYPE * yylval_ptr, HB_MACRO_PTR pMacro,
                          PHB_MACRO_LEX pLex )
   char * dst = pLex->pDst;
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay;

   pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
   while( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen )
      char ch = pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc++ ];
      if( ch == '"' )
         fOK = HB_TRUE;
      *dst++ = ch;
   *dst = '\0';
   if( fOK && hb_timeStampStrGet( pLex->pDst, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) )
      yylval_ptr->valLong.lNumber = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
      yylval_ptr->valLong.lNumber = 0;
      hb_macroError( EG_SYNTAX, pMacro );

   return NUM_DATE;
Esempio n. 5
static int ct_doy( long lDate )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay;
   long lFirst;

   hb_dateDecode( lDate, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay );
   lFirst = hb_dateEncode( iYear, 1, 1 );
   return ( int ) ( lDate - lFirst + 1 );
Esempio n. 6
long hb_dateEncStr( const char * szDate )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_dateEncStr(%.8s)", szDate ) );

   hb_dateStrGet( szDate, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay );

   return hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
Esempio n. 7
/* return local timestamp */
void hb_timeStampGet( long * plJulian, long * plMilliSec )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSeconds, iMillisec;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampGet(%p,%p)", plJulian, plMilliSec ) );

   hb_timeStampGetLocal( &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay,
                         &iHour, &iMinute, &iSeconds, &iMillisec );
   *plJulian   = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
   *plMilliSec = hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMinute, iSeconds, iMillisec );
Esempio n. 8
HB_EXPR_PTR hb_compExprNewDate( HB_EXPR_PTR pYear, HB_EXPR_PTR pMonth, HB_EXPR_PTR pDate )
   HB_EXPR_PTR pExpr;

   HB_TRACE(HB_TR_DEBUG, ("hb_compExprNewDate()"));

   pExpr = hb_compExprNew( HB_ET_DATE );

   pExpr-> = hb_dateEncode( (int) pYear->value.asNum.lVal, (int) pMonth->value.asNum.lVal, (int) pDate->value.asNum.lVal );
   pExpr->value.asDate.time = 0;
   pExpr->value.asDate.type = HB_ET_DDATE;
   pExpr->ValType = HB_EV_DATE;

   return pExpr;
Esempio n. 9
HB_BOOL hb_timeStampStrGetDT( const char * szDateTime,
                              long * plJulian, long * plMilliSec )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, iMSec;
   HB_BOOL fValid;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampStrGetDT(%s, %p, %p)", szDateTime, plJulian, plMilliSec ) );

   fValid = hb_timeStampStrGet( szDateTime, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay,
                                &iHour, &iMinutes, &iSeconds, &iMSec );
   if( plJulian )
      *plJulian = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
   if( plMilliSec )
      *plMilliSec = hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, iMSec );

   return fValid;
Esempio n. 10
double hb_timeStampPackD( int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay,
                          int iHour, int iMinutes, double dSeconds )
   double dTimeStamp = 0;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampPackD(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f)", iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinutes, dSeconds ) );

   if( iHour >= 0 && iHour < 24 &&
       iMinutes >= 0 && iMinutes < 60 &&
       dSeconds >= 0 && dSeconds < 60 )
      long lJulian = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );

      if( lJulian != 0 || ( iYear == 0 && iMonth == 0 && iDay == 0 ) )
         dTimeStamp = ( double ) lJulian +
                      ( double ) ( ( ( iHour * 60 + iMinutes ) * 60 ) +
                                   dSeconds ) / HB_SECONDS_PER_DAY;
   return dTimeStamp;
Esempio n. 11
double hb_timeStampPack( int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay,
                         int iHour, int iMinutes, int iSeconds, int iMSec )
   double dTimeStamp = 0;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampPack(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinutes, iSeconds, iMSec ) );

   if( iHour >= 0 && iHour < 24 &&
       iMinutes >= 0 && iMinutes < 60 &&
       iSeconds >= 0 && iSeconds < 60 &&
       iMSec >= 0 && iMSec < 1000 )
      long lJulian = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );

      if( lJulian != 0 || ( iYear == 0 && iMonth == 0 && iDay == 0 ) )
         dTimeStamp = ( double ) lJulian +
                      ( double ) ( ( ( long ) ( iHour * 60 + iMinutes ) * 60 +
                                     iSeconds ) * 1000 + iMSec ) /
   return dTimeStamp;
Esempio n. 12
int hb_macro_yylex( YYSTYPE * yylval_ptr, HB_MACRO_PTR pMacro )
   PHB_MACRO_LEX pLex = ( PHB_MACRO_LEX ) pMacro->pLex;

   while( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen )
      unsigned char ch = ( unsigned char ) pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc++ ];
      switch( ch )
         case ' ':
         case '\t':

         case '$':
         case ',':
         case '|':
         case '@':
         case '(':
         case '{':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            return ch;

         case ')':
         case '}':
         case ']':
            pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
            return ch;

         case '#':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            return NE1;

         case '!':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return NE2;
            return NOT;

         case '<':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '>' )
               return NE2;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return LE;
            return '<';

         case '>':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return GE;
            return '>';

         case '=':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return EQ;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '>' && HB_SUPPORT_HARBOUR )
               return HASHOP;
            return '=';

         case '+':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '+' )
               return INC;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return PLUSEQ;
            return '+';

         case '-':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '-' )
               return DEC;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return MINUSEQ;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '>' )
               return ALIASOP;
            return '-';

         case '*':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '*' )
               if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
                  return EXPEQ;
               return POWER;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return MULTEQ;
            return '*';

         case '/':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return DIVEQ;
            return '/';

         case '%':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return MODEQ;
            return '%';

         case '^':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return EXPEQ;
            return POWER;

         case ':':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '=' )
               return INASSIGN;
            else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == ':' )
               yylval_ptr->string = "SELF";
               return IDENTIFIER;
            return ':';

