Esempio n. 1
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fa,nfa;					/* argument we're looking at */
	char prof_name[MAXNAMEL+1] = { '\000' };	/* ICC profile name, "" if none */
	char in_name[MAXNAMEL+1];			/* TIFF input file */
	char *xl = NULL, out_name[MAXNAMEL+4+1] = "locus.ts";	/* locus output file */
	int verb = 0;
	int dovrml = 0;
	int doaxes = 1;
	int usevec = 0;
	double vec[3];
	int rv = 0;

	icc *icco = NULL;
	xicc *xicco = NULL;
	icxViewCond vc;				/* Viewing Condition for CIECAM */
	int vc_e = -1;				/* Enumerated viewing condition */
	int vc_s = -1;				/* Surround override */
	double vc_wXYZ[3] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0};	/* Adapted white override in XYZ */
	double vc_wxy[2] = {-1.0, -1.0};		/* Adapted white override in x,y */
	double vc_a = -1.0;			/* Adapted luminance */
	double vc_b = -1.0;			/* Background % overid */
	double vc_f = -1.0;			/* Flare % overid */
	double vc_fXYZ[3] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0};	/* Flare color override in XYZ */
	double vc_fxy[2] = {-1.0, -1.0};		/* Flare color override in x,y */
	icxLuBase *luo = NULL;					/* Generic lookup object */
	icColorSpaceSignature ins = icSigLabData, outs;	/* Type of input and output spaces */
	int inn, outn;						/* Number of components */
	icmLuAlgType alg;					/* Type of lookup algorithm */
	icmLookupFunc     func   = icmFwd;				/* Must be */
	icRenderingIntent intent = -1;					/* Default */
	icColorSpaceSignature pcsor = icSigLabData;		/* Default */
	icmLookupOrder    order  = icmLuOrdNorm;		/* Default */

	TIFF *rh = NULL;
	int x, y, width, height;					/* Size of image */
	uint16 samplesperpixel, bitspersample;
	uint16 pconfig, photometric, pmtc;
	uint16 resunits;
	float resx, resy;
	tdata_t *inbuf;
	void (*cvt)(double *out, double *in);		/* TIFF conversion function, NULL if none */
	icColorSpaceSignature tcs;					/* TIFF colorspace */
	uint16 extrasamples;						/* Extra "alpha" samples */
	uint16 *extrainfo;							/* Info about extra samples */
	int sign_mask;								/* Handling of encoding sign */

	int i, j;
	int nipoints = 0;					/* Number of raster sample points */ 
	co *inp = NULL;						/* Input point values */
	double tdel = 0.0;					/* Total delta along locus */
	rspl *rr = NULL;
	int nopoints = 0;					/* Number of raster sample points */ 
	co *outp = NULL;

	error_program = argv[0];

	if (argc < 2)

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')

			/* Verbosity */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v') {
				verb = 1;

			/* Intent */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'd':
						intent = icmDefaultIntent;
					case 'a':
						intent = icAbsoluteColorimetric;
					case 'p':
						intent = icPerceptual;
					case 'r':
						intent = icRelativeColorimetric;
					case 's':
						intent = icSaturation;
					/* Argyll special intents to check spaces underlying */
					/* icxPerceptualAppearance & icxSaturationAppearance */
					case 'P':
						intent = icmAbsolutePerceptual;
					case 'S':
						intent = icmAbsoluteSaturation;

			/* Search order */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'n':
					case 'N':
						order = icmLuOrdNorm;
					case 'r':
					case 'R':
						order = icmLuOrdRev;

			/* PCS override */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p' || argv[fa][1] == 'P') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'l':
						pcsor = icSigLabData;
					case 'j':
						pcsor = icxSigJabData;

			/* Viewing conditions */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c' || argv[fa][1] == 'C') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();

				/* Switch to Jab automatically */
				pcsor = icxSigJabData;

				/* Set the viewing conditions */
				if (na[1] != ':') {
					if ((vc_e = xicc_enum_viewcond(NULL, NULL, -2, na, 1, NULL)) == -999)
				} else if (na[0] == 's' || na[0] == 'S') {
					if (na[1] != ':')
					if (na[2] == 'a' || na[2] == 'A') {
						vc_s = vc_average;
					} else if (na[2] == 'm' || na[2] == 'M') {
						vc_s = vc_dim;
					} else if (na[2] == 'd' || na[2] == 'D') {
						vc_s = vc_dark;
					} else if (na[2] == 'c' || na[2] == 'C') {
						vc_s = vc_cut_sheet;
					} else
				} else if (na[0] == 'w' || na[0] == 'W') {
					double x, y, z;
					if (sscanf(na+1,":%lf:%lf:%lf",&x,&y,&z) == 3) {
						vc_wXYZ[0] = x; vc_wXYZ[1] = y; vc_wXYZ[2] = z;
					} else if (sscanf(na+1,":%lf:%lf",&x,&y) == 2) {
						vc_wxy[0] = x; vc_wxy[1] = y;
					} else
				} else if (na[0] == 'a' || na[0] == 'A') {
					if (na[1] != ':')
					vc_a = atof(na+2);
				} else if (na[0] == 'b' || na[0] == 'B') {
					if (na[1] != ':')
					vc_b = atof(na+2);
				} else if (na[0] == 'f' || na[0] == 'F') {
					double x, y, z;
					if (sscanf(na+1,":%lf:%lf:%lf",&x,&y,&z) == 3) {
						vc_fXYZ[0] = x; vc_fXYZ[1] = y; vc_fXYZ[2] = z;
					} else if (sscanf(na+1,":%lf:%lf",&x,&y) == 2) {
						vc_fxy[0] = x; vc_fxy[1] = y;
					} else if (sscanf(na+1,":%lf",&x) == 1) {
						vc_f = x;
					} else
				} else

			/* VRML output */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'w' || argv[fa][1] == 'W') {
				dovrml = 1;
			/* No axis output */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n' || argv[fa][1] == 'N') {
				doaxes = 0;
			/* Vector direction for span */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
				usevec = 1;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				fa = nfa;
				if (sscanf(na, " %lf , %lf , %lf ",&vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2]) != 3)
			/* Output file name */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'O') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				strncpy(out_name,na,MAXNAMEL); out_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

		} else

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();
	if (fa < (argc-1))
		strncpy(prof_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); prof_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();
	strncpy(in_name,argv[fa],MAXNAMEL); in_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	if ((xl = strrchr(out_name, '.')) == NULL)	/* Figure where extention is */
		xl = out_name + strlen(out_name);

	if (verb) {
		printf("Profile     = '%s'\n",prof_name);
		printf("Input TIFF  = '%s'\n",in_name);
		printf("Output file = '%s'\n",out_name);

	if (intent == -1) {
		if (pcsor == icxSigJabData)
			intent = icRelativeColorimetric;	/* Default to icxAppearance */
			intent = icAbsoluteColorimetric;	/* Default to icAbsoluteColorimetric */

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* If we were provided an ICC profile to use */
	if (prof_name[0] != '\000') {

		/* Open up the profile or TIFF embedded profile for reading */
		if ((icco = read_embedded_icc(prof_name)) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open profile in file '%s'",prof_name);
		if (verb) {
			icmFile *op;
			if ((op = new_icmFileStd_fp(stdout)) == NULL)
				error ("Can't open stdout");
			icco->header->dump(icco->header, op, 1);
		/* Check that the profile is appropriate */
		if (icco->header->deviceClass != icSigInputClass
		 && icco->header->deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
		 && icco->header->deviceClass != icSigOutputClass
		 && icco->header->deviceClass != icSigColorSpaceClass)
			error("Profile type isn't device or colorspace");
		/* Wrap with an expanded icc */
		if ((xicco = new_xicc(icco)) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of xicc failed");
		/* Setup the default viewing conditions */
		if (xicc_enum_viewcond(xicco, &vc, -1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -999)
			error ("%d, %s",xicco->errc, xicco->err);
		if (vc_e != -1)
			if (xicc_enum_viewcond(xicco, &vc, vc_e, NULL, 0, NULL) == -999)
				error ("%d, %s",xicco->errc, xicco->err);
		if (vc_s >= 0)
			vc.Ev = vc_s;
		if (vc_wXYZ[1] > 0.0) {
			/* Normalise it to current media white */
			vc.Wxyz[0] = vc_wXYZ[0]/vc_wXYZ[1] * vc.Wxyz[1];
			vc.Wxyz[2] = vc_wXYZ[2]/vc_wXYZ[1] * vc.Wxyz[1];
		if (vc_wxy[0] >= 0.0) {
			double x = vc_wxy[0];
			double y = vc_wxy[1];	/* If Y == 1.0, then X+Y+Z = 1/y */
			double z = 1.0 - x - y;
			vc.Wxyz[0] = x/y * vc.Wxyz[1];
			vc.Wxyz[2] = z/y * vc.Wxyz[1];
		if (vc_a >= 0.0)
			vc.La = vc_a;
		if (vc_b >= 0.0)
			vc.Yb = vc_b/100.0;
		if (vc_f >= 0.0)
			vc.Yf = vc_f/100.0;
		if (vc_fXYZ[1] > 0.0) {
			/* Normalise it to current media white */
			vc.Fxyz[0] = vc_fXYZ[0]/vc_fXYZ[1] * vc.Fxyz[1];
			vc.Fxyz[2] = vc_fXYZ[2]/vc_fXYZ[1] * vc.Fxyz[1];
		if (vc_fxy[0] >= 0.0) {
			double x = vc_fxy[0];
			double y = vc_fxy[1];	/* If Y == 1.0, then X+Y+Z = 1/y */
			double z = 1.0 - x - y;
			vc.Fxyz[0] = x/y * vc.Fxyz[1];
			vc.Fxyz[2] = z/y * vc.Fxyz[1];
		/* Get a expanded color conversion object */
		if ((luo = xicco->get_luobj(xicco, ICX_CLIP_NEAREST
		           , func, intent, pcsor, order, &vc, NULL)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s",xicco->errc, xicco->err);
		luo->spaces(luo, &ins, &inn, &outs, &outn, &alg, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	/* Establish the PCS range if we are filtering */
		double pcsmin[3], pcsmax[3];		/* PCS range for filter stats array */
		if (luo) {
			gamut *csgam;

			if ((csgam = luo->get_gamut(luo, 20.0)) == NULL)
				error("Getting the gamut of the source colorspace failed");
			csgam->getrange(csgam, pcsmin, pcsmax);
		} else {
			pcsmin[0] = 0.0;
			pcsmax[0] = 100.0;
			pcsmin[1] = -128.0;
			pcsmax[1] = 128.0;
			pcsmin[2] = -128.0;
			pcsmax[2] = 128.0;

		if (verb)
			printf("PCS range = %f..%f, %f..%f. %f..%f\n\n", pcsmin[0], pcsmax[0], pcsmin[1], pcsmax[1], pcsmin[2], pcsmax[2]);

		/* Allocate and initialize the filter */
		set_fminmax(pcsmin, pcsmax);

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* Open up input tiff file ready for reading */
	/* Got arguments, so setup to process the file */

	if ((rh = TIFFOpen(in_name, "r")) == NULL)
		error("error opening read file '%s'",in_name);

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,  &width);
	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel);
	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample);
	if (bitspersample != 8 && bitspersample != 16)
		error("TIFF Input file must be 8 bit/channel");

	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(rh, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, &extrasamples, &extrainfo);
	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric);

	if (inn != (samplesperpixel-extrasamples))
		error ("TIFF Input file has %d input chanels mismatched to colorspace '%s'",
		       samplesperpixel, icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, ins));

	if ((tcs = TiffPhotometric2ColorSpaceSignature(&cvt, &sign_mask, photometric,
	                                     bitspersample, samplesperpixel, extrasamples)) == 0)
		error("Can't handle TIFF file photometric %s", Photometric2str(photometric));

	if (tcs != ins) {
		if (luo != NULL)
			error("TIFF photometric '%s' doesn't match ICC input colorspace '%s' !",
			      Photometric2str(photometric), icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,ins));
			error("No profile provided and TIFF photometric '%s' isn't Lab !",

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &pconfig);
	if (pconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG)
		error ("TIFF Input file must be planar");


	if (verb) {
		printf("Input TIFF file '%s'\n",in_name);
		printf("TIFF file colorspace is %s\n",icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature,tcs));
		printf("TIFF file photometric is %s\n",Photometric2str(photometric));

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* Process colors to translate */
	/* (Should fix this to process a group of lines at a time ?) */

	nipoints = width * height;

//	if ((inp = malloc(sizeof(co) * nipoints)) == NULL)
//		error("Unable to allocate co array");

	inbuf  = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(rh));

	for (i = y = 0; y < height; y++) {

		/* Read in the next line */
		if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
			error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);

		/* Do floating point conversion */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
			int e;
			double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
			if (bitspersample == 8) {
				for (e = 0; e < samplesperpixel; e++) {
					int v = ((unsigned char *)inbuf)[x * samplesperpixel + e];
					if (sign_mask & (1 << i))		/* Treat input as signed */
						v = (v & 0x80) ? v - 0x80 : v + 0x80;
					in[e] = v/255.0;
			} else {
				for (e = 0; e < samplesperpixel; e++) {
					int v = ((unsigned short *)inbuf)[x * samplesperpixel + e];
					if (sign_mask & (1 << i))		/* Treat input as signed */
						v = (v & 0x8000) ? v - 0x8000 : v + 0x8000;
					in[e] = v/65535.0;
			if (cvt != NULL) {	/* Undo TIFF encoding */
				cvt(in, in);
			if (luo != NULL) {
				if ((rv = luo->lookup(luo, out, in)) > 1)
					error ("%d, %s",icco->errc,icco->err);
				if (outs == icSigXYZData)	/* Convert to Lab */
					icmXYZ2Lab(&icco->header->illuminant, out, out);
			} else {
				for (e = 0; e < samplesperpixel; e++)
					out[e] = in[e];

//printf("~1 %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", in[0], in[1], in[2], out[0], out[1], out[2]);


#ifdef NEVER
	 		/* Store PCS value in array */
			inp[i].v[0] = out[0];
			inp[i].v[1] = out[1];
			inp[i].v[2] = out[2];


	TIFFClose(rh);		/* Close Input file */

	/* Done with lookup object */
	if (luo != NULL) {
		xicco->del(xicco);		/* Expansion wrapper */
		icco->del(icco);		/* Icc */

	nipoints = flush_filter(verb, 80.0);

	if ((inp = malloc(sizeof(co) * nipoints)) == NULL)
		error("Unable to allocate co array");


printf("~1 There are %d points\n",nipoints);
//for (i = 0; i < nipoints; i++)
//printf("~1 point %d = %f %f %f\n", i, inp[i].v[0], inp[i].v[1], inp[i].v[2]);


	/* Create the locus */
		double s0[3], s1[3];
		double t0[3], t1[3];
		double mm[3][4];
		double im[3][4];
		int gres[MXDI] = { 256 } ;

		if (usevec) {
			double max = -1e6; 
			double min = 1e6; 
			double dist;
			icmScale3(vec, vec, 1.0/icmNorm3(vec));

			/* Locate the two furthest distant points measured along the vector */
			for (i = 0; i < nipoints; i++) {
				double tt;
				tt = icmDot3(vec, inp[i].v);
				if (tt > max) {
					max = tt;
					icmAry2Ary(s1, inp[i].v);
				if (tt < min) {
					min = tt;
					icmAry2Ary(s0, inp[i].v);
			dist = icmNorm33sq(s0, s1);

printf("~1 most distant in vector %f %f %f = %f %f %f -> %f %f %f dist %f\n",
vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], s0[0], s0[1], s0[2], s1[0], s1[1], s1[2], sqrt(dist));

			t0[0] = 0.0;
			t0[1] = 0.0;
			t0[2] = 0.0;
			t1[0] = sqrt(dist);
			t1[1] = 0.0;
			t1[2] = 0.0;

		} else {
			double dist = 0.0;

			/* Locate the two furthest distant points (brute force) */
			for (i = 0; i < (nipoints-1); i++) {
				for (j = i+1; j < nipoints; j++) {
					double tt;
					if ((tt = icmNorm33sq(inp[i].v, inp[j].v)) > dist) {
						dist = tt;
						icmAry2Ary(s0, inp[i].v);
						icmAry2Ary(s1, inp[j].v);
printf("~1 most distant = %f %f %f -> %f %f %f dist %f\n",
s0[0], s0[1], s0[2], s1[0], s1[1], s1[2], sqrt(dist));

			t0[0] = 0.0;
			t0[1] = 0.0;
			t0[2] = 0.0;
			t1[0] = sqrt(dist);
			t1[1] = 0.0;
			t1[2] = 0.0;

		/* Transform our direction vector to the L* axis, and create inverse too */
		icmVecRotMat(mm, s1, s0, t1, t0);
		icmVecRotMat(im, t1, t0, s1, s0);

		/* Setup for rspl to create smoothed locus */
		for (i = 0; i < nipoints; i++) {
			icmMul3By3x4(inp[i].v, mm, inp[i].v);
			inp[i].p[0] = inp[i].v[0];
			inp[i].v[0] = inp[i].v[1];
			inp[i].v[1] = inp[i].v[2];
//printf("~1 point %d = %f -> %f %f\n", i, inp[i].p[0], inp[i].v[0], inp[i].v[1]);

		/* Create rspl */
		if ((rr = new_rspl(RSPL_NOFLAGS, 1, 2)) == NULL)
			error("Creating rspl failed");

		rr->fit_rspl(rr, RSPL_NOFLAGS,inp, nipoints, NULL, NULL, gres, NULL, NULL, 5.0, NULL, NULL);       
#define	XRES 100
			double xx[XRES];
			double y1[XRES];
			double y2[XRES];

			for (i = 0; i < XRES; i++) {
				co pp;
				double x;
				x = i/(double)(XRES-1);
				xx[i] = x * (t1[0] - t0[0]);
				pp.p[0] = xx[i];
				rr->interp(rr, &pp);
				y1[i] = pp.v[0];
				y2[i] = pp.v[1];
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT */


		nopoints = t1[0] / DE_SPACE;
		if (nopoints < 2)
			nopoints = 2;

		/* Create the output points */
		if ((outp = malloc(sizeof(co) * nopoints)) == NULL)
			error("Unable to allocate co array");

		/* Setup initial division of locus */
		for (i = 0; i < nopoints; i++) {
			double xx;

			xx = i/(double)(nopoints-1);
			xx *= (t1[0] - t0[0]);
			outp[i].p[0] = xx;
//printf("~1 div %d = %f\n",i,outp[i].p[0]);
		for (i = 0; i < (nopoints-1); i++) {
			outp[i].p[1] = outp[i+1].p[0] - outp[i].p[0];
//printf("~1 del div  %d = %f\n",i,outp[i].p[1]);

		/* Itterate until the delta between samples is even */
		for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
			double alen, minl, maxl;
			double tdiv;
			alen = 0.0;
			minl = 1e38;
			maxl = -1.0;
			for (i = 0; i < nopoints; i++) {
				rr->interp(rr, &outp[i]);
				outp[i].v[2] = outp[i].v[1];
				outp[i].v[1] = outp[i].v[0];
				outp[i].v[0] = outp[i].p[0];
				icmMul3By3x4(outp[i].v, im, outp[i].v);

//printf("~1 locus pnt %d = %f %f %f\n", i,outp[i].v[0],outp[i].v[1],outp[i].v[1]);

				if (i > 0) {
					double tt[3], len;
					icmSub3(tt, outp[i].v, outp[i-1].v);
					len = icmNorm3(tt);
					outp[i-1].p[2] = len;
					if (len > maxl)
						maxl = len;
					if (len < minl)
						minl = len;
					alen += len;
			alen /= (nopoints-1.0);
printf("~1 itter %d, alen = %f, minl = %f, maxl = %f\n",j,alen,minl,maxl);

			/* Adjust spacing */
			tdiv = 0.0;
			for (i = 0; i < (nopoints-1); i++) {
				outp[i].p[1] *= pow(alen/outp[i].p[2], 1.0);
				tdiv += outp[i].p[1];
//printf("~1 tdiv = %f\n",tdiv);
			for (i = 0; i < (nopoints-1); i++) {
				outp[i].p[1] *= (t1[0] - t0[0])/tdiv;
//printf("~1 del div %d = %f\n",i,outp[i].p[1]);
			tdiv = 0.0;
			for (i = 0; i < (nopoints-1); i++) {
				tdiv += outp[i].p[1];
//printf("~1 tdiv now = %f\n",tdiv);
			for (i = 1; i < nopoints; i++) {
				outp[i].p[0] = outp[i-1].p[0] + outp[i-1].p[1];
//printf("~1 div %d = %f\n",i,outp[i].p[0]);

		/* Write the CGATS file */
			time_t clk = time(0);
			struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
			char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */
			cgats *pp;

			pp = new_cgats();	/* Create a CGATS structure */
			pp->add_other(pp, "TS"); 	/* Test Set */

			pp->add_table(pp, tt_other, 0);	/* Add the first table for target points */
			pp->add_kword(pp, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Test Point set",NULL);
			pp->add_kword(pp, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll tiffgmts", NULL);
			atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000';	/* Remove \n from end */
			pp->add_kword(pp, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);

			pp->add_field(pp, 0, "SAMPLE_ID", cs_t);
			pp->add_field(pp, 0, "LAB_L", r_t);
			pp->add_field(pp, 0, "LAB_A", r_t);
			pp->add_field(pp, 0, "LAB_B", r_t);

			for (i = 0; i < nopoints; i++) {
				char buf[100];
				cgats_set_elem ary[1 + 3];

				ary[0].c = buf;
				ary[1 + 0].d = outp[i].v[0];
				ary[1 + 1].d = outp[i].v[1];
				ary[1 + 2].d = outp[i].v[2];
				pp->add_setarr(pp, 0, ary);

			if (pp->write_name(pp, out_name))
			    error("Write error : %s",pp->err);

		/* Create the VRML file */
		if (dovrml) {
			vrml *vv;
			printf("Output vrml file '%s'\n",out_name);
			if ((vv = new_vrml(out_name, doaxes)) == NULL)
				error ("Creating VRML object failed");

#ifdef NEVER
			for (i = 0; i < nopoints; i++) {
				vv->add_vertex(vv, outp[i].v);
			vv->make_lines(vv, nopoints);
			for (i = 1; i < nopoints; i++) {
				vv->add_cone(vv, outp[i-1].v, outp[i].v, NULL, 0.5);



	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/* Might be easier to close it and re-open it ? */
static icxLuBase *
xicc               *xicp,
icmLuBase          *plu,			/* Pointer to Lu we are expanding (ours) */	
int                flags,			/* white/black point flags */
int                nodp,			/* Number of points */
cow                *ipoints,		/* Array of input points in XYZ space */
double             dispLuminance,	/* > 0.0 if display luminance value and is known */
double             wpscale,			/* > 0.0 if input white point is to be scaled */
int                quality			/* Quality metric, 0..3 */
) {
	icxLuMatrix *p;						/* Object being created */
	icc *icco = xicp->pp;				/* Underlying icc object */
	icmLuMatrix *pmlu = (icmLuMatrix *)plu;	/* icc matrix lookup object */
	int luflags = 0;					/* icxLuMatrix alloc clip, merge flags */
	int isLinear = 0;					/* NZ if pure linear, gamma = 1.0 */
	int isGamma = 0;					/* NZ if gamma rather than shaper */
	int isShTRC = 0;					/* NZ if shared TRCs */
	int inputChan = 3;					/* Must be RGB like */
	int outputChan = 3;					/* Must be the PCS */
	icmHeader *h = icco->header;		/* Pointer to icc header */
	int rsplflags = 0;					/* Flags for scattered data rspl */
	int e, f, i, j;
	int maxits = 200;					/* Optimisation stop params */
	double stopon = 0.01;				/* Absolute delta E change to stop on */
	cow *points;		/* Copy of ipoints */
	mxopt os;			/* Optimisation information */
	double rerr;

	#define	XRES 100
	double xx[XRES];
	double y1[XRES];
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT */

	if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
		rsplflags |= RSPL_VERBOSE;

	luflags = flags;		/* Transfer straight though ? */

	/* Check out some things about the profile */
		icmCurve *wor, *wog, *wob;
		wor = pmlu->redCurve;
		wog = pmlu->greenCurve;
		wob = pmlu->blueCurve;

		if (wor == wog) {
			if (wog != wob) {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_matrix: TRC sharing is inconsistent");
				return NULL;
			isShTRC = 1;
		if (wor->flag != wog->flag || wog->flag != wob->flag) {
			xicp->errc = 1;
			sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_matrix: TRC type is inconsistent");
			return NULL;
		if (wor->flag == icmCurveGamma) {
			isGamma = 1;

		if (flags & ICX_NO_IN_SHP_LUTS) {
			isLinear = 1;

	/* Do basic icxLu creation and initialisation */
	if ((p = alloc_icxLuMatrix(xicp, plu, 0, luflags)) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	p->func = icmFwd;		/* Assumed by caller */

	/* Get the effective spaces of underlying icm, and set icx the same */
	plu->spaces(plu, &p->ins, NULL, &p->outs, NULL, NULL, &p->intent, NULL, &p->pcs, NULL);

	/* For set_icx the effective pcs has to be the same as the native pcs */

	/* Sanity check for matrix */
	if (p->pcs != icSigXYZData) {
		p->pp->errc = 1;
		sprintf(p->pp->err,"Can't create matrix profile with PCS of Lab !");
		p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
		return NULL;

	/* In general the native and effective ranges of the icx will be the same as the */
	/* underlying icm lookup object. */
	p->plu->get_lutranges(p->plu, p->ninmin, p->ninmax, p->noutmin, p->noutmax);
	p->plu->get_ranges(p->plu, p->inmin,  p->inmax,  p->outmin,  p->outmax);

	/* If we have a Jab PCS override, reflect this in the effective icx range. */
	/* Note that the ab ranges are nominal. They will exceed this range */
	/* for colors representable in L*a*b* PCS */
	if (p->ins == icxSigJabData) {
		p->inmin[0] = 0.0;		p->inmax[0] = 100.0;
		p->inmin[1] = -128.0;	p->inmax[1] = 128.0;
		p->inmin[2] = -128.0;	p->inmax[2] = 128.0;
	} else if (p->outs == icxSigJabData) {
		p->outmin[0] = 0.0;		p->outmax[0] = 100.0;
		p->outmin[1] = -128.0;	p->outmax[1] = 128.0;
		p->outmin[2] = -128.0;	p->outmax[2] = 128.0;

	/* ------------------------------- */

	/* Allocate the array passed to fit_rspl() */
	if ((points = (cow *)malloc(sizeof(cow) * nodp)) == NULL) {
		p->pp->errc = 2;
		sprintf(p->pp->err,"Allocation of scattered coordinate array failed");
		p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
		return NULL;

	/* Setup points ready for optimisation */
	for (i = 0; i < nodp; i++) {
		for (e = 0; e < inputChan; e++)
			points[i].p[e] = ipoints[i].p[e];
		for (f = 0; f < outputChan; f++)
			points[i].v[f] = ipoints[i].v[f];

		points[i].w = ipoints[i].w;

		/* Make sure its Lab for delta E calculation */
		icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, points[i].v, points[i].v);

	/* Setup for optimising run */
	if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
		os.verb = 1;
		os.verb = 0;
	os.points = points;
	os.nodp   = nodp;
	os.isShTRC = 0;

	/* Set quality/effort  factors */
	if (quality >= 3) {			/* Ultra high */
		os.norders = 20;
		maxits = 5000;
		stopon = 0.000001;
	} else if (quality == 2) {	/* High */
		os.norders = 15;
		maxits = 2000;
		stopon = 0.00001;
	} else if (quality == 1) {	/* Medium */
		os.norders = 10;
		maxits = 1000;
		stopon = 0.0001;
	} else {					/* Low */
		os.norders = 5;
		maxits = 500;
		stopon = 0.001;
	if (os.norders > MXNORDERS)
		os.norders = MXNORDERS;
	/* Set initial optimisation values */
	os.v[0] = 0.4;  os.v[1] = 0.4;  os.v[2] = 0.2;		/* Matrix */
	os.v[3] = 0.2;  os.v[4] = 0.8;  os.v[5] = 0.1;
	os.v[6] = 0.02; os.v[7] = 0.15; os.v[8] = 1.3;

	if (isLinear) {		/* Just gamma curve */
		os.isLinear = 1;
		os.isGamma = 1;
		os.optdim = 9;
		os.v[9] = os.v[10] = os.v[11] = 1.0;					/* Linear */ 
	} else if (isGamma) {		/* Just gamma curve */
		os.isLinear = 0;
		os.isGamma = 1;
		os.optdim = 12;
		os.v[9] = os.v[10] = os.v[11] = 2.4;					/* Gamma */ 
	} else {		/* Creating input curves */
		os.isLinear = 0;
		os.isGamma = 0;
		os.optdim = 12 + 3 * os.norders;
		os.v[9] = os.v[10] = os.v[11] = 0.0;	/* Offset */
		os.v[12] = os.v[13] = os.v[14] = 2.0; 	/* 0th Harmonic */
		for (i = 15; i < os.optdim; i++)
			os.v[i] = 0.0; 						/* Higher orders */

	/* Set search area to starting values */
	for (j = 0; j < os.optdim; j++)[j] = 0.2;					/* Matrix, Gamma, Offsets, harmonics */

	if (isShTRC) {						/* Adjust things for shared */
		os.isShTRC = 1;

		if (os.optdim > 9) {
			/* Pack red paramenters down */
			for (i = 9; i < os.optdim; i++) {
				os.v[i] = os.v[(i - 9) * 3 + 9];[i] =[(i - 9) * 3 + 9];
			os.optdim = ((os.optdim - 9)/3) + 9;

	if (os.verb) {
		if (os.isLinear)
			printf("Creating matrix...\n"); 
			printf("Creating matrix and curves...\n"); 

	if (powell(&rerr, os.optdim, os.v,, stopon, maxits,
	           mxoptfunc, (void *)&os, mxprogfunc, (void *)&os) != 0)
		warning("Powell failed to converge, residual error = %f",rerr);

#ifdef NEVER
printf("Matrix = %f %f %f\n",os.v[0], os.v[1], os.v[2]);
printf("         %f %f %f\n",os.v[3], os.v[4], os.v[5]);
printf("         %f %f %f\n",os.v[6], os.v[7], os.v[8]);
if (!isLinear) {		/* Creating input curves */
	if (isGamma) {		/* Creating input curves */
		if (isShTRC) 
			printf("Gamma = %f\n",os.v[9]);
			printf("Gamma = %f %f %f\n",os.v[9], os.v[10], os.v[11]);
	} else {		/* Creating input curves */
		if (isShTRC) 
			printf("Offset = %f\n",os.v[9]);
			printf("Offset = %f %f %f\n",os.v[9], os.v[10], os.v[11]);
		for (j = 0; j < os.norders; j++) {
			if (isShTRC) 
				printf("%d harmonics = %f\n",j, os.v[10 + j]);
				printf("%d harmonics = %f %f %f\n",j, os.v[12 + j * 3], os.v[13 + j * 3],
				                                           os.v[14 + j * 3]);
#endif /* NEVER */

	/* Deal with white/black points */
	if (flags & (ICX_SET_WHITE | ICX_SET_BLACK)) {
		double wp[3];	/* Absolute White point in XYZ */
		double bp[3];	/* Absolute Black point in XYZ */

		if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
			printf("Find white & black points\n");

		icmXYZ2Ary(wp, icmD50); 		/* Set a default value - D50 */
		icmXYZ2Ary(bp, icmBlack); 		/* Set a default value - absolute black */

		/* Figure out the device values for white */
		if (h->deviceClass == icSigInputClass) {
			double dwhite[MXDI], dblack[MXDI];	/* Device white and black values */
			double Lmax = -1e60;
			double Lmin = 1e60;

			/* We assume that the input target is well behaved, */
			/* and that it includes a white and black point patch, */
			/* and that they have the extreme L values */

				NOTE that this may not be the best approach !
				It may be better to average the chromaticity
				of all the neutral seeming patches, since
				the whitest patch may have (for instance)
				a blue tint.

			/* Discover the white and black points */
			for (i = 0; i < nodp; i++) {
				if (points[i].v[0] > Lmax) {
					Lmax = 
					wp[0] = points[i].v[0];
					wp[1] = points[i].v[1];
					wp[2] = points[i].v[2];
					dwhite[0] = points[i].p[0];
					dwhite[1] = points[i].p[1];
					dwhite[2] = points[i].p[2];
				if (points[i].v[0] < Lmin) {
					Lmin = 
					bp[0] = points[i].v[0];
					bp[1] = points[i].v[1];
					bp[2] = points[i].v[2];
					dblack[0] = points[i].p[0];
					dblack[1] = points[i].p[1];
					dblack[2] = points[i].p[2];

			/* Lookup device white/black values in model */
			mxmfunc(&os, os.v, wp, dwhite);
			mxmfunc(&os, os.v, bp, dblack);

			/* If we were given an input white point scale factor, apply it */
			if (wpscale >= 0.0) {
				wp[0] *= wpscale;
				wp[1] *= wpscale;
				wp[2] *= wpscale;

		} else {	/* Assume Monitor class */

			switch(h->colorSpace) {

				case icSigCmyData: {
					double cmy[3];

					/* Lookup white value */
					for (e = 0; e < inputChan; e++)
						cmy[e] = 0.0;

					mxmfunc(&os, os.v, wp, cmy);

					if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
						printf("Initial white point = %f %f %f\n",wp[0],wp[1],wp[2]);

					/* Lookup black value */
					for (e = 0; e < inputChan; e++)
						cmy[e] = 1.0;

					mxmfunc(&os, os.v, bp, cmy);

					if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
						printf("Initial black point = %f %f %f\n",bp[0],bp[1],bp[2]);

				case icSigRgbData: {
					double rgb[3];

					/* Lookup white value */
					for (e = 0; e < inputChan; e++)
						rgb[e] = 1.0;

					mxmfunc(&os, os.v, wp, rgb);

					if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
						printf("Initial white point = %f %f %f\n",wp[0],wp[1],wp[2]);

					/* Lookup black value */
					for (e = 0; e < inputChan; e++)
						rgb[e] = 0.0;

					mxmfunc(&os, os.v, bp, rgb);
					if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
						printf("Initial black point = %f %f %f\n",bp[0],bp[1],bp[2]);

				default: {
					xicp->errc = 1;
					sprintf(xicp->err,"set_icxLuMatrix: can't handle color space %s",
					                           icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, h->colorSpace));
					p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
					return NULL;

		/* If this is a display, adjust the white point to be */
		/* exactly Y = 1.0, and compensate the matrix, dispLuminance */
		/* and black point accordingly. */
		if (h->deviceClass == icSigDisplayClass) {
			double scale = 1.0/wp[1];
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
				os.v[i] *= scale;

			dispLuminance *= wp[1];

			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				wp[i] *= scale;
				bp[i] *= scale;

		/* Absolute luminance tag */
		if (flags & ICX_WRITE_WBL
		 && h->deviceClass == icSigDisplayClass
		 && dispLuminance > 0.0) {
			icmXYZArray *wo;
			if ((wo = (icmXYZArray *)icco->read_tag(
			           icco, icSigLuminanceTag)) == NULL)  {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_luminance: couldn't find luminance tag");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;
			if (wo->ttype != icSigXYZArrayType) {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"luminance: tag has wrong type");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;

			wo->size = 1;
			wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);	/* Allocate space */
			wo->data[0].X = 0.0;
			wo->data[0].Y = dispLuminance;
			wo->data[0].Z = 0.0;

			if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
				printf("Display Luminance = %f\n", wo->data[0].Y);

		/* Write white and black tags */
		if ((flags & ICX_WRITE_WBL)
		 && (flags & ICX_SET_WHITE)) { /* White Point Tag: */
			icmXYZArray *wo;
			if ((wo = (icmXYZArray *)icco->read_tag(
			           icco, icSigMediaWhitePointTag)) == NULL)  {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_white_black: couldn't find white tag");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;
			if (wo->ttype != icSigXYZArrayType) {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_white_black: white tag has wrong type");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;

			wo->size = 1;
			wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);	/* Allocate space */
			wo->data[0].X = wp[0];
			wo->data[0].Y = wp[1];
			wo->data[0].Z = wp[2];

			if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
				printf("White point XYZ = %f %f %f\n",wp[0],wp[1],wp[2]);
		if ((flags & ICX_WRITE_WBL)
		 && (flags & ICX_SET_BLACK)) { /* Black Point Tag: */
			icmXYZArray *wo;
			if ((wo = (icmXYZArray *)icco->read_tag(
			           icco, icSigMediaBlackPointTag)) == NULL)  {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_white_black: couldn't find black tag");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;
			if (wo->ttype != icSigXYZArrayType) {
				xicp->errc = 1;
				sprintf(xicp->err,"icx_set_white_black: black tag has wrong type");
				p->del((icxLuBase *)p);
				return NULL;

			wo->size = 1;
			wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);	/* Allocate space */
			wo->data[0].X = bp[0];
			wo->data[0].Y = bp[1];
			wo->data[0].Z = bp[2];

			if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
				printf("Black point XYZ = %f %f %f\n",bp[0],bp[1],bp[2]);

		/* Fix matrix to be relative to D50 white point, rather than absolute */
		if (flags & ICX_SET_WHITE) {
			icmXYZNumber swp;
			double mat[3][3];
			if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
				printf("Fixup matrix for white point\n");

			icmAry2XYZ(swp, wp);

			/* Transfer from parameter to matrix */
			mat[0][0] = os.v[0]; mat[0][1] = os.v[1]; mat[0][2] = os.v[2];
			mat[1][0] = os.v[3]; mat[1][1] = os.v[4]; mat[1][2] = os.v[5];
			mat[2][0] = os.v[6]; mat[2][1] = os.v[7]; mat[2][2] = os.v[8];

			/* Adapt matrix */
			icmChromAdaptMatrix(ICM_CAM_MULMATRIX | ICM_CAM_BRADFORD, icmD50, swp, mat);

			/* Transfer back to parameters */ 
			os.v[0] = mat[0][0]; os.v[1] = mat[0][1]; os.v[2] = mat[0][2];
			os.v[3] = mat[1][0]; os.v[4] = mat[1][1]; os.v[5] = mat[1][2];
			os.v[6] = mat[2][0]; os.v[7] = mat[2][1]; os.v[8] = mat[2][2];
			if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE) {
				printf("After white point adjust:\n");
				printf("Matrix = %f %f %f\n",os.v[0], os.v[1], os.v[2]);
				printf("         %f %f %f\n",os.v[3], os.v[4], os.v[5]);
				printf("         %f %f %f\n",os.v[6], os.v[7], os.v[8]);

	if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
		printf("Done gamma/shaper and matrix creation\n");

	/* Write the gamma/shaper and matrix to the icc memory structures */
	if (!isGamma) {		/* Creating input curves */
		unsigned int ui;
		icmCurve *wor, *wog, *wob;
		wor = pmlu->redCurve;
		wog = pmlu->greenCurve;
		wob = pmlu->blueCurve;

		for (ui = 0; ui < wor->size; ui++) {
			double in, rgb[3];

			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

				in = (double)ui / (wor->size - 1.0);
				mxmfunc1(&os, j, os.v, &rgb[j], &in);

			wor->data[ui] = rgb[0];	/* Curve values 0.0 - 1.0 */
			if (!isShTRC) {
				wog->data[ui] = rgb[1];
				wob->data[ui] = rgb[2];
		/* Display the result fit */
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			for (i = 0; i < XRES; i++) {
				double x, y;
				xx[i] = x = i/(double)(XRES-1);
				mxmfunc1(&os, j, os.v, &y, &x);
				y1[i] = y;
#endif /* DEBUG_PLOT */

	} else {			/* Gamma */
		icmCurve *wor, *wog, *wob;
		wor = pmlu->redCurve;
		wog = pmlu->greenCurve;
		wob = pmlu->blueCurve;
		wor->data[0] = os.v[9];	/* Gamma values */
		if (!isShTRC) {
			wog->data[0] = os.v[10];
			wob->data[0] = os.v[11];

	/* Matrix values */
		icmXYZArray *wor, *wog, *wob;
		wor = pmlu->redColrnt;
		wog = pmlu->greenColrnt;
		wob = pmlu->blueColrnt;
		wor->data[0].X = os.v[0]; wor->data[0].Y = os.v[3]; wor->data[0].Z = os.v[6];
		wog->data[0].X = os.v[1]; wog->data[0].Y = os.v[4]; wog->data[0].Z = os.v[7];
		wob->data[0].X = os.v[2]; wob->data[0].Y = os.v[5]; wob->data[0].Z = os.v[8];

		/* Load into pmlu matrix and inverse ??? */

	/* Free the coordinate lists */

	if (flags & ICX_VERBOSE)
		printf("Profile done\n");

	return (icxLuBase *)p;
Esempio n. 3
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
	char in_name[100];		/* Raster file name */
	char out_name[100];		/* Raster file name */
	int slow = 0;
	int check = 0;
	int i, rv = 0;

	TIFF *rh = NULL, *wh = NULL;
	int x, y, width, height;					/* Size of image */
	uint16 samplesperpixel, bitspersample;
	int no_pmtc;								/* Number of input photometrics */
	uint16 photometric, pmtc[10];				/* Photometrics of input file, and input profile */
	uint16 pconfig;								/* Planar configuration */
	uint16 resunits;
	float resx, resy;
	tdata_t *inbuf, *outbuf, *checkbuf;

	/* IMDI */
	imdi *s = NULL;
	sucntx su;		/* Setup context */
	unsigned char *inp[MAX_CHAN];
	unsigned char *outp[MAX_CHAN];
	int clutres = 33;

	/* Error check */
	int mxerr = 0;
	double avgerr = 0.0;
	double avgcount = 0.0;

	if (argc < 2)

	su.verb = 0;
	su.icombine = 0;
	su.ocombine = 0; = 0; = icmDefaultIntent;
	su.out.intent = icmDefaultIntent;

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')

			/* Slow, Precise */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p' || argv[fa][1] == 'P') {
				slow = 1;

			/* Combine per channel curves */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c' || argv[fa][1] == 'C') {
				su.icombine = 1;
				su.ocombine = 1;

			/* Check curves */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'k' || argv[fa][1] == 'K') {
				check = 1;

			/* Link profiles */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'l' || argv[fa][1] == 'L') { = 1;

			/* Input profile Intent */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'p':
					case 'P': = icPerceptual;
					case 'r':
					case 'R': = icRelativeColorimetric;
					case 's':
					case 'S': = icSaturation;
					case 'a':
					case 'A': = icAbsoluteColorimetric;

			/* Output profile Intent */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o' || argv[fa][1] == 'O') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'p':
					case 'P':
						su.out.intent = icPerceptual;
					case 'r':
					case 'R':
						su.out.intent = icRelativeColorimetric;
					case 's':
					case 'S':
						su.out.intent = icSaturation;
					case 'a':
					case 'A':
						su.out.intent = icAbsoluteColorimetric;

			/* Verbosity */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
				su.verb = 1;

		} else

	if ( {
		if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

		if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();
	} else {
		if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

	if ( {
		icColorSpaceSignature natpcs;

		/* Open up the input device profile for reading */
		if (( = new_icmFileStd_name(,"r")) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open file '%s'",;
		if (( = new_icc()) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of Input profile ICC object failed");
		/* Read header etc. */
		if ((rv =>read(,,0)) != 0)
			error ("%d, %s on file '%s'",rv,>err,; =>header;
		/* Check that it is a suitable device input icc */
		if (>deviceClass != icSigInputClass
		 &&>deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
		 &&>deviceClass != icSigOutputClass
		 &&>deviceClass != icSigColorSpaceClass)	/* For sRGB etc. */
			error("Input profile isn't a device profile");
		/* Get a conversion object */
		if (( =>get_luobj(, icmFwd,,
		                                             icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s for profile '%s'",>errc,>err,;
		/* Get details of conversion (Arguments may be NULL if info not needed) */>spaces(, &su.ins, &, NULL, NULL, &, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		/* Get native PCS space */>lutspaces(, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &natpcs);
		if (natpcs == icSigXYZData) {
			su.icombine = 1;			/* XYZ is to non-linear to be a benefit */

		/* Open up the output device profile for reading */
		if ((su.out.fp = new_icmFileStd_name(,"r")) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open file '%s'",;
		if ((su.out.c = new_icc()) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of Output profile ICC object failed");
		/* Read header etc. */
		if ((rv = su.out.c->read(su.out.c,su.out.fp,0)) != 0)
			error ("%d, %s on file '%s'",rv,su.out.c->err,;
		su.out.h = su.out.c->header;
		/* Check that it is a suitable device output icc */
		if (su.out.h->deviceClass != icSigInputClass
		 && su.out.h->deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
		 && su.out.h->deviceClass != icSigOutputClass
		 && su.out.h->deviceClass != icSigColorSpaceClass)	/* For sRGB etc. */
			error("Output profile isn't a device profile");
		/* Get a conversion object */
		if ((su.out.luo = su.out.c->get_luobj(su.out.c, icmBwd, su.out.intent,
		                                             icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s for profile '%s'",su.out.c->errc, su.out.c->err,;
		/* Get details of conversion (Arguments may be NULL if info not needed) */
		su.out.luo->spaces(su.out.luo, NULL, NULL, &su.outs, &su.od, &su.out.alg, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		/* Get native PCS space */
		su.out.luo->lutspaces(su.out.luo, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &natpcs);
		if (natpcs == icSigXYZData) {
			su.ocombine = 1;			/* XYZ is to non-linear to be a benefit */

		/* See discussion in imdi/imdi_gen.c for ideal numbers */
		/* Use "high quality" resolution numbers */
		switch ( {
			case 0:
				error ("Illegal number of input chanels");
			case 1:
	  		  	clutres = 256;
			case 2:
	  		  	clutres = 256;
			case 3:
	  		  	clutres = 33;
			case 4:
  		  		clutres = 18;
			case 5:
  		  		clutres = 16;
			case 6:
  		  		clutres = 9;
			case 7:
  		  		clutres = 7;
			case 8:
  		  		clutres = 6;
			deault: /* > 8 chan */
				clutres = 3;

	} else {
		icmLut *lut;						/* ICC LUT table */
		icmLuLut *luluo;					/* LUT lookup object */

		/* Open up the device link profile for reading */
		if (( = new_icmFileStd_name(,"r")) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open file '%s'",;
		if (( = new_icc()) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of ICC object failed");
		if ((rv =>read(,, 0)) != 0)
			error ("%d, %s",rv,>err); =>header;

		if (su.verb) {
			icmFile *op;
			if ((op = new_icmFileStd_fp(stdout)) == NULL)
				error ("Can't open stdout");>dump(, op, 1);

		/* Check that the profile is appropriate */
		if (>deviceClass != icSigLinkClass)
			error("Profile isn't a device link profile");

		/* Get a conversion object */
		if (( =>get_luobj(, icmFwd, icmDefaultIntent,
		                                             icmSigDefaultData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
		/* Get details of conversion (Arguments may be NULL if info not needed) */>spaces(, &su.ins, &, &su.outs, &su.od, &, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		if ( != icmLutType)
			error ("DeviceLink profile doesn't have Lut !");

		luluo = (icmLuLut *);		/* Safe to coerce */
		luluo->get_info(luluo, &lut, NULL, NULL, NULL);	/* Get some details */
		clutres = lut->clutPoints;			/* Desired table resolution */

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* Open up input tiff file ready for reading */
	/* Got arguments, so setup to process the file */
	if ((rh = TIFFOpen(in_name, "r")) == NULL)
		error("error opening read file '%s'",in_name);

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,  &width);
	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height);

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample);
	if (bitspersample != 8 && bitspersample != 16) {
		error("TIFF Input file must be 8 or 16 bit/channel");

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric);
	if  ((no_pmtc = ColorSpaceSignature2TiffPhotometric(pmtc, su.ins)) == 0)
		error("ICC  input colorspace '%s' can't be handled by a TIFF file!",
		      icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.ins));
	for (i = 0; i < no_pmtc; i++) {
		if (pmtc[i] == photometric)
			break;				/* Matches */
	if (i >= no_pmtc) {
		switch (no_pmtc) {
			case 1:
				error("ICC input colorspace '%s' doesn't match TIFF photometric '%s'!",
			      icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.ins), Photometric2str(pmtc[0]));
			case 2:
				error("ICC input colorspace '%s' doesn't match TIFF photometric '%s' or '%s'!",
			      icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.ins), Photometric2str(pmtc[0]),
				error("ICC input colorspace '%s' doesn't match TIFF photometric '%s', '%s' or '%s'!",
			      icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.ins), Photometric2str(pmtc[0]),
			      Photometric2str(pmtc[1]), Photometric2str(pmtc[2]));

