const QString FieldInformation::moduleName()
    QString module_name;
    if (isValid()) {
        if (headerInfo().parent == -1) {
            module_name = fi_->hfinfo->abbrev;
        } else {
            module_name = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(headerInfo().parent);
    return module_name;
bool BaseClassWriter::needsGeneration(const QString &className)
    QFileInfo headerInfo(mTargetDir.absoluteFilePath(className + ".h"));
    QFileInfo sourceInfo(mTargetDir.absoluteFilePath(className + ".cpp"));
    bool noUpdateNeeded =
        headerInfo.exists() &&
        headerInfo.lastModified() > mParser.lastConfigUpdate();
    noUpdateNeeded &= sourceInfo.exists() &&
                      sourceInfo.lastModified() > mParser.lastConfigUpdate();
    return !noUpdateNeeded;
QString FieldInformation::url()
    QString url;
    if (flag(FI_URL) && headerInfo().isValid && IS_FT_STRING(fi_->hfinfo->type)) {
        gchar *url_str;
        url_str = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL, &fi_->value, FTREPR_DISPLAY, fi_->hfinfo->display);
        if (url_str) {
            url = url_str;
        wmem_free(NULL, url_str);
    return url;
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	WaveHeader header; //holds the header
	//if there is an error reading the header or if the header ID is not "RIFF" exit
	if( !readHeader(&header) || strncmp((char*)header.ID, "RIFF", 4))
		fprintf(stderr, "File is not a RIFF file\n");
		return 3;
	//check the formatChunk.ID, if not "fmt " exit
	if(strncmp((char*)header.formatChunk.ID, "fmt ", 4))
		fprintf(stderr, "Format chunk is corrupted\n");
		return 4;
	//check the header.dataChunk.ID, if not "data" exit
	if(strncmp((char*)header.dataChunk.ID, "data", 4))
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Data chunk is corrupted\n");
		return 5;
	//check if the number of channels is 2, if not exit
	if(header.formatChunk.channels != 2)
		fprintf(stderr, "File is not stereo\n");
		return 6;
	//check the sampling rate, if its not 44100 exit
	if(header.formatChunk.sampleRate != 44100)
		fprintf(stderr, "File does not use 44,100Hz sample rate\n");
		return 7;
	//check the bits per sample, if not 16 bit (short) exit
	if(header.formatChunk.bitsPerSample != 16)
		fprintf(stderr, "File does not have 16-bit samples\n");
		return 8;

	//channelLenth is the size of the dataChunk divided by two for two channels
	//and again by two because one sample has two bytes
	int channelLength = header.dataChunk.size/4;
	//allocate two arrays for the two channels
	short* left = (short*) malloc(sizeof(short)*channelLength);
	short* right = (short*) malloc(sizeof(short)*channelLength);
	//if malloc fails (returns NULL pointer) exit
	if(! (left && right))
		fprintf(stderr, "Program out of memory\n");
		return 2;
	//read the data Chunk
	//if its size does not match the expected length exit
	if(! readData(left, right, channelLength))
		fprintf(stderr, "File size does not match size in header\n");
		return 9;

	//get formatted header info
	char* info = headerInfo(&header);
	//printout input header information to stderr
	fprintf(stderr, "\nInput Wave Header Information\n\n%s\n", info);

