Esempio n. 1
 * Job initialization rountine.
 * Initializes fifos.
 * Creates work objects for synchronizer, video decoder, video renderer, video decoder, audio decoder, audio encoder, reader, muxer.
 * Launches thread for each work object with work_loop.
 * Loops while monitoring status of work threads and fifos.
 * Exits loop when conversion is done and fifos are empty.
 * Closes threads and frees fifos.
 * @param job Handle work hb_job_t.
static void do_job( hb_job_t * job )
    hb_title_t    * title;
    int             i, j;
    hb_work_object_t * w;
    hb_work_object_t * sync;
    hb_work_object_t * muxer;
    hb_interjob_t * interjob;

    hb_audio_t   * audio;
    hb_subtitle_t * subtitle;
    hb_attachment_t * attachment;
    unsigned int subtitle_highest = 0;
    unsigned int subtitle_highest_id = 0;
    unsigned int subtitle_lowest = -1;
    unsigned int subtitle_lowest_id = 0;
    unsigned int subtitle_forced_id = 0;
    unsigned int subtitle_hit = 0;

    title = job->title;
    interjob = hb_interjob_get( job->h );

    if( job->pass == 2 )
        correct_framerate( job );

    job->list_work = hb_list_init();

    hb_log( "starting job" );

    if( job->anamorphic.mode )
        hb_set_anamorphic_size(job, &job->width, &job->height, &job->anamorphic.par_width, &job->anamorphic.par_height);

        if( job->vcodec & HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MASK )
            /* Just to make working with ffmpeg even more fun,
               lavc's MPEG-4 encoder can't handle PAR values >= 255,
               even though AVRational does. Adjusting downwards
               distorts the display aspect slightly, but such is life. */
            while ((job->anamorphic.par_width & ~0xFF) ||
                   (job->anamorphic.par_height & ~0xFF))
                job->anamorphic.par_width >>= 1;
                job->anamorphic.par_height >>= 1;
            hb_reduce( &job->anamorphic.par_width, &job->anamorphic.par_height, job->anamorphic.par_width, job->anamorphic.par_height );
Esempio n. 2
 * hb_work_encx265_init
int encx265Init(hb_work_object_t *w, hb_job_t *job)
    hb_work_private_t  *pv = calloc(1, sizeof(hb_work_private_t));
    int                 ret, depth;
    hb_rational_t       vrate;
    x265_nal           *nal;
    uint32_t            nnal;
    const char * const *profile_names;

    pv->next_chapter_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    pv->delayed_chapters = hb_list_init();
    pv->job              = job;
    w->private_data      = pv;

    depth                = hb_video_encoder_get_depth(job->vcodec);
    profile_names        = hb_video_encoder_get_profiles(job->vcodec);
    pv->api              = x265_api_get(depth);

    if (pv->api == NULL)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_api_get failed, bit depth %d.", depth);
        goto fail;

    x265_param *param = pv->param = pv->api->param_alloc();

    if (pv->api->param_default_preset(param, job->encoder_preset,
                                      job->encoder_tune) < 0)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_param_default_preset failed. Preset (%s) Tune (%s)", job->encoder_preset, job->encoder_tune);
        goto fail;

    /* If the PSNR or SSIM tunes are in use, enable the relevant metric */
    param->bEnablePsnr = param->bEnableSsim = 0;
    if (job->encoder_tune != NULL && *job->encoder_tune)
        char *tmp = strdup(job->encoder_tune);
        char *tok = strtok(tmp,   ",./-+");
            if (!strncasecmp(tok, "psnr", 4))
                param->bEnablePsnr = 1;
            if (!strncasecmp(tok, "ssim", 4))
                param->bEnableSsim = 1;
        while ((tok = strtok(NULL, ",./-+")) != NULL);

     * Some HandBrake-specific defaults; users can override them
     * using the encoder_options string.
    hb_reduce(&vrate.num, &vrate.den, job->vrate.num, job->vrate.den);
    param->fpsNum      = vrate.num;
    param->fpsDenom    = vrate.den;
    param->keyframeMin = (double)job->orig_vrate.num / job->orig_vrate.den +
    param->keyframeMax = param->keyframeMin * 10;

     * Video Signal Type (color description only).
     * Use x265_param_parse (let x265 determine which bEnable
     * flags, if any, should be set in the x265_param struct).
    char colorprim[11], transfer[11], colormatrix[11];
    switch (job->color_matrix_code)
        case 1: // ITU BT.601 DVD or SD TV content (NTSC)
            strcpy(colorprim,   "smpte170m");
            strcpy(transfer,        "bt709");
            strcpy(colormatrix, "smpte170m");
        case 2: // ITU BT.601 DVD or SD TV content (PAL)
            strcpy(colorprim,     "bt470bg");
            strcpy(transfer,        "bt709");
            strcpy(colormatrix, "smpte170m");
        case 3: // ITU BT.709 HD content
            strcpy(colorprim,   "bt709");
            strcpy(transfer,    "bt709");
            strcpy(colormatrix, "bt709");
        case 4: // custom
            snprintf(colorprim,   sizeof(colorprim),   "%d", job->color_prim);
            snprintf(transfer,    sizeof(transfer),    "%d", job->color_transfer);
            snprintf(colormatrix, sizeof(colormatrix), "%d", job->color_matrix);
        default: // detected during scan
            snprintf(colorprim,   sizeof(colorprim),   "%d", job->title->color_prim);
            snprintf(transfer,    sizeof(transfer),    "%d", job->title->color_transfer);
            snprintf(colormatrix, sizeof(colormatrix), "%d", job->title->color_matrix);
    if (param_parse(pv, param, "colorprim",   colorprim)   ||
        param_parse(pv, param, "transfer",    transfer)    ||
        param_parse(pv, param, "colormatrix", colormatrix))
        goto fail;

    /* iterate through x265_opts and parse the options */
    hb_dict_t *x265_opts;
    x265_opts = hb_encopts_to_dict(job->encoder_options, job->vcodec);

    hb_dict_iter_t iter;
    for (iter  = hb_dict_iter_init(x265_opts);
         iter != HB_DICT_ITER_DONE;
         iter  = hb_dict_iter_next(x265_opts, iter))
        const char *key = hb_dict_iter_key(iter);
        hb_value_t *value = hb_dict_iter_value(iter);
        char *str = hb_value_get_string_xform(value);

        // here's where the strings are passed to libx265 for parsing
        // unknown options or bad values are non-fatal, see encx264.c
        param_parse(pv, param, key, str);

     * Reload colorimetry settings in case custom
     * values were set in the encoder_options string.
    job->color_matrix_code = 4;
    job->color_prim        = param->vui.colorPrimaries;
    job->color_transfer    = param->vui.transferCharacteristics;
    job->color_matrix      = param->vui.matrixCoeffs;

     * Settings which can't be overriden in the encodeer_options string
     * (muxer-specific settings, resolution, ratecontrol, etc.).
    param->bRepeatHeaders = 0;
    param->sourceWidth    = job->width;
    param->sourceHeight   = job->height;

     * Let x265 determnine whether to use an aspect ratio
     * index vs. the extended SAR index + SAR width/height.
    char sar[22];
    snprintf(sar, sizeof(sar), "%d:%d", job->par.num, job->par.den);
    if (param_parse(pv, param, "sar", sar))
        goto fail;

    if (job->vquality > 0)
        param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
        param->rc.rfConstant      = job->vquality;
        param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_ABR;
        param->rc.bitrate         = job->vbitrate;
        if (job->pass_id == HB_PASS_ENCODE_1ST ||
            job->pass_id == HB_PASS_ENCODE_2ND)
            char stats_file[1024] = "";
            char pass[2];
            snprintf(pass, sizeof(pass), "%d", job->pass_id);
            hb_get_tempory_filename(job->h, stats_file, "x265.log");
            if (param_parse(pv, param, "stats", stats_file) ||
                param_parse(pv, param, "pass", pass))
                goto fail;
            if (job->pass_id == HB_PASS_ENCODE_1ST && job->fastfirstpass == 0 &&
                param_parse(pv, param, "slow-firstpass", "1"))
                goto fail;

    /* statsfile (but not 2-pass) */
    memset(pv->csvfn, 0, sizeof(pv->csvfn));
    if (param->logLevel >= X265_LOG_DEBUG)
        if (param->csvfn == NULL)
            hb_get_tempory_filename(job->h, pv->csvfn, "x265.csv");
            param->csvfn = pv->csvfn;
            strncpy(pv->csvfn, param->csvfn, sizeof(pv->csvfn));

    /* Apply profile and level settings last. */
    if (job->encoder_profile                                      != NULL &&
        strcasecmp(job->encoder_profile, profile_names[0])        != 0    &&
        pv->api->param_apply_profile(param, job->encoder_profile) < 0)
        goto fail;

    /* we should now know whether B-frames are enabled */
    job->areBframes = (param->bframes > 0) + (param->bframes   > 0 &&
                                              param->bBPyramid > 0);

    /* Reset global variables before opening a new encoder */

    pv->x265 = pv->api->encoder_open(param);
    if (pv->x265 == NULL)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_encoder_open failed.");
        goto fail;

     * x265's output (headers and bitstream) are in Annex B format.
     * Write the header as is, and let the muxer reformat
     * the extradata and output bitstream properly for us.
    ret = pv->api->encoder_headers(pv->x265, &nal, &nnal);
    if (ret < 0)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_encoder_headers failed (%d)", ret);
        goto fail;
    if (ret > sizeof(w->config->h265.headers))
        hb_error("encx265: bitstream headers too large (%d)", ret);
        goto fail;
    memcpy(w->config->h265.headers, nal->payload, ret);
    w->config->h265.headers_length = ret;

    return 0;

    w->private_data = NULL;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
 * hb_work_encx265_init
int encx265Init(hb_work_object_t *w, hb_job_t *job)
    hb_work_private_t *pv = calloc(1, sizeof(hb_work_private_t));
    pv->next_chapter_pts  = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    pv->delayed_chapters  = hb_list_init();
    pv->job               = job;
    w->private_data       = pv;
    int i, vrate, vrate_base;
    x265_nal *nal;
    uint32_t nnal;

    x265_param *param = pv->param = x265_param_alloc();

    if (x265_param_default_preset(param,
                                  job->encoder_preset, job->encoder_tune) < 0)
        pv = NULL;
        return 1;

    /* If the PSNR or SSIM tunes are in use, enable the relevant metric */
    param->bEnablePsnr = param->bEnableSsim = 0;
    if (job->encoder_tune != NULL && *job->encoder_tune)
        char *tmp = strdup(job->encoder_tune);
        char *tok = strtok(tmp,   ",./-+");
            if (!strncasecmp(tok, "psnr", 4))
                param->bEnablePsnr = 1;
            if (!strncasecmp(tok, "ssim", 4))
                param->bEnableSsim = 1;
        while ((tok = strtok(NULL, ",./-+")) != NULL);

     * Some HandBrake-specific defaults; users can override them
     * using the encoder_options string.
    hb_reduce(&vrate, &vrate_base, job->vrate, job->vrate_base);
    param->fpsNum      = vrate;
    param->fpsDenom    = vrate_base;
    param->keyframeMin = (int)((double)vrate / (double)vrate_base + 0.5);
    param->keyframeMax = param->keyframeMin * 10;

