Esempio n. 1
void serv_proc(int fd){
	char buf[MAXLINE];
	Req_header header;

	char delims[] = "/";
	char *result = NULL;

	readline(fd, buf, MAXLINE);
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);

	parse_request(buf, &header);

	memset(buf, 0, MAXLINE);
	strcpy(buf, header.locator);
	result = strtok(buf, delims);

	if (strcmp(result, "cgi-bin") == 0) {
		cgi_handle(fd, &header);
	} else {
		http_respond(fd, &header);

	servlog(LOG_INFO, "[client:%s][%s] %d\n", "", "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", 200);

Esempio n. 2
 * Handles all the steps needed for and HTTP exchange
void *handle_client( void *args ){
	int client_file_desc = *( ( int *) args );

	// What's the client saying?
	char *client_request;
	int bytes_received =  http_receive_request( client_file_desc, &client_request );
	if( !( bytes_received > 0 ) ){
		printf( "[THREAD %lu] Got less than 1 byte from http_receive_request()\n", ( unsigned long ) pthread_self( ) );
	//Parse out the request
	HTTPRequest *request = malloc( sizeof ( HTTPRequest ) );
	memset( request, 0, sizeof( HTTPRequest ) );

	// I'm putting this on the stack
	char sc[10];
	// because
	snprintf( sc, 10, "%lu", ( unsigned long ) pthread_self( ) );
	// shut up
	char *strtok_context = &sc[0];

	// No ragrets
	char *http_request_line = strtok_r( client_request, "\r\n", &strtok_context );
		request->command  = strtok_r( http_request_line, " ", &strtok_context );
		request->resource = strtok_r( NULL, " ", &strtok_context );
		request->version  = strtok_r( NULL, " ", &strtok_context );
	// Oh look! I don't need to free strtok_context.
	// yay

	// Respond to the client	
	if( strcmp( request->command, "GET") == 0 ){
		http_respond( client_file_desc, request->resource );
		// Nothing more for me to do here

	// Clean up memory and terminate the thread
	// Don't need these anymore
	free( request );
	free( client_request );
	// Deallocate the thread slot and close the file descriptor for the socket
	close_thread( pthread_self( ) );
	printf( "[THREAD %lu] Thread socket unlocked\n", ( unsigned long ) pthread_self( ) );
	printf( "[MAIN THREAD] %d/%d clients connected\n", count_thread_sockets( ), MAX_CLIENTS );
	shutdown( client_file_desc, 2 );
	close( client_file_desc );

	// Terminate the thread
	pthread_exit( NULL );
Esempio n. 3
int main() 
	int port = 80;
	int sockfd;
	char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 1024);
	char* filename = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 255);
	struct http_request* request = malloc(sizeof(*request));
	struct http_response* response = malloc(sizeof(*response));

	printf("Creating socket\n");
	sockfd = create_socket(port);

	while(1) {
		int clientfd;
		clientfd = accept_client(sockfd);

		http_read_request(clientfd, &buffer);
		http_parse_request(request, &buffer);

		// If / is requested, substitute it for index
		if(strlen(request->path) == 1) {
			sprintf(request->path, "index");
		// Make sure path not containing . ends with .html
		if(strstr(request->path, ".") == NULL) {
			strcat(request->path, ".html");

		printf("[REQUEST] Method: %s\n", request->method);
		printf("[REQUEST] Path: %s\n", request->path);

		// Make sure that requested file exists
		sprintf(filename, "static/%s", request->path);
		if(file_exists(filename) == false) {
			sprintf(filename, "static/404.html");

		memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(char*) * 255);
		read_file(filename, &buffer);

		char* content_type = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 255);
		http_resolve_content_type(&content_type, filename);
		printf("[RESPONSE] Content-Type: %s\n", content_type);
		http_set_response(response, &buffer, content_type,  strlen(buffer));
		http_respond(clientfd, response);





	return 0;