std::string CSysInfo::GetUserAgent() { static std::string result; if (!result.empty()) return result; result = GetAppName() + "/" + CSysInfo::GetVersionShort() + " ("; #if defined(TARGET_DARWIN) #if defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS) std::string iDevStr(GetModelName()); // device model name with number of model version size_t iDevStrDigit = iDevStr.find_first_of("0123456789"); std::string iDev(iDevStr, 0, iDevStrDigit); // device model name without number if (iDevStrDigit == 0) iDev = "unknown"; result += iDev + "; "; std::string iOSVerison(GetOsVersion()); size_t lastDotPos = iOSVerison.rfind('.'); if (lastDotPos != std::string::npos && iOSVerison.find('.') != lastDotPos && iOSVerison.find_first_not_of('0', lastDotPos + 1) == std::string::npos) iOSVerison.erase(lastDotPos); StringUtils::Replace(iOSVerison, '.', '_'); if (iDev == "AppleTV4") result += "CPU TVOS "; else if (iDev == "iPad" || iDev == "AppleTV") result += "CPU OS "; else result += "CPU iPhone OS "; result += iOSVerison + " like Mac OS X"; #else result += "Macintosh; "; std::string cpuFam(GetBuildTargetCpuFamily()); if (cpuFam == "x86") result += "Intel "; else if (cpuFam == "PowerPC") result += "PPC "; result += "Mac OS X "; std::string OSXVersion(GetOsVersion()); StringUtils::Replace(OSXVersion, '.', '_'); result += OSXVersion; #endif #elif defined(TARGET_ANDROID) result += "Linux; Android "; std::string versionStr(GetOsVersion()); const size_t verLen = versionStr.length(); if (verLen >= 2 && - 2, 2, ".0", 2) == 0) versionStr.erase(verLen - 2); // remove last ".0" if any result += versionStr; std::string deviceInfo(GetModelName()); char buildId[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int propLen = __system_property_get("", buildId); if (propLen > 0 && propLen <= PROP_VALUE_MAX) { if (!deviceInfo.empty()) deviceInfo += " "; deviceInfo += "Build/"; deviceInfo.append(buildId, propLen); } if (!deviceInfo.empty()) result += "; " + deviceInfo; #elif defined(TARGET_POSIX) result += "X11; "; struct utsname un; if (uname(&un) == 0) { std::string cpuStr(un.machine); if (cpuStr == "x86_64" && GetXbmcBitness() == 32) cpuStr = "i686 (x86_64)"; result += un.sysname; result += " "; result += cpuStr; } else result += "Unknown"; #else result += "Unknown"; #endif result += ")"; if (GetAppName() != "Kodi") result += " Kodi_Fork_" + GetAppName() + "/1.0"; // default fork number is '1.0', replace it with actual number if necessary #ifdef TARGET_LINUX // Add distribution name std::string linuxOSName(GetOsName(true)); if (!linuxOSName.empty()) result += " " + linuxOSName + "/" + GetOsVersion(); #endif #ifdef TARGET_RASPBERRY_PI result += " HW_RaspberryPi/1.0"; #elif defined (TARGET_DARWIN_IOS) std::string iDevVer; if (iDevStrDigit == std::string::npos) iDevVer = "0.0"; else iDevVer.assign(iDevStr, iDevStrDigit, std::string::npos); StringUtils::Replace(iDevVer, ',', '.'); result += " HW_" + iDev + "/" + iDevVer; #endif // add more device IDs here if needed. // keep only one device ID in result! Form: // result += " HW_" + "deviceID" + "/" + "1.0"; // '1.0' if device has no version #if defined(TARGET_ANDROID) // Android has no CPU string by default, so add it as additional parameter struct utsname un1; if (uname(&un1) == 0) { std::string cpuStr(un1.machine); StringUtils::Replace(cpuStr, ' ', '_'); result += " Sys_CPU/" + cpuStr; } #endif result += " App_Bitness/" + StringUtils::Format("%d", GetXbmcBitness()); std::string fullVer(CSysInfo::GetVersion()); StringUtils::Replace(fullVer, ' ', '-'); result += " Version/" + fullVer; return result; }
