Esempio n. 1
void					ht_set(t_hashtable *hashtable, char *key, void *value)
	const int			bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);
	t_entry				*newpair;
	t_entry				*next;
	t_entry				*last;

	ht_fln(hashtable->table[bin], &next, &last, key);
	if (next != NULL && next->key != NULL && ft_strcmp(key, next->key) == 0)
		next->value = value;
		newpair = ht_newpair(key, value);
		if (next == hashtable->table[bin])
			newpair->next = next;
			hashtable->table[bin] = newpair;
			return ;
		last->next = newpair;
		if (next)
			newpair->next = next;
Esempio n. 2
t_value *ht_update(t_hash_table *h, t_key key) {
    int hash = ht_hash(key, h->size);
    t_bucket *b = ht_find_bucket(h, key, hash);
    t_value value;
    value.ull = 0ULL;

    if (b == NULL) {
        if (h->num_keys == h->size) {
            hash = ht_hash(key, h->size);
        b = ht_create_bucket(h, key, value, h->bucket_ptrs[hash]);
        h->bucket_ptrs[hash] = b;
    return &(b->value);
Esempio n. 3
   Delete the student info item that matches the given id.

   If missing, don't do anything.
void ht_delete(hashtable ht, int id) {
  int index = ht_hash(ht, id);

  if ( ! ht->buckets[index] ) {
    // empty list, not present 

  // check head first looking for matching id
  ht_node *cur = ht->buckets[index];
  if ( (cur->item).id == id ) {
    ht_node *next = cur->next;
    ht->buckets[index] = next;
  } else {
    ht_node *previous = cur;
    cur = cur->next;

    // walk along collision list looking for matching id
    while (cur) {
      if ( (cur->item).id == id ) {
        previous->next = cur->next;

      // no match, more to look at, move on
      previous = cur;
      cur = cur->next;
Esempio n. 4
void					ht_remove(t_hashtable *hashtable, char *key)
	int					bin;
	t_entry				*pair;
	t_entry				*old;

	bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);
	pair = hashtable->table[bin];
	old = NULL;
	while (pair != NULL && pair->key != NULL && ft_strcmp(key, pair->key) > 0)
		old = pair;
		pair = pair->next;
	if (pair == NULL || pair->key == NULL || ft_strcmp(key, pair->key) != 0)
		return ;
		if (old)
			old->next = pair->next;
		if (!old)
			hashtable->table[bin] = NULL;
Esempio n. 5
int ht_get_count(hashtable_t *hashtable, char *key) {
	int bin = 0;
	entry_t *pair;

	bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);

	/* Step through the bin, looking for our value. */
	pair = hashtable->table[bin];

	while (pair != NULL && pair->key != NULL && strcmp(key, pair->key) > 0) {
		pair = pair->next;

	/* Did we actually find anything? */

	if (pair == NULL || pair->key == NULL || strcmp(key, pair->key) != 0) {
		return -1;

	else {
		return pair->count;

Esempio n. 6
void ht_append(hashtable *hashtable , char *key){
        int bin = NULL;
        entry *lastPair = NULL;
        entry *next = NULL;
        entry *newpair=NULL;

        bin = ht_hash(hashtable , key);
        next = hashtable->table[ bin ];

        while (next != NULL && next->lastName != NULL && strcmp(next->lastName , key) >0){
            lastPair = next ;
            next = next->pNext;

            newpair = ht_newpair(key);
        if( next == hashtable->table[ bin ]){
            newpair-> pNext = next;      
            hashtable->table[ bin ] = newpair;
        else if (next == NULL){
            lastPair->pNext = newpair;
            newpair->pNext = next ;
            lastPair->pNext = newpair;
Esempio n. 7
 * Adds an item to the given list.
 * Return 1 if successful or 0 otherwise.
int ht_add(hash_table_t *ht, int item)
  int position = ht_hash(item);
  int inserted = 0;

  // Allocate memory for the next element in hash table
  entry_t *new_entry = malloc(sizeof(entry_t));
  new_entry->key = item;
  new_entry->next = NULL;

