Esempio n. 1
// pitch/roll are absolute angle inclination in multiple of 0.1 degree    180 deg = 1800
void ledringState(bool armed, int16_t pitch, int16_t roll, int16_t heading)
    uint8_t b[10];
    static uint8_t state;

    if (state == 0) {
        b[0] = 'z';
        b[1] = (180 - heading) / 2;	// 1 unit = 2 degrees;
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 2, b);
        state = 1;
    } else if (state == 1) {
        b[0] = 'y';
        b[1] = constrain(roll / 10 + 90, 0, 180);
        b[2] = constrain(pitch / 10 + 90, 0, 180);
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 3, b);
        state = 2;
    } else if (state == 2) {
        b[0] = 'd';		// all unicolor GREEN
        b[1] = 1;
        if (armed)
            b[2] = 1;
            b[2] = 0;
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 3, b);
        state = 0;
Esempio n. 2
void ledringState(void)
    uint8_t b[10];
    static uint8_t state;

    if (state == 0) {
        b[0] = 'z';
        b[1] = (180 - heading) / 2;	// 1 unit = 2 degrees;
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 2, b);
        state = 1;
    } else if (state == 1) {
        b[0] = 'y';
        b[1] = constrain(angle[ROLL] / 10 + 90, 0, 180);
        b[2] = constrain(angle[PITCH] / 10 + 90, 0, 180);
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 3, b);
        state = 2;
    } else if (state == 2) {
        b[0] = 'd';		// all unicolor GREEN 
        b[1] = 1;
        if (f.ARMED)
            b[2] = 1;
            b[2] = 0;
        i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 3, b);
        state = 0;
Esempio n. 3
static void mpu6050DmpBankInit(void)
    uint8_t i, j;
    uint8_t incoming[9];

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
            uint8_t start_addy = j * 0x10;

            i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_START_ADDR, start_addy);
            i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, 16, (uint8_t *) & dmpMem[i][j][0]);


    for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {

        uint8_t start_addy = j * 0x10;

        i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_START_ADDR, start_addy);
        i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, 16, (uint8_t *) & dmpMem[7][j][0]);

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x80);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, 9, (uint8_t *) & dmpMem[7][8][0]);

    i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, 8, incoming);
Esempio n. 4
void mpu6050DmpLoop(void)
    uint8_t temp;
    uint8_t buf[2];

    if (mpu6050DmpFifoReady()) {

        i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_INT_STATUS, 1, &temp);
        if (dmp_firstPacket) {
            mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x00); // bank
            i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x60);
            i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 4, "\x04\x00\x00\x00"); // data

            i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x62);
            i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, 2, buf);
            dmp_firstPacket = false;

        if (dmp_fifoCountL == 42) {
Esempio n. 5
void ledringBlink(void)
    uint8_t b[3];
    b[0] = 'k';
    b[1] = 10;
    b[2] = 10;
    i2cWriteBuffer(LED_RING_ADDRESS, 0xFF, 3, b);
Esempio n. 6
int8_t i2cwrite(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, uint8_t * data)
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	//return FALSE;
Esempio n. 7
bool i2cWrite(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(addr_, reg_, 1, &data);
Esempio n. 8
bool i2cWrite(I2CDevice device, uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(device, addr_, reg_, 1, &data);
Esempio n. 9
uint8_t i2c2_write(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegAddr, const uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t len)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(I2C2, &i2c2_context, DeviceAddr,RegAddr,len,pBuffer);
Esempio n. 10
uint8_t i2cWrite(I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, I2C_context_t * context, uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(I2Cx, context, addr_, reg_, 1, &data);
Esempio n. 11
bool i2cWrite(I2C_TypeDef *I2C, uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(I2C, addr_, reg_, 1, &data);
Esempio n. 12
bool i2cBusWriteBuffer(const busDevice_t * dev, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t * data, uint8_t length)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(dev->busdev.i2c.i2cBus, dev->busdev.i2c.address, reg, length, data);
Esempio n. 13
bool i2cWrite(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg_, uint8_t data, I2CDevice bus)
    return i2cWriteBuffer(addr_, reg_, 1, &data, bus);
Esempio n. 14
static void mpu6050DmpMemInit(void)
    uint8_t i;
    uint8_t temp;


    // Bank, Start Address, Update Length, Update Data...
    for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
        mpu6050DmpBankSelect(dmp_updates[i][0]); // bank
        i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_START_ADDR, dmp_updates[i][1]); // address
        i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, dmp_updates[i][2], (uint8_t *)&dmp_updates[i][3]); // data

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_INT_ENABLE, 0x32);

    for (i = 22; i < 29; i++) {
        mpu6050DmpBankSelect(dmp_updates[i][0]); // bank
        i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_START_ADDR, dmp_updates[i][1]); // address
        i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, DMP_MEM_R_W, dmp_updates[i][2], (uint8_t *)&dmp_updates[i][3]); // data

       dmp_temp = i2c_readReg(MPU60X0_I2CADDR, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_1);
       dmp_temp = i2c_readReg(MPU60X0_I2CADDR, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_2);

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_INT_ENABLE, 0x02);     // ??
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x03);     // CLKSEL =  PLL w Z ref
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_SMPLRT_DIV, 0x04);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, 0x18);    // full scale 2000 deg/s
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_CONFIG, 0x0B); // ext_sync_set=temp_out_L, accel DLPF 44Hz, gyro DLPF 42Hz
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_DMP_CFG_1, 0x03);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_DMP_CFG_2, 0x00);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_XG_OFFS_TC, 0x00);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_YG_OFFS_TC, 0x00);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_ZG_OFFS_TC, 0x00);

    // clear offsets
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_XG_OFFS_USRH, 6, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); // data

    mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x01); // bank
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0xB2);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 2, "\xFF\xFF"); // data

    mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x01); // bank
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x90);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 4, "\x09\x23\xA1\x35"); // data

    i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 1, &temp);

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x04);      // fifo reset

    // Insert FIFO count read?

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x00); // ?? I think this enables a lot of stuff but disables fifo
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x03); // CLKSEL =  PLL w Z ref

    i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_2, 1, &temp);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00); 
    i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG, 1, &temp);

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00); // full scale range +/- 2g
    i2cRead(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, 1, &temp);

    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MOT_THR, 0x02);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_ZRMOT_THR, 0x9C);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MOT_DUR, 0x50);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_ZRMOT_DUR, 0x00);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x04);      // fifo reset
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x00);
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_USER_CTRL, 0xC8);      // fifo enable

    mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x01); // bank
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x6A);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 2, "\x06\x00"); // data

    mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x01); // bank
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x60);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 8, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); // data

    mpu6050DmpBankSelect(0x00); // bank
    i2cWrite(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_START_ADDR, 0x60);
    i2cWriteBuffer(MPU6050_ADDRESS, MPU_RA_MEM_R_W, 4, "\x40\x00\x00\x00"); // data