Esempio n. 1
//    Name:    cvConDensUpdateByTime
//    Purpose: Performing Time Update routine for ConDensation algorithm
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//      Kalman     - pointer to CvConDensation structure
//    Returns:
//    Notes:
CV_IMPL void
cvConDensUpdateByTime( CvConDensation * ConDens )
    int i, j;
    float Sum = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConDensUpdateByTime" );
    if( !ConDens )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    /* Sets Temp to Zero */
    icvSetZero_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1 );

    /* Calculating the Mean */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
        icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,
                             ConDens->flConfidence[i] );
        icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP );
        Sum += ConDens->flConfidence[i];
        ConDens->flCumulative[i] = Sum;

    /* Taking the new vector from transformation of mean by dynamics matrix */

    icvScaleVector_32f( ConDens->Temp, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->DP, 1.f / Sum );
    icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->Temp, ConDens->State, ConDens->DP,
                             ConDens->DP );
    Sum = Sum / ConDens->SamplesNum;

    /* Updating the set of random samples */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
        j = 0;
        while( (ConDens->flCumulative[j] <= (float) i * Sum)&&(j<ConDens->SamplesNum-1))
        icvCopyVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[j], ConDens->DP, ConDens->flNewSamples[i] );

    /* Adding the random-generated vector to every vector in sample set */
    for( i = 0; i < ConDens->SamplesNum; i++ )
    {   //为每个新粒子产生一个随即量
        for( j = 0; j < ConDens->DP; j++ )
            cvbRand( ConDens->RandS + j, ConDens->RandomSample + j, 1 );
        icvTransformVector_32f( ConDens->DynamMatr, ConDens->flNewSamples[i],
                                 ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->DP, ConDens->DP );
        icvAddVector_32f( ConDens->flSamples[i], ConDens->RandomSample, ConDens->flSamples[i],
                           ConDens->DP );

Esempio n. 2
static CvStatus CV_STDCALL
icvFindHandRegion( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count,
                   CvSeq * indexs,
                   float *line, CvSize2D32f size, int flag,
                   CvPoint3D32f * center,
                   CvMemStorage * storage, CvSeq ** numbers )

/*    IppmVect32f sub, cros;   */
    float *sub, *cros;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvSeqReader reader;

    CvStatus status;
    int nbins = 20, i, l, i_point, left, right;
    int *bin_counts = 0;        //  pointer to the point's counter in the bickets
    int low_count;              //  low threshold

    CvPoint *tmp_number = 0, *pt;
    float value, vmin, vmax, vl, bsize, vc;
    float hand_length, hand_length2, hand_left, hand_right;
    float threshold, threshold2;
    float *vv = 0;
    float a[3];

    status = CV_OK;

    hand_length = size.width;
    hand_length2 = hand_length / 2;

    threshold = (float) (size.height * 3 / 5.);
    threshold2 = threshold * threshold;

/*    low_count = count/nbins;     */
    low_count = (int) (count / 60.);

    assert( points != NULL && line != NULL );
    if( points == NULL || line == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    assert( count > 5 );
    if( count < 5 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

    assert( flag == 0 || flag == 1 );
    if( flag != 0 && flag != 1 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

/*  create vectors         */
    sub = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    cros = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    if( sub == NULL || cros == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's projections on the line    */
    vv = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));

    if( vv == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
    bin_counts = (int *) cvAlloc( nbins * sizeof( int ));

    if( bin_counts == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;
    memset( bin_counts, 0, nbins * sizeof( int ));

    cvStartReadSeq( indexs, &reader, 0 );

/*  alloc memory for the temporale point's numbers      */
    tmp_number = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( CvPoint ));
    if( tmp_number == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

/*  find min and max point's projection on the line     */
    vmin = 1000;
    vmax = -1000;
    i_point = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        icvSubVector_32f ((IppmVect32f )&points[i], (IppmVect32f )&line[3], sub, 3);

        icvCrossProduct2L_32f ((IppmVect32f )&line[0], sub, cros);

        sub[0] = points[i].x - line[3];
        sub[1] = points[i].y - line[4];
        sub[2] = points[i].z - line[5];
        a[0] = sub[0] * line[1] - sub[1] * line[0];
        a[1] = sub[1] * line[2] - sub[2] * line[1];
        a[2] = sub[2] * line[0] - sub[0] * line[2];