         case '.':
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            if( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen &&
                HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] ) )
               HB_SIZE ul = pLex->nSrc;
               while( ++ul < pLex->nLen &&
                      HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ ul ] ) ) {};
               ul -= --pLex->nSrc;
               return hb_lexNumConv( yylval_ptr, pLex, ul );
            if( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc >= 4 &&
                pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 3 ] == '.' )
               if( ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 0 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'a' &&
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'n' &&
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 2 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'd' )
                  pLex->nSrc += 4;
                  return AND;
               if( ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 0 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'n' &&
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'o' &&
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 2 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 't' )
                  pLex->nSrc += 4;
                  return NOT;
            if( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc >= 3 &&
                pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 2 ] == '.' )
               if( ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 0 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'o' &&
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'r' )
                  pLex->nSrc += 3;
                  return OR;
            if( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc >= 2 &&
                pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] == '.' )
               if( ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 't' ||
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'y' )
                  pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
                  pLex->nSrc += 2;
                  return TRUEVALUE;
               if( ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'f' ||
                   ( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] | ( 'a' - 'A' ) ) == 'n' )
                  pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
                  pLex->nSrc += 2;
                  return FALSEVALUE;
               if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '.' )
                  pLex->nSrc += 2;
                  return EPSILON;
            return '.';

         case '[':
            if( pLex->quote )
               return hb_lexStringCopy( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex, ']' );
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            return '[';

         case '`':
         case '\'':
            return hb_lexStringCopy( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex, '\'' );

         case '"':
            return hb_lexStringCopy( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex, '"' );

         case '&':
            if( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen )
               if( HB_ISFIRSTIDCHAR( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] ) )
                  /* [&<keyword>[.[<nextidchars>]]]+ */
                  int iParts = 0;
                  pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
                  yylval_ptr->string = pLex->pDst;
                     *pLex->pDst++ = '&';
                     hb_lexIdentCopy( pLex );
                     if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '.' )
                        *pLex->pDst++ = '.';
                        hb_lexIdentCopy( pLex );
                  while( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc > 1 &&
                         pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '&' &&
                         HB_ISFIRSTIDCHAR( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] ) );
                  if( iParts == 2 && *( pLex->pDst - 1 ) == '.' )
                     iParts = 1;
                  *pLex->pDst++ = '\0';
                  if( iParts == 1 )
                     if( pLex->pDst - yylval_ptr->string > HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN + 1 )
                        ( ( char * ) yylval_ptr->string )[ HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN ] = '\0';
                     return MACROVAR;
                  return MACROTEXT;
               else if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '\'' ||
                        pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '"' ||
                        pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '[' )
                  hb_macroError( EG_SYNTAX, pMacro );
            pLex->quote = HB_TRUE;
            return '&';

            if( HB_ISDIGIT( ch ) )
               HB_SIZE n = pLex->nSrc;

               pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
               if( ch == '0' && n < pLex->nLen )
                  if( pLex->pString[ n ] == 'd' || pLex->pString[ n ] == 'D' )
                     while( ++n < pLex->nLen &&
                            HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) ) {};
                     if( n - pLex->nSrc == 9 )
                        int year, month, day;
                        hb_dateStrGet( pLex->pString + pLex->nSrc + 1,
                                       &year, &month, &day );
                        yylval_ptr->valLong.lNumber =
                                       hb_dateEncode( year, month, day );
                        pLex->nSrc = n;
                        if( yylval_ptr->valLong.lNumber == 0 &&
                            ( year != 0 || month != 0 || day != 0 ) )
                           hb_macroError( EG_SYNTAX, pMacro );
                        return NUM_DATE;
                     else if( n - pLex->nSrc == 2 &&
                              pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] == '0' )
                        yylval_ptr->valLong.lNumber = 0;
                        return NUM_DATE;
                     n = pLex->nSrc;
                  else if( pLex->pString[ n ] == 'x' ||
                           pLex->pString[ n ] == 'X' )
                     while( ++n < pLex->nLen &&
                            HB_ISXDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) ) {};
                     if( n == pLex->nSrc + 1 )
                     while( n < pLex->nLen &&
                            HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) )
                     if( pLex->nLen - n > 1 && pLex->pString[ n ] == '.' &&
                         HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n + 1 ] ) )
                        while( ++n < pLex->nLen &&
                               HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) ) {};
                  while( n < pLex->nLen &&
                         HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) )
                  if( pLex->nLen - n > 1 && pLex->pString[ n ] == '.' &&
                      HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n + 1 ] ) )
                     while( ++n < pLex->nLen &&
                            HB_ISDIGIT( pLex->pString[ n ] ) ) {};
               n -= --pLex->nSrc;
               return hb_lexNumConv( yylval_ptr, pLex, n );
            else if( HB_ISFIRSTIDCHAR( ch ) )
               HB_SIZE nLen;
               pLex->quote = HB_FALSE;
               yylval_ptr->string = pLex->pDst;
               *pLex->pDst++ = ch - ( ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) ? 'a' - 'A' : 0 );
               hb_lexIdentCopy( pLex );
               if( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc > 1 &&
                   pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '&' &&
                   HB_ISFIRSTIDCHAR( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] ) )
                  /* [<keyword>][&<keyword>[.[<nextidchars>]]]+ */
                     *pLex->pDst++ = '&';
                     hb_lexIdentCopy( pLex );
                     if( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '.' )
                        *pLex->pDst++ = '.';
                        hb_lexIdentCopy( pLex );
                  while( pLex->nLen - pLex->nSrc > 1 &&
                         pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '&' &&
                         HB_ISFIRSTIDCHAR( pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] ) );
                  *pLex->pDst++ = '\0';
                  return MACROTEXT;
               nLen = pLex->pDst - yylval_ptr->string;
               *pLex->pDst++ = '\0';
               if( nLen == 1 )
                  if( pLex->nLen > pLex->nSrc &&
                      pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '"' )
                     switch( yylval_ptr->string[ 0 ] )
                        case 'E':
                           return hb_lexStringExtCopy( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex );
                        case 'T':
                           return hb_lexTimestampGet( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex );
                        case 'D':
                           return hb_lexDateGet( yylval_ptr, pMacro, pLex );
               else if( nLen == 2 )
                  if( yylval_ptr->string[ 0 ] == 'I' &&
                      yylval_ptr->string[ 1 ] == 'F' )
                     hb_lexSkipBlank( pLex );
                     if( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen &&
                         pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '(' )
                        return IIF;
               else if( nLen == 3 )
                  if( yylval_ptr->string[ 0 ] == 'I' &&
                      yylval_ptr->string[ 1 ] == 'I' &&
                      yylval_ptr->string[ 2 ] == 'F' )
                     hb_lexSkipBlank( pLex );
                     if( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen &&
                         pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '(' )
                        return IIF;
                  else if( yylval_ptr->string[ 0 ] == 'N' &&
                           yylval_ptr->string[ 1 ] == 'I' &&
                           yylval_ptr->string[ 2 ] == 'L' )
                     return NIL;
               else /* nLen >= 4 */
                  switch( yylval_ptr->string[ 0 ] )
                     case '_':
                        if( nLen <= 6 && memcmp( "FIELD", yylval_ptr->string + 1,
                                                 nLen - 1 ) == 0 )
                           hb_lexSkipBlank( pLex );
                           if( pLex->nSrc + 1 < pLex->nLen &&
                               pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '-' &&
                               pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] == '>' )
                              return FIELD;
                     case 'F':
                        if( nLen <= 5 && memcmp( "IELD", yylval_ptr->string + 1,
                                                 nLen - 1 ) == 0 )
                           hb_lexSkipBlank( pLex );
                           if( pLex->nSrc + 1 < pLex->nLen &&
                               pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '-' &&
                               pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc + 1 ] == '>' )
                              return FIELD;
                     case 'Q':
                        if( nLen == 5 && memcmp( "SELF", yylval_ptr->string + 1,
                                                 4 ) == 0 )
                           hb_lexSkipBlank( pLex );
                           if( pLex->nSrc < pLex->nLen &&
                               pLex->pString[ pLex->nSrc ] == '(' )
                              HB_SIZE n = pLex->nSrc;
                              while( ++n < pLex->nLen )
                                 if( pLex->pString[ n ] == ')' )
                                    pLex->nSrc = n + 1;
                                    return SELF;
                                 else if( pLex->pString[ n ] != ' ' &&
                                          pLex->pString[ n ] != '\t' )
                  if( pLex->pDst - yylval_ptr->string > HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN + 1 )
                     ( ( char * ) yylval_ptr->string )[ HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN ] = '\0';
               return IDENTIFIER;
            return ch;

