PSNaviController::setHostBluetoothAddress(const std::string &new_host_bt_addr)
    bool success= false;
    unsigned char bts[PSNAVI_BTADDR_SET_SIZE];

    memset(bts, 0, sizeof(bts));
    bts[0] = PSNavi_Req_SetBTAddr;
    bts[1] = 0x01;
    bts[2] = 0x00;

    unsigned char addr[6];
    if (stringToBTAddrUchar(new_host_bt_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)))
        int res;

        /* Copy 6 bytes from addr into bts[3]..bts[8] */
        memcpy(&bts[3], addr, sizeof(addr));

        /* _WIN32 only has move->handle_addr for getting bluetooth address. */
        if (HIDDetails.Handle_addr)
            res = hid_send_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle_addr, bts, sizeof(bts));
            res = hid_send_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle, bts, sizeof(bts));

        if (res == sizeof(bts))
            success= true;
            char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
            bool valid_error_mesg= false;

            if (HIDDetails.Handle_addr)
                valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle_addr, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));
                valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

            if (valid_error_mesg)
                SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSNaviController::setBTAddress") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;
        SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSNaviController::setBTAddress") << "Malformed address: " << new_host_bt_addr;

    return success;
    bool bSuccess= true;

    if (bWriteStateDirty)
        const bool bLedIsOn = LedR != 0 || LedG != 0 || LedB != 0;
        const bool bIsRumbleOn = RumbleRight != 0 || RumbleLeft != 0;

        // Light bar color
        OutData->led_r = LedR;
        OutData->led_g = LedG;
        OutData->led_b = LedB;
        // Set off interval to 0% and the on interval to 100%. 
        // There are no discos in PSMoveService.
        OutData->led_flash_on = bLedIsOn ? 0xff : 0x00;
        OutData->led_flash_off = 0x00; 

        // a.k.a Soft Rumble Motor
        OutData->rumble_right = RumbleRight;
        // a.k.a Hard Rumble Motor
        OutData->rumble_left = RumbleLeft;

        // Keep writing state out until the desired LED and Rumble are 0 
        bWriteStateDirty = bLedIsOn || bIsRumbleOn;

        // Unfortunately in windows simply writing to the HID device, via WriteFile() internally, 
        // doesn't appear to actually set the data on the controller (despite returning successfully).
        // In the DS4 implementation they use the HidD_SetOutputReport() Win32 API call instead. 
        // Unfortunately HIDAPI doesn't have any equivalent call, so we have to make our own.
        #ifdef _WIN32
        int res = hid_set_output_report(HIDDetails.Handle, (unsigned char*)OutData, sizeof(PSDualShock4DataOutput));
        int res = hid_write(HIDDetails.Handle, (unsigned char*)OutData, sizeof(PSDualShock4DataOutput));
        bSuccess = res > 0;

        if (!bSuccess)
            char szErrorMessage[256];

            if (hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, szErrorMessage, sizeof(szErrorMessage)))
                SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSDualShock4Controller::writeDataOut") << "HID ERROR: " << szErrorMessage;

    return bSuccess;
PSDualShock4Controller::setHostBluetoothAddress(const std::string &new_host_bt_addr)
    bool success = false;
    unsigned char bts[PSDS4_BTADDR_SET_SIZE];

    memset(bts, 0, sizeof(bts));
    bts[0] = PSDualShock4_USBReport_SetBTAddr;

    unsigned char addr[6];
    if (ServerUtility::bluetooth_string_address_to_bytes(new_host_bt_addr, addr, sizeof(addr)))
        int res;

        // Copy 6 bytes from addr into bts[1]..bts[6]
        memcpy(&bts[1], addr, sizeof(addr));

        // Copy the bluetooth link key index backwards into the bluetooth report
        for (size_t key_byte_index = 0; key_byte_index < k_ps4_bluetooth_link_key_length; ++key_byte_index)
            bts[7 + key_byte_index] = k_ps4_bluetooth_link_key[k_ps4_bluetooth_link_key_length - key_byte_index - 1];

