Esempio n. 1
static int mp_setup_usr (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, cs_t *mp_sys, cs_t *mp_usr, const char *buf, const u32 userindex)
  FILE *fp = fopen (buf, "rb");

  if (fp == NULL) // feof() in case if file is empty
    const int rc = mp_expand (hashcat_ctx, buf, strlen (buf), mp_sys, mp_usr, userindex, 1);

    if (rc == -1) return -1;
    char mp_file[1024];

    const size_t nread = hc_fread (mp_file, 1, sizeof (mp_file) - 1, fp);

    if (!feof (fp))
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Custom charset file is too large.", buf);

      fclose (fp);

      return -1;

    fclose (fp);

    if (nread == 0)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Custom charset file is empty.", buf);

      return -1;

    mp_file[nread] = 0;

    const size_t len = superchop_with_length (mp_file, nread);

    if (len == 0)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Custom charset file is corrupted.", buf);

      return -1;

    const int rc = mp_expand (hashcat_ctx, mp_file, len, mp_sys, mp_usr, userindex, 0);

    if (rc == -1) return -1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
static int sp_setup_tbl (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  folder_config_t *folder_config = hashcat_ctx->folder_config;
  mask_ctx_t      *mask_ctx      = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx;
  user_options_t  *user_options  = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  char *shared_dir = folder_config->shared_dir;

  char *hcstat  = user_options->markov_hcstat;
  u32   disable = user_options->markov_disable;
  u32   classic = user_options->markov_classic;

  hcstat_table_t *root_table_buf   = mask_ctx->root_table_buf;
  hcstat_table_t *markov_table_buf = mask_ctx->markov_table_buf;

   * Initialize hcstats

  u64 *root_stats_buf = (u64 *) hccalloc (SP_ROOT_CNT, sizeof (u64));

  u64 *root_stats_ptr = root_stats_buf;

  u64 *root_stats_buf_by_pos[SP_PW_MAX];

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    root_stats_buf_by_pos[i] = root_stats_ptr;

    root_stats_ptr += CHARSIZ;

  u64 *markov_stats_buf = (u64 *) hccalloc (SP_MARKOV_CNT, sizeof (u64));

  u64 *markov_stats_ptr = markov_stats_buf;

  u64 *markov_stats_buf_by_key[SP_PW_MAX][CHARSIZ];

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < CHARSIZ; j++)
      markov_stats_buf_by_key[i][j] = markov_stats_ptr;

      markov_stats_ptr += CHARSIZ;

   * Load hcstats File

  char hcstat_tmp[256];

  if (hcstat == NULL)
    snprintf (hcstat_tmp, sizeof (hcstat_tmp), "%s/%s", shared_dir, SP_HCSTAT);

    hcstat = hcstat_tmp;

  struct stat s;

  if (stat (hcstat, &s) == -1)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hcstat, strerror (errno));

    return -1;

  FILE *fd = fopen (hcstat, "rb");

  if (fd == NULL)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hcstat, strerror (errno));

    return -1;

  u8 *inbuf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (s.st_size);

  SizeT inlen = (SizeT) hc_fread (inbuf, 1, s.st_size, fd);

  if (inlen != (SizeT) s.st_size)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Could not read data.", hcstat);

    fclose (fd);

    hcfree (inbuf);

    return -1;

  fclose (fd);

  u8 *outbuf = (u8 *) hcmalloc (SP_FILESZ);

  SizeT outlen = SP_FILESZ;

  const char props = 0x1c; // lzma properties constant, retrieved with 7z2hashcat

  const SRes res = hc_lzma2_decompress (inbuf, &inlen, outbuf, &outlen, &props);

  if (res != SZ_OK)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Could not uncompress data.", hcstat);

    hcfree (inbuf);
    hcfree (outbuf);

    return -1;

  if (outlen != SP_FILESZ)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Could not uncompress data.", hcstat);

    hcfree (inbuf);
    hcfree (outbuf);

    return -1;

  u64 *ptr = (u64 *) outbuf;

  u64 v = *ptr++;
  u64 z = *ptr++;

  memcpy (root_stats_buf,   ptr, sizeof (u64) * SP_ROOT_CNT);   ptr += SP_ROOT_CNT;
  memcpy (markov_stats_buf, ptr, sizeof (u64) * SP_MARKOV_CNT); // ptr += SP_MARKOV_CNT;

  hcfree (inbuf);
  hcfree (outbuf);