   return 0;
Esempio n. 13
HB_BOOL hb_timeStampStrGet( const char * szDateTime,
                            int * piYear, int * piMonth, int * piDay,
                            int * piHour, int * piMinutes, int * piSeconds,
                            int * piMSec )
   int iYear, iMonth, iDay;
   HB_BOOL fValid;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_timeStampStrGet(%s, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p)", szDateTime, piYear, piMonth, piDay, piHour, piMinutes, piSeconds, piMSec ) );

   iYear = iMonth = iDay = 0;
   fValid = HB_FALSE;

   if( szDateTime )
      while( HB_ISSPACE( *szDateTime ) )
      if( HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 0 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 1 ] ) &&
          HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 2 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 3 ] ) &&
          ( szDateTime[ 4 ] == '-' || szDateTime[ 4 ] == '/' || szDateTime[ 4 ] == '.' ) &&
          HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 5 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 6 ] ) &&
          szDateTime[ 7 ] == szDateTime[ 4 ] &&
          HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 9 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 9 ] ) &&
          ! HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 10 ] ) )
         iYear  = ( ( ( int ) ( szDateTime[ 0 ] - '0' )   * 10 +
                      ( int ) ( szDateTime[ 1 ] - '0' ) ) * 10 +
                      ( int ) ( szDateTime[ 2 ] - '0' ) ) * 10 +
                      ( int ) ( szDateTime[ 3 ] - '0' );
         iMonth = ( szDateTime[ 5 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( szDateTime[ 6 ] - '0' );
         iDay   = ( szDateTime[ 8 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( szDateTime[ 9 ] - '0' );
         if( hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay ) != 0 ||
             ( iYear == 0 && iMonth == 0 && iDay == 0 ) )
            szDateTime += 10;
            if( *szDateTime == 'T' || *szDateTime == 't' )
               if( HB_ISDIGIT( szDateTime[ 1 ] ) )
               if( *szDateTime == ',' )
               while( HB_ISSPACE( *szDateTime ) )
               if( *szDateTime == '\0' )
                  szDateTime = NULL;
               fValid = HB_TRUE;
            iYear = iMonth = iDay = 0;
            szDateTime = NULL;

   if( piHour || piMinutes || piSeconds || piMSec )
      if( ! hb_timeStrGet( szDateTime, piHour, piMinutes, piSeconds, piMSec ) )
         if( szDateTime )
            fValid = HB_FALSE;
         fValid = HB_TRUE;
   else if( szDateTime )
      fValid = HB_FALSE;

   if( piYear )
      *piYear = iYear;
   if( piMonth )
      *piMonth = iMonth;
   if( piDay )
      *piDay = iDay;

   return fValid;
Esempio n. 14
static HB_ERRCODE ocilibGoTo( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_ULONG ulRecNo )
   OCI_Statement * st = ( ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData )->pStmt;
   OCI_Resultset * rs = OCI_GetResultset( st );

   while( ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount && ! pArea->fFetched )
      PHB_ITEM  pArray;
      HB_USHORT ui;

      if( ! OCI_FetchNext( rs ) )
         pArea->fFetched = HB_TRUE;

      pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( pArea->area.uiFieldCount );

      for( ui = 1; ui <= pArea->area.uiFieldCount; ++ui )
         PHB_ITEM pItem  = NULL;
         LPFIELD  pField = pArea->area.lpFields + ui - 1;

         switch( pField->uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               if( OCI_IsNull( rs, ui ) )
                  char * pStr = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ( HB_SIZE ) pField->uiLen + 1 );
                  memset( pStr, ' ', pField->uiLen );
                  pStr[ pField->uiLen ] = '\0';