  // Check if position is empty
  if(ht->table[position] == NULL) {
    ht->table[position] = new_entry;
    inserted = 1;
  } else {  // Pass all elements in chain to add new entry
    entry_t *next_entry;
    next_entry = ht->table[position];

    while(next_entry->next != NULL) next_entry = next_entry->next;

    next_entry->next = new_entry;
    inserted = 1;



  return inserted;
Esempio n. 8
File: hashtab.c Progetto: qyqx/wisp
/* delete the given key from the hashtable */
void ht_remove (hashtab_t * hashtable, void *key, size_t keylen)
  hashtab_node_t *last_node, *next_node;
  int index = ht_hash (key, keylen, hashtable->size);
  next_node = hashtable->arr[index];
  last_node = NULL;

  while (next_node != NULL)
      if (next_node->keylen == keylen)
	  if (memcmp (key, next_node->key, keylen) == 0)
	      /* adjust the list pointers */
	      if (last_node != NULL)
		last_node->next = next_node->next;
		hashtable->arr[index] = next_node->next;

	      /* free the node */
	      xfree (next_node);
      last_node = next_node;
      next_node = next_node->next;
Esempio n. 9
File: GC_net.c Progetto: Gaspi/pvs2C
/* Insert a key-value pair into a hash table. */
void ht_set( hashtable_t *hashtable, void* key, int value ) {
  entry_t *newpair = NULL;
  entry_t *next = NULL;
  entry_t *last = NULL;
  int bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );
  next = hashtable->table[ bin ];
  while( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && key != next->key ) {
    last = next;
    next = next->next;
  /* There's already a pair. Let's replace that string. */
  if( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && key == next->key ) {
    next->value = value;
    /* Nope, could't find it. Time to grow a pair. */
  } else {
    newpair = ht_newpair( key, value );
    /* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
    if( next == hashtable->table[ bin ] ) {
      newpair->next = next;
      hashtable->table[ bin ] = newpair;
      /* We're at the end of the linked list in this bin. */
    } else if ( next == NULL ) {
      last->next = newpair;
      /* We're in the middle of the list. */
    } else {
      newpair->next = next;
      last->next = newpair;
Esempio n. 10
void ht_remove(Hashtable *hashtable, char *key) {
    int bin = 0;
    entry_t* current = NULL;
    entry_t* prev = NULL;

    bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);

    /* Step through the bin, looking for our value. */
    current = hashtable->table[bin];
    while (current != NULL && strcmp(key, current->key) != 0) {
        prev = current;
        current = current->next;

    /* Did we actually find anything? */
    if (current == NULL) {
    else {
        /* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
        if (prev == NULL) {
            hashtable->table[bin] = current->next;
        /* Otherwise */
        else {
            prev->next = current->next;
        // free(current->key);
Esempio n. 11
void ht_put(Hashtable* hashtable, char* key, void* value) {
    entry_t* newpair = NULL;
    entry_t* current = NULL;
    entry_t* prev = NULL;

    int bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);
    current = hashtable->table[bin];

    while (current != NULL && strcmp(key, current->key) != 0) {
        prev = current;
        current = current->next;

    /* There's already a pair.  Let's replace that string. */
    if (current != NULL) {
        current->value = value;
    /* Nope, could't find it.  Time to grow a pair. */
    else {
        newpair = ht_newpair(key, value);

        /* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
        if (prev == NULL) {
            hashtable->table[bin] = newpair;
        /* We're at the end of the linked list in this bin. */
        else {
            prev->next = newpair;
Esempio n. 12
void ht_insert(hashtable **table, void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) {
	*table = ht_resize_if_needed(*table);

	int hash = ht_hash(key, key_size, (*table)->max_size);
	hash = ht_linear_probe_if_needed(*table, hash, key, key_size);

	// Free old entry if we are replacing
	if ((*table)->entries[hash] != NULL && memcmp((*table)->entries[hash]->key, key, key_size) == 0) {

	size_t entry_size = sizeof(struct _htable_entry) + key_size + value_size;
	htable_entry *entry = (htable_entry *)malloc(entry_size);
	memcpy(entry->data, key, key_size);
	entry->key = entry->data;
	entry->key_size = key_size;

	memcpy(entry->data+key_size, value, value_size);
	entry->value = entry->data+key_size;
	entry->value_size = value_size;
	(*table)->entries[hash] = entry;

Esempio n. 13
exmpp_ht_store(struct exmpp_hashtable *ht, const char *key, int key_len,
    void *value)
	unsigned int index;
	struct exmpp_ht_entry *entry;

	if (ht == NULL || ht->entries == NULL)
		return (-1);