   * switch endianess

  v = byte_swap_64 (v);
  z = byte_swap_64 (z);

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_ROOT_CNT; i++)   root_stats_buf[i]   = byte_swap_64 (root_stats_buf[i]);
  for (int i = 0; i < SP_MARKOV_CNT; i++) markov_stats_buf[i] = byte_swap_64 (markov_stats_buf[i]);

   * verify header

  if (v != SP_VERSION)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Invalid header", hcstat);

    return -1;

  if (z != 0)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Invalid header", hcstat);

    return -1;

   * Markov modifier of hcstat_table on user request

  if (disable)
    memset (root_stats_buf,   0, SP_ROOT_CNT   * sizeof (u64));
    memset (markov_stats_buf, 0, SP_MARKOV_CNT * sizeof (u64));

  if (classic)
    /* Add all stats to first position */

    for (int i = 1; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
      u64 *out = root_stats_buf_by_pos[0];
      u64 *in  = root_stats_buf_by_pos[i];

      for (int j = 0; j < CHARSIZ; j++)
        *out++ += *in++;

    for (int i = 1; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
      u64 *out = markov_stats_buf_by_key[0][0];
      u64 *in  = markov_stats_buf_by_key[i][0];

      for (int j = 0; j < CHARSIZ; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < CHARSIZ; k++)
          *out++ += *in++;

    /* copy them to all pw_positions */

    for (int i = 1; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
      memcpy (root_stats_buf_by_pos[i], root_stats_buf_by_pos[0], CHARSIZ * sizeof (u64));

    for (int i = 1; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
      memcpy (markov_stats_buf_by_key[i][0], markov_stats_buf_by_key[0][0], CHARSIZ * CHARSIZ * sizeof (u64));

   * Initialize tables

  hcstat_table_t *root_table_ptr = root_table_buf;

  hcstat_table_t *root_table_buf_by_pos[SP_PW_MAX];

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    root_table_buf_by_pos[i] = root_table_ptr;

    root_table_ptr += CHARSIZ;

  hcstat_table_t *markov_table_ptr = markov_table_buf;

  hcstat_table_t *markov_table_buf_by_key[SP_PW_MAX][CHARSIZ];

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < CHARSIZ; j++)
      markov_table_buf_by_key[i][j] = markov_table_ptr;

      markov_table_ptr += CHARSIZ;

   * Convert hcstat to tables

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_ROOT_CNT; i++)
    u32 key = i % CHARSIZ;

    root_table_buf[i].key = key;
    root_table_buf[i].val = root_stats_buf[i];

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_MARKOV_CNT; i++)
    u32 key = i % CHARSIZ;

    markov_table_buf[i].key = key;
    markov_table_buf[i].val = markov_stats_buf[i];

  hcfree (root_stats_buf);
  hcfree (markov_stats_buf);

   * Finally sort them

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    qsort (root_table_buf_by_pos[i], CHARSIZ, sizeof (hcstat_table_t), sp_comp_val);

  for (int i = 0; i < SP_PW_MAX; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < CHARSIZ; j++)
      qsort (markov_table_buf_by_key[i][j], CHARSIZ, sizeof (hcstat_table_t), sp_comp_val);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int hashes_init_stage1 (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashconfig_t          *hashconfig         = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
  hashes_t              *hashes             = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
  user_options_t        *user_options       = hashcat_ctx->user_options;
  user_options_extra_t  *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra;

   * load hashes, part I: find input mode, count hashes

  const char *hashfile      = hashes->hashfile;
  const u32   hashlist_mode = hashes->hashlist_mode;

  u32 hashlist_format = HLFMT_HASHCAT;

  u64 hashes_avail = 0;

  if ((user_options->benchmark == false) && (user_options->stdout_flag == false) && (user_options->keyspace == false))
    if (hashlist_mode == HL_MODE_ARG)
      if ((hashconfig->hash_mode == 2500) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 2501))
        struct stat st;

        if (stat (hashes->hashfile, &st) == -1)
          event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hashes->hashfile, strerror (errno));

          return -1;

        // 392 = old hccap_t size

        if ((st.st_size % 392) == 0)
          const int rc = check_old_hccap (hashes->hashfile);

          if (rc == 1)
            event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Old hccap format detected! You need to update:", hashes->hashfile);

            return -1;

        hashes_avail = st.st_size / sizeof (hccapx_t);
      else if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 14600)
        struct stat st;

        if (stat (hashes->hashfile, &st) == -1)
          event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hashes->hashfile, strerror (errno));

          return -1;

        hashes_avail = LUKS_NUMKEYS;
        hashes_avail = 1;
    else if (hashlist_mode == HL_MODE_FILE)
      FILE *fp = NULL;

      if ((fp = fopen (hashfile, "rb")) == NULL)
        event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hashfile, strerror (errno));

        return -1;