                  pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( NULL, pStr, pField->uiLen );
                  const dtext * val;
                  if( ( val = OCI_GetString( rs, ui ) ) != NULL )
                     pItem = D_HB_ITEMPUTSTRLEN( NULL, val, ( HB_SIZE ) dtslen( val ) );  /* TODO: Pad it to pField->uiLen size with spaces? */

            case HB_FT_LONG:
            case HB_FT_INTEGER:
               if( pField->uiDec == 0 )
#if HB_VMLONG_MAX == INT32_MAX || defined( HB_LONG_LONG_OFF )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( NULL, OCI_GetInt( rs, ui ), pField->uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( NULL, OCI_GetBigInt( rs, ui ), pField->uiLen );
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( NULL, OCI_GetDouble( rs, ui ), pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_VARLENGTH:
            case HB_FT_MEMO:
               OCI_Long * val = OCI_GetLong( rs, ui );
               if( val )
                  unsigned int uiSize = OCI_LongGetSize( val );
                  if( OCI_LongGetType( val ) == OCI_CLONG )
                     pItem = D_HB_ITEMPUTSTRLEN( NULL, ( D_HB_CHAR * ) OCI_LongGetBuffer( val ), uiSize );
                     pItem = hb_itemPutCL( NULL, ( char * ) OCI_LongGetBuffer( val ), uiSize );

            case HB_FT_IMAGE:
            case HB_FT_BLOB:
            case HB_FT_OLE:
               OCI_Long * val = OCI_GetLong( rs, ui );
               if( val )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutCL( NULL, ( char * ) OCI_LongGetBuffer( val ), OCI_LongGetSize( val ) );

            case HB_FT_CURRENCY:
            case HB_FT_CURDOUBLE:
            case HB_FT_FLOAT:
            case HB_FT_DOUBLE:

               pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( NULL, OCI_GetDouble( rs, ui ), pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_DATE:
               OCI_Date * date = OCI_GetDate( rs, ui );
               int        iYear, iMonth, iDay;
               if( date && OCI_DateGetDate( date, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutD( NULL, iYear, iMonth, iDay );

            case HB_FT_TIME:
               OCI_Date * date = OCI_GetDate( rs, ui );
               int        iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec;

               if( date && OCI_DateGetDateTime( date, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay, &iHour, &iMin, &iSec ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( NULL, hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay ),
                                         hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMin, iSec, 0 ) );

            case HB_FT_TIMESTAMP:
               OCI_Timestamp * ts = OCI_GetTimestamp( rs, ui );
               int iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, iFSec;
               if( ts && OCI_TimestampGetDateTime( ts, &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay, &iHour, &iMin, &iSec, &iFSec ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( NULL, hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay ),
                                         hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMin, iSec, iFSec / 1000000 ) );

         if( pItem )
            hb_arraySetForward( pArray, ui, pItem );
            hb_itemRelease( pItem );
      if( pArea->ulRecCount + 1 <= pArea->ulRecMax )
         pArea->pRow      = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRow, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( void * ) );
         pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRowFlags, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );
         pArea->ulRecMax += SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE;

      pArea->pRow[ pArea->ulRecCount ]      = pArray;
      pArea->pRowFlags[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;
Esempio n. 15
static int hb_dateUnformatRaw( const char * szDate, const char * szDateFormat, long * plDate )
   int d_value = 0, m_value = 0, y_value = 0;
   int iSize = 0;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_dateUnformatRaw(%s, %s, %p)", szDate, szDateFormat, plDate ) );

   if( szDate )
      int d_pos = 0, m_pos = 0, y_pos = 0;
      int count, digit, non_digit, size, used;

      if( ! szDateFormat )
         szDateFormat = hb_setGetDateFormat();
      size = ( int ) strlen( szDateFormat );

      for( count = used = 0; count < size && used < 3; count++ )
         switch( szDateFormat[ count ] )
            case 'D':
            case 'd':
               if( d_pos == 0 )
                  if( m_pos == 0 && y_pos == 0 )
                     d_pos = 1;
                  else if( m_pos == 0 || y_pos == 0 )
                     d_pos = 2;
                     d_pos = 3;
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
               if( m_pos == 0 )
                  if( d_pos == 0 && y_pos == 0 )
                     m_pos = 1;
                  else if( d_pos == 0 || y_pos == 0 )
                     m_pos = 2;
                     m_pos = 3;
            case 'Y':
            case 'y':
               if( y_pos == 0 )
                  if( m_pos == 0 && d_pos == 0 )
                     y_pos = 1;
                  else if( m_pos == 0 || d_pos == 0 )
                     y_pos = 2;
                     y_pos = 3;

      /* If there are non-digits at the start of the date field,
         they are not to be treated as date field separators */
      non_digit = 1;
      size = ( int ) strlen( szDate );
      for( count = used = 0; count < size; count++ )
         digit = szDate[ count ];
         if( HB_ISDIGIT( digit ) )
            /* Process the digit for the current date field */
            if( d_pos == 1 )
               d_value = ( d_value * 10 ) + digit - '0';
            else if( m_pos == 1 )
               m_value = ( m_value * 10 ) + digit - '0';
            else if( y_pos == 1 )
               y_value = ( y_value * 10 ) + digit - '0';
            /* Treat the next non-digit as a date field separator */
            non_digit = 0;
            /* Process the non-digit */
            if( non_digit == 0 )
               /* Only move to the next date field on the first
                  consecutive non-digit that is encountered */
               non_digit = 1;
               if( ++used >= 3 )
      iSize = count;

      y_value = hb_setUpdateEpoch( y_value );

   *plDate = hb_dateEncode( y_value, m_value, d_value );

   return iSize;
Esempio n. 16
static HB_BOOL hb_fsFindNextLow( PHB_FFIND ffind )
   HB_BOOL bFound;

   int iYear  = 0;
   int iMonth = 0;
   int iDay   = 0;

   int iHour = 0;
   int iMin  = 0;
   int iSec  = 0;
   int iMSec = 0;

   HB_FATTR raw_attr = 0, nAttr = 0;