/*      if(IPPI_NORM_L22 ( cros ) < threshold2)    */
        if( _CV_NORM_L22( a ) < threshold2 )
            value = (float)icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3 );
            if( value > vmax )
                vmax = value;
            if( value < vmin )
                vmin = value;

            vv[i_point] = value;

            pt = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( indexs, i );
            tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;

/*  compute the length of one bucket             */
    vl = vmax - vmin;
    bsize = vl / nbins;

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket   */
    for( i = 0; i < i_point; i++ )
        l = cvRound( (vv[i] - vmin) / bsize );

    *numbers = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof( CvSeq ), sizeof( CvPoint ), storage );
    assert( numbers != 0 );
    if( numbers == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

    cvStartAppendToSeq( *numbers, &writer );

    if( flag == 0 )
/*  find the leftmost bucket           */
        for( l = 0; l < nbins; l++ )
            if( bin_counts[l] > low_count )
        left = l;

/*  compute center point of the left hand     */
        hand_left = vmin + left * bsize;
        vc = hand_left + hand_length2;
        hand_right = hand_left + hand_length;
/*  find the rightmost bucket                */
        for( l = nbins - 1; l >= 0; l-- )
            if( bin_counts[l] > low_count )
        right = l;

/*  compute center point of the right hand    */
        hand_right = vmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsize;
        vc = hand_right - hand_length2;
        hand_left = hand_right - hand_length;

    icvScaleVector_32f( &line[0], sub, 3, vc );
    icvAddVector_32f( &line[3], sub, (float *) center, 3 );

/*  select hand's points and calculate mean value     */

    //ss.x = ss.y = ss.z = 0;
    for( l = 0; l < i_point; l++ )
        if( vv[l] >= hand_left && vv[l] <= hand_right )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp_number[l], writer );


    cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    if( tmp_number != NULL )
        cvFree( &tmp_number );
    if( bin_counts != NULL )
        cvFree( &bin_counts );
    if( vv != NULL )
        cvFree( &vv );
    if( sub != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (sub);
    if( cros != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (cros);

    return status;

Esempio n. 3
static CvStatus CV_STDCALL
icvFindHandRegionA( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count,
                    CvSeq * indexs,
                    float *line, CvSize2D32f size, int jc,
                    CvPoint3D32f * center,
                    CvMemStorage * storage, CvSeq ** numbers )

/*    IppmVect32f sub, cros;   */
    float *sub, *cros;
    float eps = (float) 0.01;
    CvSeqWriter writer;
    CvSeqReader reader;

    CvStatus status;
    float gor[3] = { 1, 0, 0 };
    float ver[3] = { 0, 1, 0 };

    int nbins = 20, i, l, i_point, left, right, jmin, jmax, jl;
    int j_left, j_right;
    int *bin_counts = 0;        //  pointer to the point's counter in the bickets

//    int *bin_countsj = 0;   //  pointer to the index's counter in the bickets
    int low_count;              //  low threshold

    CvPoint *tmp_number = 0, *pt;
    float value, vmin, vmax, vl, bsize, bsizej, vc, vcl, vcr;
    double v_ver, v_gor;
    float hand_length, hand_length2, hand_left, hand_right;
    float threshold, threshold2;
    float *vv = 0;
    float a[3];
    char log;

    status = CV_OK;

    hand_length = size.width;
    hand_length2 = hand_length / 2;

    threshold = (float) (size.height * 3 / 5.);
    threshold2 = threshold * threshold;

/*    low_count = count/nbins;     */
    low_count = (int) (count / 60.);

    assert( points != NULL && line != NULL );
    if( points == NULL || line == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    assert( count > 5 );
    if( count < 5 )
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

/*  create vectors         */
    sub = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    cros = icvCreateVector_32f( 3 );
    if( sub == NULL || cros == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's projections on the line    */
    vv = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));

    if( vv == NULL )
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
    bin_counts = (int *) cvAlloc( nbins * sizeof( int ));

    if( bin_counts == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;
    memset( bin_counts, 0, nbins * sizeof( int ));

/*  alloc memory for the point's counter in the bickets     */
//    bin_countsj = (int*) icvAlloc(nbins*sizeof(int));
//    if(bin_countsj == NULL) {status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR; goto M_END;}
//    memset(bin_countsj,0,nbins*sizeof(int));

    cvStartReadSeq( indexs, &reader, 0 );