      EVENT_DATA (EVENT_HASHLIST_COUNT_LINES_PRE, hashfile, strlen (hashfile));

      hashes_avail = count_lines (fp);

      EVENT_DATA (EVENT_HASHLIST_COUNT_LINES_POST, hashfile, strlen (hashfile));

      rewind (fp);

      if (hashes_avail == 0)
        event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "hashfile is empty or corrupt.");

        fclose (fp);

        return -1;

      hashlist_format = hlfmt_detect (hashcat_ctx, fp, 100); // 100 = max numbers to "scan". could be hashes_avail, too

      if ((user_options->remove == true) && (hashlist_format != HLFMT_HASHCAT))
        event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Use of --remove is not supported in native hashfile-format mode.");

        fclose (fp);

        return -1;

      fclose (fp);
    hashes_avail = 1;

  if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000) hashes_avail *= 2;

  hashes->hashlist_format = hashlist_format;

   * load hashes, part II: allocate required memory, set pointers

  hash_t *hashes_buf     = (hash_t *) hccalloc (hashes_avail, sizeof (hash_t));
  void   *digests_buf    =            hccalloc (hashes_avail, hashconfig->dgst_size);
  salt_t *salts_buf      = NULL;
  void   *esalts_buf     = NULL;
  void   *hook_salts_buf = NULL;

  if ((user_options->username == true) || (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY) || (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_SPLIT))
    u32 hash_pos;

    for (hash_pos = 0; hash_pos < hashes_avail; hash_pos++)
      hashinfo_t *hash_info = (hashinfo_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hashinfo_t));

      hashes_buf[hash_pos].hash_info = hash_info;

      if (user_options->username == true)
        hash_info->user = (user_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (user_t));

      if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY)
        if (user_options->benchmark == false)
          hash_info->orighash = (char *) hcmalloc (256);

      if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_SPLIT)
        hash_info->split = (split_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (split_t));

  if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
    salts_buf = (salt_t *) hccalloc (hashes_avail, sizeof (salt_t));

    if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0)
      esalts_buf = hccalloc (hashes_avail, hashconfig->esalt_size);

    if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0)
      hook_salts_buf = (seven_zip_hook_salt_t *) hccalloc (hashes_avail, hashconfig->hook_salt_size);
    salts_buf = (salt_t *) hccalloc (1, sizeof (salt_t));

  for (u32 hash_pos = 0; hash_pos < hashes_avail; hash_pos++)
    hashes_buf[hash_pos].digest = ((char *) digests_buf) + (hash_pos * hashconfig->dgst_size);

    if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
      hashes_buf[hash_pos].salt = &salts_buf[hash_pos];

      if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0)
        hashes_buf[hash_pos].esalt = ((char *) esalts_buf) + (hash_pos * hashconfig->esalt_size);

      if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0)
        hashes_buf[hash_pos].hook_salt = ((char *) hook_salts_buf) + (hash_pos * hashconfig->hook_salt_size);
      hashes_buf[hash_pos].salt = &salts_buf[0];

  hashes->hashes_buf     = hashes_buf;
  hashes->digests_buf    = digests_buf;
  hashes->salts_buf      = salts_buf;
  hashes->esalts_buf     = esalts_buf;
  hashes->hook_salts_buf = hook_salts_buf;

   * load hashes, part III: parse hashes or generate them if benchmark

  u32 hashes_cnt = 0;

  if (user_options->benchmark == true)
    hashconfig_benchmark_defaults (hashcat_ctx, hashes_buf[0].salt, hashes_buf[0].esalt, hashes_buf[0].hook_salt);

    hashes->hashfile = "-";

    hashes_cnt = 1;
  else if (user_options->example_hashes == true)
  else if (user_options->keyspace == true)
  else if (user_options->stdout_flag == true)
  else if (user_options->opencl_info == true)
    if (hashes_avail == 0)
      // ???
    else if (hashlist_mode == HL_MODE_ARG)
      char *input_buf = user_options_extra->hc_hash;

      size_t input_len = strlen (input_buf);

      char  *hash_buf = NULL;
      size_t hash_len = 0;