   /* Set the default values in case some platforms don't
      support some of these, or they may fail on them. */

   ffind->szName[ 0 ] = '\0';
   ffind->size = 0;

   /* Do platform dependant first/next search */


#if defined( HB_OS_DOS )

      PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info;

      /* Handling HB_FA_LABEL doesn't need any special tricks
         under the MS-DOS platform. */

      if( ffind->bFirst )
         ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE;

         /* tzset(); */

#if defined( __WATCOMC__ )
         bFound = ( _dos_findfirst( ffind->pszFileMask, ( HB_USHORT ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ), &info->entry ) == 0 );
         bFound = ( findfirst( ffind->pszFileMask, &info->entry, ( HB_USHORT ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ) ) == 0 );
#if defined( __WATCOMC__ )
         bFound = ( _dos_findnext( &info->entry ) == 0 );
         bFound = ( findnext( &info->entry ) == 0 );

      /* Fill Harbour found file info */

      if( bFound )
         hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, info->entry.ff_name, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
         ffind->size = info->entry.ff_fsize;

         raw_attr = info->entry.ff_attrib;

            time_t ftime;
            struct tm * ft;
            struct stat sStat;

            stat( info->entry.ff_name, &sStat );

            ftime = sStat.st_mtime;
            ft = localtime( &ftime );

            iYear  = ft->tm_year + 1900;
            iMonth = ft->tm_mon + 1;
            iDay   = ft->tm_mday;

            iHour  = ft->tm_hour;
            iMin   = ft->tm_min;
            iSec   = ft->tm_sec;
      hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 );

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )

      #define HB_OS2_DIRCNT   16

      PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info;
      APIRET ret = NO_ERROR;

      /* TODO: HB_FA_LABEL handling */

      if( ffind->bFirst )
         ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE;

         info->isWSeB = hb_isWSeB();

         info->findSize = sizeof( FILEFINDBUF3L );
         if( info->findSize & 0x07 )
            info->findSize += 0x08 - ( info->findSize & 0x07 );
         info->findSize *= HB_OS2_DIRCNT;
         if( info->findSize > 0xF000 )
            info->findSize = 0xF000;
         info->findInitCnt = ! info->isWSeB ? info->findSize / 32 : HB_OS2_DIRCNT;

         info->hFindFile = HDIR_CREATE;
         info->findCount = info->findInitCnt;
         ret = DosAllocMem( &info->entry, info->findSize, OBJ_TILE | PAG_COMMIT | PAG_WRITE );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR )
            ret = DosFindFirst( ( PCSZ ) ffind->pszFileMask,
                                ( ULONG ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask ),
                                FIL_STANDARDL );
            bFound = ret == NO_ERROR && info->findCount > 0;
            if( bFound )
               info->next = info->entry;
            info->entry = NULL;
            bFound = HB_FALSE;
      else if( info->findCount == 0 )
         info->findCount = info->findInitCnt;
         ret = DosFindNext( info->hFindFile,
                            &info->findCount );
         bFound = ret == NO_ERROR && info->findCount > 0;
         if( bFound )
            info->next = info->entry;
         bFound = HB_TRUE;

      if( bFound )
         ULONG oNextEntryOffset;

         if( info->isWSeB )
            PFILEFINDBUF3L pFFB = ( PFILEFINDBUF3L ) info->next;

            hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pFFB->achName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
            ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) pFFB->cbFile;
            raw_attr = pFFB->attrFile;

            iYear  = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.year + 1980;
            iMonth = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.month;
            iDay   = pFFB->;

            iHour = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.hours;
            iMin  = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.minutes;
            iSec  = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2;

            oNextEntryOffset = pFFB->oNextEntryOffset;
            PFILEFINDBUF3 pFFB = ( PFILEFINDBUF3 ) info->next;

            hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pFFB->achName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
            ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) pFFB->cbFile;
            raw_attr = pFFB->attrFile;

            iYear  = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.year + 1980;
            iMonth = pFFB->fdateLastWrite.month;
            iDay   = pFFB->;

            iHour = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.hours;
            iMin  = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.minutes;
            iSec  = pFFB->ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2;

            oNextEntryOffset = pFFB->oNextEntryOffset;

         if( oNextEntryOffset > 0 )
            info->next = ( char * ) info->next + oNextEntryOffset;
            info->findCount = 0;

      hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) ret );

#elif defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info;

      bFound = HB_FALSE;

#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      if( ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LABEL ) != 0 && ! info->fLabelDone )
         TCHAR lpVolName[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
         LPTSTR lpFileMask = NULL;
         char * mask = NULL;

         info->fLabelDone = HB_TRUE;

         if( ffind->pszFileMask && *ffind->pszFileMask )
            PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( ffind->pszFileMask );
            if( pFileName->szName && pFileName->szName[ 0 ] )
               mask = hb_strdup( pFileName->szName );
            if( pFileName->szPath && pFileName->szPath[ 0 ] &&
                ( pFileName->szPath[ 1 ] ||
                  pFileName->szPath[ 0 ] != HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR ) )
               lpFileMask = HB_CHARDUP( pFileName->szPath );
            hb_xfree( pFileName );
         bFound = GetVolumeInformation( lpFileMask, lpVolName,
                                        HB_SIZEOFARRAY( lpVolName ),
                                        NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ) != 0;
         if( bFound )
            HB_OSSTRDUP2( lpVolName, ffind->szName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
            if( mask && *mask && ! hb_strMatchFile( ffind->szName, mask ) )
               ffind->szName[ 0 ] = '\0';
               bFound = HB_FALSE;
         if( lpFileMask )
            hb_xfree( lpFileMask );
         if( mask )
            hb_xfree( mask );

      if( ! bFound &&
          ( ffind->attrmask & ( HB_FA_LABEL | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM |
                                HB_FA_DIRECTORY ) ) != HB_FA_LABEL )
         if( ffind->bFirst )
            LPTSTR lpFileMask = HB_CHARDUP( ffind->pszFileMask );
            ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE;
            info->dwAttr    = ( DWORD ) hb_fsAttrToRaw( ffind->attrmask );
            info->hFindFile = FindFirstFile( lpFileMask, &info->pFindFileData );
            hb_xfree( lpFileMask );

            if( ( info->hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) && _HB_WIN_MATCH() )
               bFound = HB_TRUE;

         if( ! bFound && info->hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            while( FindNextFile( info->hFindFile, &info->pFindFileData ) )
               if( _HB_WIN_MATCH() )
                  bFound = HB_TRUE;

