Esempio n. 1
void hb_ToLogFile( const char * sFile, const char * sTraceMsg, ... )
   if( s_bToLogFile )
      FILE * hFile;

      if( sFile == NULL )
         if( s_bEmptyLogFile )
            s_bEmptyLogFile = HB_FALSE;

            /* Empty the file if it exists. */
            hFile = hb_fopen( "logfile.log", "w" );
            hFile = hb_fopen( "logfile.log", "a" );
         hFile = hb_fopen( sFile, "a" );

      if( hFile )
         va_list ap;

         va_start( ap, sTraceMsg );
         vfprintf( hFile, sTraceMsg, ap );
         va_end( ap );

         fclose( hFile );
Esempio n. 2
static int hb_gt_chrmapread( const char * pszFile, const char * pszTerm, int * nTransTbl )
    int isTerm = -1;
    FILE * fp = hb_fopen( pszFile, "r" );

    if( fp != NULL )
        char buf[ 256 ], * ptr, * pTerm;

        hb_strncpy( buf, pszTerm, sizeof( buf ) - 1 );
        isTerm = 0;
        pTerm = buf;
        while( pTerm )
            if( ( ptr = strchr( pTerm, '/' ) ) != NULL )
                *ptr++ = '\0';

            if( *pTerm )
                if( chrmap_parse( fp, pTerm, nTransTbl, pszFile ) > 0 )
                    isTerm = 1;

            pTerm = ptr;
        fclose( fp );
    return isTerm;
Esempio n. 3
static int hb_pp_preprocesfile( PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * szRuleFile, const char * szPPRuleFuncName )
   int iResult = 0;
   HB_SIZE nLen;

   while( hb_pp_nextLine( pState, &nLen ) != NULL && nLen )

   if( szRuleFile )
      FILE * foutr;

      foutr = hb_fopen( szRuleFile, "w" );
      if( ! foutr )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
         perror( szRuleFile );
         iResult = 1;
         hb_pp_undefCompilerRules( pState );
         hb_pp_generateRules( foutr, pState, szPPRuleFuncName );
         fclose( foutr );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 4
/* Open a CSV File */
hb_csv_file_t *hb_open_csv_file( const char *filepath )
    hb_csv_file_t *file = NULL;
    FILE * fileref;

    if( filepath == NULL )
        return file;

    fileref = hb_fopen(filepath, "r");
    if( fileref == NULL )
        return file;

    file = malloc( sizeof( hb_csv_file_t ) );
    if( file == NULL )
        return file;

    file->fileref       = fileref;
    file->eof           = 0;
    file->parse_state   = CSV_PARSE_SEEK;
    file->curr_col      = 0;
    file->curr_row      = 0;
    return file;
Esempio n. 5
int hb_tr_level( void )
   if( s_level == -1 )
      char env[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
      int enabled = s_enabled;

      /* protection against recursive or concurrent calls */
      s_enabled = 0;

      s_level = HB_TR_DEFAULT;

      if( s_fp == NULL )
         if( hb_getenv_buffer( "HB_TR_OUTPUT", env, sizeof( env ) ) &&
             env[ 0 ] != '\0' )
            s_fp = hb_fopen( env, s_mode );

            if( s_fp == NULL )
               s_fp = stderr;
            s_fp = stderr;

      if( hb_getenv_buffer( "HB_TR_LEVEL", env, sizeof( env ) ) &&
          env[ 0 ] != '\0' )
         int i;

         for( i = 0; i < HB_TR_LAST; ++i )
            if( hb_stricmp( env, s_slevel[ i ] ) == 0 ||
                hb_stricmp( env, s_slevel[ i ] + 6 ) == 0 )
               s_level = i;

      if( s_sysout < 0 )
         s_sysout = ( hb_getenv_buffer( "HB_TR_SYSOUT", env, sizeof( env ) ) &&
                      env[ 0 ] != '\0' ) ? 1 : 0;

      if( s_flush < 0 )
         s_flush = ( hb_getenv_buffer( "HB_TR_FLUSH", env, sizeof( env ) ) &&
                     env[ 0 ] != '\0' ) ? 1 : 0;

      s_enabled = enabled;

   return s_level;
Esempio n. 6
void TraceLog( const char * sFile, const char * sTraceMsg, ... )
   FILE *   hFile;
   BOOL     bEmpty = FALSE;

   if( ! sTraceMsg )

   if( s_bDoInit )
      s_bDoInit   = FALSE;
      bEmpty      = TRUE;

      hb_threadLockInit( S_TRACEMTX );

   hb_threadLock( S_TRACEMTX );

   if( sFile == NULL )
      if( bEmpty )
         /* Empty the file if it exists. */
         hFile = hb_fopen( "trace.log", "w" );
         hFile = hb_fopen( "trace.log", "a" );
      hFile = hb_fopen( sFile, "a" );

   if( hFile )
      va_list ap;

      va_start( ap, sTraceMsg );
      vfprintf( hFile, sTraceMsg, ap );
      va_end( ap );

      fclose( hFile );

