Esempio n. 1
VALUE method_stop_advertising(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_device_id)
    int device_id = FIX2INT(rb_device_id);
    int device_handle = hci_open_dev(device_id);
    hci_le_set_advertise_enable(device_handle, 0x00, 1000);
    return Qnil;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  char *hciDeviceIdOverride = NULL;
  int hciDeviceId = 0;
  int hciSocket;
  struct hci_dev_info hciDevInfo;
  char address[18];

  int previousAdapterState = -1;
  int currentAdapterState;
  const char* adapterState = NULL;

  fd_set rfds;
  struct timeval tv;
  int selectRetval;

  char stdinBuf[256 * 2 + 1];
  char advertisementDataBuf[256];
  int advertisementDataLen = 0;
  char scanDataBuf[256];
  int scanDataLen = 0;
  int len;
  int i;

  memset(&hciDevInfo, 0x00, sizeof(hciDevInfo));

  // remove buffering
  setbuf(stdin, NULL);
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  // setup signal handlers
  signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGKILL, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler);


  hciDeviceIdOverride = getenv("BLENO_HCI_DEVICE_ID");
  if (hciDeviceIdOverride != NULL) {
    hciDeviceId = atoi(hciDeviceIdOverride);
  } else {
    // if no env variable given, use the first available device
    hciDeviceId = hci_get_route(NULL);

  if (hciDeviceId < 0) {
    hciDeviceId = 0; // use device 0, if device id is invalid

  // setup HCI socket
  hciSocket = hci_open_dev(hciDeviceId);
  hciDevInfo.dev_id = hciDeviceId;

  if (hciSocket == -1) {
    printf("adapterState unsupported\n");
    return -1;

  while(1) {
    FD_SET(0, &rfds);
    FD_SET(hciSocket, &rfds);

    tv.tv_sec = 1;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;

    // get HCI dev info for adapter state
    ioctl(hciSocket, HCIGETDEVINFO, (void *)&hciDevInfo);
    currentAdapterState = hci_test_bit(HCI_UP, &hciDevInfo.flags);

    if (previousAdapterState != currentAdapterState) {
      previousAdapterState = currentAdapterState;

      if (!currentAdapterState) {
        adapterState = "poweredOff";
      } else {
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);

        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 1, 1000);

        if (hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000) == -1) {
          if (EPERM == errno) {
            adapterState = "unauthorized";
          } else if (EIO == errno) {
            adapterState = "unsupported";
          } else {
            printf("%d\n", errno);
            adapterState = "unknown";
        } else {
          adapterState = "poweredOn";

      ba2str(&hciDevInfo.bdaddr, address);
      printf("address %s\n", address);
      printf("adapterState %s\n", adapterState);

    selectRetval = select(hciSocket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);

    if (-1 == selectRetval) {
      if (SIGINT == lastSignal || SIGKILL == lastSignal) {
        // done
      } else if (SIGHUP == lastSignal) {
        // stop advertising
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);
      } else if (SIGUSR1 == lastSignal) {
        // stop advertising
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);

        // set scan data
        hci_le_set_scan_response_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&scanDataBuf, scanDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement data
        hci_le_set_advertising_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&advertisementDataBuf, advertisementDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement parameters, mostly to set the advertising interval to 100ms
        hci_le_set_advertising_parameters(hciSocket, 1000);

        // start advertising
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 1, 1000);

        // set scan data
        hci_le_set_scan_response_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&scanDataBuf, scanDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement data
        hci_le_set_advertising_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&advertisementDataBuf, advertisementDataLen, 1000);
    } else if (selectRetval) {
      if (FD_ISSET(0, &rfds)) {
        len = readLine(0, stdinBuf, sizeof(stdinBuf));

        if (len <= 0) {

        i = 0;
        advertisementDataLen = 0;
        while(i < len && stdinBuf[i] != ' ') {
          unsigned int data = 0;
          sscanf(&stdinBuf[i], "%02x", &data);
          advertisementDataBuf[advertisementDataLen] = data;
          i += 2;

        scanDataLen = 0;
        while(i < len && stdinBuf[i] != '\n') {
          unsigned int data = 0;
          sscanf(&stdinBuf[i], "%02x", &data);
          scanDataBuf[scanDataLen] = data;
          i += 2;

        // stop advertising
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);

        // set scan data
        hci_le_set_scan_response_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&scanDataBuf, scanDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement data
        hci_le_set_advertising_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&advertisementDataBuf, advertisementDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement parameters, mostly to set the advertising interval to 100ms
        hci_le_set_advertising_parameters(hciSocket, 1000);

        // start advertising
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 1, 1000);

        // set scan data
        hci_le_set_scan_response_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&scanDataBuf, scanDataLen, 1000);

        // set advertisement data
        hci_le_set_advertising_data(hciSocket, (uint8_t*)&advertisementDataBuf, advertisementDataLen, 1000);

