Esempio n. 1
void mcu_main()
	int version = api_version();
	debug_print(DBG_INFO, "API version: %d.%d\n", version/100, version%100);

	gpio_setup(GPIO_DHT, OUTPUT);
	gpio_write(GPIO_DHT, HIGH);

	/* do not send instructions within 1S after power on to pass the unstable state */

	uint8_t data[DHT_DATA_LEN];
	while (1) {
		int rc;
		uint8_t humidity, temperature;
		if ((rc = dht11_read(GPIO_DHT, data, sizeof(data))) == DHT_SUCCESS) {
			humidity = data[0], temperature = data[2];
			debug_print(DBG_INFO, "Humidity: %d%, Temperature: %d C\n", humidity, temperature);
//			debug_print(DBG_INFO, "%d %d %d %d %d\n",
//						data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4]);
		} else {
			debug_print(DBG_ERROR, "dht11_read() error [%d]\n", rc);

		unsigned char buf[LEN_IPCBUF];
		if ((rc = host_receive(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0 && buf[0] == '?') {
			rc = mcu_snprintf((char*)buf, LEN_IPCBUF, "RH=%d,T=%d\n", humidity, temperature);
			host_send(buf, rc);

Esempio n. 2
void mcu_main()
	int value;
		value = ADC_read();
		len = mcu_snprintf(buf, 32,"%d\n",value);
		host_send((unsigned char*)buf, len);

		//This will prevent the atom from freezing

Esempio n. 3
int main(void)
	int i;
	uint16_t sensor_sample_count;
	struct sensor_s sensor;
	struct angle_s angle;
	uint16_t radio_frame_count;
	struct radio_raw_s radio_raw;
	struct radio_s radio;
	float radio_pitch_smooth;
	float radio_roll_smooth;
	float error_pitch;
	float error_roll;
	float error_yaw;
	float error_pitch_z;
	float error_roll_z;
	float error_yaw_z;
	float p_pitch;
	float i_pitch;
	float d_pitch;
	float p_roll;
	float i_roll;
	float d_roll;
	float pitch_p_term;
	float pitch_i_term;
	float pitch_d_term;
	float roll_p_term;
	float roll_i_term;
	float roll_d_term;
	float yaw_p_term;
	float yaw_i_term;
	float yaw_d_term;
	float pitch;
	float roll;
	float yaw;
	float motor[4];
	int32_t motor_clip[4];
	uint32_t motor_raw[4];
	uint16_t vbat_sample_count;
	int32_t t1;
	int32_t t2;
	_Bool flag_acro_z;
	_Bool error;
	uint16_t sensor_sample_count1;
	host_buffer_tx_t host_buffer_tx;
	/* Variable initialisation -----------------------------------------------------*/
	flag_sensor = 0;
	flag_radio = 0;
	flag_vbat = 0;
	flag_rf = 0;
	flag_host = 0;
	flag_sensor_host_read = 0;
	flag_rf_host_read = 0;
	flag_timeout_sensor = 0;
	flag_timeout_radio = 0;
	flag_armed = 0;
	flag_acro = 1;
	flag_acro_z = 0;