         /* Fill Harbour found file info */

         if( bFound )
            HB_OSSTRDUP2( info->pFindFileData.cFileName, ffind->szName, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );

            if( info->pFindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
               ffind->size = 0;
#if defined( __XCC__ ) || ( defined( __POCC__ ) && __POCC__ >= 500 )
               /* NOTE: PellesC 5.00.1 will go into an infinite loop if we don't
                        split this into two operations. [vszakats] */
               ffind->size  = ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeLow;
               ffind->size += ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32;
               ffind->size = ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeLow +
                           ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) info->pFindFileData.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );

            raw_attr = ( HB_FATTR ) info->pFindFileData.dwFileAttributes;

            /* NOTE: One of these may fail when searching on an UNC path, I
                     don't know yet what's the reason. [vszakats] */

               FILETIME ft;
               SYSTEMTIME time;

               if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &info->pFindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &ft ) &&
                   FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &time ) )
                  iYear  = time.wYear;
                  iMonth = time.wMonth;
                  iDay   = time.wDay;
                  iHour  = time.wHour;
                  iMin   = time.wMinute;
                  iSec   = time.wSecond;
                  iMSec  = time.wMilliseconds;
      hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 );

#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX )

      PHB_FFIND_INFO info = ( PHB_FFIND_INFO ) ffind->info;

      char dirname[ HB_PATH_MAX ];

      bFound = HB_FALSE;

      /* TODO: HB_FA_LABEL handling */

      if( ffind->bFirst )
         char * pos;

         ffind->bFirst = HB_FALSE;

         hb_strncpy( dirname, ffind->pszFileMask, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 );
         pos = strrchr( dirname, HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR );
         if( pos )
            hb_strncpy( info->pattern, pos + 1, sizeof( info->pattern ) - 1 );
            *( pos + 1 ) = '\0';
            hb_strncpy( info->pattern, dirname, sizeof( info->pattern ) - 1 );
            dirname[ 0 ] = '.';
            dirname[ 1 ] = HB_OS_PATH_DELIM_CHR;
            dirname[ 2 ] = '\0';

         /* tzset(); */

         info->dir = opendir( dirname );
         hb_strncpy( info->path, dirname, sizeof( info->path ) - 1 );

      if( info->dir && info->pattern[ 0 ] != '\0' )
         while( ( info->entry = readdir( info->dir ) ) != NULL )
            if( hb_strMatchFile( info->entry->d_name, info->pattern ) )
               bFound = HB_TRUE;

      /* Fill Harbour found file info */
      if( bFound )
         hb_strncpy( dirname, info->path, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 );
         hb_strncat( dirname, info->entry->d_name, sizeof( dirname ) - 1 );
            time_t ftime;
            struct tm lt;
#if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
            struct stat64 sStat, sStatL;
            if( lstat64( dirname, &sStat ) == 0 )
               if( S_ISLNK( sStat.st_mode ) && ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LINK ) == 0 )
                  if( stat64( dirname, &sStatL ) == 0 )
                     memcpy( &sStat, &sStatL, sizeof( sStat ) );
                  nAttr |= HB_FA_LINK;
            struct stat sStat, sStatL;
            if( lstat( dirname, &sStat ) == 0 )
               if( S_ISLNK( sStat.st_mode ) && ( ffind->attrmask & HB_FA_LINK ) == 0 )
                  if( stat( dirname, &sStatL ) == 0 )
                     memcpy( &sStat, &sStatL, sizeof( sStat ) );
                  nAttr |= HB_FA_LINK;
               hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, info->entry->d_name, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
               ffind->size = sStat.st_size;

               raw_attr = sStat.st_mode;

               ftime = sStat.st_mtime;
#  if defined( HB_HAS_LOCALTIME_R )
               localtime_r( &ftime, &lt );
#  else
               lt = *localtime( &ftime );
#  endif

               iYear  = lt.tm_year + 1900;
               iMonth = lt.tm_mon + 1;
               iDay   = lt.tm_mday;

               iHour = lt.tm_hour;
               iMin  = lt.tm_min;
               iSec  = lt.tm_sec;

#  if defined( HB_OS_LINUX ) && \
      defined( __GLIBC__ ) && defined( __GLIBC_MINOR__ ) && \
      ( __GLIBC__ > 2 || ( __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 6 ) )
#     if defined( _BSD_SOURCE ) || defined( _SVID_SOURCE ) || \
         ( __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 12 && \
           ( ( defined( _POSIX_C_SOURCE ) || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L ) || \
             ( defined( _XOPEN_SOURCE ) || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700 ) ) )
               iMSec = sStat.st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000000;
#     else
               iMSec = sStat.st_mtimensec / 1000000;
#     endif
#  endif
               bFound = HB_FALSE;
      hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 );


      int iTODO; /* TODO: for given platform */

      /* HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( ffind ); */

      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iYear );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMonth );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iDay );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iHour );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMin );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iSec );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( iMSec );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( raw_attr );

      bFound = HB_FALSE;

      hb_fsSetIOError( bFound, 0 );


   /* Fill common Harbour found file info */

   if( bFound )
      /* Do the conversions common for all platforms */
      ffind->szName[ sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 ] = '\0';

#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      /* Convert from OS codepage */
         char * pszFree = NULL;
         HB_SIZE nSize = sizeof( ffind->szName );
         const char * pszResult = hb_osDecodeCP( ffind->szName, &pszFree, &nSize );

         if( pszFree )
            hb_strncpy( ffind->szName, pszResult, sizeof( ffind->szName ) - 1 );
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
      ffind->attr = hb_fsAttrFromRaw( raw_attr ) | nAttr;

      ffind->lDate = hb_dateEncode( iYear, iMonth, iDay );
      ffind->lTime = hb_timeEncode( iHour, iMin, iSec, iMSec );
      hb_dateStrPut( ffind->szDate, iYear, iMonth, iDay );
      ffind->szDate[ 8 ] = '\0';

      hb_snprintf( ffind->szTime, sizeof( ffind->szTime ), "%02d:%02d:%02d", iHour, iMin, iSec );

   return bFound;

