Esempio n. 1
void WebResourceCacheManager::getCacheOrigins(uint64_t callbackID) const
    WebProcess::LocalTerminationDisabler terminationDisabler(WebProcess::shared());

    MemoryCache::SecurityOriginSet origins;

    RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> cfURLHosts = cfURLCacheHostNames();
    CFIndex size = cfURLHosts ? CFArrayGetCount(cfURLHosts.get()) : 0;

    String httpString("http");
    for (CFIndex i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        CFStringRef host = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfURLHosts.get(), i));
        origins.add(SecurityOrigin::create(httpString, host, 0));

    // Create a list with the origins in both of the caches.
    Vector<SecurityOriginData> identifiers;

    MemoryCache::SecurityOriginSet::iterator end = origins.end();
    for (MemoryCache::SecurityOriginSet::iterator it = origins.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> origin = *it;
        SecurityOriginData originData;
        originData.protocol = origin->protocol(); = origin->host();
        originData.port = origin->port();


    WebProcess::shared().connection()->send(Messages::WebResourceCacheManagerProxy::DidGetCacheOrigins(identifiers, callbackID), 0);
Esempio n. 2
//Ok, so here goes nothing...
void iohtmlFunc_ajax( ReplyDataPtr cnt ) {
	ConfigArrayPtr settings[2];
	int a, c, id, numbuild;
	int64_t b;
	int64_t bsums[CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED+1];
	int64_t usums[CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED];
	const char *typestring, *idstring, *refer;
	char CHECKER[256];
	char timebuf[512];
	dbMainEmpireDef empired;
	dbBuildPtr build;
	dbUserMainDef maind;
	proginfoDef pinfod;
	urlinfoPtr urlp;
	cpuInfo cpuinfo;
	time_t tint;
	struct sysinfo sysinfod;

refer = idstring = typestring = NULL;
cpuGetInfo( &cpuinfo );
getsys_infos( &pinfod );
if( sysinfo(&sysinfod) != 0 ) {
	critical( "Failure getting system infomation... Critical failure." );
	sysconfig.shutdown = true; return;

idstring = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "id" );
typestring = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "typ" );

refer = iohtmlHeaderFind(cnt, "Referer");

if( ( id = iohtmlIdentify( cnt, 2 ) ) >= 0 ) {
	if( dbUserMainRetrieve( id, &maind ) < 0 )
		goto BAILAJAX;
	else if( dbEmpireGetInfo( maind.empire, &empired ) < 0 )
		goto BAILAJAX;


if( ( typestring ) && ( refer ) ) {
	urlp = parse_url(refer);
	refer = urlp->path;
	httpString( cnt, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" );
	httpPrintf( cnt, "<xml>" );
	//Begin XML generation, we only make one request now... so we have to structure carefully!
	if( !strcmp(typestring,"ticker") ) {
		//Send basic tick info, and check if user is loged in.
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<pass>%d</pass>", ( id != -1 ) ? ( ( bitflag( ((cnt->session)->dbuser)->flags, CMD_USER_FLAGS_ACTIVATED ) ) ? true : false ) : false );
		if( refer )
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<page>%s</page>", refer );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<u_online>%d</u_online><u_activated>%d</u_activated>", dbRegisteredInfo[DB_TOTALS_USERS_ONLINE], dbRegisteredInfo[DB_TOTALS_USERS_ACTIVATED] );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<time><next>%d</next><week>%d</week><year>%d</year></time>", (int)fmax( 0.0, ( - time(0) ) ), ticks.number % 52, ticks.number / 52 );
		if( !strcmp(refer,"status") ) {
			snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%lu bytes ( %5.1f mb )", pinfod.stvsize, pinfod.stvsize  / megabyte );
			httpString( cnt, "<general>" );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<servpriority>%ld</servpriority>", pinfod.stpriority );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<servthreads>%ld</servthreads>", pinfod.threads );
			httpString( cnt, "</general>" );
			httpString( cnt, "<memory>" );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<memused>%s</memused>", CHECKER );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<memavbytes>%ld bytes</memavbytes>", sysinfod.freeram );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<memavmeg>( %4.1f mb )</memavmeg>", (sysinfod.freeram  / megabyte ) );

			httpPrintf( cnt, "<totalswapbytes>%ld bytes</totalswapbytes>", sysinfod.totalswap );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<totalswapmeg>( %5.1f mb )</totalswapmeg>", (sysinfod.totalswap / megabyte ) );

			httpPrintf( cnt, "<freeswapbytes>%ld bytes</freeswapbytes>", sysinfod.freeswap );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<freeswapmeg>( %5.1f mb )</freeswapmeg>", (sysinfod.freeswap  / megabyte ) );

			httpPrintf( cnt, "<bufferbytes>%ld bytes</bufferbytes>", sysinfod.bufferram );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<bufermeg>( %5.1f mb )</bufermeg>", (sysinfod.bufferram  / megabyte ) );

			httpPrintf( cnt, "<sharedbytes>%ld bytes</sharedbytes>", sysinfod.sharedram );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<sharedmeg>( %5.1f mb )</sharedmeg>", (sysinfod.sharedram  / megabyte ) );