	flag_beep_user = 0;
	flag_beep_radio = 0;
	flag_beep_sensor = 0;
	flag_beep_host = 0;
	flag_beep_vbat = 0;
	sensor_sample_count = 0;
	sensor_error_count = 0;
	angle.pitch = 0;
	angle.roll = 0;
	radio_frame_count = 0;
	radio_error_count = 0;
	radio_pitch_smooth = 0;
	radio_roll_smooth = 0;
	pitch_i_term = 0;
	roll_i_term = 0;
	yaw_i_term = 0;
	vbat_sample_count = 0;
	rf_error_count = 0;
	sensor_sample_count1 = 0;
	/* Setup -----------------------------------------------------*/
	board_init(); // BOARD_DEPENDENT
	SysTick->CTRL &= ~SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk; // Disable Systick interrupt, not needed anymore (but can still use COUNTFLAG)
	/* Loop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	while (1)
		// Processing time
		t1 = (int32_t)get_timer_process();
		/* Process radio commands -----------------------------------------------------*/
		if (flag_radio)
			flag_radio = 0;
			// Decode radio commands
			error = radio_decode(&radio_frame, &radio_raw, &radio);
			if (error) {
				flag_beep_radio = 0; // Stop beeping
				// Arm procedure
				if (radio.aux[0] < 0.33f)
					flag_armed = 0;
				else if (!flag_armed && (radio.aux[0] > 0.33f) && ((radio.throttle < 0.01f)))
					flag_armed = 1;
				if (radio.aux[0] < 0.66f)
					flag_acro = 1;
					flag_acro = 0;
				// Expo and smooth
				radio_expo(&radio, flag_acro);
				// Beep if requested
				if (radio.aux[1] > 0.33f)
					flag_beep_user = 1;
					flag_beep_user = 0;
				// Send data to host
				if ((REG_DEBUG__CASE > 0) && ((radio_frame_count & REG_DEBUG__MASK) == 0)) {
					if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 4)
						host_send((uint8_t*)&radio_raw, sizeof(radio_raw));
					else if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 5)
						host_send((uint8_t*)&radio, sizeof(radio));
				// Toggle LED at rate of Radio flag
				if ((radio_frame_count & 0x3F) == 0)
		/* Process sensors -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
		if (flag_sensor)
			flag_sensor = 0;
			flag_beep_sensor = 0; // Disable beeping
			// Record sensor transaction time
			t2 = (int32_t)timer_sensor[1] - (int32_t)timer_sensor[0];
			if (t2 < 0)
				t2 += 0xFFFF;
			if ((REG_CTRL__TIME_MAXHOLD == 0) || (((uint16_t)t2 > time_sensor) && REG_CTRL__TIME_MAXHOLD))
				time_sensor = (uint16_t)t2;
			// Recovery time before activating yaw agnle transfer
			if (flag_acro != flag_acro_z)
				sensor_sample_count1 = 0;
			else if (sensor_sample_count1 < RECOVERY_TIME)
			// Procees sensor data
			mpu_process_samples(&sensor_raw, &sensor);
			// Estimate angle
			angle_estimate(&sensor, &angle, (sensor_sample_count1 == RECOVERY_TIME));
			// Smooth pitch and roll commands in angle mode
			if (!flag_acro) {
				radio_pitch_smooth += filter_alpha_radio * radio.pitch - filter_alpha_radio * radio_pitch_smooth;
				radio_roll_smooth  += filter_alpha_radio * radio.roll  - filter_alpha_radio * radio_roll_smooth;
			// Previous error
			error_pitch_z = error_pitch;
			error_roll_z = error_roll;
			error_yaw_z = error_yaw;
			// Current error
			if (flag_acro) {
				error_pitch = sensor.gyro_x - radio.pitch * (float)REG_RATE__PITCH_ROLL;
				error_roll = sensor.gyro_y - radio.roll * (float)REG_RATE__PITCH_ROLL;
			else {
				error_pitch = angle.pitch - radio_pitch_smooth * (float)REG_RATE__ANGLE;
				error_roll = angle.roll - radio_roll_smooth * (float)REG_RATE__ANGLE;
			error_yaw = sensor.gyro_z - radio.yaw * (float)REG_RATE__YAW;
			// Switch PID coefficients for acro
			if (flag_acro != flag_acro_z) {
				if (flag_acro) {
					p_pitch = REG_P_PITCH;
					i_pitch = REG_I_PITCH;
					d_pitch = REG_D_PITCH;
					p_roll  = REG_P_ROLL;
					i_roll  = REG_I_ROLL;
					d_roll  = REG_D_ROLL;
				else {
					p_pitch = REG_P_PITCH_ANGLE;
					i_pitch = REG_I_PITCH_ANGLE;
					d_pitch = REG_D_PITCH_ANGLE;
					p_roll  = REG_P_ROLL_ANGLE;
					i_roll  = REG_I_ROLL_ANGLE;
					d_roll  = REG_D_ROLL_ANGLE;
			// P,I and D
			pitch_p_term = error_pitch * p_pitch;
			roll_p_term = error_roll * p_roll;
			yaw_p_term = error_yaw * REG_P_ROLL;
			if ((!flag_armed && (REG_CTRL__ARM_TEST == 0)) || (flag_acro != flag_acro_z)) {
				pitch_i_term = 0;
				roll_i_term = 0;
			else {
				pitch_i_term += error_pitch * i_pitch;
				roll_i_term += error_roll * i_roll;
			if (!flag_armed && (REG_CTRL__ARM_TEST == 0))
				yaw_i_term = 0;
				yaw_i_term += error_yaw * REG_I_YAW;