	/* Allocate the new entry. */
	entry = driver_alloc(sizeof(*entry));
	if (entry == NULL)
		return (-1);

	if (key_len == -1) {
		entry->hash = ht_hash(key);
		entry->key = exmpp_strdup(key);
		if (entry->key == NULL)
			return (-1);
	} else {
		entry->hash = ht_hash_len(key, key_len);
		entry->key = driver_alloc(key_len + 1);
		if (entry->key == NULL)
			return (-1);
		memcpy(entry->key, key, key_len);
		entry->key[key_len] = '\0';
	entry->key_len = key_len;
	entry->value = value;

#if defined(USE_RWLOCK)

	/* Expand the table is necessary. */
	if (++(ht->entries_count) > ht->load_limit) {
		 * Ignore the return value. If expand fails, we should
		 * still try cramming just this value into the existing
		 * table -- we may not have memory for a larger table,
		 * but one more element may be ok. Next time we insert,
		 * we'll try expanding again.

	/* Wire the new entry. */
	index = entry->hash % ht->length;
	entry->next = ht->entries[index];
	ht->entries[index] = entry;

#if defined(USE_RWLOCK)

	return (0);
Esempio n. 14
void ht_remove(hashtable *table, void *key, size_t key_size) {
	int hash = ht_hash(key, key_size, table->max_size);

	int index = ht_correct_index_if_needed(table, hash, key, key_size);
	assert(index >= 0 && index < table->max_size);

	table->entries[index] = NULL;
Esempio n. 15
/* Retrieve a key-value pair from a hash table. */
char *ht_get( hashtable_t *hashtable, char *key ) {
	entry_t *pair = hashtable->table[ht_hash( hashtable, key )];
	while( pair && pair->key && strcmp(key, pair->key) > 0 )
		pair = pair->next;

	if (!pair || !pair->key)
		return NULL;
		return pair->value;
Esempio n. 16
void *ht_get(hashtable *table, void *key, size_t key_size) {
	int hash = ht_hash(key, key_size, table->max_size);

	int index = ht_correct_index_if_needed(table, hash, key, key_size);
	if (index < 0 || index >= table->max_size || table->entries[index]->value == NULL) {
		// fprintf(stderr, "NULL returned from table\n");

		return NULL;

	return table->entries[index]->value;
Esempio n. 17
 * @brief Sets the Key and Value into the hashtable.
 * @param hashtable A pointer to the hash table.
 * @param key The string that stores the key.
 * @param value The string that stores the value.
 * @return No return value.
int ht_set( HashTable *hashtable, char *key, char *value ) {
	int bin = 0;
	Entry *newpair = NULL;
	Entry *next = NULL;
	Entry *last = NULL;
	bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );

	next = hashtable->table[ bin ];
	while( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) > 0 ) {
		last = next;
		next = next->next;
	/* There's already a pair.  Let's replace that string. */
	if( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) == 0 ) {

		free( next->value );
		next->value = myStrDup( value );
		next->metadata += 1;
	/* Nope, could't find it.  Time to grow a pair. */
	} else {

		newpair = ht_newpair( key, value );

		/* Ensure we have not run out of memory */
		if (newpair == NULL)
			return HASH_SET_FAIL;

		/* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
		if( next == hashtable->table[ bin ] ) {
			newpair->next = next;
			hashtable->table[ bin ] = newpair;
		/* We're at the end of the linked list in this bin. */
		} else if ( next == NULL ) {
			last->next = newpair;
		/* We're in the middle of the list. */
		} else  {
			newpair->next = next;
			last->next = newpair;

		/* We have successfully inserted */
	return 0; // success
Esempio n. 18
t_entry					*ht_get_pair(t_hashtable *hashtable, char *key)
	int					bin;
	t_entry				*pair;

	bin = ht_hash(hashtable, key);
	pair = hashtable->table[bin];
	while (pair != NULL && pair->key != NULL && ft_strcmp(key, pair->key) > 0)
		pair = pair->next;
	if (pair == NULL || pair->key == NULL || ft_strcmp(key, pair->key) != 0)
		return (NULL);
		return (pair);
Esempio n. 19
 * @brief Removes an item given a specific key
 * @param hashtable A pointer to the hash table.
 * @param Key A pointer to the key to delete.
 * @return Returns the status of the removal, whether it was successful or not.
int ht_removeItem ( HashTable *hashtable, char *key  ){
	Entry *curr = NULL;
	Entry *last = NULL;
	int bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );
	curr = hashtable->table[ bin ];
	/* Key does not exist */
	if (curr == NULL)
		return KEY_NOT_FOUND;

 	/* Iterate through until we hit the end or find the key */
	while( curr->next != NULL && strcmp( key, curr->key ) != 0 ) {
		last = curr;
		curr = curr->next;

