Esempio n. 1
/*******************  FUNCTION  *********************/
int TopoHwloc::getCurrentId ( int level, int depth ) const
	int res = -1;

	//get absolute depth
	int absDepth = getAbsDepth(level,depth);
	//search current thread binding
	hwloc_cpuset_t cpuset = hwloc_bitmap_alloc();
	int status = hwloc_get_cpubind (topology, cpuset, 0);
	allocAssume(status >= 0,"Failed to get the current thread CPU binding with hwloc.");
	//count overlap over current level
	int cnt = hwloc_get_nbobjs_inside_cpuset_by_depth(topology,cpuset,absDepth);
	//if get only one return its ID
	if (cnt == 1)
		hwloc_obj_t obj = hwloc_get_obj_inside_cpuset_by_depth(topology,cpuset,absDepth,0);
		//TODO maybe their is an accessor for this
		res = obj->logical_index;
	//clean memory
	return res;
int get_max_objs_inside_cpuset_by_type(hwloc_topology_t topology, hwloc_cpuset_t cpuset, hwloc_obj_type_t type){
    int depth = hwloc_get_type_depth(topology, type);
    if(depth == HWLOC_TYPE_DEPTH_UNKNOWN){
	fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find depth %s\n", hwloc_type_name(type));
	return -1;
	hwloc_obj_t deepest_of_type = hwloc_get_obj_inside_cpuset_by_type(topology, cpuset, HWLOC_OBJ_PU,0);
	while(deepest_of_type !=NULL && deepest_of_type->type != type)
	    deepest_of_type = deepest_of_type->parent;
	if(deepest_of_type == NULL)
	    return -1;
	    depth = deepest_of_type->depth;
    return hwloc_get_nbobjs_inside_cpuset_by_depth(topology, cpuset, depth);
int hmonitor_eventset_add_named_event(void * monitor_eventset, const char * event)
  struct accumulate_eventset * set = (struct accumulate_eventset *) monitor_eventset;
  harray child_events = NULL;
  hwloc_obj_t obj;
  unsigned depth,index,i, n_events = 0;
  hmon m;
  if(event==NULL || monitor_eventset == NULL)
    return -1;

  /* Decend depth by depth to look if event exists */
  int topo_depth = hwloc_topology_get_depth(hmon_topology);
  for(depth=set->location->depth; depth<topo_depth; depth++){
    /* Traverse depth to find matching event */
    for(index=0; index<hwloc_get_nbobjs_inside_cpuset_by_depth(hmon_topology, set->location->cpuset, depth); index++){
      obj = hwloc_get_obj_inside_cpuset_by_depth(hmon_topology, set->location->cpuset, depth, index);
      child_events = obj->userdata;
      if(child_events != NULL){
	/* Walk monitor list at this location to find matching event */
	for(i=0; i<harray_length(child_events); i++){
	  m  = harray_get(child_events,i);
	  if(!strcmp(m->id, event)){
	    harray_push(set->child_events, m);
  if(n_events  == 0){
    /* Exit failure */
    fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized event name %s, expected defined monitor name, deeper than %s.\n", event, hwloc_type_name(set->location->type));
    return -1;

  return n_events;
Esempio n. 4
void chpl_topo_init(void) {
  // We only load hwloc topology information in configurations where
  // the locale model is other than "flat" or the tasking is based on
  // Qthreads (which will use the topology we load).  We don't use
  // it otherwise (so far) because loading it is somewhat expensive.
  if (strcmp(CHPL_LOCALE_MODEL, "flat") != 0
      || strcmp(CHPL_TASKS, "qthreads") == 0) {
    haveTopology = true;
  } else {
    haveTopology = false;

  // Check hwloc API version.
  // Require at least hwloc version 1.11 (we need 1.11.5 to not crash
  // in some NUMA configurations).
  // Check both at build time and run time.
#define REQUIRE_HWLOC_VERSION 0x00010b00

#error hwloc version 1.11.5 or newer is required

  CHK_ERR(hwloc_get_api_version() >= REQUIRE_HWLOC_VERSION);

  // Allocate and initialize topology object.
  CHK_ERR_ERRNO(hwloc_topology_init(&topology) == 0);

  // Perform the topology detection.
  CHK_ERR_ERRNO(hwloc_topology_load(topology) == 0);