   hb_threadUnLock( S_TRACEMTX );
Esempio n. 7
static int hb_pp_preprocesfile( PHB_PP_STATE pState, char * szRuleFile, char* szWordFile )
   int   iResult = 0;
   ULONG ulLen;
   FILE * fWord = NULL;

   while( hb_pp_nextLine( pState, &ulLen ) != NULL && ulLen )

   if( szWordFile )
      fWord = hb_fopen( szWordFile, "w" );

      if( ! fWord )
         perror( szWordFile );
         iResult = 1;

   if( iResult == 0 && szRuleFile )
      FILE * foutr;

      foutr = hb_fopen( szRuleFile, "w" );
      if( ! foutr )
         perror( szRuleFile );
         iResult = 1;
         hb_pp_undefCompilerRules( pState );
         hb_pp_generateRules( foutr, fWord, pState );
         fclose( foutr );
         fclose( fWord );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 8
HB_BOOL hb_tracefile( const char * szFile )
   if( szFile && *szFile )
      FILE * fp = hb_fopen( szFile, s_mode );

      if( fp )
         if( s_fp != NULL && s_fp != stderr )
            fclose( s_fp );
         s_fp = fp;
         return HB_TRUE;

   return HB_FALSE;
Esempio n. 9
void hb_traceInit( void )
   FILE *   fpTrace;
   PHB_DYNS pTraceLog = hb_dynsymFind( "TRACELOG" );

   if( s_bDoInit && pTraceLog && pTraceLog->pSymbol->value.pFunPtr && hb_fsFile( "trace.log" ) )
      s_bDoInit = FALSE;

      // Might have been initialized if TraceLog() was called before traceInit!
      hb_threadLockInit( S_TRACEMTX );

      /* Empty the file if it exists. */
      fpTrace = hb_fopen( "trace.log", "w" );

      if( fpTrace )
         fclose( fpTrace );
Esempio n. 10
static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func (voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode)
    FILE* file = NULL;
    const char* mode_fopen = NULL;

    (void) opaque;

        mode_fopen = "rb";
        mode_fopen = "r+b";
        mode_fopen = "wb";

    if ((filename!=NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL))
        file = hb_fopen(filename, mode_fopen);
    return file;
Esempio n. 11
void hb_compGenPortObj( HB_COMP_DECL, PHB_FNAME pFileName )
   char szFileName[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   HB_SIZE nSize;
   HB_BYTE * pHrbBody;
   FILE * yyc;

   if( ! pFileName->szExtension )
      pFileName->szExtension = ".hrb";
   hb_fsFNameMerge( szFileName, pFileName );

   yyc = hb_fopen( szFileName, "wb" );
   if( ! yyc )
      hb_compGenError( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szErrors, 'E', HB_COMP_ERR_CREATE_OUTPUT, szFileName, NULL );

   if( ! HB_COMP_PARAM->fQuiet )
      char buffer[ 80 + HB_PATH_MAX - 1 ];
      hb_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ),
                   "Generating Harbour Portable Object output to \'%s\'... ", szFileName );
      hb_compOutStd( HB_COMP_PARAM, buffer );

   hb_compGenBufPortObj( HB_COMP_PARAM, &pHrbBody, &nSize );

   if( fwrite( pHrbBody, nSize, 1, yyc ) != 1 )
      hb_compGenError( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szErrors, 'E', HB_COMP_ERR_FILE_WRITE, szFileName, NULL );

   hb_xfree( pHrbBody );

   fclose( yyc );

   if( ! HB_COMP_PARAM->fQuiet )
      hb_compOutStd( HB_COMP_PARAM, "Done.\n" );
Esempio n. 12
static int hb_pp_parseChangelog( PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * pszFileName,
                                 int iQuiet, int * piCommitRev, char ** pszCommitInfo )
   char * pszFree = NULL;
   int iResult = 0;
   FILE * file_in;

   char szToCheck[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( pszFileName );

   if( ! pFileName->szName )
      static const char * s_szNames[] = {
#if defined( HB_OS_DOS )
      int i = 0;

      if( ! pFileName->szPath )
         pFileName->szPath = "../../../../..";

      pszFileName = s_szNames[ i++ ];
      while( pszFileName )
         pFileName->szName = pszFileName;
         hb_fsFNameMerge( szToCheck, pFileName );

         if( hb_fsFileExists( szToCheck ) )
            pszFileName = szToCheck;

         if( strchr( szToCheck, '?' ) != NULL )
            pszFree = hb_fsFileFind( szToCheck );
            if( pszFree )
               pszFileName = pszFree;

         pszFileName = s_szNames[ i++ ];

      if( ! pszFileName )
         pszFileName = s_szNames[ 0 ];

   hb_xfree( pFileName );

   file_in = hb_fopen( pszFileName, "r" );
   if( ! file_in )
      if( iQuiet < 2 )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
         perror( pszFileName );
         fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open the %s file.\n", pszFileName );
      iResult = 1;
      char szLine[ 256 ];
      char szLog[ 128 ];
      int iLen;

      if( iQuiet == 0 )
         fprintf( stdout, "Reading ChangeLog file: %s\n", pszFileName );

      *szLog = '\0';

         if( ! fgets( szLine, sizeof( szLine ), file_in ) )

         if( ! *szLog )
            if( szLine[ 4 ] == '-' && szLine[ 7 ] == '-' &&
                szLine[ 10 ] == ' ' && szLine[ 13 ] == ':' )
               hb_strncpy( szLog, szLine, sizeof( szLog ) - 1 );
               iLen = ( int ) strlen( szLog );
               while( iLen-- && HB_ISSPACE( szLog[ iLen ] ) )
                  szLog[ iLen ] = '\0';
      while( ! *szLog );

      fclose( file_in );

      if( ! *szLog )
         if( iQuiet < 2 )
            fprintf( stderr, "Cannot find valid $" "Id entry in the %s file.\n", pszFileName );
         iResult = 1;
         *szLine = '"';
         hb_strncpy( szLine + 1, szLog, sizeof( szLine ) - 3 );
         iLen = ( int ) strlen( szLine );
         szLine[ iLen ] = '"';
         szLine[ ++iLen ] = '\0';
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_COMMIT_INFO", szLine );
         *pszCommitInfo = hb_strdup( szLog );

         *piCommitRev = hb_pp_TimeStampToNum( pState, szLog );

   if( pszFree )
      hb_xfree( pszFree );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 13
void hb_errInternalRaw( HB_ERRCODE errCode, const char * szText, const char * szPar1, const char * szPar2 )
   char buffer[ 8192 ];
   char file[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   const char * szFile, * szInfo;
   HB_BOOL fStack, fLang;
   HB_USHORT uiLine;
   int iLevel;
   FILE * hLog;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_errInternal(%d, %s, %s, %s)", errCode, szText, szPar1, szPar2 ) );

   if( szPar1 == NULL )
      szPar1 = "";

   if( szPar2 == NULL )
      szPar2 = "";

   fStack = hb_stackId() != NULL;
   fLang = fStack && hb_langID() != NULL;

   szFile = fStack ? hb_setGetCPtr( HB_SET_HBOUTLOG ) : NULL;
   if( ! szFile )
      szFile = "hb_out.log";

   hLog = hb_fopen( szFile, "a+" );
   if( hLog )
      char szTime[ 9 ];
      int  iYear, iMonth, iDay;

      hb_dateToday( &iYear, &iMonth, &iDay );
      hb_dateTimeStr( szTime );

      fprintf( hLog, "Application Internal Error - %s\n", hb_cmdargARGVN( 0 ) );
      fprintf( hLog, "Terminated at: %04d-%02d-%02d %s\n", iYear, iMonth, iDay, szTime );
      szInfo = fStack ? hb_setGetCPtr( HB_SET_HBOUTLOGINFO ) : NULL;
      if( szInfo && *szInfo )
         fprintf( hLog, "Info: %s\n", szInfo );

   hb_conOutErr( hb_conNewLine(), 0 );
   if( fLang )
      hb_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), hb_langDGetItem( HB_LANG_ITEM_BASE_ERRINTR ), errCode );
      hb_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Unrecoverable error %d: ", errCode );

   hb_conOutErr( buffer, 0 );
   if( hLog )
      fprintf( hLog, "%s", buffer );

   if( ! szText && fLang )
      szText = hb_langDGetItem( HB_LANG_ITEM_BASE_ERRINTR + errCode - 9000 );

   if( szText )
      hb_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), szText, szPar1, szPar2 );
      buffer[ 0 ] = '\0';

   hb_conOutErr( buffer, 0 );
   hb_conOutErr( hb_conNewLine(), 0 );
   if( hLog )
      fprintf( hLog, "%s\n", buffer );

   if( fStack && hb_stackTotalItems() )
      iLevel = 0;
      while( hb_procinfo( iLevel++, buffer, &uiLine, file ) )
         char msg[ HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN + HB_SYMBOL_NAME_LEN + 32 ];

         hb_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), "Called from %s(%hu)%s%s\n", buffer, uiLine, *file ? " in " : "", file );

         hb_conOutErr( msg, 0 );
         if( hLog )
            fprintf( hLog, "%s", msg );

   if( hLog )
      fprintf( hLog, "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
      fclose( hLog );
static int decsrtInit( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_job_t * job )
    int retval = 1;
    hb_work_private_t * pv;
    hb_buffer_t *buffer;
    int i;
    hb_chapter_t * chapter;

    pv = calloc( 1, sizeof( hb_work_private_t ) );
    if( pv )
        w->private_data = pv;

        pv->job = job;

        buffer = hb_buffer_init( 0 );
        hb_fifo_push( w->fifo_in, buffer);

        pv->current_state = k_state_potential_new_entry;
        pv->number_of_entries = 0;
        pv->last_entry_number = 0;
        pv->current_time = 0;
        pv->subtitle = w->subtitle;