        /* _WIN32 only has move->handle_addr for getting bluetooth address. */
        res = hid_send_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle, bts, sizeof(bts));

        if (res == sizeof(bts))
            success = true;
            char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
            bool valid_error_mesg = false;

            valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

            if (valid_error_mesg)
                SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSDualShock4Controller::setBTAddress") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;
        SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSDualShock4Controller::setBTAddress") << "Malformed address: " << new_host_bt_addr;

    return success;
PSDualShock4Controller::getBTAddressesViaUSB(std::string& host, std::string& controller)
    bool success = false;
    int res;

    unsigned char btg[PSDS4_BTADDR_GET_SIZE + 1];
    unsigned char ctrl_char_buff[PSDS4_BTADDR_SIZE];
    unsigned char host_char_buff[PSDS4_BTADDR_SIZE];

    memset(btg, 0, sizeof(btg));
    btg[0] = PSDualShock4_USBReport_GetBTAddr;
    res = hid_get_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle, btg, sizeof(btg));

    if (res == sizeof(btg))
        memcpy(host_char_buff, btg + 10, PSDS4_BTADDR_SIZE);
        host = ServerUtility::bluetooth_byte_addr_to_string(host_char_buff);

        memcpy(ctrl_char_buff, btg + 1, PSDS4_BTADDR_SIZE);
        controller = ServerUtility::bluetooth_byte_addr_to_string(ctrl_char_buff);

        success = true;
        char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
        bool valid_error_mesg = false;

        valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

        if (valid_error_mesg)
            SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSDualShock4Controller::getBTAddress") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;

    return success;
    IControllerInterface::ePollResult result = IControllerInterface::_PollResultFailure;

    if (!getIsBluetooth())
        // Don't bother polling when connected via usb
        result = IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNoData;
    else if (getIsOpen())
        static const int k_max_iterations = 32;

        for (int iteration = 0; iteration < k_max_iterations; ++iteration)
            // Attempt to read the next update packet from the controller
            int res = hid_read(HIDDetails.Handle, (unsigned char*)InData, sizeof(PSDualShock4DataInput));

            if (res == 0)
                //SERVER_LOG_WARNING("PSDualShock4Controller::readDataIn") << "Read Bytes: " << res;

                // Device still in valid state
                result = (iteration == 0)
                    ? IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNoData
                    : IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNewData;

                // No more data available. Stop iterating.
            else if (res < 0)
                char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
                bool valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

                // Device no longer in valid state.
                if (valid_error_mesg)
                    SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSDualShock4Controller::readDataIn") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;
                result = IControllerInterface::_PollResultFailure;

                // No more data available. Stop iterating.
                //SERVER_LOG_WARNING("PSDualShock4Controller::readDataIn") << "Read Bytes: " << res;

                // New data available. Keep iterating.
                result = IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNewData;

            PSDualShock4ControllerState newState;

            // Increment the sequence for every new polling packet
            newState.PollSequenceNumber = NextPollSequenceNumber;

            // Smush the button state into one unsigned 32-bit variable
            newState.AllButtons = 
                (((unsigned int)InData->buttons3.raw & 0x3) << 16) | // Get the 1st two bits of buttons: [0|0|0|0|0|0|PS|TPad]
                (unsigned int)(InData->buttons2.raw << 8) | // [R3|L3|Option|Share|R2|L2|R1|L1]
                ((unsigned int)InData->buttons1.raw & 0xF0); // Mask out the dpad enum (1st four bits): [tri|cir|x|sq|0|0|0|0]

            // Converts the dpad enum to independent bit flags
                ePSDualShock4_DPad dpad_enum = static_cast<ePSDualShock4_DPad>(InData->buttons1.raw & 0xF);
                unsigned int dpad_bits= 0;

                switch (dpad_enum)
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_N:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_UP;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_NE:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_UP;
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_RIGHT;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_E:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_RIGHT;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_SE:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_DOWN;
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_RIGHT;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_S:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_DOWN;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_SW:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_DOWN;
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_LEFT;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_W:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_LEFT;
                case ePSDualShock4_DPad::PSDualShock4DPad_NW:
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_UP;
                    dpad_bits |= ePSDS4_Button::Btn_DPAD_LEFT;

                // Append in the DPad bits
                newState.AllButtons |= (dpad_bits & 0xf);

            // Update the button state enum
                unsigned int lastButtons = ControllerStates.empty() ? 0 : ControllerStates.back().AllButtons;

                newState.DPad_Up = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_DPAD_UP);
                newState.DPad_Down = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_DPAD_DOWN);
                newState.DPad_Left = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_DPAD_LEFT);
                newState.DPad_Right = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_DPAD_RIGHT);
                newState.Square = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_SQUARE);
                newState.Cross = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_CROSS);
                newState.Circle = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_CIRCLE);
                newState.Triangle = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_TRIANGLE);

                newState.L1 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_L1);
                newState.R1 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_R1);
                newState.L2 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_L2);
                newState.R2 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_R2);
                newState.Share = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_SHARE);
                newState.Options = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_OPTION);
                newState.L3 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_L3);
                newState.R3 = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_R3);

                newState.PS = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_PS);
                newState.TrackPadButton = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_TPAD);