    /* iterate through x265_opts and parse the options */
    hb_dict_entry_t *entry = NULL;
    hb_dict_t *x265_opts = hb_encopts_to_dict(job->encoder_options, job->vcodec);
    while ((entry = hb_dict_next(x265_opts, entry)) != NULL)
        // here's where the strings are passed to libx265 for parsing
        int ret = x265_param_parse(param, entry->key, entry->value);
        // let x265 sanity check the options for us
        switch (ret)
            case X265_PARAM_BAD_NAME:
                hb_log("encx265: unknown option '%s'", entry->key);
            case X265_PARAM_BAD_VALUE:
                hb_log("encx265: bad argument '%s=%s'", entry->key,
                       entry->value ? entry->value : "(null)");

     * Settings which can't be overriden in the encodeer_options string
     * (muxer-specific settings, resolution, ratecontrol, etc.).
    param->sourceWidth  = job->width;
    param->sourceHeight = job->height;

    if (job->vquality > 0)
        param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_CRF;
        param->rc.rfConstant      = job->vquality;
        param->rc.rateControlMode = X265_RC_ABR;
        param->rc.bitrate         = job->vbitrate;

    /* statsfile (but not 2-pass) */
    memset(pv->csvfn, 0, sizeof(pv->csvfn));
    if (param->logLevel >= X265_LOG_DEBUG)
        if (param->csvfn == NULL)
            hb_get_tempory_filename(job->h, pv->csvfn, "x265.csv");
            param->csvfn = pv->csvfn;
            strncpy(pv->csvfn, param->csvfn, sizeof(pv->csvfn));

    /* Apply profile and level settings last. */
    if (x265_param_apply_profile(param, job->encoder_profile) < 0)
        pv = NULL;
        return 1;

    /* we should now know whether B-frames are enabled */
    job->areBframes = (param->bframes > 0) + (param->bframes   > 0 &&
                                              param->bBPyramid > 0);

    pv->x265 = x265_encoder_open(param);
    if (pv->x265 == NULL)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_encoder_open failed.");
        pv = NULL;
        return 1;

    if (x265_encoder_headers(pv->x265, &nal, &nnal) < 0)
        hb_error("encx265: x265_encoder_headers failed.");
        pv = NULL;
        return 1;

     * x265's output (headers and bitstream) are in Annex B format.
     * Write the header as is, and let the muxer reformat
     * the extradata and output bitstream properly for us.
    w->config->h265.headers_length = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nnal; i++)
        if (w->config->h265.headers_length +
            nal[i].sizeBytes > HB_CONFIG_MAX_SIZE)
            hb_error("encx265: bitstream headers too large");
            pv = NULL;
            return 1;
        memcpy(w->config->h265.headers +
               nal[i].payload, nal[i].sizeBytes);
        w->config->h265.headers_length += nal[i].sizeBytes;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * avformatInit
 * Allocates hb_mux_data_t structures, create file and write headers
static int avformatInit( hb_mux_object_t * m )
    hb_job_t   * job   = m->job;
    hb_audio_t    * audio;
    hb_mux_data_t * track;
    int meta_mux;
    int max_tracks;
    int ii, ret;

    const char *muxer_name = NULL;

    uint8_t         default_track_flag = 1;
    uint8_t         need_fonts = 0;
    char *lang;

    m->delay = -1;
    max_tracks = 1 + hb_list_count( job->list_audio ) +
                     hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle );

    m->tracks = calloc(max_tracks, sizeof(hb_mux_data_t*));

    m->oc = avformat_alloc_context();
    if (m->oc == NULL)
        hb_error( "Could not initialize avformat context." );
        goto error;

    switch (job->mux)
        case HB_MUX_AV_MP4:
            m->time_base.num = 1;
            m->time_base.den = 90000;
            if( job->ipod_atom )
                muxer_name = "ipod";
                muxer_name = "mp4";
            meta_mux = META_MUX_MP4;

        case HB_MUX_AV_MKV:
            // libavformat is essentially hard coded such that it only
            // works with a timebase of 1/1000
            m->time_base.num = 1;
            m->time_base.den = 1000;
            muxer_name = "matroska";
            meta_mux = META_MUX_MKV;

            hb_error("Invalid Mux %x", job->mux);
            goto error;
    m->oc->oformat = av_guess_format(muxer_name, NULL, NULL);
    if(m->oc->oformat == NULL)
        hb_error("Could not guess output format %s", muxer_name);
        goto error;
    av_strlcpy(m->oc->filename, job->file, sizeof(m->oc->filename));
    ret = avio_open2(&m->oc->pb, job->file, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE,
                     &m->oc->interrupt_callback, NULL);
    if( ret < 0 )
        hb_error( "avio_open2 failed, errno %d", ret);
        goto error;

    /* Video track */
    track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
    job->mux_data = track;

    track->type = MUX_TYPE_VIDEO;
    track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
    if (track->st == NULL)
        hb_error("Could not initialize video stream");
        goto error;
    track->st->time_base = m->time_base;
    avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

    track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;

    uint8_t *priv_data = NULL;
    int priv_size = 0;
    switch (job->vcodec)
        case HB_VCODEC_X264:
        case HB_VCODEC_QSV_H264:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;

            /* Taken from x264 muxers.c */
            priv_size = 5 + 1 + 2 + job->config.h264.sps_length + 1 + 2 +
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("malloc failure");
                goto error;

            priv_data[0] = 1;
            priv_data[1] = job->config.h264.sps[1]; /* AVCProfileIndication */
            priv_data[2] = job->config.h264.sps[2]; /* profile_compat */
            priv_data[3] = job->config.h264.sps[3]; /* AVCLevelIndication */
            priv_data[4] = 0xff; // nalu size length is four bytes
            priv_data[5] = 0xe1; // one sps

            priv_data[6] = job->config.h264.sps_length >> 8;
            priv_data[7] = job->config.h264.sps_length;

            memcpy(priv_data+8, job->config.h264.sps,

            priv_data[8+job->config.h264.sps_length] = 1; // one pps
            priv_data[9+job->config.h264.sps_length] =
                                        job->config.h264.pps_length >> 8;
            priv_data[10+job->config.h264.sps_length] =

                   job->config.h264.pps, job->config.h264.pps_length );

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MPEG4:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4;

            if (job->config.mpeg4.length != 0)
                priv_size = job->config.mpeg4.length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, job->config.mpeg4.bytes, priv_size);

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MPEG2:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;

            if (job->config.mpeg4.length != 0)
                priv_size = job->config.mpeg4.length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, job->config.mpeg4.bytes, priv_size);

        case HB_VCODEC_THEORA:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_THEORA;

            int size = 0;
            ogg_packet *ogg_headers[3];

            for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                ogg_headers[ii] = (ogg_packet *)job->config.theora.headers[ii];
                size += ogg_headers[ii]->bytes + 2;

            priv_size = size;
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("malloc failure");
                goto error;

            size = 0;
            for(ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                AV_WB16(priv_data + size, ogg_headers[ii]->bytes);
                size += 2;
                memcpy(priv_data+size, ogg_headers[ii]->packet,
                size += ogg_headers[ii]->bytes;
        } break;

            hb_error("muxavformat: Unknown video codec: %x", job->vcodec);
            goto error;
    track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
    track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

    if (job->anamorphic.mode > 0)
        track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.num        = job->anamorphic.par_width;
        track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.den        = job->anamorphic.par_height;
        track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num = job->anamorphic.par_width;
        track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.den = job->anamorphic.par_height;
        track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.num        = 1;
        track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.den        = 1;
        track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num = 1;
        track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.den = 1;
    track->st->codec->width = job->width;
    track->st->codec->height = job->height;
    track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;

    int vrate_base, vrate;
    if( job->pass == 2 )
        hb_interjob_t * interjob = hb_interjob_get( job->h );
        vrate_base = interjob->vrate_base;
        vrate = interjob->vrate;
        vrate_base = job->vrate_base;
        vrate = job->vrate;

    // If the vrate is 27000000, there's a good chance this is
    // a standard rate that we have in our hb_video_rates table.
    // Because of rounding errors and approximations made while
    // measuring framerate, the actual value may not be exact.  So
    // we look for rates that are "close" and make an adjustment
    // to fps.den.
    if (vrate == 27000000)
        const hb_rate_t *video_framerate = NULL;
        while ((video_framerate = hb_video_framerate_get_next(video_framerate)) != NULL)
            if (abs(vrate_base - video_framerate->rate) < 10)
                vrate_base = video_framerate->rate;
    hb_reduce(&vrate_base, &vrate, vrate_base, vrate);
    if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
        // libavformat mp4 muxer requires that the codec time_base have the
        // same denominator as the stream time_base, it uses it for the
        // mdhd timescale.
        double scale = (double)track->st->time_base.den / vrate;
        track->st->codec->time_base.den = track->st->time_base.den;
        track->st->codec->time_base.num = vrate_base * scale;
        track->st->codec->time_base.num = vrate_base;
        track->st->codec->time_base.den = vrate;

    /* add the audio tracks */
    for(ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_audio ); ii++ )
        audio = hb_list_item( job->list_audio, ii );
        track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
        audio->priv.mux_data = track;

        track->type = MUX_TYPE_AUDIO;

        track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
        if (track->st == NULL)
            hb_error("Could not initialize audio stream");
            goto error;
        avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

        track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
        track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
        if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
            track->st->codec->time_base.num = audio->config.out.samples_per_frame;
            track->st->codec->time_base.den = audio->config.out.samplerate;
            track->st->time_base.num = 1;
            track->st->time_base.den = audio->config.out.samplerate;
            track->st->codec->time_base = m->time_base;

        priv_data = NULL;
        priv_size = 0;
        switch (audio->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_MASK)
            case HB_ACODEC_DCA:
            case HB_ACODEC_DCA_HD:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_DTS;
            case HB_ACODEC_AC3:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AC3;
            case HB_ACODEC_LAME:
            case HB_ACODEC_MP3:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP3;
            case HB_ACODEC_VORBIS:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_VORBIS;

                int jj, size = 0;
                ogg_packet *ogg_headers[3];

                for (jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                    ogg_headers[jj] = (ogg_packet *)audio->priv.config.vorbis.headers[jj];
                    size += ogg_headers[jj]->bytes + 2;

                priv_size = size;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("malloc failure");
                    goto error;

                size = 0;
                for(jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                    AV_WB16(priv_data + size, ogg_headers[jj]->bytes);
                    size += 2;
                    memcpy(priv_data+size, ogg_headers[jj]->packet,
                    size += ogg_headers[jj]->bytes;
            } break;
            case HB_ACODEC_FFFLAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FFFLAC24:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_FLAC;

                if (audio->priv.config.extradata.bytes)
                    priv_size = audio->priv.config.extradata.length;
                    priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                    if (priv_data == NULL)
                        hb_error("malloc failure");
                        goto error;
            case HB_ACODEC_FAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FFAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_HAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_HAAC:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC;

                if (audio->priv.config.extradata.bytes)
                    priv_size = audio->priv.config.extradata.length;
                    priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                    if (priv_data == NULL)
                        hb_error("malloc failure");
                        goto error;
                hb_error("muxavformat: Unknown audio codec: %x",
                goto error;
        track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
        track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

        if( default_track_flag )
            track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;
            default_track_flag = 0;

        lang = lookup_lang_code(job->mux, audio->config.lang.iso639_2 );
        if (lang != NULL)
            av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "language", lang, 0);
        track->st->codec->sample_rate = audio->config.out.samplerate;
        if (audio->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_PASS_FLAG)
            track->st->codec->channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(audio->;
            track->st->codec->channel_layout = audio->;
            track->st->codec->channels = hb_mixdown_get_discrete_channel_count(audio->config.out.mixdown);
            track->st->codec->channel_layout = hb_ff_mixdown_xlat(audio->config.out.mixdown, NULL);

        char *name;
        if (audio-> == NULL)
            switch (track->st->codec->channels)
                case 1:
                    name = "Mono";

                case 2:
                    name = "Stereo";

                    name = "Surround";
            name = audio->;
        av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "title", name, 0);

    char * subidx_fmt =
        "size: %dx%d\n"
        "org: %d, %d\n"
        "scale: 100%%, 100%%\n"
        "alpha: 100%%\n"
        "smooth: OFF\n"
        "fadein/out: 50, 50\n"
        "align: OFF at LEFT TOP\n"
        "time offset: 0\n"
        "forced subs: %s\n"
        "palette: %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, "
        "%06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x\n"
        "custom colors: OFF, tridx: 0000, "
        "colors: 000000, 000000, 000000, 000000\n";

    int subtitle_default = -1;
    for( ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle ); ii++ )
        hb_subtitle_t *subtitle = hb_list_item( job->list_subtitle, ii );

        if( subtitle->config.dest == PASSTHRUSUB )
            if ( subtitle->config.default_track )
                subtitle_default = ii;
    // Quicktime requires that at least one subtitle is enabled,
    // else it doesn't show any of the subtitles.
    // So check to see if any of the subtitles are flagged to be
    // the defualt.  The default will the the enabled track, else
    // enable the first track.
    if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4 && subtitle_default == -1)
        subtitle_default = 0;

    for( ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle ); ii++ )
        hb_subtitle_t * subtitle;
        uint32_t        rgb[16];
        char            subidx[2048];
        int             len;

        subtitle = hb_list_item( job->list_subtitle, ii );
        if (subtitle->config.dest != PASSTHRUSUB)

        track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
        subtitle->mux_data = track;

        track->type = MUX_TYPE_SUBTITLE;
        track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
        if (track->st == NULL)
            hb_error("Could not initialize subtitle stream");
            goto error;
        avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

        track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE;
        track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
        track->st->time_base = m->time_base;
        track->st->codec->time_base = m->time_base;
        track->st->codec->width = subtitle->width;
        track->st->codec->height = subtitle->height;

        priv_data = NULL;
        priv_size = 0;
        switch (subtitle->source)
            case VOBSUB:
                int jj;
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_DVD_SUBTITLE;

                for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++)
                    rgb[jj] = hb_yuv2rgb(subtitle->palette[jj]);
                len = snprintf(subidx, 2048, subidx_fmt,
                        subtitle->width, subtitle->height,
                        0, 0, "OFF",
                        rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3],
                        rgb[4], rgb[5], rgb[6], rgb[7],
                        rgb[8], rgb[9], rgb[10], rgb[11],
                        rgb[12], rgb[13], rgb[14], rgb[15]);

                priv_size = len + 1;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, subidx, priv_size);
            } break;

            case PGSSUB:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_PGS_SUBTITLE;
            } break;

            case SSASUB:
                if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT;
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_SSA;
                    need_fonts = 1;

                    if (subtitle->extradata_size)
                        priv_size = subtitle->extradata_size;
                        priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
                        if (priv_data == NULL)
                            hb_error("malloc failure");
                            goto error;
                        memcpy(priv_data, subtitle->extradata, priv_size);
            } break;

            case CC608SUB:
            case CC708SUB:
            case UTF8SUB:
            case TX3GSUB:
            case SRTSUB:
                if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT;
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_TEXT;
            } break;

        if (track->st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT)
            // Build codec extradata for tx3g.
            // If we were using a libav codec to generate this data
            // this would (or should) be done for us.
            uint8_t properties[] = {
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Display Flags
                0x01,                       // Horiz. Justification
                0xff,                       // Vert. Justification
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,     // Bg color
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Default text box
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Reserved
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Font ID
                0x00,                       // Font face
                0x18,                       // Font size
                0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,     // Fg color
                // Font table:
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12,     // Font table size
                'f','t','a','b',            // Tag
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Count
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Font ID
                0x05,                       // Font name length
                'A','r','i','a','l'         // Font name

            int width, height = 60;
            if (job->anamorphic.mode)
                width = job->width * ((float)job->anamorphic.par_width / job->anamorphic.par_height);
                width = job->width;
            track->st->codec->width = width;
            track->st->codec->height = height;
            properties[14] = height >> 8;
            properties[15] = height & 0xff;
            properties[16] = width >> 8;
            properties[17] = width & 0xff;

            priv_size = sizeof(properties);
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("malloc failure");
                goto error;
            memcpy(priv_data, properties, priv_size);
        track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
        track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

        if ( ii == subtitle_default )
            track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;

        lang = lookup_lang_code(job->mux, subtitle->iso639_2 );
        if (lang != NULL)
            av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "language", lang, 0);
Esempio n. 5
 * avformatInit
 * Allocates hb_mux_data_t structures, create file and write headers
static int avformatInit( hb_mux_object_t * m )
    hb_job_t   * job   = m->job;
    hb_audio_t    * audio;
    hb_mux_data_t * track;
    int meta_mux;
    int max_tracks;
    int ii, jj, ret;

    int clock_min, clock_max, clock;
    hb_video_framerate_get_limits(&clock_min, &clock_max, &clock);

    const char *muxer_name = NULL;

    uint8_t         default_track_flag = 1;
    uint8_t         need_fonts = 0;
    char *lang;

    max_tracks = 1 + hb_list_count( job->list_audio ) +
                     hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle );

    m->tracks = calloc(max_tracks, sizeof(hb_mux_data_t*));

    m->oc = avformat_alloc_context();
    if (m->oc == NULL)
        hb_error( "Could not initialize avformat context." );
        goto error;

    AVDictionary * av_opts = NULL;
    switch (job->mux)
        case HB_MUX_AV_MP4:
            m->time_base.num = 1;
            m->time_base.den = 90000;
            if( job->ipod_atom )
                muxer_name = "ipod";
                muxer_name = "mp4";
            meta_mux = META_MUX_MP4;

            av_dict_set(&av_opts, "brand", "mp42", 0);
            if (job->mp4_optimize)
                av_dict_set(&av_opts, "movflags", "faststart+disable_chpl", 0);
                av_dict_set(&av_opts, "movflags", "+disable_chpl", 0);

        case HB_MUX_AV_MKV:
            // libavformat is essentially hard coded such that it only
            // works with a timebase of 1/1000
            m->time_base.num = 1;
            m->time_base.den = 1000;
            muxer_name = "matroska";
            meta_mux = META_MUX_MKV;

            hb_error("Invalid Mux %x", job->mux);
            goto error;
    m->oc->oformat = av_guess_format(muxer_name, NULL, NULL);
    if(m->oc->oformat == NULL)
        hb_error("Could not guess output format %s", muxer_name);
        goto error;
    av_strlcpy(m->oc->filename, job->file, sizeof(m->oc->filename));
    ret = avio_open2(&m->oc->pb, job->file, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE,
                     &m->oc->interrupt_callback, NULL);
    if( ret < 0 )
        hb_error( "avio_open2 failed, errno %d", ret);
        goto error;

    /* Video track */
    track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
    job->mux_data = track;

    track->type = MUX_TYPE_VIDEO;
    track->prev_chapter_tc = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
    if (track->st == NULL)
        hb_error("Could not initialize video stream");
        goto error;
    track->st->time_base = m->time_base;
    avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

    track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;

    uint8_t *priv_data = NULL;
    int priv_size = 0;
    switch (job->vcodec)
        case HB_VCODEC_X264_8BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_X264_10BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_QSV_H264:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;

            /* Taken from x264 muxers.c */
            priv_size = 5 + 1 + 2 + job->config.h264.sps_length + 1 + 2 +
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("H.264 extradata: malloc failure");
                goto error;

            priv_data[0] = 1;
            priv_data[1] = job->config.h264.sps[1]; /* AVCProfileIndication */
            priv_data[2] = job->config.h264.sps[2]; /* profile_compat */
            priv_data[3] = job->config.h264.sps[3]; /* AVCLevelIndication */
            priv_data[4] = 0xff; // nalu size length is four bytes
            priv_data[5] = 0xe1; // one sps

            priv_data[6] = job->config.h264.sps_length >> 8;
            priv_data[7] = job->config.h264.sps_length;

            memcpy(priv_data+8, job->config.h264.sps,

            priv_data[8+job->config.h264.sps_length] = 1; // one pps
            priv_data[9+job->config.h264.sps_length] =
                                        job->config.h264.pps_length >> 8;
            priv_data[10+job->config.h264.sps_length] =

                   job->config.h264.pps, job->config.h264.pps_length );

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MPEG4:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4;

            if (job->config.mpeg4.length != 0)
                priv_size = job->config.mpeg4.length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("MPEG4 extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, job->config.mpeg4.bytes, priv_size);

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MPEG2:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;

            if (job->config.mpeg4.length != 0)
                priv_size = job->config.mpeg4.length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("MPEG2 extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, job->config.mpeg4.bytes, priv_size);

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_VP8:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_VP8;
            priv_data                  = NULL;
            priv_size                  = 0;

        case HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_VP9:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_VP9;
            priv_data                  = NULL;
            priv_size                  = 0;

        case HB_VCODEC_THEORA:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_THEORA;

            int size = 0;
            ogg_packet *ogg_headers[3];

            for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                ogg_headers[ii] = (ogg_packet *)job->config.theora.headers[ii];
                size += ogg_headers[ii]->bytes + 2;

            priv_size = size;
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("Theora extradata: malloc failure");
                goto error;

            size = 0;
            for(ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
                AV_WB16(priv_data + size, ogg_headers[ii]->bytes);
                size += 2;
                memcpy(priv_data+size, ogg_headers[ii]->packet,
                size += ogg_headers[ii]->bytes;
        } break;

        case HB_VCODEC_X265_8BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_X265_10BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_X265_12BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_X265_16BIT:
        case HB_VCODEC_QSV_H265:
            track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC;

            if (job->config.h265.headers_length > 0)
                priv_size = job->config.h265.headers_length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("H.265 extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, job->config.h265.headers, priv_size);

            hb_error("muxavformat: Unknown video codec: %x", job->vcodec);
            goto error;
    track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
    track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

    track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.num        = job->par.num;
    track->st->sample_aspect_ratio.den        = job->par.den;
    track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num = job->par.num;
    track->st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.den = job->par.den;
    track->st->codec->width                   = job->width;
    track->st->codec->height                  = job->height;
    track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;

    hb_rational_t vrate = job->vrate;