      hlfmt_hash (hashcat_ctx, hashlist_format, input_buf, input_len, &hash_buf, &hash_len);

      bool hash_fmt_error = 0;

      if (hash_len < 1)     hash_fmt_error = 1;
      if (hash_buf == NULL) hash_fmt_error = 1;

      if (hash_fmt_error)
        event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Failed to parse hashes using the '%s' format.", strhlfmt (hashlist_format));
        if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY)
          hashinfo_t *hash_info_tmp = hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info;

          hash_info_tmp->orighash = hcstrdup (hash_buf);

        if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
          memset (hashes_buf[0].salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t));

        if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0)
          memset (hashes_buf[0].esalt, 0, hashconfig->esalt_size);

        if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0)
          memset (hashes_buf[0].hook_salt, 0, hashconfig->hook_salt_size);

        int parser_status = PARSER_OK;

        if ((hashconfig->hash_mode == 2500) || (hashconfig->hash_mode == 2501))
          hashes->hashlist_mode = HL_MODE_FILE;

          FILE *fp = fopen (hash_buf, "rb");

          if (fp == NULL)
            event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hash_buf, strerror (errno));

            return -1;

          char *in = (char *) hcmalloc (sizeof (hccapx_t));

          while (!feof (fp))
            const size_t nread = hc_fread (in, sizeof (hccapx_t), 1, fp);

            if (nread == 0) break;

            if (hashes_avail == hashes_cnt)
              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s': File changed during runtime. Skipping new data.", hash_buf);


            if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
              memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t));

            if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0)
              memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].esalt, 0, hashconfig->esalt_size);

              if ((user_options->hash_mode == 2500) || (user_options->hash_mode == 2501))
                wpa_t *wpa = (wpa_t *) hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].esalt;

                if (user_options->hccapx_message_pair_chgd == true)
                  wpa->message_pair_chgd = (int) user_options->hccapx_message_pair_chgd;
                  wpa->message_pair      = (u8)  user_options->hccapx_message_pair;

                wpa->nonce_error_corrections = user_options->nonce_error_corrections;

            if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0)
              memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hook_salt, 0, hashconfig->hook_salt_size);

            parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) in, sizeof (hccapx_t), &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status != PARSER_OK)
              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s': %s", hash_buf, strparser (parser_status));



          hcfree (in);

          fclose (fp);
        else if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
          if (hash_len == 32)
            parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, 16, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = 0;
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_LEFT;

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hash '%s': %s", input_buf, strparser (parser_status));

            parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf + 16, 16, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = 0;
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_RIGHT;

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hash '%s': %s", input_buf, strparser (parser_status));
            parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, (u32) hash_len, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = 0;
              hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_NONE;

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hash '%s': %s", input_buf, strparser (parser_status));
        else if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 14600)
          hashes->hashlist_mode = HL_MODE_FILE;

          for (int keyslot_idx = 0; keyslot_idx < LUKS_NUMKEYS; keyslot_idx++)
            parser_status = luks_parse_hash ((u8 *) hash_buf, (u32) hash_len, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig, keyslot_idx);

            if (parser_status != PARSER_OK)
              if (parser_status != PARSER_LUKS_KEY_DISABLED)
                event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s': %s", hash_buf, strparser (parser_status));


          parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, (u32) hash_len, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

          if (parser_status == PARSER_OK)
            event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hash '%s': %s", input_buf, strparser (parser_status));
    else if (hashlist_mode == HL_MODE_FILE)
      FILE *fp;

      if ((fp = fopen (hashfile, "rb")) == NULL)
        event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", hashfile, strerror (errno));

        return -1;

      u32 line_num = 0;

      char *line_buf = (char *) hcmalloc (HCBUFSIZ_LARGE);

      time_t prev = 0;
      time_t now  = 0;

      while (!feof (fp))

        const size_t line_len = fgetl (fp, line_buf);

        if (line_len == 0) continue;

        if (hashes_avail == hashes_cnt)
          event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s' on line %u: File changed during runtime. Skipping new data.", hashes->hashfile, line_num);


        char  *hash_buf = NULL;
        size_t hash_len = 0;

        hlfmt_hash (hashcat_ctx, hashlist_format, line_buf, line_len, &hash_buf, &hash_len);

        bool hash_fmt_error = 0;

        if (hash_len < 1)     hash_fmt_error = 1;
        if (hash_buf == NULL) hash_fmt_error = 1;

        if (hash_fmt_error)
          event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Failed to parse hashes using the '%s' format.", strhlfmt (hashlist_format));


        if (user_options->username == true)
          char  *user_buf = NULL;
          size_t user_len = 0;

          hlfmt_user (hashcat_ctx, hashlist_format, line_buf, line_len, &user_buf, &user_len);