	/* We hit the end and yet no key was found */
	if (strcmp (key, curr->key) != 0)
		return KEY_NOT_FOUND;

	/* Item was found! */
	/* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
	if (curr == hashtable->table[bin]){
		Entry * temp = curr;
		curr = curr -> next;
			free (temp->key);
			free (temp->value);
			temp->next = NULL;
			free (temp);
			hashtable->table[bin] = curr;
	/* We are at the end of the list in this bin */
	} else if ( curr->next == NULL ){
		free (curr->key);
		free (curr->value);
		free (curr);
		last->next = NULL;
	/* We're in the middle of the list. */
	} else {
		last->next = curr-> next;
		free (curr->key);
		free (curr->value);
		free (curr);
Esempio n. 20
void ht_remove(t_hash_table *h, t_key key,
               void (*function)(t_value *value, void *data), void *data) {
    int hash = ht_hash(key, h->size);
    t_bucket *b, **prevnextb = &(h->bucket_ptrs[hash]);

    for (b = *prevnextb; b; b = *prevnextb) {
        if (b->key == key) {
            *prevnextb = b->next;
            if (function)
                function(&(b->value), data);
            ht_delete_bucket(h, b);
        } else
            prevnextb = &(b->next);
Esempio n. 21
File: hashtab.c Progetto: qyqx/wisp
void *ht_search (hashtab_t * hashtable, void *key, size_t keylen)
  int index = ht_hash (key, keylen, hashtable->size);
  if (hashtable->arr[index] == NULL)
    return NULL;

  hashtab_node_t *last_node = hashtable->arr[index];
  while (last_node != NULL)
      if (last_node->keylen == keylen)
	if (memcmp (key, last_node->key, keylen) == 0)
	  return last_node->value;
      last_node = last_node->next;
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 22
void ht_findName(hashtable *hashtable ,char *key){
        int bin = 0;
        entry *pair;
        bin = ht_hash(hashtable , key);

        pair = hashtable->table[ bin ];

        while( strcmp(pair->lastName,key) >0 ){
            pair = pair->pNext;

        if( strcmp(pair->lastName,key)!=0){
            printf("%s is not found\n",key);
            printf("%s is found\n",key);   
Esempio n. 23
File: GC_net.c Progetto: Gaspi/pvs2C
/* Retrieve a key-value pair from a hash table. */
int ht_get( hashtable_t *hashtable, void* key ) {
  entry_t *pair;
  int bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );
  /* Step through the bin, looking for our value. */
  pair = hashtable->table[ bin ];
  while( pair != NULL && pair->key != NULL && strcmp( key, pair->key ) > 0 ) {
    pair = pair->next;
  /* Did we actually find anything? */
  if( pair == NULL || pair->key == NULL || strcmp( key, pair->key ) != 0 ) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return pair->value;
Esempio n. 24
static void ht_resize(t_hash_table *h) {
    int i, new_hash, new_size = 2 * h->size;
    t_bucket *b, *nextb;
    t_bucket **new_bucket_ptrs =
        (t_bucket **)calloc(new_size, sizeof(t_bucket *));

    for (i = h->size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        for (b = h->bucket_ptrs[i]; b; b = nextb) {
            new_hash = ht_hash(b->key, new_size);
            nextb = b->next;
            b->next = new_bucket_ptrs[new_hash];
            new_bucket_ptrs[new_hash] = b;
    h->bucket_ptrs = new_bucket_ptrs;
    h->size = new_size;
Esempio n. 25
File: hashtab.c Progetto: qyqx/wisp
void *ht_insert (hashtab_t * hashtable,
		 void *key, size_t keylen, void *value, size_t vallen)
  int index = ht_hash (key, keylen, hashtable->size);

  hashtab_node_t *next_node, *last_node;
  next_node = hashtable->arr[index];
  last_node = NULL;

  /* Search for an existing key. */
  while (next_node != NULL)
      if (next_node->keylen == keylen)
	  if (memcmp (key, next_node->key, keylen) == 0)
	      next_node->value = value;
	      next_node->vallen = vallen;
	      return next_node->value;
      last_node = next_node;
      next_node = next_node->next;

  /* create a new node */
  hashtab_node_t *new_node;
  new_node = (hashtab_node_t *) xmalloc (sizeof (hashtab_node_t));
  new_node->key = key;
  new_node->value = value;
  new_node->keylen = keylen;
  new_node->vallen = vallen;
  new_node->next = NULL;