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel);
	if ( != samplesperpixel)
		error ("TIFF Input file has %d input channels mismatched to colorspace '%s'",
		       samplesperpixel, icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.ins));

	TIFFGetField(rh, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &pconfig);
	if (pconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG)
		error ("TIFF Input file must be planar");


	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	if ((wh = TIFFOpen(out_name, "w")) == NULL)
		error("Can\'t create TIFF file '%s'!",out_name);
	TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,  width);
	TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bitspersample);
	if  ((no_pmtc = ColorSpaceSignature2TiffPhotometric(pmtc, su.outs)) == 0)
		error("TIFF file can't handle output colorspace '%s'!",
		      icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, su.outs));
	TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, pmtc[0]);	/* Use first returned */
	if (pmtc[0] == PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED) {
		int iset;
		int inlen;
		char *inames;
		iset = ColorSpaceSignature2TiffInkset(su.outs, &inlen, &inames);
		if (iset != 0xffff && inlen > 0 && inames != NULL) {
			TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_INKSET, iset);
			if (inames != NULL) {
				TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_INKNAMES, inlen, inames);
	if (resunits) {
	TIFFSetField(wh, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, "Color corrected by Argyll");

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* Setup the imdi */

	if (!slow) {
		s = new_imdi(,			/* Number of input dimensions */
			su.od,			/* Number of output dimensions */
							/* Input pixel representation */
			bitspersample == 8 ? pixint8 : pixint16,
							/* Output pixel representation */
			0x0,			/* Treat every channel as unsigned */
			bitspersample == 8 ? pixint8 : pixint16,
			0x0,			/* Treat every channel as unsigned */
			clutres,		/* Desired table resolution */
			input_curve,	/* Callback functions */
			(void *)&su		/* Context to callbacks */
		if (s == NULL)
			error("new_imdi failed");

	/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
	/* Process colors to translate */
	/* (Should fix this to process a group of lines at a time ?) */

	inbuf  = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(rh));
	outbuf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(wh));
	if (check)
		checkbuf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(wh));

	inp[0] = (unsigned char *)inbuf;
	outp[0] = (unsigned char *)outbuf;

	if (!slow) {		/* Fast */
		for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {

			/* Read in the next line */
			if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
				error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);

			/* Do fast conversion */
			s->interp(s, (void **)outp, (void **)inp, width);
			if (check) {
				/* Do floating point conversion */
				for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					int i;
					double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
					if (bitspersample == 8)
						for (i = 0; i <; i++)
							in[i] = ((unsigned char *)inbuf)[x * + i]/255.0;
						for (i = 0; i <; i++)
							in[i] = ((unsigned short *)inbuf)[x * + i]/65535.0;
					if ( {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
						if ((rv = su.out.luo->lookup(su.out.luo, out, out)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
					} else {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
					if (bitspersample == 8)
						for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++)
							((unsigned char *)checkbuf)[x * su.od + i] = (int)(out[i] * 255.0 + 0.5);
						for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++)
							((unsigned short *)checkbuf)[x * su.od + i] = (int)(out[i] * 65535.0 + 0.5);
				/* Compute the errors */
				for (x = 0; x < (width * su.od); x++) {
					int err;
					if (bitspersample == 8)
						err = ((unsigned char *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned char *)checkbuf)[x];
						err = ((unsigned short *)outbuf)[x] - ((unsigned short *)checkbuf)[x];
					if (err < 0)
						err = -err;
					if (err > mxerr)
						mxerr = err;
					avgerr += (double)err;
			if (TIFFWriteScanline(wh, outbuf, y, 0) < 0)
				error ("Failed to write TIFF line %d",y);


	} else {	/* Slow but precise */
		if (bitspersample == 8) {
			for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {

				/* Read in the next line */
				if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
					error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);

				/* Do floating point conversion */
				for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					int i;
					double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
					for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
						in[i] = ((unsigned char *)inbuf)[x * + i]/255.0;
					if ( {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
						if ((rv = su.out.luo->lookup(su.out.luo, out, out)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
					} else {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);

					for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
						double outi = out[i];
						if (outi < 0.0)			/* Protect against sillies */
							outi = 0.0;
						else if (outi > 1.0)
							outi = 1.0;
						((unsigned char *)outbuf)[x * su.od + i] = (int)(outi * 255.0 + 0.5);
				if (TIFFWriteScanline(wh, outbuf, y, 0) < 0)
					error ("Failed to write TIFF line %d",y);
		} else if (bitspersample == 16) {
			for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {

				/* Read in the next line */
				if (TIFFReadScanline(rh, inbuf, y, 0) < 0)
					error ("Failed to read TIFF line %d",y);

				/* Do floating point conversion */
				for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					int i;
					double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
					for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
						in[i] = ((unsigned short *)inbuf)[x * + i]/65535.0;
					if ( {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
						if ((rv = su.out.luo->lookup(su.out.luo, out, out)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);
					} else {
						if ((rv =>lookup(, out, in)) > 1)
							error ("%d, %s",>errc,>err);

					for (i = 0; i < su.od; i++) {
						double outi = out[i];
						if (outi < 0.0)			/* Protect against sillies */
							outi = 0.0;
						else if (outi > 1.0)
							outi = 1.0;
						((unsigned short *)outbuf)[x * su.od + i] = (int)(outi * 65535.0 + 0.5);
				if (TIFFWriteScanline(wh, outbuf, y, 0) < 0)
					error ("Failed to write TIFF line %d",y);

	if (check) {
		printf("Worst error = %d bits, average error = %f bits\n", mxerr, avgerr/avgcount);
		if (bitspersample == 8)
			printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
			       mxerr/2.55, avgerr/(2.55 * avgcount));
			printf("Worst error = %f%%, average error = %f%%\n",
			       mxerr/655.35, avgerr/(655.35 * avgcount));

	/* Done with lookup object */
	if (s != NULL)

	if ( {>del(;>del(;>del(;
	} else {>del(;>del(;>del(;

	if (check)

	TIFFClose(rh);		/* Close Input file */
	TIFFClose(wh);		/* Close Output file */

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
	char prof_name[100];
	mpp *mppo;
	int verb = 0;
	int test = 0;			/* special test code */
	int dogam = 0;			/* Create gamut */
	int dowrl = 0;			/* Create VRML gamut */
	int doaxes = 1;			/* Create VRML axes */
	double trans = 0.0;		/* Transparency */
	double gamres = 0.0;	/* Gamut resolution */
	int repYxy = 0;			/* Report Yxy */
	int repSpec = 0;		/* Report Spectral */
	int bwd = 0;			/* Do reverse lookup */
	double dlimit;			/* Device ink limit */
	double limit = -1.0;	/* Used ink limit */
	int spec = 0;			/* Use spectral data flag */
	int    spec_n;			/* Number of spectral bands, 0 if not valid */
	double spec_wl_short;	/* First reading wavelength in nm (shortest) */
	double spec_wl_long;	/* Last reading wavelength in nm (longest) */
	int fwacomp = 0;		/* FWA compensation */
	icxIllumeType illum = icxIT_default;	/* Spectral defaults */
	xspect cust_illum;		/* Custom illumination spectrum */
	icxObserverType observ = icxOT_default;
	char buf[200];
	double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
	int rv = 0;

	inkmask imask;						/* Device Ink mask */
	char *ident = NULL;					/* Device colorspec description */
	icColorSpaceSignature pcss;			/* Type of PCS space */
	int devn, pcsn;						/* Number of components */

	icColorSpaceSignature pcsor = icSigLabData;	/* Default */
	error_program = argv[0];

	if (argc < 2)

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')

			/* Verbosity */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
				verb = 1;
			/* function */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f' || argv[fa][1] == 'F') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'f':
					case 'F':
						bwd = 0;
					case 'b':
					case 'B':
						bwd = 1;