          // special case:
          // both hash_t need to have the username info if the pwdump format is used (i.e. we have 2 hashes for 3000, both with same user)

          u32 hashes_per_user = 1;

          if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000) // the following conditions should be true if (hashlist_format == HLFMT_PWDUMP)
            if (hash_len == 32)
              hashes_per_user = 2;

          for (u32 i = 0; i < hashes_per_user; i++)
            user_t **user = &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt + i].hash_info->user;

            *user = (user_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (user_t));

            user_t *user_ptr = *user;

            if (user_buf != NULL)
              user_ptr->user_name = hcstrdup (user_buf);
              user_ptr->user_name = hcstrdup ("");

            user_ptr->user_len = (u32) user_len;

        if (hashconfig->opts_type & OPTS_TYPE_HASH_COPY)
          hashinfo_t *hash_info_tmp = hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info;

          hash_info_tmp->orighash = hcstrdup (hash_buf);

        if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
          memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].salt, 0, sizeof (salt_t));

        if (hashconfig->esalt_size > 0)
          memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].esalt, 0, hashconfig->esalt_size);

        if (hashconfig->hook_salt_size > 0)
          memset (hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hook_salt, 0, hashconfig->hook_salt_size);

        if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
          if (hash_len == 32)
            int parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, 16, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status < PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO)
              char *tmp_line_buf;

              hc_asprintf (&tmp_line_buf, "%s", line_buf);

              compress_terminal_line_length (tmp_line_buf, 38, 32);

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s' on line %u (%s): %s", hashes->hashfile, line_num, tmp_line_buf, strparser (parser_status));

              hcfree (tmp_line_buf);


            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = line_num;
            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_LEFT;


            parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf + 16, 16, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status < PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO)
              char *tmp_line_buf;

              hc_asprintf (&tmp_line_buf, "%s", line_buf);

              compress_terminal_line_length (tmp_line_buf, 38, 32);

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s' on line %u (%s): %s", hashes->hashfile, line_num, tmp_line_buf, strparser (parser_status));

              hcfree (tmp_line_buf);


            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = line_num;
            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_RIGHT;

            int parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, (u32) hash_len, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

            if (parser_status < PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO)
              char *tmp_line_buf;

              hc_asprintf (&tmp_line_buf, "%s", line_buf);

              compress_terminal_line_length (tmp_line_buf, 38, 32);

              event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s' on line %u (%s): %s", hashes->hashfile, line_num, tmp_line_buf, strparser (parser_status));

              hcfree (tmp_line_buf);


            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_group  = line_num;
            hashes_buf[hashes_cnt].hash_info->split->split_origin = SPLIT_ORIGIN_NONE;

          int parser_status = hashconfig->parse_func ((u8 *) hash_buf, (u32) hash_len, &hashes_buf[hashes_cnt], hashconfig);

          if (parser_status < PARSER_GLOBAL_ZERO)
            char *tmp_line_buf;

            hc_asprintf (&tmp_line_buf, "%s", line_buf);

            compress_terminal_line_length (tmp_line_buf, 38, 32);

            event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "Hashfile '%s' on line %u (%s): %s", hashes->hashfile, line_num, tmp_line_buf, strparser (parser_status));

            hcfree (tmp_line_buf);



        time (&now);

        if ((now - prev) == 0) continue;

        time (&prev);

        hashlist_parse_t hashlist_parse;

        hashlist_parse.hashes_cnt   = hashes_cnt;
        hashlist_parse.hashes_avail = hashes_avail;

        EVENT_DATA (EVENT_HASHLIST_PARSE_HASH, &hashlist_parse, sizeof (hashlist_parse_t));

      hashlist_parse_t hashlist_parse;

      hashlist_parse.hashes_cnt   = hashes_cnt;
      hashlist_parse.hashes_avail = hashes_avail;

