void sco_demo_init(void){ // status #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE printf("SCO Demo: Sending and receiving audio via portaudio.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO printf("SCO Demo: Sending sine wave, audio output via portaudio.\n"); #else printf("SCO Demo: Sending sine wave, hexdump received data.\n"); #endif #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_ASCII printf("SCO Demo: Sending ASCII blocks, print received data.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_COUNTER printf("SCO Demo: Sending counter value, hexdump received data.\n"); #endif #if (SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE) || (SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE) hci_set_sco_voice_setting(0x60); // linear, unsigned, 16-bit, CVSD #else hci_set_sco_voice_setting(0x03); // linear, unsigned, 8-bit, transparent #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_ASCII phase = 'a'; #endif }
int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ hci_set_sco_voice_setting(0x0060); // PCM, 16 bit, 2's complement, MSB Position 0, setup_audio(); hci_register_sco_packet_handler(&sco_packet_handler); memset((uint8_t *)hsp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(hsp_service_buffer)); hsp_hs_create_service((uint8_t *)hsp_service_buffer, rfcomm_channel_nr, hsp_hs_service_name, 0); hsp_hs_init(rfcomm_channel_nr); hsp_hs_register_packet_handler(packet_handler); sdp_init(); sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, (uint8_t *)hsp_service_buffer); hci_discoverable_control(1); hci_set_class_of_device(0x200418); btstack_stdin_setup(stdin_process); // turn on! hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); return 0; }
void sco_demo_init(void){ // status #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO printf("SCO Demo: Sending sine wave, audio output via portaudio.\n"); #else printf("SCO Demo: Sending sine wave, hexdump received data.\n"); #endif #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_ASCII printf("SCO Demo: Sending ASCII blocks, print received data.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_COUNTER printf("SCO Demo: Sending counter value, hexdump received data.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE #ifdef SCO_WAV_FILENAME wav_file = wav_init(SCO_WAV_FILENAME); const int sample_rate = 8000; const int num_samples = sample_rate * SCO_WAV_DURATION_IN_SECONDS; const int num_channels = 1; const int bytes_per_sample = 1; write_wav_header(wav_file, sample_rate, num_channels, num_samples, bytes_per_sample); num_samples_to_write = num_samples; #endif #endif #ifdef USE_PORTAUDIO int err; PaStreamParameters outputParameters; /* -- initialize PortAudio -- */ err = Pa_Initialize(); if( err != paNoError ) return; /* -- setup input and output -- */ outputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */ outputParameters.channelCount = NUM_CHANNELS; outputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE; outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency; outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; /* -- setup stream -- */ err = Pa_OpenStream( &stream, NULL, // &inputParameters, &outputParameters, SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, paClipOff, /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */ NULL, /* no callback, use blocking API */ NULL ); /* no callback, so no callback userData */ if( err != paNoError ) return; /* -- start stream -- */ err = Pa_StartStream( stream ); if( err != paNoError ) return; #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE != SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE hci_set_sco_voice_setting(0x03); // linear, unsigned, 8-bit, transparent #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_ASCII phase = 'a'; #endif }