			/* PCS override */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p' || argv[fa][1] == 'P') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
    			switch (na[0]) {
					case 'x':
					case 'X':
						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
						repYxy = repSpec = 0;
					case 'l':
					case 'L':
						pcsor = icSigLabData;
						repYxy = repSpec = 0;
					case 'y':
					case 'Y':
						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
						repYxy = 1;
						repSpec = 0;
					case 's':
					case 'S':
						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
						repYxy = 0;
						repSpec = 1;
						spec = 1;

			/* Ink Limit */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'l' || argv[fa][1] == 'L') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				limit = atof(na);

			/* Spectral Illuminant type */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				if (strcmp(na, "A") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_A;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "C") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_C;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "D50") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_D50;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "D65") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_D65;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F5") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F5;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F8") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F8;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F10") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F10;
				} else {	/* Assume it's a filename */
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_custom;
					if (read_xspect(&cust_illum, na) != 0)

			/* Spectral Observer type */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o' || argv[fa][1] == 'O') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				if (strcmp(na, "1931_2") == 0) {			/* Classic 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1964_10") == 0) {	/* Classic 10 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_CIE_1964_10;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1955_2") == 0) {		/* Stiles and Burch 1955 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Stiles_Burch_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1978_2") == 0) {		/* Judd and Voss 1978 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Judd_Voss_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "shaw") == 0) {		/* Shaw and Fairchilds 1997 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Shaw_Fairchild_2;
				} else

			/* Fluerescent Whitner compensation */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'u' || argv[fa][1] == 'U')
				fwacomp = 1;

			/* Gamut plot */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'g' || argv[fa][1] == 'G')
				dogam = 1;

			/* VRML plot */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'w' || argv[fa][1] == 'W') {
				dogam = 1;
				dowrl = 1;

			/* No VRML axes */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n' || argv[fa][1] == 'N') {
				doaxes = 0;

			/* Transparency */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'a' || argv[fa][1] == 'A') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				trans = atof(na);

			/* Surface Detail */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd' || argv[fa][1] == 'D') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				gamres = atof(na);
				dogam = 1;

			/* Test code */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 't' || argv[fa][1] == 'T') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				test = atoi(na);

		} else

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

	if ((mppo = new_mpp()) == NULL)
		error ("Creation of MPP object failed");

	if ((rv = mppo->read_mpp(mppo,prof_name)) != 0)
		error ("%d, %s",rv,mppo->err);

	mppo->get_info(mppo, &imask, &devn, &dlimit, &spec_n, &spec_wl_short, &spec_wl_long, NULL);
	ident = icx_inkmask2char(imask, 1); 

	if (verb) {
		printf("MPP profile with %d colorants, type %s, TAC %f\n",devn,ident, dlimit);

	if (limit <= 0.0 || dlimit < limit)
		limit = dlimit;

	pcss = pcsor;
	pcsn = 3;

	if (spec && spec_n == 0) {
		error("Spectral profile needed for spectral result, custom illuminant, observer or FWA");

	/* Select CIE return value details */
	if ((rv = mppo->set_ilob(mppo, illum, &cust_illum, observ, NULL, pcss, fwacomp)) != 0) {
		if (rv == 1)
			error("Spectral profile needed for custom illuminant, observer or FWA");
		error("Error setting illuminant, observer, or FWA");

	if (test != 0) {
		printf("!!!!! Running special test code no %d !!!!!\n",test);

		if (test == 1) {
			double **dv, **rdv;

			dv = dmatrix(0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
			rdv = dmatrix(0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);

			printf("Checking partial derivative at each input value\n");
			/* Process colors to translate */
			for (;;) {
				int i,j;
				char *bp, *nbp;
				double tout[MAX_CHAN];

				/* Read in the next line */
				if (fgets(buf, 200, stdin) == NULL)
				if (buf[0] == '#') {
				/* For each input number */
				for (bp = buf-1, nbp = buf, i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) {
					bp = nbp;
					in[i] = strtod(bp, &nbp);
					if (nbp == bp)
						break;			/* Failed */
				if (i == 0)

				/* Do conversion */
				mppo->lookup(mppo, out, in);
				mppo->dlookup(mppo, out, dv, in);
				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
					double del = 1e-9;

					if (in[j] > 0.5)
						del = -del;

					in[j] += del;
					mppo->lookup(mppo, tout, in);
					in[j] -= del;
					for (i = 0; i < pcsn; i++) {
						rdv[i][j] = (tout[i] - out[i])/del;

				/* Output the results */
				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
					if (j > 0)
						fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
				printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
				for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
					if (j > 0)
						fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);
				printf(" [%s]\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));

				/* Print the derivatives */
				for (i = 0; i < pcsn; i++) {
					printf("Output chan %d: ",i);
					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
						if (j < (devn-1))
							fprintf(stdout,"%f ref %f, ",dv[i][j], rdv[i][j]);
							fprintf(stdout,"%f ref %f\n",dv[i][j], rdv[i][j]);

			free_dmatrix(dv, 0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
			free_dmatrix(rdv, 0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);

		} else if (test == 2) {
			char *xl, gam_name[100];

			strcpy(gam_name, prof_name);
			if ((xl = strrchr(gam_name, '.')) == NULL)	/* Figure where extention is */
				xl = gam_name + strlen(gam_name);
			diag_gamut(mppo, gamres, doaxes, trans, gam_name);

		} else {
			printf("Unknown test!\n");

	} else if (dogam) {
		gamut *gam;
		char *xl, gam_name[100];
		int docusps = 1;

		if ((gam = mppo->get_gamut(mppo, gamres)) == NULL)
			error("get_gamut failed\n");

		strcpy(gam_name, prof_name);
		if ((xl = strrchr(gam_name, '.')) == NULL)	/* Figure where extention is */
			xl = gam_name + strlen(gam_name);
		if (gam->write_gam(gam,gam_name))
			error ("write gamut failed on '%s'",gam_name);
		if (dowrl) {
			if (gam->write_vrml(gam,gam_name, doaxes, docusps))
				error ("write vrml failed on '%s'",gam_name);


	} else {
		/* Normal color lookup */

		if (repYxy) {	/* report Yxy rather than XYZ */
			if (pcss == icSigXYZData)
				pcss = icSigYxyData; 

		/* Process colors to translate */
		for (;;) {
			int i,j;
			char *bp, *nbp;

			/* Read in the next line */
			if (fgets(buf, 200, stdin) == NULL)
			if (buf[0] == '#') {
			/* For each input number */
			for (bp = buf-1, nbp = buf, i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) {
				bp = nbp;
				in[i] = strtod(bp, &nbp);
				if (nbp == bp)
					break;			/* Failed */
			if (i == 0)

			if (!bwd) {

				if (repSpec) {
					xspect ospec;

					/* Do lookup of spectrum */
					mppo->lookup_spec(mppo, &ospec, in);
					/* Output the results */
					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
						if (j > 0)
							fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
					printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
					for (j = 0; j < spec_n; j++) {
						if (j > 0)
							fprintf(stdout," %f",ospec.spec[j]);

					printf(" [%3.0f .. %3.0f nm]\n", spec_wl_short, spec_wl_long);

				} else {

					/* Do conversion */
					mppo->lookup(mppo, out, in);
					/* Output the results */
					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
						if (j > 0)
							fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
					printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
					if (repYxy && pcss == icSigYxyData) {
						double X = out[0];
						double Y = out[1];
						double Z = out[2];
						double sum = X + Y + Z;
						if (sum < 1e-6) {
							out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0.0;
						} else {
							out[0] = Y;
							out[1] = X/sum;
							out[2] = Y/sum;
					for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
						if (j > 0)
							fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);

					printf(" [%s]\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));

			} else {	/* Do a reverse lookup */

				if (repYxy && pcss == icSigYxyData) {
					double Y = in[0];
					double x = in[1];
					double y = in[2];
					double z = 1.0 - x - y;
					double sum;
					if (y < 1e-6) {
						in[0] = in[1] = in[2] = 0.0;
					} else {
						sum = Y/y;
						in[0] = x * sum;
						in[1] = Y;
						in[2] = z * sum;

				/* Do conversion */
				mpp_rev(mppo, limit, out, in);

				/* Output the results */
				for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
					if (j > 0)
						fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
				printf(" [%s] -> ", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));
				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
					if (j > 0)
						fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);

				printf(" [%s]\n", ident);


	return 0;