			pitch_d_term = (error_pitch - error_pitch_z) * d_pitch;
			roll_d_term = (error_roll - error_roll_z) * d_roll;
			yaw_d_term = (error_yaw - error_yaw_z) * REG_D_YAW;
			flag_acro_z = flag_acro;
			// Clip I
			if      (pitch_i_term < -I_MAX) pitch_i_term = -I_MAX;
			else if (pitch_i_term >  I_MAX) pitch_i_term =  I_MAX;
			if      (roll_i_term  < -I_MAX) roll_i_term  = -I_MAX;
			else if (roll_i_term  >  I_MAX) roll_i_term  =  I_MAX;
			if      (yaw_i_term   < -I_MAX) yaw_i_term   = -I_MAX;
			else if (yaw_i_term   >  I_MAX) yaw_i_term   =  I_MAX;
			// P+I+D
			pitch = pitch_p_term + pitch_i_term + pitch_d_term;
			roll = roll_p_term + roll_i_term + roll_d_term;
			yaw = yaw_p_term + yaw_i_term + yaw_d_term;
			// Clip P+I+D
			if      (pitch < -PID_MAX) pitch = -PID_MAX;
			else if (pitch >  PID_MAX) pitch =  PID_MAX;
			if      (roll  < -PID_MAX) roll  = -PID_MAX;
			else if (roll  >  PID_MAX) roll  =  PID_MAX;
			if      (yaw   < -PID_MAX) yaw   = -PID_MAX;
			else if (yaw   >  PID_MAX) yaw   =  PID_MAX;
			// Desactivate throttle when arm test
			if (REG_CTRL__ARM_TEST > 0)
				radio.throttle = 0;
			// Motor matrix
			motor[0] = radio.throttle * (float)REG_MOTOR__RANGE + roll + pitch - yaw;
			motor[1] = radio.throttle * (float)REG_MOTOR__RANGE + roll - pitch + yaw;
			motor[2] = radio.throttle * (float)REG_MOTOR__RANGE - roll - pitch - yaw;
			motor[3] = radio.throttle * (float)REG_MOTOR__RANGE - roll + pitch + yaw;
			// Offset and clip motor value
			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
				motor_clip[i] = (int32_t)motor[i] + (int32_t)REG_MOTOR__ARMED;
				if (motor_clip[i] < (int32_t)REG_MOTOR__START)
					motor_clip[i] = (int32_t)REG_MOTOR__START;
				else if (motor_clip[i] > (int32_t)MOTOR_MAX)
					motor_clip[i] = (int32_t)MOTOR_MAX;
			// Motor command
			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
				if (REG_MOTOR_TEST__SELECT & (1 << i))
					motor_raw[i] = (uint32_t)REG_MOTOR_TEST__VALUE;
				else if (flag_armed || (REG_CTRL__ARM_TEST > 0))
					motor_raw[i] = (uint32_t)motor_clip[i];
					motor_raw[i] = 0;
			// Send data to host
			if ((REG_DEBUG__CASE > 0) && ((sensor_sample_count & REG_DEBUG__MASK) == 0)) {
				if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 1) 
					host_send((uint8_t*)&sensor_raw.bytes[1], sizeof(sensor_raw)-1);
				else if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 2)
					host_send((uint8_t*)&sensor, sizeof(sensor));
				else if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 3)
					host_send((uint8_t*)&angle, sizeof(angle));
				else if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 6) {
					host_buffer_tx.f[0] = pitch;
					host_buffer_tx.f[1] = roll;
					host_buffer_tx.f[2] = yaw;
					host_send(host_buffer_tx.u8, 3*4);
				else if (REG_DEBUG__CASE == 7)
					host_send((uint8_t*)&motor_raw, sizeof(motor_raw));
			// Toggle LED at rate of sensor flag
			if ((sensor_sample_count & 0x01FF) == 0)
		/* VBAT ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
		if (flag_vbat)
			flag_vbat = 0;
			REG_VBAT += filter_alpha_vbat * get_vbat() - filter_alpha_vbat * REG_VBAT;
			// Send VBAT to host
			if ((REG_DEBUG__CASE == 8) && ((vbat_sample_count & REG_DEBUG__MASK) == 0))
			// Beep if VBAT too low
			if ((REG_VBAT < REG_VBAT_MIN) && (REG_VBAT > 8.0f))
				flag_beep_vbat = 1;
				flag_beep_vbat = 0;
		/* Host requests ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
		if (flag_host)
			flag_host = 0;
		/* Handle timeout -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
		if (flag_timeout_sensor) {
			flag_timeout_sensor = 0;
			for (i=0; i<4; i++)
				motor_raw[i] = 0;
			flag_beep_sensor = 1;
		if (flag_timeout_radio) {
			flag_timeout_radio = 0;
			flag_armed = 0;
			flag_beep_radio = 1;
		// Record processing time
		t1 = (int32_t)get_timer_process() - t1;
		if (t1 < 0)
			t1 += 0xFFFF;
		if ((REG_CTRL__TIME_MAXHOLD == 0) || (((uint16_t)t1 > time_process) && REG_CTRL__TIME_MAXHOLD))
			time_process = (uint16_t)t1;
		// Wait for interrupts if all flags are processed
		if (!flag_radio && !flag_sensor && !flag_vbat && !flag_host && !flag_timeout_sensor && !flag_timeout_radio)
void mcu_main()
	// by default, the edison has ID 0
	int edisonID = 0;
	// if we pass in an argument, use it for the edisonID
	// please pass in an integer
	//if (argc == 2) {
		//edisonID = atoi(argv[1]);