    // If the vrate is the internal clock rate, there's a good chance
    // this is a standard rate that we have in our hb_video_rates table.
    // Because of rounding errors and approximations made while
    // measuring framerate, the actual value may not be exact.  So
    // we look for rates that are "close" and make an adjustment
    // to fps.den.
    if (vrate.num == clock)
        const hb_rate_t *video_framerate = NULL;
        while ((video_framerate = hb_video_framerate_get_next(video_framerate)) != NULL)
            if (abs(vrate.den - video_framerate->rate) < 10)
                vrate.den = video_framerate->rate;
    hb_reduce(&vrate.num, &vrate.den, vrate.num, vrate.den);
    if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
        // libavformat mp4 muxer requires that the codec time_base have the
        // same denominator as the stream time_base, it uses it for the
        // mdhd timescale.
        double scale = (double)track->st->time_base.den / vrate.num;
        track->st->codec->time_base.den = track->st->time_base.den;
        track->st->codec->time_base.num = vrate.den * scale;
        track->st->codec->time_base.num = vrate.den;
        track->st->codec->time_base.den = vrate.num;
    track->st->avg_frame_rate.num = vrate.num;
    track->st->avg_frame_rate.den = vrate.den;

    /* add the audio tracks */
    for(ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_audio ); ii++ )
        audio = hb_list_item( job->list_audio, ii );
        track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
        audio->priv.mux_data = track;

        track->type = MUX_TYPE_AUDIO;

        track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
        if (track->st == NULL)
            hb_error("Could not initialize audio stream");
            goto error;
        avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

        track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
        track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
        if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
            track->st->codec->time_base.num = audio->config.out.samples_per_frame;
            track->st->codec->time_base.den = audio->config.out.samplerate;
            track->st->time_base.num = 1;
            track->st->time_base.den = audio->config.out.samplerate;
            track->st->codec->time_base = m->time_base;
            track->st->time_base = m->time_base;

        priv_data = NULL;
        priv_size = 0;
        switch (audio->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_MASK)
            case HB_ACODEC_DCA:
            case HB_ACODEC_DCA_HD:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_DTS;
            case HB_ACODEC_AC3:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AC3;
            case HB_ACODEC_FFEAC3:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_EAC3;
            case HB_ACODEC_FFTRUEHD:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEHD;
            case HB_ACODEC_LAME:
            case HB_ACODEC_MP3:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MP3;
            case HB_ACODEC_VORBIS:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_VORBIS;

                int jj, size = 0;
                ogg_packet *ogg_headers[3];

                for (jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                    ogg_headers[jj] = (ogg_packet *)audio->priv.config.vorbis.headers[jj];
                    size += ogg_headers[jj]->bytes + 2;

                priv_size = size;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("Vorbis extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;

                size = 0;
                for(jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
                    AV_WB16(priv_data + size, ogg_headers[jj]->bytes);
                    size += 2;
                    memcpy(priv_data+size, ogg_headers[jj]->packet,
                    size += ogg_headers[jj]->bytes;
            } break;
            case HB_ACODEC_FFFLAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FFFLAC24:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_FLAC;

                if (audio->priv.config.extradata.length)
                    priv_size = audio->priv.config.extradata.length;
                    priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                    if (priv_data == NULL)
                        hb_error("FLAC extradata: malloc failure");
                        goto error;
            case HB_ACODEC_FFAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_HAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_HAAC:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC;

                // libav mkv muxer expects there to be extradata for
                // AAC and will crash if it is NULL.
                // Also, libav can over-read the buffer by up to 8 bytes
                // when it fills it's get_bits cache.
                // So allocate extra bytes
                priv_size = audio->priv.config.extradata.length;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("AAC extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;

                // AAC from pass-through source may be ADTS.
                // Therefore inserting "aac_adtstoasc" bitstream filter is
                // preferred.
                // The filter does nothing for non-ADTS bitstream.
                if (audio->config.out.codec == HB_ACODEC_AAC_PASS)
                    track->bitstream_filter = av_bitstream_filter_init("aac_adtstoasc");
                hb_error("muxavformat: Unknown audio codec: %x",
                goto error;
        track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
        track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

        if( default_track_flag )
            track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;
            default_track_flag = 0;

        lang = lookup_lang_code(job->mux, audio->config.lang.iso639_2 );
        if (lang != NULL)
            av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "language", lang, 0);
        track->st->codec->sample_rate = audio->config.out.samplerate;
        if (audio->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_PASS_FLAG)
            track->st->codec->channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(audio->;
            track->st->codec->channel_layout = audio->;
            track->st->codec->channels = hb_mixdown_get_discrete_channel_count(audio->config.out.mixdown);
            track->st->codec->channel_layout = hb_ff_mixdown_xlat(audio->config.out.mixdown, NULL);

        char *name;
        if (audio-> == NULL)
            switch (track->st->codec->channels)
                case 1:
                    name = "Mono";

                case 2:
                    name = "Stereo";

                    name = "Surround";
            name = audio->;
        // Set audio track title
        av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "title", name, 0);
        if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
            // Some software (MPC, mediainfo) use hdlr description
            // for track title
            av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "handler", name, 0);

    // Check for audio track associations
    for (ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count(job->list_audio); ii++)
        audio = hb_list_item(job->list_audio, ii);
        switch (audio->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_MASK)
            case HB_ACODEC_FFAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_CA_HAAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_AAC:
            case HB_ACODEC_FDK_HAAC:

                // Mark associated fallback audio tracks for any non-aac track
                for(jj = 0; jj < hb_list_count( job->list_audio ); jj++ )
                    hb_audio_t    * fallback;
                    int             codec;

                    if (ii == jj) continue;

                    fallback = hb_list_item( job->list_audio, jj );
                    codec = fallback->config.out.codec & HB_ACODEC_MASK;
                    if (fallback-> == audio-> &&
                        (codec == HB_ACODEC_FFAAC ||
                         codec == HB_ACODEC_CA_AAC ||
                         codec == HB_ACODEC_CA_HAAC ||
                         codec == HB_ACODEC_FDK_AAC ||
                         codec == HB_ACODEC_FDK_HAAC))
                        hb_mux_data_t * fallback_track;
                        int           * sd;

                        track = audio->priv.mux_data;
                        fallback_track = fallback->priv.mux_data;
                        sd = (int*)av_stream_new_side_data(track->st,
                        if (sd != NULL)
                            *sd = fallback_track->st->index;
            } break;

    char * subidx_fmt =
        "size: %dx%d\n"
        "org: %d, %d\n"
        "scale: 100%%, 100%%\n"
        "alpha: 100%%\n"
        "smooth: OFF\n"
        "fadein/out: 50, 50\n"
        "align: OFF at LEFT TOP\n"
        "time offset: 0\n"
        "forced subs: %s\n"
        "palette: %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, "
        "%06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x, %06x\n"
        "custom colors: OFF, tridx: 0000, "
        "colors: 000000, 000000, 000000, 000000\n";

    int subtitle_default = -1;
    for( ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle ); ii++ )
        hb_subtitle_t *subtitle = hb_list_item( job->list_subtitle, ii );

        if( subtitle->config.dest == PASSTHRUSUB )
            if ( subtitle->config.default_track )
                subtitle_default = ii;
    // Quicktime requires that at least one subtitle is enabled,
    // else it doesn't show any of the subtitles.
    // So check to see if any of the subtitles are flagged to be
    // the defualt.  The default will the the enabled track, else
    // enable the first track.
    if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4 && subtitle_default == -1)
        subtitle_default = 0;

    for( ii = 0; ii < hb_list_count( job->list_subtitle ); ii++ )
        hb_subtitle_t * subtitle;
        uint32_t        rgb[16];
        char            subidx[2048];
        int             len;

        subtitle = hb_list_item( job->list_subtitle, ii );
        if (subtitle->config.dest != PASSTHRUSUB)

        track = m->tracks[m->ntracks++] = calloc(1, sizeof( hb_mux_data_t ) );
        subtitle->mux_data = track;

        track->type = MUX_TYPE_SUBTITLE;
        track->st = avformat_new_stream(m->oc, NULL);
        if (track->st == NULL)
            hb_error("Could not initialize subtitle stream");
            goto error;
        avcodec_get_context_defaults3(track->st->codec, NULL);

        track->st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE;
        track->st->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
        track->st->time_base = m->time_base;
        track->st->codec->time_base = m->time_base;
        track->st->codec->width = subtitle->width;
        track->st->codec->height = subtitle->height;

        priv_data = NULL;
        priv_size = 0;
        switch (subtitle->source)
            case VOBSUB:
                int jj;
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_DVD_SUBTITLE;

                for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++)
                    rgb[jj] = hb_yuv2rgb(subtitle->palette[jj]);
                len = snprintf(subidx, 2048, subidx_fmt,
                        subtitle->width, subtitle->height,
                        0, 0, "OFF",
                        rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3],
                        rgb[4], rgb[5], rgb[6], rgb[7],
                        rgb[8], rgb[9], rgb[10], rgb[11],
                        rgb[12], rgb[13], rgb[14], rgb[15]);

                priv_size = len + 1;
                priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                if (priv_data == NULL)
                    hb_error("VOBSUB extradata: malloc failure");
                    goto error;
                memcpy(priv_data, subidx, priv_size);
            } break;

            case PGSSUB:
                track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_PGS_SUBTITLE;
            } break;

            case CC608SUB:
            case CC708SUB:
            case TX3GSUB:
            case SRTSUB:
            case UTF8SUB:
            case SSASUB:
                if (job->mux == HB_MUX_AV_MP4)
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT;
                    track->st->codec->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_SSA;
                    need_fonts = 1;

                    if (subtitle->extradata_size)
                        priv_size = subtitle->extradata_size;
                        priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
                        if (priv_data == NULL)
                            hb_error("SSA extradata: malloc failure");
                            goto error;
                        memcpy(priv_data, subtitle->extradata, priv_size);
            } break;

        if (track->st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT)
            // Build codec extradata for tx3g.
            // If we were using a libav codec to generate this data
            // this would (or should) be done for us.
            uint8_t properties[] = {
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Display Flags
                0x01,                       // Horiz. Justification
                0xff,                       // Vert. Justification
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,     // Bg color
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Default text box
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,     // Reserved
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Font ID
                0x00,                       // Font face
                0x18,                       // Font size
                0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,     // Fg color
                // Font table:
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12,     // Font table size
                'f','t','a','b',            // Tag
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Count
                0x00, 0x01,                 // Font ID
                0x05,                       // Font name length
                'A','r','i','a','l'         // Font name

            int width, height = 60;
            width = job->width * job->par.num / job->par.den;
            track->st->codec->width = width;
            track->st->codec->height = height;
            properties[14] = height >> 8;
            properties[15] = height & 0xff;
            properties[16] = width >> 8;
            properties[17] = width & 0xff;

            priv_size = sizeof(properties);
            priv_data = av_malloc(priv_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
            if (priv_data == NULL)
                hb_error("TX3G extradata: malloc failure");
                goto error;
            memcpy(priv_data, properties, priv_size);
        track->st->codec->extradata = priv_data;
        track->st->codec->extradata_size = priv_size;