      EVENT_DATA (EVENT_HASHLIST_PARSE_HASH, &hashlist_parse, sizeof (hashlist_parse_t));

      hcfree (line_buf);

      fclose (fp);

  hashes->hashes_cnt = hashes_cnt;

  if (hashes_cnt)

    if (hashconfig->is_salted == true)
      hc_qsort_r (hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash, (void *) hashconfig);
      hc_qsort_r (hashes_buf, hashes_cnt, sizeof (hash_t), sort_by_hash_no_salt, (void *) hashconfig);


  if (hashconfig->hash_mode == 3000)
    // update split split_neighbor after sorting
    // see for good examples for testing

    for (u32 i = 0; i < hashes_cnt; i++)
      split_t *split1 = hashes_buf[i].hash_info->split;

      if (split1->split_origin != SPLIT_ORIGIN_LEFT) continue;

      for (u32 j = 0; j < hashes_cnt; j++)
        split_t *split2 = hashes_buf[j].hash_info->split;

        if (split2->split_origin != SPLIT_ORIGIN_RIGHT) continue;

        if (split1->split_group != split2->split_group) continue;

        split1->split_neighbor = j;
        split2->split_neighbor = i;


  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int module_hash_binary_parse (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra, hashes_t *hashes)
  // note: if module_hash_binary_parse exists, then module_hash_decode is not called

  FILE *fp = fopen (hashes->hashfile, "rb");

  if (fp == NULL) return (PARSER_HASH_FILE);

  #define TC_HEADER_SIZE 512

  char *in = (char *) hcmalloc (TC_HEADER_SIZE);

  const size_t n = hc_fread (in, 1, TC_HEADER_SIZE, fp);

  fclose (fp);

  if (n != TC_HEADER_SIZE) return (PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE);

  hash_t *hashes_buf = hashes->hashes_buf;

  hash_t *hash = &hashes_buf[0];

  const int parser_status = module_hash_decode (hashconfig, hash->digest, hash->salt, hash->esalt, hash->hook_salt, hash->hash_info, in, TC_HEADER_SIZE);

  if (parser_status != PARSER_OK) return 0;

  hcfree (in);

  // keyfiles

  tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash->esalt;

  if (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles)
    char *keyfiles = hcstrdup (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles);

    char *saveptr = NULL;

    char *keyfile = strtok_r (keyfiles, ",", &saveptr);

    while (keyfile)
      if (hc_path_read (keyfile))
        cpu_crc32 (keyfile, (u8 *) tc->keyfile_buf);

      keyfile = strtok_r ((char *) NULL, ",", &saveptr);

    free (keyfiles);

  // keyboard layout mapping

  if (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping)
    if (hc_path_read (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping))
      initialize_keyboard_layout_mapping (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping, tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_buf, &tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_cnt);

  return 1;
Esempio n. 5
void dictstat_read (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashconfig_t   *hashconfig   = hashcat_ctx->hashconfig;
  dictstat_ctx_t *dictstat_ctx = hashcat_ctx->dictstat_ctx;

  if (dictstat_ctx->enabled == false) return;

  if (hashconfig->dictstat_disable == true) return;

  FILE *fp = fopen (dictstat_ctx->filename, "rb");

  if (fp == NULL)
    // first run, file does not exist, do not error out


  // parse header

  u64 v;
  u64 z;

  const size_t nread1 = hc_fread (&v, sizeof (u64), 1, fp);
  const size_t nread2 = hc_fread (&z, sizeof (u64), 1, fp);

  if ((nread1 != 1) || (nread2 != 1))
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Invalid header", dictstat_ctx->filename);

    fclose (fp);


  v = byte_swap_64 (v);
  z = byte_swap_64 (z);

  if ((v & 0xffffffffffffff00) != (DICTSTAT_VERSION & 0xffffffffffffff00))
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Invalid header, ignoring content", dictstat_ctx->filename);

    fclose (fp);


  if (z != 0)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Invalid header, ignoring content", dictstat_ctx->filename);

    fclose (fp);


  if ((v & 0xff) < (DICTSTAT_VERSION & 0xff))
    event_log_warning (hashcat_ctx, "%s: Outdated header version, ignoring content", dictstat_ctx->filename);

    fclose (fp);


  // parse data

  while (!feof (fp))
    dictstat_t d;

    const size_t nread = hc_fread (&d, sizeof (dictstat_t), 1, fp);

    if (nread == 0) continue;

    lsearch (&d, dictstat_ctx->base, &dictstat_ctx->cnt, sizeof (dictstat_t), sort_by_dictstat);

    if (dictstat_ctx->cnt == MAX_DICTSTAT)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "There are too many entries in the %s database. You have to remove/rename it.", dictstat_ctx->filename);


  fclose (fp);