std::string CSysInfo::GetUserAgent() { static std::string result; if (!result.empty()) return result; result = "XBMC/" + g_infoManager.GetLabel(SYSTEM_BUILD_VERSION_SHORT) + " ("; #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) result += GetKernelName() + " " + GetKernelVersion(); BOOL bIsWow = FALSE; if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow) && bIsWow) result.append("; WOW64"); else { SYSTEM_INFO si = {}; GetSystemInfo(&si); if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) result.append("; Win64; x64"); else if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64) result.append("; Win64; IA64"); else if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM) result.append("; ARM"); } #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) #if defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS) std::string iDevStr(GetModelName()); // device model name with number of model version size_t iDevStrDigit = iDevStr.find_first_of("0123456789"); std::string iDev(iDevStr, 0, iDevStrDigit); // device model name without number if (iDevStrDigit == 0) iDev = "unknown"; result += iDev + "; "; std::string iOSVerison(GetOsVersion()); size_t lastDotPos = iOSVerison.rfind('.'); if (lastDotPos != std::string::npos && iOSVerison.find('.') != lastDotPos && iOSVerison.find_first_not_of('0', lastDotPos + 1) == std::string::npos) iOSVerison.erase(lastDotPos); StringUtils::Replace(iOSVerison, '.', '_'); if (iDev == "iPad" || iDev == "AppleTV") result += "CPU OS "; else result += "CPU iPhone OS "; result += iOSVerison + " like Mac OS X"; #else result += "Macintosh; "; std::string cpuFam(GetBuildTargetCpuFamily()); if (cpuFam == "x86") result += "Intel "; else if (cpuFam == "PowerPC") result += "PPC "; result += "Mac OS X "; std::string OSXVersion(GetOsVersion()); StringUtils::Replace(OSXVersion, '.', '_'); result += OSXVersion; #endif #elif defined(TARGET_ANDROID) result += "Linux; Android "; std::string versionStr(GetOsVersion()); const size_t verLen = versionStr.length(); if (verLen >= 2 && - 2, 2, ".0", 2) == 0) versionStr.erase(verLen - 2); // remove last ".0" if any result += versionStr; std::string deviceInfo(GetModelName()); char buildId[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int propLen = __system_property_get("", buildId); if (propLen > 0 && propLen <= PROP_VALUE_MAX) { if (!deviceInfo.empty()) deviceInfo += " "; deviceInfo += "Build/"; deviceInfo.append(buildId, propLen); } if (!deviceInfo.empty()) result += "; " + deviceInfo; #elif defined(TARGET_POSIX) result += "X11; "; struct utsname un; if (uname(&un) == 0) { std::string cpuStr(un.machine); if (cpuStr == "x86_64" && GetXbmcBitness() == 32) cpuStr = "i686 (x86_64)"; result += un.sysname; result += " "; result += cpuStr; } else result += "Unknown"; #else result += "Unknown"; #endif result += ")"; // add fork ID here in form: // result += " XBMC_FORK_" + "forkname" + "/" + "1.0"; // default fork number is '1.0' #ifdef TARGET_RASPBERRY_PI result += " XBMC_HW_RaspberryPi/1.0"; #elif defined (TARGET_DARWIN_IOS) std::string iDevVer; if (iDevStrDigit == std::string::npos) iDevVer = "0.0"; else iDevVer.assign(iDevStr, iDevStrDigit, std::string::npos); StringUtils::Replace(iDevVer, ',', '.'); result += " XBMC_HW_" + iDev + "/" + iDevVer; #endif // add more device IDs here if needed. // keep only one device ID in result! Form: // result += " XBMC_HW_" + "deviceID" + "/" + "1.0"; // '1.0' if device has no version #if defined(TARGET_ANDROID) // Android has no CPU string by default, so add it as additional parameter struct utsname un1; if (uname(&un1) == 0) { std::string cpuStr(un1.machine); StringUtils::Replace(cpuStr, ' ', '_'); result += " XBMC_CPU/" + cpuStr; } #endif result += " XBMC_BITNESS/" + StringUtils::Format("%d", GetXbmcBitness()); std::string fullVer(g_infoManager.GetLabel(SYSTEM_BUILD_VERSION)); StringUtils::Replace(fullVer, ' ', '-'); result += " Version/" + fullVer; return result; }