            // Remap the analog sticks from [0,255] -> [-1.f,1.f]
            newState.LeftAnalogX= ((static_cast<float>(InData->left_stick_x) / 255.f) - 0.5f) * 2.f;
            newState.LeftAnalogY = ((static_cast<float>(InData->left_stick_y) / 255.f) - 0.5f) * 2.f;
            newState.RightAnalogX = ((static_cast<float>(InData->right_stick_x) / 255.f) - 0.5f) * 2.f;
            newState.RightAnalogY = ((static_cast<float>(InData->right_stick_y) / 255.f) - 0.5f) * 2.f;

            // Remap the analog triggers from [0,255] -> [0.f,1.f]
            newState.LeftTrigger = static_cast<float>(InData->left_trigger) / 255.f;
            newState.RightTrigger = static_cast<float>(InData->right_trigger) / 255.f;

            // Processes the IMU data
                // Piece together the 12-bit accelerometer data
                short raw_accelX = static_cast<short>((InData->accel_x[1] << 8) | InData->accel_x[0]) >> 4;
                short raw_accelY = static_cast<short>((InData->accel_y[1] << 8) | InData->accel_y[0]) >> 4;
                short raw_accelZ = static_cast<short>((InData->accel_z[1] << 8) | InData->accel_z[0]) >> 4;

                // Piece together the 16-bit gyroscope data
                short raw_gyroX = static_cast<short>((InData->gyro_x[1] << 8) | InData->gyro_x[0]);
                short raw_gyroY = static_cast<short>((InData->gyro_y[1] << 8) | InData->gyro_y[0]);
                short raw_gyroZ = static_cast<short>((InData->gyro_z[1] << 8) | InData->gyro_z[0]);

                // Save the raw accelerometer values
                newState.RawAccelerometer[0] = static_cast<int>(raw_accelX);
                newState.RawAccelerometer[1] = static_cast<int>(raw_accelY);
                newState.RawAccelerometer[2] = static_cast<int>(raw_accelZ);

                // Save the raw gyro values
                newState.RawGyro[0] = static_cast<int>(raw_gyroX);
                newState.RawGyro[1] = static_cast<int>(raw_gyroY);
                newState.RawGyro[2] = static_cast<int>(raw_gyroZ);

                // calibrated_acc= raw_acc*acc_gain + acc_bias
                newState.CalibratedAccelerometer.i = 
                    static_cast<float>(newState.RawAccelerometer[0]) * cfg.accelerometer_gain.i 
                    + cfg.accelerometer_bias.i;
                newState.CalibratedAccelerometer.j =
                    static_cast<float>(newState.RawAccelerometer[1]) * cfg.accelerometer_gain.j
                    + cfg.accelerometer_bias.j;
                newState.CalibratedAccelerometer.k =
                    static_cast<float>(newState.RawAccelerometer[2]) * cfg.accelerometer_gain.k
                    + cfg.accelerometer_bias.k;

                // calibrated_gyro= raw_gyro*gyro_gain + gyro_bias
                newState.CalibratedGyro.i = static_cast<float>(newState.RawGyro[0]) * cfg.gyro_gain;
                newState.CalibratedGyro.j = static_cast<float>(newState.RawGyro[1]) * cfg.gyro_gain;
                newState.CalibratedGyro.k = static_cast<float>(newState.RawGyro[2]) * cfg.gyro_gain;

            // Sequence and timestamp
            newState.RawSequence = InData->buttons3.state.counter;
            newState.RawTimeStamp = InData->timestamp;

            // Convert the 0-10 battery level into the batter level
            switch (InData->batteryLevel)
            case 0:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_CHARGING;
            case 1:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_MIN;
            case 2:
            case 3:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_20Percent;
            case 4:
            case 5:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_40Percent;
            case 6:
            case 7:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_60Percent;
            case 8:
            case 9:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_80Percent;
            case 10:
                newState.Battery = CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel::Batt_MAX;

            // Make room for new entry if at the max queue size
            if (ControllerStates.size() >= PSDS4_STATE_BUFFER_MAX)
                    ControllerStates.begin() + ControllerStates.size() - PSDS4_STATE_BUFFER_MAX);