  /* Tack the new node on the end or right on the table. */
  if (last_node != NULL)
    last_node->next = new_node;
    hashtable->arr[index] = new_node;

  return new_node->value;
Esempio n. 26
/* Insert a key-value pair into a hash table. */
void ht_set( hashtable_t *hashtable, char *key, char *value ) {
	int bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );
	entry_t *next = hashtable->table[bin];
	entry_t *last, *newpair;
	while(next && next->key && strcmp(key, next->key) > 0) {
		last = next;
		next = next->next;
	if (!hashtable->table[bin])
		hashtable->table[bin] = ht_newpair(key, value, NULL);
	else if (!next || !next->key || strcmp(key, next->key)==0)
		last->next = ht_newpair(key, value, next);
	else {
		free (next->value);
		next->value = strdup(value);
Esempio n. 27
 * @brief Retrieve a value corresponding to a given Key.
 * @param hashtable A pointer to the hash table.
 * @param key The string that stores the key.
 * @param value The string that stores the value.
 * @returns an entry pointer.
Entry *ht_get( HashTable *hashtable, char *key ) {
	int bin = 0;
	Entry *pair;
	bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );
	/* Step through the bin, looking for our value. */
	pair = hashtable->table[ bin ];
	while( pair != NULL && pair->key != NULL && strcmp( key, pair->key ) > 0 ) {
		pair = pair->next;
	/* Did we actually find anything? */
	if( pair == NULL || pair->key == NULL || strcmp( key, pair->key ) != 0 ) {
		return NULL;
	} else {
		return pair;
Esempio n. 28
 * Removes an item from the given list.
 * Return 1 if successful or 0 otherwise.
int ht_remove(hash_table_t *ht, int item)
  int position = ht_hash(item);
  int removed = 0;


  if(ht->table[position] != NULL) {
    entry_t *next_entry, *previous;
    // Check if item to be removed is the first of a chain list
    if(ht->table[position]->key == item) {
      // Remove the first element of chain
      next_entry = ht->table[position];
      ht->table[position] = next_entry->next;

      removed = 1;
    } else {    // Remove the others elements of chain
      previous = ht->table[position];
      next_entry = previous->next;

      while(next_entry != NULL) {
        if(next_entry->key == item) {
          previous->next = next_entry->next;

          removed = 1;
        previous = next_entry;
        next_entry = next_entry->next;

  if(removed) ht->total_elements--;

  return removed;
Esempio n. 29
void *
exmpp_ht_fetch(struct exmpp_hashtable *ht, const char *key, int key_len)
	struct exmpp_ht_entry *entry;
	unsigned int hash, index;

	if (ht == NULL || ht->entries == NULL)
		return (NULL);

	hash = key_len == -1 ? ht_hash(key) : ht_hash_len(key, key_len);

#if defined(USE_RWLOCK)

	index = hash % ht->length;
	entry = ht->entries[index];

	while (entry != NULL) {
		/* Check hash value to short circuit heavier comparison. */
		if (entry->hash == hash &&
		    ((key_len == -1 &&
		      strcmp(entry->key, key) == 0) ||
		     (entry->key_len == key_len &&
		      strncmp(entry->key, key, key_len) == 0))) {
#if defined(USE_RWLOCK)
			return (entry->value);

		entry = entry->next;

#if defined(USE_RWLOCK)

	return (NULL);
Esempio n. 30
/* Insert a key-value pair into a hash table. */
void ht_set( hashtable_t *hashtable, char *key, struct symbol_s *value ) {
	int bin = 0;
	entry_t *newpair = NULL;
	entry_t *next = NULL;
	entry_t *last = NULL;

	bin = ht_hash( hashtable, key );

	next = hashtable->table[ bin ];

	while( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) > 0 ) {
		last = next;
		next = next->next;

/* There's already a pair. Let's replace that string. */
	if( next != NULL && next->key != NULL && strcmp( key, next->key ) == 0 ) {
		//TODO yyerror ("redefinition");
		free( next->value );
		next->value = value;

/* Nope, could't find it. Time to grow a pair. */
	} else {
		newpair = ht_newpair( key, value );

/* We're at the start of the linked list in this bin. */
		if( next == hashtable->table[ bin ] ) {
			newpair->next = next;
			hashtable->table[ bin ] = newpair;
/* We're at the end of the linked list in this bin. */
		} else if ( next == NULL ) {
			last->next = newpair;
/* We're in the middle of the list. */
		} else {
			newpair->next = next;
			last->next = newpair;