	//loops throuh the commandline arguments and executes the right action on the data stored in left and right
	int i;
	for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		//case "-r" reverse
		if(strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0)
			//reverse both the left and right channel
			reverse(&left, channelLength);
			reverse(&right, channelLength);
		//case "-s" speed
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)
			//check if there is a positive number in the argument after "-s" and read it into factor,
			//if not exit
			double factor;
			if(i < argc - 1 && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &factor) != EOF && factor > 0)
				//speed up left and right channel
				left = speed(left, channelLength, factor);
				right = speed(right, channelLength, factor);
				//update the channelLength
				channelLength /= factor;
				//update the header data
				header.dataChunk.size = 4*channelLength;
				header.size = 4 * channelLength + 36;
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: A positive number must be supplied for the speed change\n");
				return 10;
		//case "-f" flip channels
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0)
			//flip channels left and right
			flip(&left, &right);
		//case "-o" fade out
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0)
			//check if there is a positive number in the argument after "-s" and read it into seconds,
			//if not exit
			double seconds;
			if(i < argc - 1 && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &seconds) != EOF && seconds > 0)
				//fade out left and right channel
				fadeOut(left, channelLength, seconds);
				fadeOut(right, channelLength, seconds);
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: A positive number must be supplied for the fade in and fade out time\n");
				return 11;
		//case "-i" fade in
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0)
			//check if there is a positive number in the argument after "-s" and read it into seconds,
			//if not exit
			double seconds;
			if(i < argc - 1 && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &seconds) != EOF && seconds > 0)
				//fade in left and right channel
				fadeIn(left, channelLength, seconds);
				fadeIn(right, channelLength, seconds);
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: A positive number must be supplied for the fade in and fade out time\n");
				return 11;
		//case "-v" volume
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0)
			//check if there is a positive number in the argument after "-s" and read it into scale,
			//if not exit
			double scale;
			if(i < argc - 1 && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &scale) != EOF && scale > 0)
				//change the volume of left and right
				volume(left, channelLength, scale);
				volume(right, channelLength, scale);
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: A positive number must be supplied for the volume scale\n");
				return 12;
		//case "-e" echo
		else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0)
			//check if there are two positve numbers in the arguments after "-e" and read them into delay and factor,
			//if not exit
			double delay, factor;
			if(i < argc - 2 && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &delay) != EOF && sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &factor) != EOF && delay > 0 && factor > 0)
				//ad the echo to the left and right channel
				left = echo(left, channelLength, delay, factor);
				right = echo(right, channelLength, delay, factor);
				//update channelLength
				channelLength += (int)(44100 * delay);
				//update header data
				header.dataChunk.size = 4*channelLength;
				header.size = 4 * channelLength + 36;
				fprintf(stderr, "Error: A positive number must be supplied for the fade in and fade out time\n");
				return 13;
		//if the argument is anything else then the known commands print a help
			fprintf(stderr, "Usage: wave [[-r][-s factor][-f][-o delay][-i delay][-v scale][-e delay scale] < input > output\n");
			return 1;

	//get formatted header info
	info = headerInfo(&header);
	//print output header info the stderr
	fprintf(stderr, "\nOutput Wave Header Information\n\n%s\n", info);

	//write the header to stdout
	//wrinte the data to stdout
	printData(left, right, channelLength);

	//free the two arrays holding the channels

	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
  void AnnualIlluminanceMap::init(const openstudio::path& path)
    // file must exist
    if (!exists( path )){
      LOG(Fatal,  "File does not exist: '" << toString(path) << "'" );

    // open file
    boost::filesystem::ifstream file(path);

    // keep track of line number
    unsigned lineNum = 0;

    // keep track of matrix size
    unsigned M=0;
    unsigned N=0;

    // temp string to read file
    string line;

    // lines 1 and 2 are the header lines
    string line1, line2;

    // this will contain matches to regular expressions
    smatch matches;

    // matches a single number followed by either tabs or spaces
    const regex singleNumber("([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)[\\s\\t]*");

    // conversion from footcandles to lux
    const double footcandlesToLux(10.76);

    // read the rest of the file line by line
    while(getline(file, line)){

      if (lineNum == 1){

        // save line 1
        line1 = line;

      }else if (lineNum == 2){

        // save line 2
        line2 = line;

        // create the header info
        HeaderInfo headerInfo(line1, line2);

        // we can now initialize x and y vectors
        m_xVector = headerInfo.xVector();
        m_yVector = headerInfo.yVector();

        M = m_xVector.size();
        N = m_yVector.size();


        // each line contains the month, day, time (in hours),
        // Solar Azimuth(degrees from south), Solar Altitude(degrees), Global Horizontal Illuminance (fc)
        // followed by M*N illuminance points

        // break the line up by spaces
        vector<string> lineVector;
        tokenizer<char_separator<char>, std::string::const_iterator, std::string > tk(line, char_separator<char>(" "));
        for (tokenizer<char_separator<char>, std::string::const_iterator, std::string >::iterator it(tk.begin()); it!=tk.end(); ++it)

        // total number minus 6 standard header items
        unsigned numValues = lineVector.size() - 6;

        if (numValues != M*N){
          LOG(Fatal,  "Incorrect number of illuminance values read " << numValues << ", expecting " << M*N << ".");

          MonthOfYear month = monthOfYear(lexical_cast<unsigned>(lineVector[0]));
          unsigned day = lexical_cast<unsigned>(lineVector[1]);
          double fracDays = lexical_cast<double>(lineVector[2]) / 24.0;

          // ignore solar angles and global horizontal for now

          // make the date time
          DateTime dateTime(Date(month, day), Time(fracDays));

          // matrix we are going to read in
          Matrix illuminanceMap(M,N);

          // read in the values
          unsigned index = 6;
          for (unsigned j = 0; j < N; ++j){
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < M; ++i){
              illuminanceMap(i,j) = footcandlesToLux*lexical_cast<double>(lineVector[index]);

          m_dateTimeIlluminanceMap[dateTime] = illuminanceMap;

    // close file