Esempio n. 1
void SamplingData(int portNum){

int Value=0;
unsigned short DCcheck=0;
BOOL bPrintHeader = TRUE;
BYTE Record[20];
BYTE BlittleEndian[31];
BYTE byteOne=0x00;
BYTE byteTwo=0x00;
int chOption = 0;
short fw_check = 0;
int i = 0;
float LEaccel[4];
float LEang[4];

while(Value == 0)
			printf("Select an Option From the Following Menu \n");
			printf("0 Data Rate                - Modify or review the current DataRate\n");
			printf("1 Calculate Orientation    - Enable Calculate Orientation  \n");
			printf("2 Coning & Sculling        - Enable Coning & Sculling \n");
			printf("3 Little Endian            - Change IMU Big Endian format to Little\n");
            printf("4 NaN's Suppression        - Suppress NaN Data  \n");
			printf("5 Finite Size Corrction    - Enable Finite Size Correction \n");
			printf("6 Disable Magnetometer     - Disable the Magnetometer \n");
            printf("7 Enable Magnetometer      - Enable the Magnetometer Low Power Setting \n");
			printf("8 Disable Magnetic North   - Disable the Magnetic North Compenstation \n");
            printf("9 Disable Gravity Comp     - Disable the Gravity Compenstation \n");
            printf("Q Enable Quaternion        - Enable the Quaternion Calculation \n");
			printf("E Exit Sampling            - Exit the Sampling Menu and return to the Main Menu\n");

			bPrintHeader = FALSE;

		//read option from the keyboard
		switch (chOption){
			case '0': 
                      SetDataRate(portNum); bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			case '1': //Enable Calculate Orientation
					  //DataConditioning = 1;
				      byteTwo = 0x01;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
                      //DCcheck = convert2short(&Record[3]);
                      if(byteTwo == Record[4])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Calculate Orientation now Enabled.\n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Enable Sample Setting Calculate Orientation.\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			case '2': //Enable Coning & Sculling
					  byteTwo = 0x02;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
                      if(byteTwo == Record[4])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Coning & Sculling now Enabled.\n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Enable Sample Setting Coning & Sculling.\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;
            case '3': //Set Floating Point from sensor to Little Endian
				      byteTwo = 0x10;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
					  if(byteTwo == Record[4]){
                         printf("\n\nSample Setting Floating Point data is sent in Little Endian.\n");
						 //printf("received Data----------------\n");
							 LEaccel[i] = Little_Endian_Float(&BlittleEndian[1 + i*4]);
							 //LEaccel[0] = FloatFromBytes(BlittleEndian[1 ]);
                             LEang[i]   = Little_Endian_Float(&BlittleEndian[13 + i*4]);
						 printf("Acceleration & Angular Rate (0xC2)______\n");
                         printf("           X              Y              Z    \n");
						 //printf("  %2.6f\n ",LEaccel[0]);
                         printf(" Accel  %2.6f\t%2.6f\t%2.6f\n", LEaccel[0], LEaccel[1], LEaccel[2]); 
						 printf(" Angle  %2.6f\t%2.6f\t%2.6f\n", LEang[0], LEang[1], LEang[2]);
                         printf("Error: Failure to set Sample Setting Floating Point data to Little Endian Format.\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			case '4': //Suppress NaN data
					  byteTwo = 0x20;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check);
                      if(byteTwo == Record[4])
                         printf("\nSample Setting NaN data is now suppressed.\n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to suppress Sample Setting NaN data. \n"); 
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

            case '5': //Enable Finite Size Correction
					  byteTwo = 0x40;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check);
                      if(byteTwo == Record[4])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Finite Size Correction now Enabled.\n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Enable Sample Setting Finite Size Correction.\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			//Case(s) 6 - 9 and q require firmware 1.1.27 or greater --------------
			case '6': //Disable Magnetometer
					  byteTwo = 0x00;
					  fw_check = 1;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check);
                      if(byteOne == Record[3])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Magnetometer Disabled. \n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Disable Sample Setting Magnetometer.\n"); 
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;
            case '7': //Enable Magnetometer low power
					  byteTwo = 0x00;
					  fw_check = 1;
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
                      if(byteOne == Record[3])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Magnetometer now Enabled to Low Power Setting.\n");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Enable Sample Setting Magnetometer Low Power Setting.\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			case '8': //Disable Magnetic North Compensation
					  byteOne = 0x04; //To Enable use byteOne=0x00;
					  byteTwo = 0x00;
					  fw_check = 1; // to enable use fw_check =8 to set time
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
                      if(byteOne == Record[3])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Magnetic North Compensationn Disabled.");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Disable Sample Setting Magnetic North Compensation.\n");
					  // if selection is Enabled ask if user wants to run realign up and north 0xDD
					  bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