  // What is supported?
  topoSupport = hwloc_topology_get_support(topology);

  // TODO: update comment
  // For now, don't support setting memory locality when comm=ugni or
  // comm=gasnet, seg!=everything.  Those are the two configurations in
  // which we use hugepages and/or memory registered with the comm
  // interface, both of which may be a problem for the set-membind call.
  // We will have other ways to achieve locality for these configs in
  // the future.
  do_set_area_membind = true;
  if ((strcmp(CHPL_COMM, "gasnet") == 0
       && strcmp(CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT, "everything") != 0)) {
      do_set_area_membind = false;

  // We need depth information.
  topoDepth = hwloc_topology_get_depth(topology);

  // How many NUMA domains do we have?
    int level;

    // Note: If there are multiple levels with NUMA nodes, this finds
    //       only the uppermost.
    for (level = 0, numaLevel = -1;
         level < topoDepth && numaLevel == -1;
         level++) {
      if (hwloc_get_depth_type(topology, level) == HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE) {
        numaLevel = level;

  // Find the NUMA nodes, that is, the objects at numaLevel that also
  // have CPUs.  This is as opposed to things like Xeon Phi HBM, which
  // is memory-only, no CPUs.
    const hwloc_cpuset_t cpusetAll = hwloc_get_root_obj(topology)->cpuset;
    numNumaDomains =
      hwloc_get_nbobjs_inside_cpuset_by_depth(topology, cpusetAll, numaLevel);
Esempio n. 5
void chpl_topo_init(void) {
  // For now we don't load topology information for locModel=flat, since
  // we won't use it in that case and loading it is somewhat expensive.
  // Eventually we will probably load it even for locModel=flat and use
  // it as the information source for what's currently in chplsys, and
  // also pass it to Qthreads when we use that (so it doesn't load it
  // again), but that's work for the future.
  haveTopology = (strcmp(CHPL_LOCALE_MODEL, "flat") != 0) ? true : false;
  if (!haveTopology) {

  // Check hwloc API version.
  // Require at least hwloc version 1.11 (we need 1.11.5 to not crash
  // in some NUMA configurations).
  // Check both at build time and run time.
#define REQUIRE_HWLOC_VERSION 0x00010b00

#error hwloc version 1.11.5 or newer is required
    unsigned version = hwloc_get_api_version();
    // check that the version is at least REQUIRE_HWLOC_VERSION
    if (version < REQUIRE_HWLOC_VERSION)
      chpl_internal_error("hwloc version 1.11.5 or newer is required");

  // Allocate and initialize topology object.
  if (hwloc_topology_init(&topology)) {
    report_error("hwloc_topology_init()", errno);

  // Perform the topology detection.
  if (hwloc_topology_load(topology)) {
    report_error("hwloc_topology_load()", errno);

  // What is supported?
  topoSupport = hwloc_topology_get_support(topology);

  // TODO: update comment
  // For now, don't support setting memory locality when comm=ugni or
  // comm=gasnet, seg!=everything.  Those are the two configurations in
  // which we use hugepages and/or memory registered with the comm
  // interface, both of which may be a problem for the set-membind call.
  // We will have other ways to achieve locality for these configs in
  // the future.
  do_set_area_membind = true;
  if ((strcmp(CHPL_COMM, "gasnet") == 0
       && strcmp(CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT, "everything") != 0)) {
      do_set_area_membind = false;

  // We need depth information.
  topoDepth = hwloc_topology_get_depth(topology);

  // How many NUMA domains do we have?
    int level;

    // Note: If there are multiple levels with NUMA nodes, this finds
    //       only the uppermost.
    for (level = 0, numaLevel = -1;
         level < topoDepth && numaLevel == -1;
         level++) {
      if (hwloc_get_depth_type(topology, level) == HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE) {
        numaLevel = level;

  // Find the NUMA nodes, that is, the objects at numaLevel that also
  // have CPUs.  This is as opposed to things like Xeon Phi HBM, which
  // is memory-only, no CPUs.
    const hwloc_cpuset_t cpusetAll = hwloc_get_root_obj(topology)->cpuset;
    numNumaDomains =
      hwloc_get_nbobjs_inside_cpuset_by_depth(topology, cpusetAll, numaLevel);