         * Figure out the start and stop times from teh chapters being
         * encoded - drop subtitle not in this range.
        pv->start_time = 0;
        for( i = 1; i < job->chapter_start; ++i )
            chapter = hb_list_item( job->list_chapter, i - 1 );
            if( chapter )
                pv->start_time += chapter->duration;
            } else {
                hb_error( "Could not locate chapter %d for SRT start time", i );
                retval = 0;
        pv->stop_time = pv->start_time;
        for( i = job->chapter_start; i <= job->chapter_end; ++i )
            chapter = hb_list_item( job->list_chapter, i - 1 );
            if( chapter )
                pv->stop_time += chapter->duration;
            } else {
                hb_error( "Could not locate chapter %d for SRT start time", i );
                retval = 0;

        hb_deep_log( 3, "SRT Start time %"PRId64", stop time %"PRId64, pv->start_time, pv->stop_time);

        pv->iconv_context = iconv_open( "utf-8", pv->subtitle->config.src_codeset );

        if( pv->iconv_context == (iconv_t) -1 )
            hb_error("Could not open the iconv library with those file formats\n");

        } else {
            memset( &pv->current_entry, 0, sizeof( srt_entry_t ) );

            pv->file = hb_fopen(w->subtitle->config.src_filename, "r");

            if( !pv->file )
                hb_error("Could not open the SRT subtitle file '%s'\n",
            } else {
                retval = 0;
    if (!retval)
        // Generate generic SSA Script Info.
        int height = job->title->geometry.height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
        int width = job->title->geometry.width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
        hb_subtitle_add_ssa_header(w->subtitle, "Arial", .066 * height,
                                   width, height);
    return retval;
Esempio n. 15
static int hb_pp_parseRepoVer( PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * pszFileName,
                               int iQuiet, char ** pszCommitID, int * piCommitRev, char ** pszCommitInfo )
   FILE * file_in;

   char szId[ _VALUE_SIZE ];
   char szDate[ _VALUE_SIZE ];
   char szName[ _VALUE_SIZE ];
   char szMail[ _VALUE_SIZE ];
   char szCommitInfo[ _VALUE_SIZE ];

   int iLen;

   *szId = *szDate = *szName = *szMail = *szCommitInfo = '\0';

   file_in = hb_fopen( pszFileName, "r" );
   if( ! file_in )
      if( iQuiet < 2 )
         fprintf( stderr, "'%s' not found. Skipping.\n", pszFileName );
      char szLine[ 256 ];
      char * pszValue;

      if( iQuiet == 0 )
         fprintf( stdout, "Reading repository revision file: %s\n", pszFileName );

      for( ;; )
         if( ! fgets( szLine, sizeof( szLine ), file_in ) )

         if( ! *szId )
            pszValue = szId;
         else if( ! *szDate )
            pszValue = szDate;
         else if( ! *szName )
            pszValue = szName;
         else if( ! *szMail )
            pszValue = szMail;

            hb_strncpy( pszValue, szLine, _VALUE_SIZE - 1 );
            iLen = ( int ) strlen( pszValue );
            while( iLen-- && HB_ISSPACE( pszValue[ iLen ] ) )
               pszValue[ iLen ] = '\0';

      fclose( file_in );

   hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_COMMIT_ID", szId );
#if defined( HB_LEGACY_LEVEL4 )
   hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_CHLID", szId );

   *pszCommitID = hb_strdup( szId );

   if( szDate[ 0 ] && szName[ 0 ] && szMail[ 0 ] )
      iLen = ( int ) strlen( szMail );
      while( iLen-- )
         if( szMail[ iLen ] == '@' )
            szMail[ iLen ] = ' ';
      hb_snprintf( szCommitInfo, sizeof( szCommitInfo ), "%s %s (%s)", szDate, szName, szMail );
      hb_snprintf( szCommitInfo, sizeof( szCommitInfo ), "%s", szDate );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szName );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( szMail );
      if( *pszCommitInfo )
         hb_xfree( *pszCommitInfo );

      hb_pp_delDefine( pState, "HB_VER_COMMIT_INFO" );
      hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_COMMIT_INFO", szCommitInfo );

      *pszCommitInfo = hb_strdup( szCommitInfo );

      *piCommitRev = hb_pp_TimeStampToNum( pState, szCommitInfo );

   return 0;
Esempio n. 16
static int hb_pp_generateVerInfo( char * szVerFile, char * szCVSID, char * szCVSDateID, char * szChangeLogID, char * szLastEntry )
   int      iResult = 0;
   char *   pszEnv;
   FILE *   fout;

   fout = hb_fopen( szVerFile, "w" );
   if( ! fout )
#if ! defined( __MINGW32CE__ ) && ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      perror( szVerFile );
      iResult = 1;
      fprintf( fout, "/*\n * $Id: ppgen.c 9869 2012-12-08 18:25:43Z andijahja $\n */\n\n/*\n"
               " * Harbour Project source code:\n"
               " *    Version information and build time switches.\n"
               " *\n"
               " * Copyright 2008 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus / at />\n"
               " * www -\n"
               " *\n"
               " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n"
               " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n"
               " */\n\n" );

      fprintf( fout, "\n#ifndef __HBVERBLD_INCLUDED" );
      fprintf( fout, "\n#define __HBVERBLD_INCLUDED\n" );

      if( szCVSID )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_CVSID\t\t%s\n", szCVSID );

