Esempio n. 1
CpwData::createCompoundProperty( AbcA::CompoundPropertyWriterPtr iParent,
                                 const std::string & iName,
                                 const AbcA::MetaData & iMetaData )
    if ( m_madeProperties.count( iName ) )
        ABCA_THROW( "Already have a property named: " << iName );

   PropertyHeaderPtr headerPtr( new PropertyHeaderAndFriends( iName,
                                iMetaData ) );

        ret( new CpwImpl( iParent, m_group->addGroup(), headerPtr,
                          m_propertyHeaders.size() ) );

    m_propertyHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
    m_madeProperties[iName] = WeakBpwPtr( ret );


    return ret;
Esempio n. 2
BaseCpwImpl::createCompoundProperty( const std::string & iName,
        const AbcA::MetaData & iMetaData )

    if ( m_madeProperties.count( iName ) )
        ABCA_THROW( "Already have a property named: " << iName );

    hid_t myGroup = getGroup();

        ret( new CpwImpl( this->asCompoundPtr(), myGroup, iName, iMetaData ) );

    PropertyHeaderPtr headerPtr( new AbcA::PropertyHeader( ret->getHeader() ) );
    m_propertyHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
    m_madeProperties[iName] = WeakBpwPtr( ret );

    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
BaseCpwImpl::createScalarProperty( const std::string & iName,
        const AbcA::MetaData & iMetaData,
        const AbcA::DataType & iDataType,
        uint32_t iTimeSamplingIndex )
    if ( m_madeProperties.count( iName ) )
        ABCA_THROW( "Already have a property named: " << iName );

    hid_t myGroup = getGroup();

        ret( new SpwImpl( asCompoundPtr(), myGroup, iName, iMetaData,
            iDataType, iTimeSamplingIndex ) );

    PropertyHeaderPtr headerPtr( new AbcA::PropertyHeader( ret->getHeader() ) );
    m_propertyHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
    m_madeProperties[iName] = WeakBpwPtr( ret );

    return ret;
Esempio n. 4
CpwData::createArrayProperty( AbcA::CompoundPropertyWriterPtr iParent,
                              const std::string & iName,
                              const AbcA::MetaData & iMetaData,
                              const AbcA::DataType & iDataType,
                              Util::uint32_t iTimeSamplingIndex )
    if ( m_madeProperties.count( iName ) )
        ABCA_THROW( "Already have a property named: " << iName );

    ABCA_ASSERT( iDataType.getExtent() != 0 &&
                 iDataType.getPod() != Alembic::Util::kNumPlainOldDataTypes &&
                 iDataType.getPod() != Alembic::Util::kUnknownPOD,
                 "createArrayProperty, illegal DataType provided.");

    // will assert if TimeSamplingPtr not found
    AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr ts =
            iTimeSamplingIndex );

    PropertyHeaderPtr headerPtr( new PropertyHeaderAndFriends( iName,
        AbcA::kArrayProperty, iMetaData, iDataType, ts, iTimeSamplingIndex ) );

        ret( new ApwImpl( iParent, m_group->addGroup(), headerPtr,
                          m_propertyHeaders.size() ) );

    m_propertyHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
    m_madeProperties[iName] = WeakBpwPtr( ret );


    return ret;
// This layers the children together, and creates
void OrImpl::init( std::vector< AbcA::ObjectReaderPtr > & iObjects )

    std::vector< AbcA::ObjectReaderPtr >::iterator it =

    m_properties.reserve( iObjects.size() );

    for ( ; it != iObjects.end(); ++it )
        m_properties.push_back( (*it)->getProperties() );
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < (*it)->getNumChildren(); ++i )
            AbcA::ObjectHeader objHeader = (*it)->getChildHeader( i );
            bool shouldPrune =
                ( objHeader.getMetaData().get( "prune" ) == "1" );

            bool shouldReplace =
                ( objHeader.getMetaData().get( "replace" ) == "1" );

            ChildNameMap::iterator nameIt = m_childNameMap.find(
                objHeader.getName() );

            size_t index = 0;

            // brand new child, add it (if not pruning) and continue
            if ( nameIt == m_childNameMap.end() )
                if ( !shouldPrune )
                    index = m_childNameMap.size();
                    m_childNameMap[ objHeader.getName() ] = index;
                    ObjectHeaderPtr headerPtr(
                        new AbcA::ObjectHeader( objHeader ) );
                    m_childHeaders.push_back( headerPtr );
                    m_children.resize( index + 1 );
                    m_children[ index ].push_back( ObjectAndIndex( *it, i ) );


            index = nameIt->second;

            // no prune, so add to existing data
            if ( !shouldPrune )
                if ( shouldReplace )
                    m_children[ index ].clear();
                    m_childHeaders[ index ]->getMetaData() = AbcA::MetaData();

                // add parent and index to the existing child element, and then
                // update the MetaData
                m_children[ index ].push_back( ObjectAndIndex( *it, i ) );

                // update the found childs meta data
                m_childHeaders[ index ]->getMetaData().appendOnlyUnique(
                    objHeader.getMetaData() );

            // prune, time to clear out existing data
            m_children.erase( m_children.begin() + index );
            m_childHeaders.erase( m_childHeaders.begin() + index );
            m_childNameMap.erase( nameIt );

            // since we removed an element, update the indices in our name map
            for ( nameIt = m_childNameMap.begin();
                  nameIt != m_childNameMap.end(); ++nameIt )
                if ( nameIt->second > index )
                    nameIt->second --;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL Makes preparation common for all PIN
// methods. Checks, is PIN method allowed to use. Gets PIN headers from the
// card and if there was not any, generates it. Sets needed PIN UI parameters.
// Returns:
//      iPinApdu: Saves APDU into this member variable
//      iPinApduResp: Saves response APDU into this member variable
//      iAuthTypeFirstPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
//      iAuthTypeSecondPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
//      iPINParamsFirstPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
//      iPINParamsSecondPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL(
    CSTSPinApdu::TSTSPinApduType aPinApduType, TInt aFirstPinID,
    TInt aUnblockedPinID)
    LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL called");

    iPinApduType = aPinApduType;

    // is pinmethods supported to use with card application
    if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedPinMethod())
        ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not supported");
        User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECNoRightsPin);

    // gets the pin apdu header part from the card, if there is any
    TPtrC8 headerPtr(iAccessControl->GetPinHeaderL(aFirstPinID,
                     (TPinApduType) aPinApduType));


    // leaves if PIN flags does not allow this PIN apdu
    iAccessControl->CheckPinFlagsL((TPinApduType) aPinApduType);

    // if pin headers are not found,
    if (headerPtr == KNullDesC8())
        // Pin reference is used if the APDU headers are not specified in the ACL
        CSTSPinApdu* pinApdu = CSTSPinApdu::NewL(aPinApduType,
        delete iPinApdu;
        iPinApdu = pinApdu;
        LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, specified header used");
        CSTSCmdApdu* tmp = CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(headerPtr, CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
        delete iPinApdu;
        iPinApdu = tmp;

    // check is the J2ME application allowed to use this apdu
    if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedApduL(iPinApdu->Header()))
        ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not allowed");
        // if not allowed
        User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalApdu);

    SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeFirstPin, iPINParamsFirstPin);

    // In unblockPIN case we need to initialize parameters of unblocked PIN
    if (aPinApduType == EUnblockPinAPDU)
        LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "unblock parameters");
        SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeSecondPin, iPINParamsSecondPin);

    iRetries = EFirstTime;
    LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL");