Esempio n. 1
void ClangCodeCompletion::HighlightOccurrences(cbEditor* ed)
    ClTranslUnitId translId = GetCurrentTranslationUnitId();
    cbStyledTextCtrl* stc = ed->GetControl();
    int pos = stc->GetCurrentPos();
    const wxChar ch = stc->GetCharAt(pos);
    if (pos > 0
            && (wxIsspace(ch) || (ch != wxT('_') && wxIspunct(ch)))
            && !wxIsspace(stc->GetCharAt(pos - 1)))

    // chosen a high value for indicator, hoping not to interfere with the indicators used by some lexers
    // if they get updated from deprecated old style indicators someday.
    const int theIndicator = 16;

    // Set Styling:
    // clear all style indications set in a previous run (is also done once after text gets unselected)
    stc->IndicatorClearRange(0, stc->GetLength());

    if (stc->GetTextRange(pos - 1, pos + 1).Strip().IsEmpty())

    // TODO: use independent key
    wxColour highlightColour(Manager::Get()->GetColourManager()->GetColour(wxT("editor_highlight_occurrence")));

    stc->IndicatorSetStyle(theIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
    stc->IndicatorSetForeground(theIndicator, highlightColour);
    stc->IndicatorSetUnder(theIndicator, true);

    const int line = stc->LineFromPosition(pos);
    ClTokenPosition loc(line + 1, pos - stc->PositionFromLine(line) + 1);

    std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > occurrences;
    m_pClangPlugin->GetOccurrencesOf( translId,  ed->GetFilename(), loc, 100, occurrences );

    for (std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator tkn = occurrences.begin();
            tkn != occurrences.end(); ++tkn)
        stc->IndicatorFillRange(tkn->first, tkn->second);
Esempio n. 2
MiniStyledTextCtrl::MiniStyledTextCtrl(wxWindow* pParent, int id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style):
    cbStyledTextCtrl(pParent, id, pos, size, style)

    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"));
    if (cfg->ReadBool(_T("/highlight_occurrence/enabled"), true))
        const int theIndicator = 10;
        wxColour highlightColour(Manager::Get()->GetColourManager()->GetColour(wxT("editor_highlight_occurrence")));
        IndicatorSetStyle(theIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
        IndicatorSetForeground(theIndicator, highlightColour );

    const int thePermIndicator = 12;
    IndicatorSetStyle(thePermIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
    IndicatorSetForeground(thePermIndicator, wxColour(Manager::Get()->GetColourManager()->GetColour(wxT("editor_highlight_occurrence_permanently"))) );

    const int theFindFoudIndicator = 21;
    IndicatorSetStyle(theFindFoudIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
    IndicatorSetForeground(theFindFoudIndicator, wxColour(cfg->ReadColour(_T("/incremental_search/text_found_colour"), wxColour(160, 32, 240))) );

    const int theFindHighlightIndicator = 22;
    IndicatorSetStyle(theFindHighlightIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
    IndicatorSetForeground(theFindHighlightIndicator, wxColour(cfg->ReadColour(_T("/incremental_search/highlight_colour"), wxColour(255, 165, 0))) );

Esempio n. 3
void Highlighter::HighlightOccurrencesOfSelection(cbEditor* ctrl)const
    // chosen a high value for indicator, hoping not to interfere with the indicators used by some lexers
    // if they get updated from deprecated oldstyle indicators somedays.
    cbStyledTextCtrl *control = ctrl->GetControl();
    const int theIndicator = 10;

    std::pair<long, long> curr;
    control->GetSelection(&curr.first, &curr.second);


    if (m_OldHighlightSelectionCtrl == control && m_HighlightSelectedOccurencesLastPos == curr) // whatever the current state is, we've already done it once

    m_HighlightSelectedOccurencesLastPos = curr;
    m_OldHighlightSelectionCtrl = control;

    int eof = control->GetLength();

    // Set Styling:
    // clear all style indications set in a previous run (is also done once after text gets unselected)
    control->IndicatorClearRange(0, eof);

    // if there is no text selected, it stops here and does not hog the cpu further
    if (curr.first == curr.second)
    // check if the selected text has space, tab or new line in it
    wxString selectedText(control->GetTextRange(curr.first, curr.second));
    if (selectedText.find_first_of(wxT(" \t\n")) != wxString::npos)

    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"));

    // check if the feature is enabled
    if (!cfg->ReadBool(_T("/highlight_occurrence/enabled"), true))

    // selected text has a minimal length of controlled by the user (by default it is 3)
    wxString::size_type minLength = std::max(cfg->ReadInt(_T("/highlight_occurrence/min_length"), 3), 1);
    if (selectedText.length() >= minLength)
        wxColour highlightColour(Manager::Get()->GetColourManager()->GetColour(wxT("editor_highlight_occurrence")));

        if ( ctrl->GetLeftSplitViewControl() )
            ctrl->GetLeftSplitViewControl()->IndicatorSetStyle(theIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
            ctrl->GetLeftSplitViewControl()->IndicatorSetForeground(theIndicator, highlightColour );
            // If wxWidgets is build without rawbitmap-support, the indicators become opaque
            // and hide the text, so we show them under the text.
            // Not enabled as default, because the readability is a little bit worse.
        if ( ctrl->GetRightSplitViewControl() )
            ctrl->GetRightSplitViewControl()->IndicatorSetStyle(theIndicator, wxSCI_INDIC_HIGHLIGHT);
            ctrl->GetRightSplitViewControl()->IndicatorSetForeground(theIndicator, highlightColour );

        int flag = 0;
        if (cfg->ReadBool(_T("/highlight_occurrence/case_sensitive"), true))
            flag |= wxSCI_FIND_MATCHCASE;
        if (cfg->ReadBool(_T("/highlight_occurrence/whole_word"), true))
            flag |= wxSCI_FIND_WHOLEWORD;

        // list all selections and sort them
        typedef std::vector<std::pair<long, long> > Selections;
        Selections selections;
        int count = control->GetSelections();
        for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
        std::sort(selections.begin(), selections.end());
        Selections::const_iterator currSelection = selections.begin();

        // search for every occurence
        int lengthFound = 0; // we need this to work properly with multibyte characters
        for ( int pos = control->FindText(0, eof, selectedText, flag, &lengthFound);
            pos != wxSCI_INVALID_POSITION ;
            pos = control->FindText(pos+=selectedText.Len(), eof, selectedText, flag, &lengthFound) )
            // check if the found text is selected
            // if it is don't add indicator for it, because it looks ugly
            bool skip = false;
            for (; currSelection != selections.end(); ++currSelection)
                // the found text is after the current selection, go to the next one
                if (currSelection->second < pos)
                // if the end of the found text is not before the current selection start
                // then it must match and it should be skipped
                if (pos + lengthFound >= currSelection->first)
                    skip = true;
            if (skip)

            // does not make sense anymore: check that the found occurrence is not the same as the selected,
            // since it is not selected in the second view -> so highlight it
            control->IndicatorFillRange(pos, lengthFound);