Esempio n. 1
// auth in password mode
BOOL hitag2_pwd_auth(BYTE *response, BYTE *pwd)
    BYTE tmp[37];

    // restart the tag
        return FALSE;

    if(strlen(pwd) == 0)
        pwd= HITAG2_PWD_DEFAULT;

    // use default transport key if none specified
    if(!hextobinstring(tmp, pwd))
        return FALSE;

    // wait for RX->TX period, then send 32 bit PWD
    if(!rwd_send(tmp, strlen(tmp), NO_RESET, BLOCK, RWD_STATE_WAKING, RFIDlerConfig.FrameClock, 0, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Wait_Switch_RX_TX, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Zero_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_One_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Gap_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Wait_Switch_TX_RX))
        return FALSE;

    // skip 1/2 bit to synchronise manchester
    HW_Skip_Bits= 1;
    // get 37 bit response: sync + config byte + 24 bit TAG pwd
    if(read_ask_data(RFIDlerConfig.FrameClock, RFIDlerConfig.DataRate, tmp, 37, RFIDlerConfig.Sync, RFIDlerConfig.SyncBits, RFIDlerConfig.Timeout, ONESHOT_READ, BINARY) == 37)
        // check sync bits
        if (memcmp(tmp, Hitag2Sync, 5) != 0)
            return FALSE;
        binarraytohex(response, tmp + 5, 32);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
BOOL get_tag_uid(BYTE *response)
        case TAG_TYPE_ASK_RAW:
            return ask_raw_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_AWID_26:
            return awid26_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_EM4X02:
            return em4x02_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_FDXB:
            return fdxb_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_FSK1_RAW:
        case TAG_TYPE_FSK2_RAW:
            return fsk_raw_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_HID_26:
            return hid26_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_HITAG1:
            return hitag1_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_HITAG2:
            return hitag2_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_INDALA_64:
            return indala64_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_INDALA_224:
            return indala224_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_PSK1_RAW:
            return psk1_raw_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_Q5:
        //case TAG_TYPE_T55X7:
            return q5_get_uid(response);

        case TAG_TYPE_UNIQUE:
            return unique_get_uid(response);

    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 3
// attempt to find ideal parameters for GAP, ZERO and ONE periods.
// ranges specified in FC
void hitag2_test_rwd(unsigned int gapmin, unsigned int gapmax, unsigned int zeromin, unsigned int zeromax, unsigned int onemin, unsigned int onemax, BYTE *pass)
    BYTE i, imax, countu, counta, countr;
    unsigned int gap, zero, one, fc;

    imax= 5;

    for(fc= 800 ; fc <= 809 ; ++fc)
        for(gap= gapmin ; gap <= gapmax ; ++gap)
            for(zero= zeromin ; zero <= zeromax ; ++zero)
                for(one= onemin ; one <= onemax ; ++one)
                    RFIDlerConfig.FrameClock= (unsigned long) fc;
                    RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Gap_Period= gap;
                    RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Zero_Period= zero;
                    RFIDlerConfig.RWD_One_Period= one;
                    UserMessageNum("\rGap %d", gap);
                    UserMessageNum(" Zero %d", zero);
                    UserMessageNum(" One %d", one);
                    UserMessageNum(" FC %d", fc);
                    for(i= countu= counta= countr= 0 ; i < imax ; ++i)
                            if(hitag2_pwd_auth(DataBuff, pass) || hitag2_crypto_auth(DataBuff, pass))
                                if(hitag2_read_page(DataBuff, 0))
                    if(countu == imax && counta == imax && countr == imax)
                        UserMessageNum(" - got %d", countu);
                        UserMessageNum(" uids, %d", counta);
                        UserMessageNum(" auths %d", countr);
                        UserMessageNum(" reads, out of %d attempts.\r\n", imax);
        UserMessage("%s", "\r\n");
Esempio n. 4
// note that PRN is not created with security in mind - just using a simple seed
BOOL hitag2_crypto_auth(BYTE *response, BYTE *hexkey)
    BYTE tmp[65], tmphex[9];
    unsigned long long key;
    unsigned long uid;
    unsigned long initvec;

    // use default transport key if none specified
    if(strlen(hexkey) == 0)
        hexkey= HITAG2_KEY_DEFAULT;

    // get UID for initialisation
        return FALSE;

    // convert to numerics for crypto routines
    uid= hexreversetoulong(tmp);
    key= hexreversetoulonglong(hexkey);

    // generate 32 bit PRN for challenge
    initvec= rand();
    initvec <<= 16;
    initvec += rand();

    // prepare to send IV in the clear to tag
    ulongtobinstring(tmp, initvec, 32);

    // convert IV to MSB for crypto routines
    binstringtohex(tmphex, tmp);
    initvec= hexreversetoulong(tmphex);

    // initialise  crypto
    hitag2_init(&Hitag_Crypto_State, rev64(key), rev32(uid), rev32(initvec));

    // send inverse of 1st 32bits of keystream to tag for authentication
    ulongtobinstring(tmp + 32, hitag2_crypt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 32);

    // restart the tag & auth process
        return FALSE;

    // wait for RX->TX period, then send PRN+secret
    if(!rwd_send(tmp, strlen(tmp), NO_RESET, BLOCK, RWD_STATE_WAKING, RFIDlerConfig.FrameClock, 0, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Wait_Switch_RX_TX, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Zero_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_One_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Gap_Period, RFIDlerConfig.RWD_Wait_Switch_TX_RX))
        return FALSE;

    // skip 1/2 bit to synchronise manchester
    HW_Skip_Bits= 1;
    // get 37 bit response: sync + config byte + 24 bit TAG pwd
    if(read_ask_data(RFIDlerConfig.FrameClock, RFIDlerConfig.DataRate, tmp, 37, RFIDlerConfig.Sync, RFIDlerConfig.SyncBits, RFIDlerConfig.Timeout, ONESHOT_READ, BINARY) == 37)
        // check sync bits
        if (memcmp(tmp, Hitag2Sync, 5) != 0)
            return FALSE;
        CryptoActive= TRUE;

        // decrypt
        binarraytohex(response, tmp + 5, 32);
        return hitag2_hex_crypt(response, response);
    return FALSE;