      if( szCVSDateID )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#if defined(HB_VER_BUILDDATE)" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef HB_VER_BUILDDATE" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#endif\n" );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_BUILDDATE\t%s\n", szCVSDateID );

      if( szChangeLogID )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#if defined(HB_VER_CHLCVS)" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef HB_VER_CHLCVS" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#endif\n" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_CHLCVS\t\"%s\"\n", szChangeLogID );

      if( szLastEntry )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#if defined(HB_VER_LENTRY)" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef HB_VER_LENTRY" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#endif\n" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_LENTRY\t\"%s\"\n", szLastEntry );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "C_USR" );
      if( pszEnv )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef  HB_VER_C_USR" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_C_USR\t\"%s\"\n", pszEnv );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "L_USR" );
      if( pszEnv )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef  HB_VER_L_USR" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_L_USR\t\"%s\"\n", pszEnv );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "PRG_USR" );
      if( pszEnv )
         fprintf( fout, "\n#undef  HB_VER_PRG_USR" );
         fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_PRG_USR\t\"%s\"\n", pszEnv );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      fprintf( fout, "\n#endif /* __HBVERBLD_INCLUDED */\n" );

      fclose( fout );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 17
static int hb_pp_parseChangelog( PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * pszFileName,
                                 BOOL fQuiet, char * piSVNID, char * piSVNDateID,
                                 char ** pszChangeLogID, char ** pszLastEntry )
   int            iResult = 0;
   const char *   pszFile;
   FILE *         file_in;

   pszFile = pszFileName ? pszFileName : "../../../../ChangeLog";

      if( hb_fsFileExists( pszFile ) )
      pszFile += 3;
   while( ! pszFileName && ( *pszFile == '.' || *pszFile == 'C' ) );

   file_in = hb_fopen( pszFile, "r" );
   if( ! file_in )
      if( ! fQuiet )
#if ! defined( __MINGW32CE__ ) && ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
         perror( pszFile );
         fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open the %s file.\n", pszFile );
      iResult = 1;
      char     szLine[ 256 ];
      char     szLine1[ 256 ];
      char     szId[ 128 ];
      char     szLog[ 128 ];
      char *   szFrom, * szTo;
      int      iLen;

      *szId = *szLog = *szLine1 = '\0';

         if( ! fgets( szLine, sizeof( szLine ), file_in ) )

         if( ! *szId )
            szFrom = strstr( szLine, "$Id: " );
            if( szFrom )
               szFrom   += 5;
               szTo     = strstr( szFrom, " $" );

               if( szTo )
                  *szTo = 0;

               hb_strncpy( szId, szFrom, sizeof( szId ) - 1 );
               hb_strncpy( szLine1, szLine + 1, sizeof( szLine1 ) - 1 );
         else if( ! *szLog )
            if( szLine[ 4 ] == '-' && szLine[ 7 ] == '-' &&
                szLine[ 10 ] == ' ' && szLine[ 13 ] == ':' )
               int iLen;
               hb_strncpy( szLog, szLine, sizeof( szLog ) - 1 );
               iLen = strlen( szLog );
               while( iLen-- && HB_ISSPACE( szLog[ iLen ] ) )
                  szLog[ iLen ] = '\0';
      while( ! *szLog );

      fclose( file_in );

      if( ! *szLog )
         if( ! fQuiet )
            fprintf( stderr, "Cannot find valid $Id end log entry in the %s file.\n", pszFile );
         iResult = 1;
         char  _szId[ 6 ];
         int   u = 0;

         hb_xmemset( _szId, 0, 6 );
         *szLine           = '"';
         hb_strncpy( szLine + 1, szLog, sizeof( szLine ) - 3 );
         iLen              = strlen( szLine );
         szLine[ iLen ]    = '"';
         szLine[ ++iLen ]  = '\0';
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_LENTRY", szLine );
         *pszLastEntry     = hb_strdup( szLog );

         hb_strncpy( szLine + 1, szId, sizeof( szLine ) - 3 );
         iLen              = strlen( szLine );
         szLine[ iLen ]    = '"';
         szLine[ ++iLen ]  = '\0';
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_CHLCVS", szLine );
         *pszChangeLogID   = hb_strdup( szId );

         szFrom            = strchr( szLine, ' ' );

         if( szFrom )
            while( *szFrom == ' ' )
            iLen = 0;
            while( ! HB_ISSPACE( szFrom[ iLen ] ) )
               _szId[ u++ ] = szFrom[ iLen ];
               Latest CVS version before migration to SVN:
               ChangeLog,v 1.6768 2011/01/25 18:50:35 guerra000
            if( iLen )
#if 0
               int iCurrentVersion = atoi( _szId ) + 6768;
               sprintf( _szId, "%i", iCurrentVersion );
               hb_strncpy( piSVNID, _szId, strlen( _szId ) );
               hb_strncpy( piSVNID, _szId, u );
               _szId[ 0 ] = 0;

         if( _szId[ 0 ] )
            char szSVNDateID[ 10 ];
            int iLen     = 0, u = 0, wLen = ( int ) strlen( szLine1 );
            char *szDate = NULL;