            case '9': //Disable Gravity Compensationn
				      byteOne = 0x08; //To Enable use byteOne=0x00;
					  byteTwo = 0x00;
					  fw_check = 1; // to enable use fw_check =9 to set time
                      SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check); 
                      if(byteOne == Record[3])
                         printf("\nSample Setting Gravity Compensationn Disabled");
                         printf("\nError: Failure to Disable Sample Setting Gravity Compensation\n");
                      // if selection is Enabled ask if user wants to run realign up and north 0xDD
					  bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			case 'q':
			case 'Q'://Enable Quaternion(s)
				     byteOne=0x10;  //needs bit 0 bit 1 and bit 11 set on
					 fw_check = 1;
                     SetSampleSetting(portNum,byteOne, byteTwo, &Record[0], fw_check);
					 if(byteTwo == Record[4]){
                         printf("\nSample Setting Quaternion Calculation now enabled\n");
                          printf("\nError: Failure to set Sample Setting Quaternion Calculation\n");
                      bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

            case 'e':
			case 'E': bQuit = TRUE; bPrintHeader = FALSE; return; break;

			case 'h':
			case 'H': bPrintHeader = TRUE; break;

			default: printf("Invalid Option\n\n"); bPrintHeader = TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

        s32 zvert=0;
        BOOL endloopy = FALSE;

	s16 portNum;
	s16 deviceNum = 0;
	s16 i;
        s16 Ccount=0;
	u16 value=0;
	s16 id_flag = 0;
	s16 errorCode;
	s16 tryPortNum = 1;
	unsigned char Record[79];				//record returned from device read where max size is 79
	C2Accel_AngRecord	Accel_AngRecord;

	printf("\n   3DM-GX3 Read Acceleration and Angular Rate\n");

	/*-------- If user specifies a port, then use it */
	if (argc > 1) {
		tryPortNum = atoi(argv[1]);
		if (tryPortNum < 2 || tryPortNum > 256) {
			printf("   usage:  i3dmgx3 <portNumber>\n");
			printf("        valid ports are 2..256\n");

	        /*-------- open a port, map a device */
	        portNum = i3dmgx3_openPort(tryPortNum, 115200, 8, 0, 1, 1024, 1024);
	        if (portNum<0) {
		    printf("   port open failed.\n");
		    printf("   Comm error %d, %s: ", portNum, explainError(portNum));
		   goto Exit;

             goto Exit;

	printf("\n   Using COM Port #%d \n", portNum);

	/*-------- Set Comm Timeout values */
	errorCode = setCommTimeouts(portNum, 50, 50); /* Read & Write timeout values */
	if (errorCode!=I3DMGX3_COMM_OK) {
		printf("   setCommTimeouts failed on port:%d with errorcode:%d\n",portNum,errorCode);
		goto Exit;

	/*-------- Disclose the byte order of host */
	if( TestByteOrder() !=BIG_ENDIAN)
		printf("   (Local Host is in Little Endian format)\n");
		printf("   (Local Host is in Big Endian format)\n");

	/*-------- 0xC2 Accel and Ang rate Output --- Accel x y z and Ang x y z */
	printf("\n   0xC2  Accel and Ang Output  \n");

	errorCode = i3dmgx3_AccelAndAngRate(portNum, &Record[0]);
	if (errorCode < 0){
		printf("   Error Accel and AngRate - : %s\n", explainError(errorCode));
                endloopy =TRUE;
		for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
			Accel_AngRecord.Accel[i] = FloatFromBytes(&Record[1 + i*4]);	// extract float from byte array
			Accel_AngRecord.AngRt[i] = FloatFromBytes(&Record[13 + i*4]);	// extract float from byte array
		printf("\n\tAccel X\t\tAccel Y\t\tAccel Z\n");
		printf("  \t%f\t%f\t%f\n", Accel_AngRecord.Accel[0], Accel_AngRecord.Accel[1], Accel_AngRecord.Accel[2]);
		printf("\n\t  Ang X\t\t Ang Y\t\t Ang Z\n");
		printf("  \t%f\t%f\t%f\n", Accel_AngRecord.AngRt[0], Accel_AngRecord.AngRt[1], Accel_AngRecord.AngRt[2]);

		Accel_AngRecord.timer = convert2ulong(&Record[25]);
		printf("\n   Time Stamp: %u\n", Accel_AngRecord.timer);

	/*-------- close device */
	if (portNum >= 0)

	/*-------- wait for user to respond before exiting */
	printf("\nHit return to exit...\n");
	while (getchar() == EOF);