/*  alloc memory for the temporale point's numbers      */
    tmp_number = (CvPoint *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( CvPoint ));
    if( tmp_number == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

/*  find min and max point's projection on the line     */
    vmin = 1000;
    vmax = -1000;
    jmin = 1000;
    jmax = -1000;
    i_point = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        icvSubVector_32f ((IppmVect32f )&points[i], (IppmVect32f )&line[3], sub, 3);

        icvCrossProduct2L_32f ((IppmVect32f )&line[0], sub, cros);

        sub[0] = points[i].x - line[3];
        sub[1] = points[i].y - line[4];
        sub[2] = points[i].z - line[5];

//      if(fabs(sub[0])<eps||fabs(sub[1])<eps||fabs(sub[2])<eps) continue;

        a[0] = sub[0] * line[1] - sub[1] * line[0];
        a[1] = sub[1] * line[2] - sub[2] * line[1];
        a[2] = sub[2] * line[0] - sub[0] * line[2];

        v_gor = icvDotProduct_32f( gor, &line[0], 3 );
        v_ver = icvDotProduct_32f( ver, &line[0], 3 );

        if( v_ver > v_gor )
            log = true;
            log = false;

/*      if(IPPI_NORM_L22 ( cros ) < threshold2)    */
        if(fabs(a[0])<eps && fabs(a[1])<eps && fabs(a[2])<eps)
            icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3, &value);
            if(value > vmax) vmax = value;
            if(value < vmin) vmin = value;

            vv[i_point] = value;

            pt = (CvPoint* )icvGetSeqElem ( indexs, i, 0);

            if(pt->x > jmax) jmax = pt->x;
            if(pt->x < jmin) jmin = pt->x;

            tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;
            if( _CV_NORM_L32( a ) < threshold2 )
                value = (float)icvDotProduct_32f( sub, &line[0], 3 );
                if( value > vmax )
                    vmax = value;
                if( value < vmin )
                    vmin = value;

                vv[i_point] = value;

                pt = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( indexs, i );

                if( !log )
                    if( pt->x > jmax )
                        jmax = pt->x;
                    if( pt->x < jmin )
                        jmin = pt->x;
                    if( pt->y > jmax )
                        jmax = pt->y;
                    if( pt->y < jmin )
                        jmin = pt->y;

                tmp_number[i_point] = *pt;

/*  compute the length of one bucket along the line        */
    vl = vmax - vmin;

/*  examining on the arm's existence  */
    if( vl < eps )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    bsize = vl / nbins;

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket along the line  */
    for( i = 0; i < i_point; i++ )
        l = cvRound( (vv[i] - vmin) / bsize );

    /*  compute the length of one bucket along the X axe        */
    jl = jmax - jmin;
    if( jl <= 1 )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    bsizej = (float) (jl / (nbins + 0.));

/*  compute the number of points in each bucket along the X axe */
//    for(i=0;i<i_point;i++)
//    {
//        l = cvRound((tmp_number[i].x - jmin)/bsizej);
//        bin_countsj[l]++;
//    }

    left = right = -1;

/*  find the leftmost and the rightmost buckets           */
    for( l = 0; l < nbins; l++ )
        if( bin_counts[l] > low_count && left == -1 )
            left = l;
        else if( bin_counts[l] > low_count && left >= 0 )
            right = l;


/*  compute center point of the left hand     */
    if( left == -1 && right == -1 )
        *numbers = NULL;
        status = CV_OK;
        goto M_END;

    hand_left = vmin + left * bsize;
    j_left = (int) (jmin + left * bsizej);

    vcl = hand_left + hand_length2;

/*  compute center point of the right hand    */
    hand_right = vmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsize;
    vcr = hand_right - hand_length2;

    j_right = (int) (jmax - (nbins - right - 1) * bsizej);

    j_left = abs( j_left - jc );
    j_right = abs( j_right - jc );

    if( j_left <= j_right )
        hand_right = hand_left + hand_length;
        vc = vcl;
        hand_left = hand_right - hand_length;
        vc = vcr;

    icvScaleVector_32f( &line[0], sub, 3, vc );
    icvAddVector_32f( &line[3], sub, (float *) center, 3 );