            *szSVNDateID ='\0';

               if ( szLine1[ u ] == ' ' )
                  iLen ++;

               if ( iLen == 4 )
                  iLen = u;
                  szDate = szLine1 + iLen + 1;

            } while ( u < wLen );

            iLen = 0;
            u    = 0;

               if (! ( szDate[ iLen ] == '-' ) )
                  szSVNDateID[ u++ ] = szDate[ iLen ];

               if ( szDate[ iLen ] == ' ' )

            } while( szDate [ iLen ] );

            szSVNDateID[ u ] = 0;
            hb_strncpy( piSVNDateID, szSVNDateID, u );

            hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_BUILDDATE", szSVNDateID );
            hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_CVSID", _szId );
            if( ! fQuiet )
               fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized Id entry in the %s file.\n", pszFile );
            iResult = 1;

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 18
static int hb_pp_generateVerInfo( char * szVerFile, int iRevID, char * szChangeLogID, char * szLastEntry )
   int iResult = 0;
   char * pszEnv;
   FILE * fout;

   fout = hb_fopen( szVerFile, "w" );
   if( ! fout )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      perror( szVerFile );
      iResult = 1;
      char * pszEscaped;

      fprintf( fout, "/*\n"
               " * Harbour Project source code:\n"
               " *    Version information and build time switches.\n"
               " *\n"
               " * Copyright 2008-2014 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus / at />\n"
               " * www -\n"
               " *\n"
               " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n"
               " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n"
               " */\n\n" );

      fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_REVID             %d\n", iRevID );

      if( szChangeLogID )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( szChangeLogID );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_CHLID             \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );

      if( szLastEntry )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( szLastEntry );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_LENTRY            \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_CFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_CFLAGS    \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_LDFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_LDFLAGS   \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_PRGFLAGS  \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_PLATFORM" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_PLATFORM              \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_COMPILER" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_COMPILER              \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      fclose( fout );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 19
HB_BOOL hb_compI18nSave( HB_COMP_DECL, HB_BOOL fFinal )
   PHB_I18NTABLE    pI18n;
   PHB_I18NSTRING   pString;
   HB_FNAME         FileName;
   char             szFileName[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char*            szText;
   HB_UINT          uiIndex, uiLine;
   FILE*            file;

   pI18n = HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18n;
   if( ! pI18n )
      return HB_FALSE;

   FileName.szPath = FileName.szName = FileName.szExtension =
   FileName.szDrive = NULL;

   if( HB_COMP_PARAM->pOutPath )
      FileName.szDrive = HB_COMP_PARAM->pOutPath->szDrive;
      FileName.szPath = HB_COMP_PARAM->pOutPath->szPath;

   if( HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName )
      if( HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szName )
         FileName.szName = HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szName;

      if( HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szExtension )
         FileName.szExtension = HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szExtension;

      if( HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szPath )
         FileName.szDrive = HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szDrive;
         FileName.szPath = HB_COMP_PARAM->pI18nFileName->szPath;

   if( ! FileName.szName )
      FileName.szName = HB_COMP_PARAM->pFileName->szName;
   else if( ! fFinal )
      /* The exact file name was given generate single .pot file for
       * all compiled .prg files in final phase.
      return HB_FALSE;

   if( ! FileName.szExtension )
      FileName.szExtension = ".pot";

   hb_fsFNameMerge( szFileName, &FileName );

   file = hb_fopen( szFileName, "w" );

   if( ! file )
      hb_compGenError( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szErrors, 'E', HB_COMP_ERR_CREATE_OUTPUT, szFileName, NULL );
      return HB_FALSE;

   szText = hb_verHarbour();
   fprintf( file, "#\n# This file is generated by %s\n#\n\n", szText );
   hb_xfree( szText );

   for( uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < pI18n->uiCount; uiIndex++ )
      pString = &pI18n->pString[ uiIndex ];

      fprintf( file, "#: %s:%d", hb_compI18nFileName( szFileName, pString->pPos.szFile ),
                                 pString->pPos.uiLine );

      for( uiLine = 0; uiLine < pString->uiPosCount; ++uiLine )
         fprintf( file, " %s:%d", hb_compI18nFileName( szFileName, pString->pPosLst[ uiLine ].szFile ),
                                  pString->pPosLst[ uiLine ].uiLine );

      fprintf( file, "\n#, c-format\n" );

      if( pString->szContext )
         fprintf( file, "msgctxt \"" );
         hb_compI18nEscapeString( file, pString->szContext );
         fprintf( file, "\"\n" );

      fprintf( file, "msgid \"" );
      hb_compI18nEscapeString( file, pString->szText );
      for( uiLine = 0; uiLine < pString->uiPlurals; ++uiLine )
         if( uiLine == 0 )
            fprintf( file, "\"\nmsgid_plural \"" );
            fprintf( file, "\"\nmsgid_plural%d \"", uiLine + 1 );
         hb_compI18nEscapeString( file, pString->szPlurals[ uiLine ] );
      fprintf( file, "\"\nmsgstr%s \"\"\n\n", pString->uiPlurals ? "[0]" : "" );