        if (ii == subtitle_default)
            track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;
        if (subtitle->config.default_track)
            track->st->disposition |= AV_DISPOSITION_FORCED;

        lang = lookup_lang_code(job->mux, subtitle->iso639_2 );
        if (lang != NULL)
            av_dict_set(&track->st->metadata, "language", lang, 0);
Esempio n. 6
 * DecodePreviews
 * Decode 10 pictures for the given title.
 * It assumes that data->reader and data->vts have successfully been
 * DVDOpen()ed and ifoOpen()ed.
static int DecodePreviews( hb_scan_t * data, hb_title_t * title, int flush )
    int                i, npreviews = 0, abort = 0;
    hb_buffer_t      * buf, * buf_es;
    hb_buffer_list_t   list_es;
    int                progressive_count = 0;
    int                pulldown_count = 0;
    int                doubled_frame_count = 0;
    int                interlaced_preview_count = 0;
    int                vid_samples = 0;
    int                frame_wait = 0;
    int                cc_wait = 10;
    int                frames;
    hb_stream_t      * stream = NULL;
    info_list_t      * info_list;
    int                abort_audio = 0;

    info_list = calloc(data->preview_count+1, sizeof(*info_list));
    crop_record_t *crops = crop_record_init( data->preview_count );


    if( data->batch )
        hb_log( "scan: decoding previews for title %d (%s)", title->index, title->path );
        hb_log( "scan: decoding previews for title %d", title->index );

    if (data->bd)
        hb_bd_start( data->bd, title );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->dvd)
        hb_dvd_start( data->dvd, title, 1 );
        title->angle_count = hb_dvd_angle_count( data->dvd );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->batch)
        stream = hb_stream_open(data->h, title->path, title, 0);
    else if (data->stream)
        stream = hb_stream_open(data->h, data->path, title, 0);

    if (title->video_codec == WORK_NONE)
        hb_error("No video decoder set!");
        return 0;
    hb_work_object_t *vid_decoder = hb_get_work(data->h, title->video_codec);
    vid_decoder->codec_param = title->video_codec_param;
    vid_decoder->title = title;

    if (vid_decoder->init(vid_decoder, NULL))
        hb_error("Decoder init failed!");
        free( vid_decoder );
        return 0;

    for( i = 0; i < data->preview_count; i++ )
        int j;

        UpdateState3(data, i + 1);

        if ( *data->die )
            free( info_list );
            crop_record_free( crops );
            vid_decoder->close( vid_decoder );
            free( vid_decoder );
            return 0;
        if (data->bd)
            if( !hb_bd_seek( data->bd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        if (data->dvd)
            if( !hb_dvd_seek( data->dvd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        else if (stream)
            /* we start reading streams at zero rather than 1/11 because
             * short streams may have only one sequence header in the entire
             * file and we need it to decode any previews.
             * Also, seeking to position 0 loses the palette of avi files
             * so skip initial seek */
            if (i != 0)
                if (!hb_stream_seek(stream,
                                    (float)i / (data->preview_count + 1.0)))
                hb_stream_set_need_keyframe(stream, 1);

        hb_deep_log( 2, "scan: preview %d", i + 1 );

        if (flush && vid_decoder->flush)
            vid_decoder->flush( vid_decoder );
        if (title->flags & HBTF_NO_IDR)
            if (!flush)
                // If we are doing the first previews decode attempt,
                // set this threshold high so that we get the best
                // quality frames possible.
                frame_wait = 100;
                // If we failed to get enough valid frames in the first
                // previews decode attempt, lower the threshold to improve
                // our chances of getting something to work with.
                frame_wait = 10;
            // For certain mpeg-2 streams, libav is delivering a
            // dummy first frame that is all black.  So always skip
            // one frame
            frame_wait = 1;
        frames = 0;

        hb_buffer_t * vid_buf = NULL, * last_vid_buf = NULL;

        int packets = 0;
        vid_decoder->frame_count = 0;
        while (vid_decoder->frame_count < PREVIEW_READ_THRESH ||
              (!AllAudioOK(title) && packets < 10000))
            if ((buf = read_buf(data, stream)) == NULL)
                // If we reach EOF and no audio, don't continue looking for
                // audio
                abort_audio = 1;
                if (vid_buf != NULL || last_vid_buf != NULL)
                hb_log("Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped",
                       i + 1 );

                // If we reach EOF and no video, don't continue looking for
                // video
                abort = 1;
                goto skip_preview;

            if (buf->size <= 0)
                // Ignore "null" frames

            (hb_demux[title->demuxer])(buf, &list_es, 0 );

            while ((buf_es = hb_buffer_list_rem_head(&list_es)) != NULL)
                if( buf_es-> == title->video_id && vid_buf == NULL )
                    vid_decoder->work( vid_decoder, &buf_es, &vid_buf );
                    // There are 2 conditions we decode additional
                    // video frames for during scan.
                    // 1. We did not detect IDR frames, so the initial video
                    //    frames may be corrupt.  We docode extra frames to
                    //    increase the probability of a complete preview frame
                    // 2. Some frames do not contain CC data, even though
                    //    CCs are present in the stream.  So we need to decode
                    //    additional frames to find the CCs.
                    if (vid_buf != NULL && (frame_wait || cc_wait))
                        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
                        if (vid_decoder->info(vid_decoder, &vid_info))
                            if (is_close_to(vid_info.rate.den, 900900, 100) &&
                                (vid_buf->s.flags & PIC_FLAG_REPEAT_FIRST_FIELD))
                                /* Potentially soft telecine material */

                            if (vid_buf->s.flags & PIC_FLAG_REPEAT_FRAME)
                                // AVCHD-Lite specifies that all streams are
                                // 50 or 60 fps.  To produce 25 or 30 fps, camera
                                // makers are repeating all frames.

                            if (is_close_to(vid_info.rate.den, 1126125, 100 ))
                                // Frame FPS is 23.976 (meaning it's
                                // progressive), so start keeping track of
                                // how many are reporting at that speed. When
                                // enough show up that way, we want to make
                                // that the overall title FPS.

                        if (frames > 0 && vid_buf->s.frametype == HB_FRAME_I)
                            frame_wait = 0;
                        if (frame_wait || cc_wait)
                            last_vid_buf = vid_buf;
                            vid_buf = NULL;
                            if (frame_wait) frame_wait--;
                            if (cc_wait) cc_wait--;
                else if (!AllAudioOK(title) && !abort_audio)
                    LookForAudio( data, title, buf_es );
                    buf_es = NULL;
                if ( buf_es )
                    hb_buffer_close( &buf_es );

            if (vid_buf && (abort_audio || AllAudioOK(title)))

        if (vid_buf == NULL)
            vid_buf = last_vid_buf;
            last_vid_buf = NULL;

        if (vid_buf == NULL)
            hb_log( "scan: could not get a decoded picture" );

        /* Get size and rate infos */

        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        if( !vid_decoder->info( vid_decoder, &vid_info ) )
             * Could not fill vid_info, don't continue and try to use vid_info
             * in this case.
            hb_log( "scan: could not get a video information" );
            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );

        if (vid_info.geometry.width  != vid_buf->f.width ||
            vid_info.geometry.height != vid_buf->f.height)
            hb_log( "scan: video geometry information does not match buffer" );
            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
        remember_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        /* Check preview for interlacing artifacts */
        if( hb_detect_comb( vid_buf, 10, 30, 9, 10, 30, 9 ) )
            hb_deep_log( 2, "Interlacing detected in preview frame %i", i+1);

        if( data->store_previews )
            hb_save_preview( data->h, title->index, i, vid_buf );

        /* Detect black borders */

        int top, bottom, left, right;
        int h4 = vid_info.geometry.height / 4, w4 = vid_info.geometry.width / 4;

        // When widescreen content is matted to 16:9 or 4:3 there's sometimes
        // a thin border on the outer edge of the matte. On TV content it can be
        // "line 21" VBI data that's normally hidden in the overscan. For HD
        // content it can just be a diagnostic added in post production so that
        // the frame borders are visible. We try to ignore these borders so
        // we can crop the matte. The border width depends on the resolution
        // (12 pixels on 1080i looks visually the same as 4 pixels on 480i)
        // so we allow the border to be up to 1% of the frame height.
        const int border = vid_info.geometry.height / 100;

        for ( top = border; top < h4; ++top )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, top ) )
        if ( top <= border )
            // we never made it past the border region - see if the rows we
            // didn't check are dark or if we shouldn't crop at all.
            for ( top = 0; top < border; ++top )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, top ) )
            if ( top >= border )
                top = 0;
        for ( bottom = border; bottom < h4; ++bottom )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, vid_info.geometry.height - 1 - bottom ) )
        if ( bottom <= border )
            for ( bottom = 0; bottom < border; ++bottom )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, vid_info.geometry.height - 1 - bottom ) )
            if ( bottom >= border )
                bottom = 0;
        for ( left = 0; left < w4; ++left )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( vid_buf, top, bottom, left ) )
        for ( right = 0; right < w4; ++right )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( vid_buf, top, bottom, vid_info.geometry.width - 1 - right ) )

        // only record the result if all the crops are less than a quarter of
        // the frame otherwise we can get fooled by frames with a lot of black
        // like titles, credits & fade-thru-black transitions.
        if ( top < h4 && bottom < h4 && left < w4 && right < w4 )
            record_crop( crops, top, bottom, left, right );

        /* Make sure we found audio rates and bitrates */
        for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); j++ )
            hb_audio_t * audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, j );
            if ( audio->priv.scan_cache )
                hb_fifo_flush( audio->priv.scan_cache );
        if (vid_buf)
            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
        if (abort)
    UpdateState3(data, i);

    vid_decoder->close( vid_decoder );
    free( vid_decoder );

    if (stream != NULL)

    if ( npreviews )
        // use the most common frame info for our final title dimensions
        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        most_common_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        title->has_resolution_change = has_resolution_change( info_list );
        if ( title->video_codec_name == NULL )
            title->video_codec_name = strdup( );
        title->geometry.width = vid_info.geometry.width;
        title->geometry.height = vid_info.geometry.height;
        if (vid_info.rate.num && vid_info.rate.den)
            // if the frame rate is very close to one of our "common"
            // framerates, assume it actually is said frame rate;
            // e.g. some 24000/1001 sources may have a rate.den of 1126124
            // instead of 1126125
            const hb_rate_t *video_framerate = NULL;
            while ((video_framerate = hb_video_framerate_get_next(video_framerate)) != NULL)
                if (is_close_to(vid_info.rate.den, video_framerate->rate, 100))
                    vid_info.rate.den = video_framerate->rate;
            title->vrate = vid_info.rate;
            if( vid_info.rate.den == 900900 )
                if (vid_samples >= 4 && pulldown_count >= vid_samples / 4)
                    title->vrate.den = 1126125;
                    hb_deep_log( 2, "Pulldown detected, setting fps to 23.976" );
                if (vid_samples >= 2 && progressive_count >= vid_samples / 2)
                    // We've already deduced that the frame rate is 23.976,
                    // so set it back again.
                    title->vrate.den = 1126125;
                    hb_deep_log( 2, "Title's mostly NTSC Film, setting fps to 23.976" );
            if (vid_samples >= 2 && doubled_frame_count >= 3 * vid_samples / 4)
                // We've detected that a significant number of the frames
                // have been doubled in duration by repeat flags.
                title->vrate.den = 2 * vid_info.rate.den;
                hb_deep_log(2, "Repeat frames detected, setting fps to %.3f",
                            (float)title->vrate.num / title->vrate.den );
        title->video_bitrate = vid_info.bitrate;

        if( vid_info.geometry.par.num && vid_info.geometry.par.den )
            title->geometry.par = vid_info.geometry.par;
        title->color_prim = vid_info.color_prim;
        title->color_transfer = vid_info.color_transfer;
        title->color_matrix = vid_info.color_matrix;

        title->video_decode_support = vid_info.video_decode_support;

