bool CGptBind::run( ) { ifstream in((_options->sourcefile+".sld").c_str()); GptBindLexer lexer(in); GptBindParser parser(lexer); // string asmProgram = parser.program(_options->sourcefile); parser.sld_grammar(_options->sourcefile); string cppOutput = parser.getCpp(); string hppOutput = parser.getHpp(); string makefileOutput = parser.getMakefile(); ofstream cppFile((_options->destfile + ".cpp").c_str(), ios_base::out); if (!cppFile) { cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl; return false; } cppFile << cppOutput; ofstream hppFile((_options->destfile + ".hpp").c_str(), ios_base::out); if (!hppFile) { cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl; return false; } hppFile << hppOutput; ofstream makefileFile(("Makefile." + _options->destfile).c_str(), ios_base::out); if (!makefileFile) { cout << "ERRO: não foi possível abrir o arquivo: \"" << _options->destfile << "\"" << endl; return false; } makefileFile << makefileOutput; return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if(argc>1){ TFile inFile(argv[1],"read"); if(inFile.IsOpen() && !inFile.IsZombie()){ std::ofstream cppFile("src/cfa.cpp"), hppFile("inc/cfa.hpp"); {TTree t("a","b");}//Magically make ROOT link things correctly... TChain *chainA(static_cast<TChain*>(inFile.Get("configurableAnalysis/eventA"))), *chainB(static_cast<TChain*>(inFile.Get("configurableAnalysis/eventB"))); if(chainA!=NULL && chainB!=NULL){ hppFile << "#ifndef H_CFA\n"; hppFile << "#define H_CFA\n\n"; hppFile << "#include <vector>\n"; hppFile << "#include <string>\n"; hppFile << "#include \"TChain.h\"\n"; hppFile << "#include \"TBranch.h\"\n\n"; hppFile << "class cfA{\n"; hppFile << "public:\n"; hppFile << " int GetTotalEntries() const;\n"; hppFile << "protected:\n"; hppFile << " cfA(const std::string&, const bool);\n"; hppFile << " TChain chainA, chainB;\n"; hppFile << " TChain* GetChainA();\n"; hppFile << " TChain* GetChainB();\n"; hppFile << " std::string GetSampleName() const;\n"; hppFile << " int GetEntry(const unsigned int);\n"; hppFile << " void SetFile(const std::string&, const bool);\n\n"; hppFile << " std::string sampleName;\n"; hppFile << " int totalEntries;\n"; hppFile << " short cfAVersion;\n\n"; hppFile << " void GetVersion();\n"; hppFile << " void AddFiles(const std::string&, const bool);\n"; hppFile << " void CalcTotalEntries();\n"; hppFile << " void PrepareNewChains();\n"; hppFile << " void InitializeA();\n"; hppFile << " void InitializeB();\n\n"; PrintLeaves(chainA, hppFile); PrintBranches(chainA, hppFile); PrintLeaves(chainB, hppFile); PrintBranches(chainB, hppFile); hppFile << "};\n\n"; hppFile << "#endif" << std::endl; cppFile << "#include \"cfa.hpp\"\n"; cppFile << "#include <vector>\n"; cppFile << "#include <string>\n"; cppFile << "#include <fstream>\n"; cppFile << "#include <sstream>\n"; cppFile << "#include \"TChain.h\"\n"; cppFile << "#include \"TBranch.h\"\n\n"; cppFile << "cfA::cfA(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList):\n"; cppFile << " chainA(\"eventA\"),\n"; cppFile << " chainB(\"eventB\"),\n"; cppFile << " sampleName(fileIn),\n"; cppFile << " totalEntries(0),\n"; cppFile << " cfAVersion(-1),\n"; PrintNullInit(chainA, cppFile); PrintBranchInit(chainA, cppFile); cppFile << ",\n"; PrintNullInit(chainB, cppFile); PrintBranchInit(chainB, cppFile); cppFile << "{\n"; cppFile << " GetVersion();\n"; cppFile << " AddFiles(fileIn, isList);\n"; cppFile << " PrepareNewChains();\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::GetVersion(){\n"; cppFile << " size_t pos(sampleName.rfind(\"_v\"));\n"; cppFile << " if(pos!=std::string::npos && pos<sampleName.size()-2){\n"; cppFile << " std::istringstream iss(sampleName.substr(pos+2));\n"; cppFile << " iss >> cfAVersion;\n"; cppFile << " if( || iss.bad()){\n"; cppFile << " cfAVersion=-1;\n"; cppFile << " }\n"; cppFile << " }\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::PrepareNewChains(){\n"; cppFile << " InitializeA();\n"; cppFile << " InitializeB();\n"; cppFile << " CalcTotalEntries();\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::AddFiles(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList){\n"; cppFile << " if(isList){\n"; cppFile << " std::ifstream infile(fileIn.c_str());\n"; cppFile << " std::string file(\"\");\n"; cppFile << " while(infile >> file){\n"; cppFile << " chainA.Add((file+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventA\").c_str());\n"; cppFile << " chainB.Add((file+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventB\").c_str());\n"; cppFile << " }\n"; cppFile << " infile.close();\n"; cppFile << " }else{\n"; cppFile << " chainA.Add((fileIn+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventA\").c_str());\n"; cppFile << " chainB.Add((fileIn+\"/configurableAnalysis/eventB\").c_str());\n"; cppFile << " }\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::SetFile(const std::string& fileIn, const bool isList){\n"; cppFile << " chainA.Reset(); chainB.Reset();\n"; cppFile << " AddFiles(fileIn, isList);\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "int cfA::GetEntry(const unsigned int entryIn){\n"; cppFile << " return chainA.GetEntry(entryIn)+chainB.GetEntry(entryIn);\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::CalcTotalEntries(){\n"; cppFile << " const int nEntriesA(chainA.GetEntries()), nEntriesB(chainB.GetEntries());\n"; cppFile << " if (nEntriesA!=nEntriesB){\n"; cppFile << " totalEntries=-1;\n"; cppFile << " }else{\n"; cppFile << " totalEntries=nEntriesA;\n"; cppFile << " }\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "TChain* cfA::GetChainA(){\n"; cppFile << " return &chainA;\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "TChain* cfA::GetChainB(){\n"; cppFile << " return &chainB;\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "std::string cfA::GetSampleName() const{\n"; cppFile << " return sampleName;\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "int cfA::GetTotalEntries() const{\n"; cppFile << " return totalEntries;\n"; cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::InitializeA(){\n"; PrintSetNull(chainA, cppFile); PrintSetBranchAddressA(chainA, cppFile); cppFile << "}\n\n"; cppFile << "void cfA::InitializeB(){\n"; PrintSetNull(chainB, cppFile); PrintSetBranchAddressB(chainB, cppFile); cppFile << "}\n\n"; }else{ std::cout << "Warning in " << argv[0] << ": one or both of chainA and chainB are NULL (" << chainA << " and " << chainB << ").\n"; } inFile.Close(); cppFile.close(); hppFile.close(); }else{ std::cout << "Warning in " << argv[0] << ": Could not open " << argv[1] << ".\n"; } } }