   fclose( file );
   return HB_TRUE;
Esempio n. 20
static int hb_pp_parseChangelog( PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * pszFileName,
                                 int iQuiet, int * piRevID,
                                 char ** pszChangeLogID, char ** pszLastEntry )
   char * pszFree = NULL;
   int iResult = 0;
   FILE * file_in;

   char szToCheck[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   PHB_FNAME pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( pszFileName );

   if( ! pFileName->szName )
      static const char * s_szNames[] = {
#if defined( HB_OS_DOS )
      int i = 0;

      if( ! pFileName->szPath )
         pFileName->szPath = "../../../../..";

      pszFileName = s_szNames[ i++ ];
      while( pszFileName )
         pFileName->szName = pszFileName;
         hb_fsFNameMerge( szToCheck, pFileName );

         if( hb_fsFileExists( szToCheck ) )
            pszFileName = szToCheck;

         if( strchr( szToCheck, '?' ) != NULL )
            pszFree = hb_fsFileFind( szToCheck );
            if( pszFree )
               pszFileName = pszFree;

         pszFileName = s_szNames[ i++ ];

      if( ! pszFileName )
         pszFileName = s_szNames[ 0 ];

   hb_xfree( pFileName );

   file_in = hb_fopen( pszFileName, "r" );
   if( ! file_in )
      if( iQuiet < 2 )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
         perror( pszFileName );
         fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open the %s file.\n", pszFileName );
      iResult = 1;
      char szLine[ 256 ];
      char szId[ 128 ];
      char szLog[ 128 ];
      char * szFrom, * szTo;
      int iLen;

      if( iQuiet == 0 )
         fprintf( stdout, "Reading ChangeLog file: %s\n", pszFileName );

      *szId = *szLog = '\0';

         if( ! fgets( szLine, sizeof( szLine ), file_in ) )

         if( ! *szId )
            szFrom = strstr( szLine, "$" "Id" );
            if( szFrom )
               szFrom += 3;
               szTo = strchr( szFrom, '$' );
               if( szTo )
                  /* Is it tarball source package? */
                  if( szTo == szFrom )
                     /* we do not have revision number :-( */
                     hb_strncpy( szId, "unknown -1 (source tarball without keyword expanding)", sizeof( szId ) - 1 );
                  else if( szTo - szFrom > 3 && szTo[ -1 ] == ' ' &&
                           szFrom[ 0 ] == ':' && szFrom[ 1 ] == ' ' )
                     szTo[ -1 ] = '\0';
                     hb_strncpy( szId, szFrom + 2, sizeof( szId ) - 1 );
         else if( ! *szLog )
            if( szLine[ 4 ] == '-' && szLine[ 7 ] == '-' &&
                szLine[ 10 ] == ' ' && szLine[ 13 ] == ':' )
               hb_strncpy( szLog, szLine, sizeof( szLog ) - 1 );
               iLen = ( int ) strlen( szLog );
               while( iLen-- && HB_ISSPACE( szLog[ iLen ] ) )
                  szLog[ iLen ] = '\0';
      while( ! *szLog );

      fclose( file_in );

      if( ! *szLog )
         if( iQuiet < 2 )
            fprintf( stderr, "Cannot find valid $" "Id entry in the %s file.\n", pszFileName );
         iResult = 1;
         char szRevID[ 18 ];

         *szLine = '"';
         hb_strncpy( szLine + 1, szLog, sizeof( szLine ) - 3 );
         iLen = ( int ) strlen( szLine );
         szLine[ iLen ] = '"';
         szLine[ ++iLen ] = '\0';
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_LENTRY", szLine );
         *pszLastEntry = hb_strdup( szLog );

         hb_strncpy( szLine + 1, szId, sizeof( szLine ) - 3 );
         iLen = ( int ) strlen( szLine );
         szLine[ iLen ] = '"';
         szLine[ ++iLen ] = '\0';
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_CHLID", szLine );
         *pszChangeLogID = hb_strdup( szId );

         if( strlen( szLog ) >= 16 )
            long lJulian = 0, lMilliSec = 0;
            int iUTC = 0;

            if( strlen( szLog ) >= 25 && szLog[ 17 ] == 'U' &&
                szLog[ 18 ] == 'T' && szLog[ 19 ] == 'C' &&
                ( szLog[ 20 ] == '+' || szLog[ 20 ] == '-' ) &&
                HB_ISDIGIT( szLog[ 21 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szLog[ 22 ] ) &&
                HB_ISDIGIT( szLog[ 23 ] ) && HB_ISDIGIT( szLog[ 24 ] ) )
               iUTC = ( ( int ) ( szLog[ 21 ] - '0' ) * 10 +
                        ( int ) ( szLog[ 22 ] - '0' ) ) * 60 +
                        ( int ) ( szLog[ 23 ] - '0' ) * 10 +
                        ( int ) ( szLog[ 24 ] - '0' );
            szLog[ 16 ] = '\0';
            if( iUTC != 0 && hb_timeStampStrGetDT( szLog, &lJulian, &lMilliSec ) )
               hb_timeStampUnpackDT( hb_timeStampPackDT( lJulian, lMilliSec ) -
                                     ( double ) iUTC / ( 24 * 60 ),
                                     &lJulian, &lMilliSec );
            if( lJulian && lMilliSec )
               hb_timeStampStrRawPut( szRevID, lJulian, lMilliSec );
               memmove( szRevID, szRevID + 2, 10 );
               szRevID[ 0 ] = szLog[ 2 ];
               szRevID[ 1 ] = szLog[ 3 ];
               szRevID[ 2 ] = szLog[ 5 ];
               szRevID[ 3 ] = szLog[ 6 ];
               szRevID[ 4 ] = szLog[ 8 ];
               szRevID[ 5 ] = szLog[ 9 ];
               szRevID[ 6 ] = szLog[ 11 ];
               szRevID[ 7 ] = szLog[ 12 ];
               szRevID[ 8 ] = szLog[ 14 ];
               szRevID[ 9 ] = szLog[ 15 ];
            szRevID[ 10 ] = '\0';