	int temp;
	while (1)

		//int host_receive(unsigned char *buf, int length)
		temp = host_receive((unsigned char *)host_message, BUFFER_LENGTH);
		if (temp > 0)
			debug_print(DBG_INFO, "Received a Message!\n");
            host_send((unsigned char*)"hello mcu\n", 10);
            preamble_length = host_message[0];

		// Preamble - Signals the Receiver Message Incoming

		// Sending Edison Board ID # - 2 bits, MSB then LSB
		switch (edisonID) {
			case 0:
				send_low_bit();	// Send lsb bit 0 = LOW
				send_low_bit();	// Send msb bit 1 = LOW
			case 1:
				send_high_bit();	// Send lsb bit 0 = HIGH
				send_low_bit();	// Send msb bit 1 = LOW
			case 2:
				send_low_bit();	// Send lsb bit 0 = LOW
				send_high_bit();	// Send msb bit 1 =
			case 3:
				send_high_bit();	// Send lsb bit 0 = HIGH
				send_high_bit();	// Send msb bit 1 = HIGH
				send_low_bit();	// Send lsb bit 0 = LOW
				send_low_bit();	// Send msb bit 1 = LOW

		// Sending Edison IR Emitter ID # - 2 bits, MSB then LSB

		// pwm1 = 00 = short-long/short-long = 5-20/5-20
		// pwm2 = 01 = short-long/long-short = 5-20/20-5
		// pwm3 = 10 = long-short/short-long = 20-5/5-20
		// pwm4 = 11 = long-short/long-short = 20-5/20-5

		// First Bit
		pwm_configure(pwm1, MESSAGE_DUTY_LOW, MESSAGE_PERIOD); 	// 0
		pwm_configure(pwm2, MESSAGE_DUTY_LOW, MESSAGE_PERIOD); 	// 0
		pwm_configure(pwm3, MESSAGE_DUTY_HIGH, MESSAGE_PERIOD); // 1
		pwm_configure(pwm4, MESSAGE_DUTY_HIGH, MESSAGE_PERIOD); // 1



		// Second Bit
		pwm_configure(pwm1, MESSAGE_DUTY_LOW, MESSAGE_PERIOD); 	// 0
		pwm_configure(pwm2, MESSAGE_DUTY_HIGH, MESSAGE_PERIOD); // 1
		pwm_configure(pwm3, MESSAGE_DUTY_LOW, MESSAGE_PERIOD); 	// 0
		pwm_configure(pwm4, MESSAGE_DUTY_HIGH, MESSAGE_PERIOD); // 1