        // compute the aspect ratio based on the storage dimensions and PAR.
        hb_reduce(&title->dar.num, &title->dar.den,
                  title->geometry.par.num * title->geometry.width,
                  title->geometry.height * title->geometry.par.den);

        // For unknown reasons some French PAL DVDs put the original
        // content's aspect ratio into the mpeg PAR even though it's
        // the wrong PAR for the DVD. Apparently they rely on the fact
        // that DVD players ignore the content PAR and just use the
        // aspect ratio from the DVD metadata. So, if the aspect computed
        // from the PAR is different from the container's aspect we use
        // the container's aspect & recompute the PAR from it.
        if (data->dvd &&
            (title->dar.num != title->container_dar.num ||
             title->dar.den != title->container_dar.den))
            hb_log("scan: content PAR gives wrong aspect %d:%d; "
                   "using container aspect %d:%d",
                   title->dar.num, title->dar.den,
                   title->container_dar.num, title->container_dar.den);
            title->dar = title->container_dar;
            hb_reduce(&title->geometry.par.num, &title->geometry.par.den,
                      title->geometry.height * title->dar.num,
                      title->geometry.width * title->dar.den);

        // don't try to crop unless we got at least 3 previews
        if ( crops->n > 2 )
            sort_crops( crops );
            // The next line selects median cropping - at least
            // 50% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            // Other possible choices are loose cropping (i = 0) where
            // no non-black pixels will be cropped from any frame and a
            // tight cropping (i = crops->n - (crops->n >> 2)) where at
            // least 75% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            i = crops->n >> 1;
            title->crop[0] = EVEN( crops->t[i] );
            title->crop[1] = EVEN( crops->b[i] );
            title->crop[2] = EVEN( crops->l[i] );
            title->crop[3] = EVEN( crops->r[i] );

        hb_log( "scan: %d previews, %dx%d, %.3f fps, autocrop = %d/%d/%d/%d, "
                "aspect %s, PAR %d:%d",
                npreviews, title->geometry.width, title->geometry.height,
                (float)title->vrate.num / title->vrate.den,
                title->crop[0], title->crop[1], title->crop[2], title->crop[3],
                title->geometry.par.num, title->geometry.par.den);

        if (title->video_decode_support != HB_DECODE_SUPPORT_SW)
            hb_log("scan: supported video decoders:%s%s",
                   !(title->video_decode_support & HB_DECODE_SUPPORT_SW)    ? "" : " avcodec",
                   !(title->video_decode_support & HB_DECODE_SUPPORT_QSV)   ? "" : " qsv");

        if( interlaced_preview_count >= ( npreviews / 2 ) )
            hb_log("Title is likely interlaced or telecined (%i out of %i previews). You should do something about that.",
                   interlaced_preview_count, npreviews);
            title->detected_interlacing = 1;
            title->detected_interlacing = 0;
Esempio n. 7
static void ScanFunc( void * _data )
    hb_scan_t  * data = (hb_scan_t *) _data;
    hb_title_t * title;
    int          i;
    int          feature = 0;

    data->bd = NULL;
    data->dvd = NULL;
    data->stream = NULL;

    /* Try to open the path as a DVD. If it fails, try as a file */
    if( ( data->bd = hb_bd_init( data->path ) ) )
        hb_log( "scan: BD has %d title(s)",
                hb_bd_title_count( data->bd ) );
        if( data->title_index )
            /* Scan this title only */
            hb_list_add( data->list_title, hb_bd_title_scan( data->bd,
                         data->title_index, 0 ) );
            /* Scan all titles */
            for( i = 0; i < hb_bd_title_count( data->bd ); i++ )
                hb_list_add( data->list_title, hb_bd_title_scan( data->bd, 
                             i + 1, data->min_title_duration ) );
            feature = hb_bd_main_feature( data->bd, data->list_title );
    else if( ( data->dvd = hb_dvd_init( data->path ) ) )
        hb_log( "scan: DVD has %d title(s)",
                hb_dvd_title_count( data->dvd ) );
        if( data->title_index )
            /* Scan this title only */
            hb_list_add( data->list_title, hb_dvd_title_scan( data->dvd,
                            data->title_index, 0 ) );
            /* Scan all titles */
            for( i = 0; i < hb_dvd_title_count( data->dvd ); i++ )
                hb_list_add( data->list_title, hb_dvd_title_scan( data->dvd, 
                            i + 1, data->min_title_duration ) );
            feature = hb_dvd_main_feature( data->dvd, data->list_title );
    else if ( ( data->batch = hb_batch_init( data->path ) ) )
        if( data->title_index )
            /* Scan this title only */
            title = hb_batch_title_scan( data->batch, data->title_index );
            if ( title )
                hb_list_add( data->list_title, title );
            /* Scan all titles */
            for( i = 0; i < hb_batch_title_count( data->batch ); i++ )
                hb_title_t * title;

                title = hb_batch_title_scan( data->batch, i + 1 );
                if ( title != NULL )
                    hb_list_add( data->list_title, title );
        hb_title_t * title = hb_title_init( data->path, 0 );
        if ( (data->stream = hb_stream_open( data->path, title, 1 ) ) != NULL )
            title = hb_stream_title_scan( data->stream, title );
            if ( title )
                hb_list_add( data->list_title, title );
            hb_title_close( &title );
            hb_log( "scan: unrecognized file type" );

    for( i = 0; i < hb_list_count( data->list_title ); )
        int j;
        hb_state_t state;
        hb_audio_t * audio;

        if ( *data->die )
            goto finish;
        title = hb_list_item( data->list_title, i );

#define p state.param.scanning
        /* Update the UI */
        state.state   = HB_STATE_SCANNING;
        p.title_cur   = title->index;
        p.title_count = data->dvd ? hb_dvd_title_count( data->dvd ) : 
                        data->bd ? hb_bd_title_count( data->bd ) :
                        data->batch ? hb_batch_title_count( data->batch ) :
        hb_set_state( data->h, &state );
#undef p

        /* Decode previews */
        /* this will also detect more AC3 / DTS information */
        if( !DecodePreviews( data, title ) )
            /* TODO: free things */
            hb_list_rem( data->list_title, title );
            for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); j++)
                audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, j );
                if ( audio->priv.scan_cache )
                    hb_fifo_flush( audio->priv.scan_cache );
                    hb_fifo_close( &audio->priv.scan_cache );
            hb_title_close( &title );

        /* Make sure we found audio rates and bitrates */
        for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); )
            audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, j );
            if ( audio->priv.scan_cache )
                hb_fifo_flush( audio->priv.scan_cache );
                hb_fifo_close( &audio->priv.scan_cache );
            if( !audio-> )
                hb_log( "scan: removing audio 0x%x because no bitrate found",
                        audio->id );
                hb_list_rem( title->list_audio, audio );
                free( audio );

        if ( data->dvd || data->bd )
            // The subtitle width and height needs to be set to the 
            // title widht and height for DVDs.  title width and
            // height don't get set until we decode previews, so
            // we can't set subtitle width/height till we get here.
            for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_subtitle ); j++ )
                hb_subtitle_t *subtitle = hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, j );
                if ( subtitle->source == VOBSUB || subtitle->source == PGSSUB )
                    subtitle->width = title->width;
                    subtitle->height = title->height;

    /* Init jobs templates */
    for( i = 0; i < hb_list_count( data->list_title ); i++ )
        hb_job_t * job;

        title      = hb_list_item( data->list_title, i );
        job        = calloc( sizeof( hb_job_t ), 1 );
        title->job = job;

        job->title = title;
        job->feature = feature;

        /* Set defaults settings */
        job->chapter_start = 1;
        job->chapter_end   = hb_list_count( title->list_chapter );

        /* Autocrop by default. Gnark gnark */
        memcpy( job->crop, title->crop, 4 * sizeof( int ) );

        /* Preserve a source's pixel aspect, if it's available. */
        if( title->pixel_aspect_width && title->pixel_aspect_height )
            job->anamorphic.par_width  = title->pixel_aspect_width;
            job->anamorphic.par_height = title->pixel_aspect_height;

        if( title->aspect != 0 && title->aspect != 1. &&
            !job->anamorphic.par_width && !job->anamorphic.par_height)
            hb_reduce( &job->anamorphic.par_width, &job->anamorphic.par_height,
                       (int)(title->aspect * title->height + 0.5), title->width );

        job->width = title->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
        hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_WIDTH );
        if( job->height > title->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1] )
            job->height = title->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
            hb_fix_aspect( job, HB_KEEP_HEIGHT );

        hb_log( "scan: title (%d) job->width:%d, job->height:%d",
                i, job->width, job->height );

        job->keep_ratio = 1;

        job->vcodec     = HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MPEG4;
        job->vquality   = -1.0;
        job->vbitrate   = 1000;
        job->pass       = 0;
        job->vrate      = title->rate;
        job->vrate_base = title->rate_base;

        job->list_audio = hb_list_init();
        job->list_subtitle = hb_list_init();
        job->list_filter = hb_list_init();

        job->mux = HB_MUX_MP4;


    if( data->bd )
        hb_bd_close( &data->bd );
    if( data->dvd )
        hb_dvd_close( &data->dvd );
    if (data->stream)
    if( data->batch )
        hb_batch_close( &data->batch );
    free( data->path );
    free( data );
    _data = NULL;
Esempio n. 8
 * DecodePreviews
 * Decode 10 pictures for the given title.
 * It assumes that data->reader and data->vts have successfully been
 * DVDOpen()ed and ifoOpen()ed.
static int DecodePreviews( hb_scan_t * data, hb_title_t * title )
    int             i, npreviews = 0;
    hb_buffer_t   * buf, * buf_es;
    hb_list_t     * list_es;
    int progressive_count = 0;
    int pulldown_count = 0;
    int doubled_frame_count = 0;
    int interlaced_preview_count = 0;
    info_list_t * info_list = calloc( data->preview_count+1, sizeof(*info_list) );
    crop_record_t *crops = crop_record_init( data->preview_count );

    list_es  = hb_list_init();

    if( data->batch )
        hb_log( "scan: decoding previews for title %d (%s)", title->index, title->path );
        hb_log( "scan: decoding previews for title %d", title->index );

    if (data->bd)
        hb_bd_start( data->bd, title );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->dvd)
        hb_dvd_start( data->dvd, title, 1 );
        title->angle_count = hb_dvd_angle_count( data->dvd );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->batch)
        data->stream = hb_stream_open( title->path, title, 1 );