PHB_FFIND hb_fsFindFirst( const char * pszFileMask, HB_FATTR attrmask )
   PHB_FFIND ffind = ( PHB_FFIND ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_FFIND ) );

   /* Allocate platform dependent file find info storage */
   ffind->info = ( void * ) hb_xgrabz( sizeof( HB_FFIND_INFO ) );

   /* Store search parameters */
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
   ffind->pszFileMask = pszFileMask;
   /* Convert to OS codepage */
   ffind->pszFileMask = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileMask, &ffind->pszFree );
   ffind->attrmask = attrmask;
   ffind->bFirst = HB_TRUE;

   /* Find first/next matching file */

   if( hb_fsFindNext( ffind ) )
      return ffind;

   /* If no file found at all, free stuff allocated so far and return NULL. */

   hb_fsFindClose( ffind );

   return NULL;
Esempio n. 17
static BOOL hb_fsFileStats(
   BYTE * pszFileName,
   BYTE * pszAttr,
   HB_FOFFSET * llSize,
   LONG * lcDate,
   LONG * lcTime,
   LONG * lmDate,
   LONG * lmTime )
   BOOL fResult = FALSE;

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )

   struct stat statbuf;

   if( stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0 )
      // determine if we can read/write/execute the file
      USHORT      usAttr, ushbAttr = 0;
      time_t      ftime;
#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199506L
      struct tm   tms;
      struct tm * ptms;

      /* See which attribs are applicable */
      if( statbuf.st_uid == geteuid() )
         usAttr =
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR ) ? 1 << 2 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR ) ? 1 << 1 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR ) ? 1 : 0 );
      else if( statbuf.st_gid == getegid() )
         usAttr =
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRGRP ) ? 1 << 2 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWGRP ) ? 1 << 1 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXGRP ) ? 1 : 0 );
         usAttr =
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IROTH ) ? 1 << 2 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 1 << 1 : 0 ) |
            ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 1 : 0 );

      /* Standard characters */
      if( ( usAttr & 4 ) == 0 ) /* Hidden (can't read)*/
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN;

      if( ( usAttr & 2 ) == 0 ) /* read only (can't write)*/
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY;

      if( ( usAttr & 1 ) == 1 ) /* executable?  (xbit)*/
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM;

      /* Extension characters */

      if( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFLNK ) == S_IFLNK )
         *pszAttr++ = 'Z';  /* Xharbour extension */

      if( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFSOCK ) == S_IFSOCK )
         *pszAttr++ = 'K';  /* Xharbour extension */

      /* device */
      if( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFBLK ) == S_IFBLK ||
          ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFCHR ) == S_IFCHR )
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_DEVICE;  /* Xharbour extension */

      if( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IFIFO ) == S_IFIFO )
         *pszAttr++ = 'Y';  /* Xharbour extension */

      if( S_ISDIR( statbuf.st_mode ) )
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY;  /* Xharbour extension */
      /* Give the ARCHIVE if readwrite, not executable and not special */
      else if( S_ISREG( statbuf.st_mode ) && ushbAttr == 0 )
         ushbAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE;

      *llSize  = ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;

      ftime    = statbuf.st_mtime;
#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199506L && ! defined( HB_OS_DARWIN_5 )
      ptms     = localtime_r( &ftime, &tms );
      ptms     = localtime( &ftime );

      *lcDate  = hb_dateEncode( ptms->tm_year + 1900,
                                ptms->tm_mon + 1, ptms->tm_mday );
      *lcTime  = ptms->tm_hour * 3600 + ptms->tm_min * 60 + ptms->tm_sec;

      ftime    = statbuf.st_atime;
#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199506L && ! defined( HB_OS_DARWIN_5 )
      ptms     = localtime_r( &ftime, &tms );
      ptms     = localtime( &ftime );
      *lmDate  = hb_dateEncode( ptms->tm_year + 1900,
                                ptms->tm_mon + 1, ptms->tm_mday );
      *lmTime  = ptms->tm_hour * 3600 + ptms->tm_min * 60 + ptms->tm_sec;

      hb_fsAttrDecode( ushbAttr, ( char * ) pszAttr );

      fResult = TRUE;

#elif defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      DWORD             dwAttribs;
      WIN32_FIND_DATAA  ffind;
      HANDLE            hFind;
      FILETIME          filetime;
      SYSTEMTIME        time;

      /* Get attributes... */
      dwAttribs = GetFileAttributesA( ( char * ) pszFileName );
      if( dwAttribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES )
         /* return */
         return FALSE;

      hb_fsAttrDecode( hb_fsAttrFromRaw( dwAttribs ), ( char * ) pszAttr );

      /* If file existed, do a findfirst */
      hFind = FindFirstFileA( ( char * ) pszFileName, &ffind );
      if( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
         FindClose( hFind );

         /* get file times and work them out */
         *llSize = ( HB_FOFFSET ) ffind.nFileSizeLow + ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) ffind.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );

         if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ffind.ftCreationTime, &filetime ) &&
             FileTimeToSystemTime( &filetime, &time ) )
            *lcDate  = hb_dateEncode( time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay );
            *lcTime  = time.wHour * 3600 + time.wMinute * 60 + time.wSecond;
            *lcDate  = hb_dateEncode( 0, 0, 0 );
            *lcTime  = 0;

         if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ffind.ftLastAccessTime, &filetime ) &&
             FileTimeToSystemTime( &filetime, &time ) )
            *lmDate  = hb_dateEncode( time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay );
            *lmTime  = time.wHour * 3600 + time.wMinute * 60 + time.wSecond;
            *lcDate  = hb_dateEncode( 0, 0, 0 );
            *lcTime  = 0;
         fResult = TRUE;