			time( &tint );
			strftime(timebuf,512,"%a, %d %b %G %T %Z", localtime( &tint ) );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<timeserver>%s</timeserver>", timebuf );
			strftime(timebuf,512,"%a, %d %b %G %T %Z", gmtime( &tint ) );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<timegmt>%s</timegmt>", timebuf );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<strss>%lu pages</strss>", pinfod.strss );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "</memory>" );
			httpString( cnt, "<cpu>" );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuprocs>%d</cpuprocs>", sysinfod.procs );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuloads>%f (1 min) - %f (5 mins) - %f (15 mins)</cpuloads>",pinfod.loadavg[0],pinfod.loadavg[1],pinfod.loadavg[2]);
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<cputotal>%.3f %%</cputotal>", pinfod.userload + pinfod.kernelload );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpukernel>%.3f %%</cpukernel>", pinfod.kernelload );
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuuser>%.3f %%</cpuuser>", pinfod.userload );
			httpString( cnt, "</cpu>" );
			if( sysconfig.irc_enabled ) {
				if( irc_is_connected(sysconfig.irc_session) ) {
					settings[0] = GetSetting( "IRC Host" );
					settings[1] = GetSetting( "IRC Channel" );
					snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "Enabled (Host:%s, Channel:%s)", settings[0]->string_value, settings[1]->string_value );
				} else {
					snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%s", "Enabled but not connected" );
			} else {
				snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%s", "Disabled");
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<botstatus>%s</botstatus>", CHECKER );

		//End Status block -- Start user block
		if( id < 0 )
			goto ENDXML;
		a = dbUserNewsGetFlags( id );
		//OK, so they are loged in... time to send some info. Lets start with the header. =)
		httpString( cnt, "<header>" );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<networth>%lld</networth>", (long long)maind.networth );
		httpString( cnt, "<notification>" );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<mail>%d</mail>",  ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_MAIL ) ? true : false );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<build>%d</build>",  ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_BUILD ) ? true : false );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<aid>%d</aid>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_AID ) ? true : false );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<fleet>%d</fleet>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_ATTACK ) ? 1 : ( ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_FLEET ) ? 2 : false ) );
		httpString( cnt, "</notification>" );
		httpString( cnt, "<ressources>" );
		for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESSOURCE_NUMUSED ; a++ ) {
			snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER),"%s",cmdRessourceName[a]);
			for(b = 0; CHECKER[b]; b++){
				CHECKER[b] = tolower(CHECKER[b]);
			httpPrintf( cnt, "<%s>%lld</%s>", CHECKER, (long long)maind.ressource[a], CHECKER );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<population>%lld</population>", (long long)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] );
		httpString( cnt, "</ressources>" );
		httpString( cnt, "</header>" );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<%s>", refer );
		//End Header block -- Start HQ block
		if( !strcmp(refer,"hq") ) {
			httpString( cnt, "<readiness>" );
			for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_READY_NUMUSED ; a++ ) {
				httpPrintf( cnt, "<%sready>%d</%sready>", cmdReadyName[a], maind.readiness[a] >> 16, cmdReadyName[a] );
			httpString( cnt, "</readiness>" );
		httpPrintf( cnt, "<planets>%d</planets>", maind.planets );
		//End HQ block -- Start Council block
		} else if( !strcmp(refer,"council") ) {
Esempio n. 3
/*This function will be use to approve file uploaded by player to our image server*/
void iohttpFunc_Approve( ReplyDataPtr cnt )
	int nAllow = 0; // == 1 if this user have the right of allowing image
	int id, nAction;  //Action == 1 approve 2 == Disapprove (file deleted, msg send to id)
	int a;						//Because Mal always use a and not i
	char *szAction;
	char *szID;
	char szName[50];
	char szPass[50];
	char szFileName[50];
	char szTemp[50];
	FILE *fDesc;

	if((( id = iohtmlIdentify( cnt, 0 ) ) >= 0 ) && (cnt != NULL))
 	if( ((cnt->session)->dbuser)->level >= LEVEL_MODERATOR )
 		nAllow ++;

 //Look for variable here

 szAction = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "action" );
 szID = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "id" );

 iohtmlBase( cnt, 1 ); //Init of the html code for the player
 iohtmlBodyInit( cnt, "Approving" );

 	//Read all the input given by Post then show link to the file to download it before approving it.
 		nAction = atoi(szAction);
 		//Open the desc file of this file ID
 		sprintf(szFileName, "pending/%s.txt", szID);
 	 fDesc = fopen(szFileName, "r");
 			if( ( fscanf(fDesc, "%s", szName) || fscanf(fDesc, "%s", szPass) || fscanf(fDesc, "%s", szFileName) ) != 1 ) {

 			//In both case we must check if the user exist and what is his id
	 		nAllow = -1;
	 		//this if is for formating the user and pass put ' ' instead of +
	 		if( strlen( szName ) && strlen( szPass ) )
			  for( a = 0 ; szName[a] ; a++ )
			   if( szName[a] == '+' )
			    szName[a] = ' ';
			   else if( ( szName[a] == 10 ) || ( szName[a] == 13 ) )
			    szName[a] = 0;
			  for( a = 0 ; szPass[a] ; a++ )
			   if( szPass[a] == '+' )
			    szPass[a] = ' ';
			   else if( ( szPass[a] == 10 ) || ( szPass[a] == 13 ) )
			    szPass[a] = 0;

			  if( ( id = dbUserSearch( szName ) ) >= 0 )
				  if( dbUserRetrievePassword( id, szTemp ) >= 0 )
				  	if( ioCompareExact( szPass, szTemp) )
				   	nAllow = id;
				 //nAllow will be equal to the id of the user if the good password was supplied


	 		if(nAction == 1)			//Approve
	 			httpPrintf(cnt, "The file %s is approved<br>", szID);
	 		else if(nAction == 2)	//Disapprove
	 			httpPrintf(cnt, "This file %s is deleted and a message was sent to the user<br>", szID);

 	//List all the file "pending" here

 	httpString(cnt, "Sorry you don't have the necessary right to approve files upload by players!");
 iohtmlBodyEnd( cnt );