    int vcodec = title->video_codec? title->video_codec : WORK_DECMPEG2;
#if defined(USE_FF_MPEG2)
    if (vcodec == WORK_DECMPEG2)
        vcodec = WORK_DECAVCODECV;
        title->video_codec_param = CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;
    hb_work_object_t *vid_decoder = hb_get_work( vcodec );
    vid_decoder->codec_param = title->video_codec_param;
    vid_decoder->title = title;
    vid_decoder->init( vid_decoder, NULL );

    for( i = 0; i < data->preview_count; i++ )
        int j;

        if ( *data->die )
            free( info_list );
            crop_record_free( crops );
            return 0;
        if (data->bd)
            if( !hb_bd_seek( data->bd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        if (data->dvd)
            if( !hb_dvd_seek( data->dvd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        else if (data->stream)
          /* we start reading streams at zero rather than 1/11 because
           * short streams may have only one sequence header in the entire
           * file and we need it to decode any previews. */
          if (!hb_stream_seek(data->stream, (float) i / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )

        hb_deep_log( 2, "scan: preview %d", i + 1 );

        if ( vid_decoder->flush )
            vid_decoder->flush( vid_decoder );

        hb_buffer_t * vid_buf = NULL;

        for( j = 0; j < 10240 ; j++ )
            if (data->bd)
              if( (buf = hb_bd_read( data->bd )) == NULL )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
            else if (data->dvd)
              if( (buf = hb_dvd_read( data->dvd )) == NULL )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
            else if (data->stream)
              if ( (buf = hb_stream_read( data->stream )) == NULL )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
                // Silence compiler warning
                buf = NULL;
                hb_error( "Error: This can't happen!" );
                goto skip_preview;

            (hb_demux[title->demuxer])(buf, list_es, 0 );

            while( ( buf_es = hb_list_item( list_es, 0 ) ) )
                hb_list_rem( list_es, buf_es );
                if( buf_es-> == title->video_id && vid_buf == NULL )
                    vid_decoder->work( vid_decoder, &buf_es, &vid_buf );
                else if( ! AllAudioOK( title ) ) 
                    LookForAudio( title, buf_es );
                    buf_es = NULL;
                if ( buf_es )
                    hb_buffer_close( &buf_es );

            if( vid_buf && AllAudioOK( title ) )

        if( ! vid_buf )
            hb_log( "scan: could not get a decoded picture" );

        /* Get size and rate infos */

        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        if( !vid_decoder->info( vid_decoder, &vid_info ) )
             * Could not fill vid_info, don't continue and try to use vid_info
             * in this case.
            if (vid_buf)
                hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
            hb_log( "scan: could not get a video information" );

        remember_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        if( is_close_to( vid_info.rate_base, 900900, 100 ) &&
            ( vid_buf->s.flags & PIC_FLAG_REPEAT_FIRST_FIELD ) )
            /* Potentially soft telecine material */

        if( vid_buf->s.flags & PIC_FLAG_REPEAT_FRAME )
            // AVCHD-Lite specifies that all streams are
            // 50 or 60 fps.  To produce 25 or 30 fps, camera
            // makers are repeating all frames.

        if( is_close_to( vid_info.rate_base, 1126125, 100 ) )
            // Frame FPS is 23.976 (meaning it's progressive), so start keeping
            // track of how many are reporting at that speed. When enough 
            // show up that way, we want to make that the overall title FPS.

        while( ( buf_es = hb_list_item( list_es, 0 ) ) )
            hb_list_rem( list_es, buf_es );
            hb_buffer_close( &buf_es );

        /* Check preview for interlacing artifacts */
        if( hb_detect_comb( vid_buf, 10, 30, 9, 10, 30, 9 ) )
            hb_deep_log( 2, "Interlacing detected in preview frame %i", i+1);
        if( data->store_previews )
            hb_save_preview( data->h, title->index, i, vid_buf );

        /* Detect black borders */

        int top, bottom, left, right;
        int h4 = vid_info.height / 4, w4 = vid_info.width / 4;

        // When widescreen content is matted to 16:9 or 4:3 there's sometimes
        // a thin border on the outer edge of the matte. On TV content it can be
        // "line 21" VBI data that's normally hidden in the overscan. For HD
        // content it can just be a diagnostic added in post production so that
        // the frame borders are visible. We try to ignore these borders so
        // we can crop the matte. The border width depends on the resolution
        // (12 pixels on 1080i looks visually the same as 4 pixels on 480i)
        // so we allow the border to be up to 1% of the frame height.
        const int border = vid_info.height / 100;

        for ( top = border; top < h4; ++top )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, top ) )
        if ( top <= border )
            // we never made it past the border region - see if the rows we
            // didn't check are dark or if we shouldn't crop at all.
            for ( top = 0; top < border; ++top )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, top ) )
            if ( top >= border )
                top = 0;
        for ( bottom = border; bottom < h4; ++bottom )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, vid_info.height - 1 - bottom ) )
        if ( bottom <= border )
            for ( bottom = 0; bottom < border; ++bottom )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( vid_buf, vid_info.height - 1 - bottom ) )
            if ( bottom >= border )
                bottom = 0;
        for ( left = 0; left < w4; ++left )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( vid_buf, top, bottom, left ) )
        for ( right = 0; right < w4; ++right )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( vid_buf, top, bottom, vid_info.width - 1 - right ) )

        // only record the result if all the crops are less than a quarter of
        // the frame otherwise we can get fooled by frames with a lot of black
        // like titles, credits & fade-thru-black transitions.
        if ( top < h4 && bottom < h4 && left < w4 && right < w4 )
            record_crop( crops, top, bottom, left, right );

        /* Make sure we found audio rates and bitrates */
        for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); j++ )
            hb_audio_t * audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, j );
            if ( audio->priv.scan_cache )
                hb_fifo_flush( audio->priv.scan_cache );
        if (vid_buf)
            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
    vid_decoder->close( vid_decoder );
    free( vid_decoder );

    if ( data->batch && data->stream )
        hb_stream_close( &data->stream );

    if ( npreviews )
        // use the most common frame info for our final title dimensions
        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        most_common_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        title->has_resolution_change = has_resolution_change( info_list );
        if ( title->video_codec_name == NULL )
            title->video_codec_name = strdup( );
        title->width = vid_info.width;
        title->height = vid_info.height;
        if ( vid_info.rate && vid_info.rate_base )
            // if the frame rate is very close to one of our "common" framerates,
            // assume it actually is said frame rate; e.g. some 24000/1001 sources
            // may have a rate_base of 1126124 (instead of 1126125)
            for( i = 0; i < hb_video_rates_count; i++ )
                if( is_close_to( vid_info.rate_base, hb_video_rates[i].rate, 100 ) )
                    vid_info.rate_base = hb_video_rates[i].rate;
            title->rate = vid_info.rate;
            title->rate_base = vid_info.rate_base;
            if( vid_info.rate_base == 900900 )
                if( pulldown_count >= npreviews / 4 )
                    title->rate_base = 1126125;
                    hb_deep_log( 2, "Pulldown detected, setting fps to 23.976" );
                if( progressive_count >= npreviews / 2 )
                    // We've already deduced that the frame rate is 23.976,
                    // so set it back again.
                    title->rate_base = 1126125;
                    hb_deep_log( 2, "Title's mostly NTSC Film, setting fps to 23.976" );
            if( doubled_frame_count >= 3 * npreviews / 4 )
                // We've detected that a significant number of the frames
                // have been doubled in duration by repeat flags.
                title->rate_base = 2 * vid_info.rate_base;
                hb_deep_log( 2, "Repeat frames detected, setting fps to %.3f", (float)title->rate / title->rate_base );
        title->video_bitrate = vid_info.bitrate;

        if( vid_info.pixel_aspect_width && vid_info.pixel_aspect_height )
            title->pixel_aspect_width = vid_info.pixel_aspect_width;
            title->pixel_aspect_height = vid_info.pixel_aspect_height;
        title->color_prim = vid_info.color_prim;
        title->color_transfer = vid_info.color_transfer;
        title->color_matrix = vid_info.color_matrix;

        // compute the aspect ratio based on the storage dimensions and the
        // pixel aspect ratio (if supplied) or just storage dimensions if no PAR.
        title->aspect = (double)title->width / (double)title->height;
        title->aspect *= (double)title->pixel_aspect_width /

        // For unknown reasons some French PAL DVDs put the original
        // content's aspect ratio into the mpeg PAR even though it's
        // the wrong PAR for the DVD. Apparently they rely on the fact
        // that DVD players ignore the content PAR and just use the
        // aspect ratio from the DVD metadata. So, if the aspect computed
        // from the PAR is different from the container's aspect we use
        // the container's aspect & recompute the PAR from it.
        if( title->container_aspect && (int)(title->aspect * 9) != (int)(title->container_aspect * 9) )
            hb_log("scan: content PAR gives wrong aspect %.2f; "
                   "using container aspect %.2f", title->aspect,
                   title->container_aspect );
            title->aspect = title->container_aspect;
            hb_reduce( &title->pixel_aspect_width, &title->pixel_aspect_height,
                       (int)(title->aspect * title->height + 0.5), title->width );

        // don't try to crop unless we got at least 3 previews
        if ( crops->n > 2 )
            sort_crops( crops );
            // The next line selects median cropping - at least
            // 50% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            // Other possible choices are loose cropping (i = 0) where 
            // no non-black pixels will be cropped from any frame and a
            // tight cropping (i = crops->n - (crops->n >> 2)) where at
            // least 75% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            i = crops->n >> 1;
            title->crop[0] = EVEN( crops->t[i] );
            title->crop[1] = EVEN( crops->b[i] );
            title->crop[2] = EVEN( crops->l[i] );
            title->crop[3] = EVEN( crops->r[i] );

        hb_log( "scan: %d previews, %dx%d, %.3f fps, autocrop = %d/%d/%d/%d, "
                "aspect %s, PAR %d:%d",
                npreviews, title->width, title->height, (float) title->rate /
                (float) title->rate_base,
                title->crop[0], title->crop[1], title->crop[2], title->crop[3],
                aspect_to_string( title->aspect ), title->pixel_aspect_width,
                title->pixel_aspect_height );

        if( interlaced_preview_count >= ( npreviews / 2 ) )
            hb_log("Title is likely interlaced or telecined (%i out of %i previews). You should do something about that.",
                   interlaced_preview_count, npreviews);
            title->detected_interlacing = 1;
            title->detected_interlacing = 0;
Esempio n. 9
 * DecodePreviews
 * Decode 10 pictures for the given title.
 * It assumes that data->reader and data->vts have successfully been
 * DVDOpen()ed and ifoOpen()ed.
static int DecodePreviews( hb_scan_t * data, hb_title_t * title )
    int             i, npreviews = 0;
    hb_buffer_t   * buf_ps, * buf_es;
    hb_list_t     * list_es;
    int progressive_count = 0;
    int interlaced_preview_count = 0;
    info_list_t * info_list = calloc( data->preview_count+1, sizeof(*info_list) );
    crop_record_t *crops = calloc( 1, sizeof(*crops) );