   /* Generic algorithm based on findfirst */
      PHB_FFIND findinfo = hb_fsFindFirst( ( char * ) pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );

      if( findinfo )
         hb_fsAttrDecode( findinfo->attr, ( char * ) pszAttr );
         *llSize  = ( HB_FOFFSET ) findinfo->size;
         *lcDate  = findinfo->lDate;
         *lcTime  = ( findinfo->szTime[ 0 ] - '0' ) * 36000 +
                    ( findinfo->szTime[ 1 ] - '0' ) * 3600 +
                    ( findinfo->szTime[ 3 ] - '0' ) * 600 +
                    ( findinfo->szTime[ 4 ] - '0' ) * 60 +
                    ( findinfo->szTime[ 6 ] - '0' ) * 10 +
                    ( findinfo->szTime[ 7 ] - '0' );
         *lmDate  = hb_dateEncode( 0, 0, 0 );
         *lmTime  = 0;
         hb_fsFindClose( findinfo );
         fResult  = TRUE;


   hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
   return fResult;
Esempio n. 18
File: core.c Progetto: NaldoDj/core
static HB_ERRCODE odbcGoTo( SQLBASEAREAP pArea, HB_ULONG ulRecNo )
   SQLHSTMT  hStmt;
   SQLLEN    iLen;
   PHB_ITEM  pArray, pItem;
   LPFIELD   pField;
   HB_USHORT ui;

   /* No pArea->pSDDData for DBCreate() area...
    * though pArea->fFetched == HB_TRUE for them
   hStmt = pArea->pSDDData ? ( ( SDDDATA * ) pArea->pSDDData )->hStmt : NULL;

   while( ulRecNo > pArea->ulRecCount && ! pArea->fFetched )
      if( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( SQLFetch( hStmt ) ) )
         pArea->fFetched = HB_TRUE;

      pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( pArea->area.uiFieldCount );
      pItem  = NULL;
      for( ui = 1; ui <= pArea->area.uiFieldCount; ui++ )
         iLen   = SQL_NULL_DATA;
         res    = 0;
         pField = pArea->area.lpFields + ui - 1;
         switch( pField->uiType )
            case HB_FT_STRING:
               if( pField->uiType & HB_FF_BINARY )
                  char buffer[ 1 ];

                  iLen = 0;
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BINARY, buffer, 0, &iLen ) ) )
                     if( iLen >= 0 )
                        char * val = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( iLen + 1 );
                        if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BINARY, val, iLen + 1, &iLen ) ) )
                           pItem = hb_itemPutCLPtr( pItem, val, ( HB_SIZE ) iLen );
                           hb_xfree( val );
                  O_HB_CHAR buffer[ 1 ];
#if defined( UNICODE )
                  SQLSMALLINT iTargetType = SQL_C_WCHAR;
                  SQLSMALLINT iTargetType = SQL_C_CHAR;

                  iLen = 0;
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, iTargetType, buffer, 0, &iLen ) ) )
                     if( iLen >= 0 )
                        O_HB_CHAR * val = ( O_HB_CHAR * ) hb_xgrab( iLen + sizeof( O_HB_CHAR ) );
                        if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, iTargetType, val, iLen + sizeof( O_HB_CHAR ), &iLen ) ) )
#if defined( UNICODE )
                           iLen >>= 1;
                           pItem = O_HB_ITEMPUTSTRLEN( pItem, val, ( HB_SIZE ) iLen );
                        hb_xfree( val );

            case HB_FT_INTEGER:
#if ODBCVER >= 0x0300
               if( pField->uiTypeExtended == ( HB_USHORT ) SQL_BIGINT )
                  HB_I64 val = 0;
                  /* NOTE: SQL_C_SBIGINT not available before ODBC 3.0 */
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_SBIGINT, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                     pItem = hb_itemPutNIntLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen );
                  SQLINTEGER val = 0;
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_LONG, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                     pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen );

            case HB_FT_LONG:
               if( pField->uiDec == 0 && pField->uiLen < 10 )
                  SQLINTEGER val = 0;
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_LONG, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                     pItem = hb_itemPutNLLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen );
                  double val = 0.0;
                  if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                     pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_DOUBLE:
               double val = 0.0;
               if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutNDLen( pItem, val, pField->uiLen, pField->uiDec );

            case HB_FT_LOGICAL:
               unsigned char val = 0;
               if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_BIT, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutL( pItem, val != 0 );

            case HB_FT_DATE:
               DATE_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0 };
               if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_DATE, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutD( pItem, val.year, val.month, );

            case HB_FT_TIME:
               TIME_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0 };
               if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_TIME, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( pItem, 0, hb_timeEncode( val.hour, val.minute, val.second, 0 ) );

            case HB_FT_TIMESTAMP:
               TIMESTAMP_STRUCT val = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
               if( SQL_SUCCEEDED( res = SQLGetData( hStmt, ui, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, &val, sizeof( val ), &iLen ) ) )
                  pItem = hb_itemPutTDT( pItem, hb_dateEncode( val.year, val.month, ),
                                         hb_timeEncode( val.hour, val.minute, val.second, val.fraction / 1000000 ) );

         /* TODO: check SQL_SUCCEEDED( res ) */
         /* TODO: check for SQL_NO_TOTAL. What does this mean? */
         HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( res );

         if( pItem )
            /* NULL -> NIL */
            if( iLen == SQL_NULL_DATA )
               hb_itemClear( pItem );
               hb_arraySetForward( pArray, ui, pItem );
      if( pItem )
         hb_itemRelease( pItem );

      if( pArea->ulRecCount + 1 >= pArea->ulRecMax )
         pArea->pRow      = ( void ** ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRow, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( void * ) );
         pArea->pRowFlags = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xrealloc( pArea->pRowFlags, ( pArea->ulRecMax + SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE ) * sizeof( HB_BYTE ) );
         pArea->ulRecMax += SQLDD_ROWSET_RESIZE;

      pArea->pRow[ pArea->ulRecCount ]      = pArray;
      pArea->pRowFlags[ pArea->ulRecCount ] = SQLDD_FLAG_CACHED;