            szRevID[ 0 ] = '\0';

         *piRevID = ( int ) hb_strValInt( szRevID, &iLen );

         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_REVID", szRevID );
         hb_pp_addDefine( pState, "HB_VER_SVNID", szRevID );

   if( pszFree )
      hb_xfree( pszFree );

   return iResult;
Esempio n. 21
static int decsrtInit( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_job_t * job )
    hb_work_private_t * pv;
    int i;
    hb_chapter_t * chapter;

    pv = calloc( 1, sizeof( hb_work_private_t ) );
    if (pv == NULL)
        goto fail;

    w->private_data = pv;

    pv->job = job;
    pv->current_state = k_state_potential_new_entry;
    pv->number_of_entries = 0;
    pv->last_entry_number = 0;
    pv->current_time = 0;
    pv->subtitle = w->subtitle;

     * Figure out the start and stop times from the chapters being
     * encoded - drop subtitle not in this range.
    pv->start_time = 0;
    for( i = 1; i < job->chapter_start; ++i )
        chapter = hb_list_item( job->list_chapter, i - 1 );
        if( chapter )
            pv->start_time += chapter->duration;
        } else {
            hb_error( "Could not locate chapter %d for SRT start time", i );
    pv->stop_time = pv->start_time;
    for( i = job->chapter_start; i <= job->chapter_end; ++i )
        chapter = hb_list_item( job->list_chapter, i - 1 );
        if( chapter )
            pv->stop_time += chapter->duration;
        } else {
            hb_error( "Could not locate chapter %d for SRT start time", i );

    hb_deep_log(3, "SRT Start time %"PRId64", stop time %"PRId64,
                pv->start_time, pv->stop_time);

    if (job->pts_to_start != 0)
        pv->start_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    pv->iconv_context = iconv_open( "utf-8", pv->subtitle->config.src_codeset );
    if( pv->iconv_context == (iconv_t) -1 )
        hb_error("Could not open the iconv library with those file formats\n");
        goto fail;
    } else {
        memset( &pv->current_entry, 0, sizeof( srt_entry_t ) );

        pv->file = hb_fopen(w->subtitle->config.src_filename, "r");

        if( !pv->file )
            hb_error("Could not open the SRT subtitle file '%s'\n",
            goto fail;

    // Generate generic SSA Script Info.
    int height = job->title->geometry.height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
    int width = job->title->geometry.width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
    hb_subtitle_add_ssa_header(w->subtitle, HB_FONT_SANS,
                               .066 * job->title->geometry.height,
                               width, height);
    return 0;

    if (pv != NULL)
        if (pv->iconv_context != (iconv_t) -1)
        if (pv->file != NULL)
    return 1;
Esempio n. 22
static int hb_pp_generateVerInfo( char * szVerFile, int iCommitRev, char * szCommitInfo, char * szCommitID )
   int iResult = 0;
   FILE * fout;

   fout = hb_fopen( szVerFile, "w" );
   if( ! fout )
#if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      perror( szVerFile );
      iResult = 1;
      char * pszEnv;
      char * pszEscaped;

      fprintf( fout, "/*\n"
               " * Version information and build time switches.\n"
               " *\n"
               " * Copyright 2008-2016 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus / at />\n"
               " *\n"
               " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n"
               " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n"
               " */\n\n" );

      if( szCommitID )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( szCommitID );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_COMMIT_ID         \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );

      fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_COMMIT_REV        %d\n", iCommitRev );

      if( szCommitInfo )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( szCommitInfo );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_COMMIT_INFO       \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_CFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_CFLAGS    \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_LDFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_LDFLAGS   \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_VER_HB_USER_PRGFLAGS  \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_PLATFORM" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_PLATFORM              \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

      pszEnv = hb_getenv( "HB_COMPILER" );
      if( pszEnv )
         pszEscaped = hb_pp_escapeString( pszEnv );
         fprintf( fout, "#define HB_COMPILER              \"%s\"\n", pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEscaped );
         hb_xfree( pszEnv );

#if defined( HB_LEGACY_LEVEL4 )
      fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_CHLID            HB_VER_COMMIT_ID\n" );
      fprintf( fout, "\n#define HB_VER_LENTRY           HB_VER_COMMIT_INFO\n" );

      fclose( fout );

   return iResult;