        // Update recurrent writes on a regular interval
            std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

            // See if it's time to update the LED/rumble state
            std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> led_update_diff = now - lastWriteStateTime;
            if (led_update_diff.count() >= PSDS4_WRITE_DATA_INTERVAL_MS)
                lastWriteStateTime = now;

    return result;
    IControllerInterface::ePollResult result= IControllerInterface::_PollResultFailure;

    if (!getIsBluetooth())
        // Don't bother polling when connected via usb
        result = IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNoData;
    else if (getIsOpen())
        static const int k_max_iterations= 32;

        for (int iteration= 0; iteration < k_max_iterations; ++iteration)
            // Attempt to read the next update packet from the controller
            int res = hid_read(HIDDetails.Handle, (unsigned char*)InData, sizeof(PSNaviDataInput));

            if (res == 0)
                // Device still in valid state
                result= (iteration == 0)
                        ? IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNoData
                        : IControllerInterface::_PollResultSuccessNewData;

                // No more data available. Stop iterating.
            else if (res < 0)
                char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
                bool valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

                // Device no longer in valid state.
                if (valid_error_mesg)
                    SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSMoveController::readDataIn") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;
                result= IControllerInterface::_PollResultFailure;

                // No more data available. Stop iterating.
                // New data available. Keep iterating.
                result= IControllerInterface::_PollResultFailure;

            PSNaviControllerState newState;

            // Increment the sequence for every new polling packet
            newState.PollSequenceNumber= NextPollSequenceNumber;

            // Buttons
            newState.AllButtons =
                (InData->buttons2) |               // |-|L2|L1|-|-|Circle|-|Cross
                (InData->buttons1 << 8) |          // |Left|Down|Right|Up|-|-|L3|-
                ((InData->buttons3 & 0x01) << 16); // |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|PS

            unsigned int lastButtons = ControllerStates.empty() ? 0 : ControllerStates.back().AllButtons;

            newState.Circle = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_CIRCLE);
            newState.Cross = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_CROSS);
            newState.PS = getButtonState(newState.AllButtons, lastButtons, Btn_PS);
            newState.Trigger = InData->analog_l2;
            newState.Stick_XAxis= InData->stick_xaxis;
            newState.Stick_YAxis= InData->stick_yaxis;

            // Other
            newState.Battery = static_cast<CommonControllerState::BatteryLevel>(InData->battery);

            // Make room for new entry if at the max queue size
            if (ControllerStates.size() >= PSNAVI_STATE_BUFFER_MAX)


    return result;
PSNaviController::getBTAddress(std::string& host, std::string& controller)
    bool success = false;

    if (IsBluetooth && !controller.empty())
        std::replace(controller.begin(), controller.end(), '-', ':');
        std::transform(controller.begin(), controller.end(), controller.begin(), ::tolower);

        //TODO: If the third entry is not : and length is PSNAVI_BTADDR_SIZE
//        std::stringstream ss;
//        ss << controller.substr(0, 2) << ":" << controller.substr(2, 2) <<
//        ":" << controller.substr(4, 2) << ":" << controller.substr(6, 2) <<
//        ":" << controller.substr(8, 2) << ":" << controller.substr(10, 2);
//        controller = ss.str();

        success = true;
        int res;

        unsigned char btg[PSNAVI_BTADDR_GET_SIZE];
        unsigned char ctrl_char_buff[PSNAVI_BTADDR_SIZE];

        memset(btg, 0, sizeof(btg));
        btg[0] = PSNavi_Req_GetBTAddr;
        /* _WIN32 only has move->handle_addr for getting bluetooth address. */
        if (HIDDetails.Handle_addr) {
            res = hid_get_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle_addr, btg, sizeof(btg));
        else {
            res = hid_get_feature_report(HIDDetails.Handle, btg, sizeof(btg));

        if (res == sizeof(btg)) {

            memcpy(ctrl_char_buff, btg + 2, PSNAVI_BTADDR_SIZE);
            controller = btAddrUcharToString(ctrl_char_buff);

            success = true;
            char hidapi_err_mbs[256];
            bool valid_error_mesg= false;

            if (HIDDetails.Handle_addr)
                valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle_addr, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));
                valid_error_mesg = hid_error_mbs(HIDDetails.Handle, hidapi_err_mbs, sizeof(hidapi_err_mbs));

            if (valid_error_mesg)
                SERVER_LOG_ERROR("PSNaviController::getBTAddress") << "HID ERROR: " << hidapi_err_mbs;

    return success;