    buf_ps   = hb_buffer_init( HB_DVD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE );
    list_es  = hb_list_init();

    hb_log( "scan: decoding previews for title %d", title->index );

    if (data->bd)
        hb_bd_start( data->bd, title );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->dvd)
        hb_dvd_start( data->dvd, title, 1 );
        title->angle_count = hb_dvd_angle_count( data->dvd );
        hb_log( "scan: title angle(s) %d", title->angle_count );
    else if (data->batch)
        data->stream = hb_stream_open( title->path, title );

    for( i = 0; i < data->preview_count; i++ )
        int j;
        FILE * file_preview;
        char   filename[1024];

        if ( *data->die )
            return 0;
        if (data->bd)
            if( !hb_bd_seek( data->bd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        if (data->dvd)
            if( !hb_dvd_seek( data->dvd, (float) ( i + 1 ) / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )
        else if (data->stream)
          /* we start reading streams at zero rather than 1/11 because
           * short streams may have only one sequence header in the entire
           * file and we need it to decode any previews. */
          if (!hb_stream_seek(data->stream, (float) i / ( data->preview_count + 1.0 ) ) )

        hb_deep_log( 2, "scan: preview %d", i + 1 );

        int vcodec = title->video_codec? title->video_codec : WORK_DECMPEG2;
#if defined(USE_FF_MPEG2)
        if (vcodec == WORK_DECMPEG2)
            vcodec = WORK_DECAVCODECV;
            title->video_codec_param = CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO;
        hb_work_object_t *vid_decoder = hb_get_work( vcodec );
        vid_decoder->codec_param = title->video_codec_param;
        vid_decoder->title = title;
        vid_decoder->init( vid_decoder, NULL );
        hb_buffer_t * vid_buf = NULL;
        int vidskip = 0;

        if ( title->flags & HBTF_NO_IDR )
            // title doesn't have IDR frames so we decode but drop one second's
            // worth of frames to allow the decoder to converge.
            if ( ! title->rate_base )
                vidskip = 30;
                vidskip = (double)title->rate / (double)title->rate_base + 0.5;
            // If it's a BD, we can relax this a bit. Since seeks will
            // at least get us to a recovery point.
            if (data->bd)
                vidskip = 4;

        for( j = 0; j < 10240 ; j++ )
            if (data->bd)
              if( !hb_bd_read( data->bd, buf_ps ) )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
            if (data->dvd)
              if( !hb_dvd_read( data->dvd, buf_ps ) )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
            else if (data->stream)
              if ( !hb_stream_read(data->stream,buf_ps) )
                  if ( vid_buf )
                  hb_log( "Warning: Could not read data for preview %d, skipped", i + 1 );
                  goto skip_preview;
            (hb_demux[title->demuxer])(buf_ps, list_es, 0 );

            while( ( buf_es = hb_list_item( list_es, 0 ) ) )
                hb_list_rem( list_es, buf_es );
                if( buf_es->id == title->video_id && vid_buf == NULL )
                    vid_decoder->work( vid_decoder, &buf_es, &vid_buf );
                    if ( vid_buf && vidskip && --vidskip > 0 )
                        // we're dropping frames to get the video decoder in sync
                        // when the video stream doesn't contain IDR frames
                        while (vid_buf && --vidskip >= 0)
                            hb_buffer_t * next = vid_buf->next;
                            vid_buf->next = NULL;
                            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
                            vid_buf = next;
                else if( ! AllAudioOK( title ) ) 
                    LookForAudio( title, buf_es );
                    buf_es = NULL;
                if ( buf_es )
                    hb_buffer_close( &buf_es );

            if( vid_buf && AllAudioOK( title ) )

        if( ! vid_buf )
            hb_log( "scan: could not get a decoded picture" );

        /* Get size and rate infos */

        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        if( !vid_decoder->info( vid_decoder, &vid_info ) )
             * Could not fill vid_info, don't continue and try to use vid_info
             * in this case.
            if (vid_buf)
                hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );
            vid_decoder->close( vid_decoder );
            free( vid_decoder );
        vid_decoder->close( vid_decoder );
        free( vid_decoder );

        remember_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        title->video_codec_name = strdup( );
        title->width = vid_info.width;
        title->height = vid_info.height;
        title->rate = vid_info.rate;
        title->rate_base = vid_info.rate_base;
        title->video_bitrate = vid_info.bitrate;

        if( title->rate_base == 1126125 )
            /* Frame FPS is 23.976 (meaning it's progressive), so
               start keeping track of how many are reporting at
               that speed. When enough show up that way, we want
               to make that the overall title FPS.

            if( progressive_count < 6 )
                /* Not enough frames are reporting as progressive,
                   which means we should be conservative and use
                   29.97 as the title's FPS for now.
                title->rate_base = 900900;
                /* A majority of the scan frames are progressive. Make that
                    the title's FPS, and announce it once to the log.
                if( progressive_count == 6 )
                    hb_deep_log( 2, "Title's mostly NTSC Film, setting fps to 23.976");
                title->rate_base = 1126125;
        else if( title->rate_base == 900900 && progressive_count >= 6 )
             * We've already deduced that the frame rate is 23.976, so set it
             * back again.
            title->rate_base = 1126125;

        while( ( buf_es = hb_list_item( list_es, 0 ) ) )
            hb_list_rem( list_es, buf_es );
            hb_buffer_close( &buf_es );

        /* Check preview for interlacing artifacts */
        if( hb_detect_comb( vid_buf, title->width, title->height, 10, 30, 9, 10, 30, 9 ) )
            hb_deep_log( 2, "Interlacing detected in preview frame %i", i+1);
        if( data->store_previews )
            hb_get_tempory_filename( data->h, filename, "%d_%d_%d",
                                     hb_get_instance_id(data->h), title->index, i );

            file_preview = fopen( filename, "wb" );
            if( file_preview )
                fwrite( vid_buf->data, title->width * title->height * 3 / 2,
                        1, file_preview );
                fclose( file_preview );
                hb_log( "scan: fopen failed (%s)", filename );

        /* Detect black borders */

#define Y    vid_buf->data
        int top, bottom, left, right;
        int h4 = title->height / 4, w4 = title->width / 4;

        // When widescreen content is matted to 16:9 or 4:3 there's sometimes
        // a thin border on the outer edge of the matte. On TV content it can be
        // "line 21" VBI data that's normally hidden in the overscan. For HD
        // content it can just be a diagnostic added in post production so that
        // the frame borders are visible. We try to ignore these borders so
        // we can crop the matte. The border width depends on the resolution
        // (12 pixels on 1080i looks visually the same as 4 pixels on 480i)
        // so we allow the border to be up to 1% of the frame height.
        const int border = title->height / 100;

        for ( top = border; top < h4; ++top )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( title, Y, top ) )
        if ( top <= border )
            // we never made it past the border region - see if the rows we
            // didn't check are dark or if we shouldn't crop at all.
            for ( top = 0; top < border; ++top )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( title, Y, top ) )
            if ( top >= border )
                top = 0;
        for ( bottom = border; bottom < h4; ++bottom )
            if ( ! row_all_dark( title, Y, title->height - 1 - bottom ) )
        if ( bottom <= border )
            for ( bottom = 0; bottom < border; ++bottom )
                if ( ! row_all_dark( title, Y, title->height - 1 - bottom ) )
            if ( bottom >= border )
                bottom = 0;
        for ( left = 0; left < w4; ++left )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( title, Y, top, bottom, left ) )
        for ( right = 0; right < w4; ++right )
            if ( ! column_all_dark( title, Y, top, bottom, title->width - 1 - right ) )

        // only record the result if all the crops are less than a quarter of
        // the frame otherwise we can get fooled by frames with a lot of black
        // like titles, credits & fade-thru-black transitions.
        if ( top < h4 && bottom < h4 && left < w4 && right < w4 )
            record_crop( crops, top, bottom, left, right );

        /* Make sure we found audio rates and bitrates */
        for( j = 0; j < hb_list_count( title->list_audio ); j++ )
            hb_audio_t * audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, j );
            if ( audio->priv.scan_cache )
                hb_fifo_flush( audio->priv.scan_cache );
        if (vid_buf)
            hb_buffer_close( &vid_buf );

    if ( data->batch && data->stream )
        hb_stream_close( &data->stream );

    if ( npreviews )
        // use the most common frame info for our final title dimensions
        hb_work_info_t vid_info;
        most_common_info( info_list, &vid_info );

        title->width = vid_info.width;
        title->height = vid_info.height;
        title->pixel_aspect_width = vid_info.pixel_aspect_width;
        title->pixel_aspect_height = vid_info.pixel_aspect_height;

        // compute the aspect ratio based on the storage dimensions and the
        // pixel aspect ratio (if supplied) or just storage dimensions if no PAR.
        title->aspect = (double)title->width / (double)title->height;
        if( title->pixel_aspect_width && title->pixel_aspect_height )
            title->aspect *= (double)title->pixel_aspect_width /

            // For unknown reasons some French PAL DVDs put the original
            // content's aspect ratio into the mpeg PAR even though it's
            // the wrong PAR for the DVD. Apparently they rely on the fact
            // that DVD players ignore the content PAR and just use the
            // aspect ratio from the DVD metadata. So, if the aspect computed
            // from the PAR is different from the container's aspect we use
            // the container's aspect & recompute the PAR from it.
            if( title->container_aspect && (int)(title->aspect * 9) != (int)(title->container_aspect * 9) )
                hb_log("scan: content PAR gives wrong aspect %.2f; "
                       "using container aspect %.2f", title->aspect,
                       title->container_aspect );
                title->aspect = title->container_aspect;
                hb_reduce( &title->pixel_aspect_width, &title->pixel_aspect_height,
                           (int)(title->aspect * title->height + 0.5), title->width );

        // don't try to crop unless we got at least 3 previews
        if ( crops->n > 2 )
            sort_crops( crops );
            // The next line selects median cropping - at least
            // 50% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            // Other possible choices are loose cropping (i = 0) where 
            // no non-black pixels will be cropped from any frame and a
            // tight cropping (i = crops->n - (crops->n >> 2)) where at
            // least 75% of the frames will have their borders removed.
            i = crops->n >> 1;
            title->crop[0] = EVEN( crops->t[i] );
            title->crop[1] = EVEN( crops->b[i] );
            title->crop[2] = EVEN( crops->l[i] );
            title->crop[3] = EVEN( crops->r[i] );
        free( crops );

        hb_log( "scan: %d previews, %dx%d, %.3f fps, autocrop = %d/%d/%d/%d, "
                "aspect %s, PAR %d:%d",
                npreviews, title->width, title->height, (float) title->rate /
                (float) title->rate_base,
                title->crop[0], title->crop[1], title->crop[2], title->crop[3],
                aspect_to_string( title->aspect ), title->pixel_aspect_width,
                title->pixel_aspect_height );

        if( interlaced_preview_count >= ( npreviews / 2 ) )
            hb_log("Title is likely interlaced or telecined (%i out of %i previews). You should do something about that.",
                   interlaced_preview_count, npreviews);
            title->detected_interlacing = 1;
            title->detected_interlacing = 0;