  // stop advertising
  hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);


  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
VALUE method_start_advertising(VALUE klass, VALUE rb_device_id, VALUE random_address)
    struct hci_request rq;
    le_set_advertising_parameters_cp adv_params_cp;
    uint8_t status;
    int device_handle;
    uint16_t interval_100ms = htobs(0x00A0); // 0xA0 * 0.625ms = 100ms

    // open connection to the device
    int device_id = FIX2INT(rb_device_id);
    if (device_id < 0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not find device");
    device_handle = hci_open_dev(device_id);
    if (device_handle < 0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not open device");
    // set advertising data
    memset(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq));
    rq.ogf = OGF_LE_CTL;
    rq.cparam = &advertisements[device_id];
    rq.clen = sizeof(Advertisement);
    rq.rparam = &status;
    rq.rlen = 1;
    hci_send_req(device_handle, &rq, 1000);

    // set advertising params
    memset(&adv_params_cp, 0, sizeof(adv_params_cp));
    adv_params_cp.min_interval = interval_100ms;
    adv_params_cp.max_interval = interval_100ms;
    adv_params_cp.advtype = 0x03; // non-connectable undirected advertising
    adv_params_cp.chan_map = 0x07;// all 3 channels
    if (random_address != Qnil) {
        adv_params_cp.own_bdaddr_type = LE_RANDOM_ADDRESS;
    memset(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq));
    rq.ogf = OGF_LE_CTL;
    rq.cparam = &adv_params_cp;
    rq.rparam = &status;
    rq.rlen = 1;
    hci_send_req(device_handle, &rq, 1000);

    if (random_address != Qnil)
        // set random address
        le_set_random_address_cp random_addr_cp;
        str2ba(StringValuePtr(random_address), &random_addr_cp.bdaddr);
        memset(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq));
        rq.ogf = OGF_LE_CTL;
        rq.ocf = OCF_LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS;
        rq.cparam = &random_addr_cp;
        rq.clen = LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS_CP_SIZE;
        rq.rparam = &status;
        rq.rlen = 1;
        hci_send_req(device_handle, &rq, 1000);

    // turn on advertising
    hci_le_set_advertise_enable(device_handle, 0x01, 1000);

    // and close the connection
    return Qnil;
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  const char *hciDeviceIdOverride = NULL;
  int hciDeviceId = 0;
  int hciSocket;
  struct hci_dev_info hciDevInfo;

  int previousAdapterState = -1;
  int currentAdapterState;
  const char* adapterState = NULL;
  fd_set rfds;
  struct timeval tv;
  int selectRetval;

  char stdinBuf[256 * 2 + 1];
  char advertisementDataBuf[256];
  int advertisementDataLen = 0;
  char scanDataBuf[256];
  int scanDataLen = 0;
  int len;
  int i;

  memset(&hciDevInfo, 0x00, sizeof(hciDevInfo));
  // remove buffering 
  setbuf(stdin, NULL);
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  // setup signal handlers
  signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGKILL, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler);
  signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler);


  if (argc > 1 && strlen(argv[1]) > 0) {
    hciDeviceIdOverride = argv[1];
  if (hciDeviceIdOverride != NULL) {
    hciDeviceId = atoi(hciDeviceIdOverride);
  } else {
    // if no env variable given, use the first available device
    hciDeviceId = hci_get_route(NULL);

  if (hciDeviceId < 0) {
    hciDeviceId = 0; // use device 0, if device id is invalid

  printf("hciDeviceId %d\n", hciDeviceId);

  // setup HCI socket
  hciSocket = hci_open_dev(hciDeviceId);
  hciDevInfo.dev_id = hciDeviceId;

  if (hciSocket == -1) {
    printf("adapterState unsupported\n");
    return -1;

  while(1) {
    FD_SET(0, &rfds);
    FD_SET(hciSocket, &rfds);

    tv.tv_sec = 1;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;

    // get HCI dev info for adapter state
    ioctl(hciSocket, HCIGETDEVINFO, (void *)&hciDevInfo);
    currentAdapterState = hci_test_bit(HCI_UP, &hciDevInfo.flags);

    if (previousAdapterState != currentAdapterState) {
      previousAdapterState = currentAdapterState;

      if (!currentAdapterState) {
        adapterState = "poweredOff";
      } else {
        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000);

        hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 1, 1000);
        if (hci_le_set_advertise_enable(hciSocket, 0, 1000) == -1) {
          switch errno {
          case EPERM:
            adapterState = "unauthorized";
          case EIO:
            adapterState = "unsupported";
          case ETIMEDOUT:
            adapterState = "timedout";
            printf("advertiseErrno %d\n", errno);
            adapterState = "unknown";
        } else {
          adapterState = "poweredOn";

      printf("adapterState %s\n", adapterState);