/*  select hand's points and calculate mean value     */
    *numbers = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof( CvSeq ), sizeof( CvPoint ), storage );
    assert( *numbers != 0 );
    if( *numbers == NULL )
        status = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
        goto M_END;

    cvStartAppendToSeq( *numbers, &writer );

    for( l = 0; l < i_point; l++ )
        if( vv[l] >= hand_left && vv[l] <= hand_right )
            CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM( tmp_number[l], writer );


    cvEndWriteSeq( &writer );

    if( tmp_number != NULL )
        cvFree( &tmp_number );
//    if(bin_countsj != NULL) cvFree( &bin_countsj );
    if( bin_counts != NULL )
        cvFree( &bin_counts );

    if( vv != NULL )
        cvFree( &vv );

    if( sub != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (sub);
    if( cros != NULL ) icvDeleteVector (cros);

    return status;
Esempio n. 4
CvStatus icvEstimate1DHMMStateParams(CvImgObsInfo** obs_info_array, int num_img, CvEHMM* hmm)

    /* compute gamma, weights, means, vars */
    int k, i, j, m;
    int counter = 0;
    int total = 0;
    int vect_len = obs_info_array[0]->obs_size;

    float start_log_var_val = LN2PI * vect_len;

    CvVect32f tmp_vect = icvCreateVector_32f( vect_len );
    CvEHMMState* first_state = hmm->u.state;

    assert( sizeof(float) == sizeof(int) );

    total+= hmm->num_states;
    /* initialize gamma */
    for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        for (m = 0; m < first_state[i].num_mix; m++)
            ((int*)(first_state[i].weight))[m] = 0;
    /* maybe gamma must be computed in mixsegm process ?? */

    /* compute gamma */
    counter = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < num_img; k++)
        CvImgObsInfo* info = obs_info_array[k];
        int num_obs = info->obs_y * info->obs_x;
        for (i = 0; i < num_obs; i++)
            int state, mixture;
            state = info->state[i];
            mixture = info->mix[i];
            /* computes gamma - number of observations corresponding 
               to every mixture of every state */ 
            ((int*)(first_state[state].weight))[mixture] += 1;              
    /***************Mean and Var***********************/
    /* compute means and variances of every item */
    /* initially variance placed to inv_var */
    /* zero mean and variance */
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        memset( (void*)first_state[i].mu, 0, first_state[i].num_mix * vect_len * 
                                                                         sizeof(float) );
        memset( (void*)first_state[i].inv_var, 0, first_state[i].num_mix * vect_len * 
                                                                         sizeof(float) );
    /* compute sums */
    for (i = 0; i < num_img; i++)
        CvImgObsInfo* info = obs_info_array[i];
        int total_obs = info->obs_x;// * info->obs_y;

        float* vector = info->obs;

        for (j = 0; j < total_obs; j++, vector+=vect_len )
            int state = info->state[j];
            int mixture = info->mix[j]; 
            CvVect32f mean  = first_state[state].mu + mixture * vect_len;
            CvVect32f mean2 = first_state[state].inv_var + mixture * vect_len;
            icvAddVector_32f( mean, vector, mean, vect_len );
            icvAddSquare_32f_C1IR( vector, vect_len * sizeof(float),
                                    mean2, vect_len * sizeof(float), cvSize(vect_len, 1) ); 
    /*compute the means and variances */
    /* assume gamma already computed */
    counter = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        CvEHMMState* state = &(first_state[i]);

        for (m = 0; m < state->num_mix; m++)
            int k;
            CvVect32f mu  = state->mu + m * vect_len;
            CvVect32f invar = state->inv_var + m * vect_len;             
            if ( ((int*)state->weight)[m] > 1)
                float inv_gamma = 1.f/((int*)(state->weight))[m];
                icvScaleVector_32f( mu, mu, vect_len, inv_gamma);
                icvScaleVector_32f( invar, invar, vect_len, inv_gamma);

            icvMulVectors_32f(mu, mu, tmp_vect, vect_len);
            icvSubVector_32f( invar, tmp_vect, invar, vect_len);     
            /* low bound of variance - 0.01 (Ara's experimental result) */
            for( k = 0; k < vect_len; k++ )
                invar[k] = (invar[k] > 0.01f) ? invar[k] : 0.01f;

            /* compute log_var */
            state->log_var_val[m] = start_log_var_val;
            for( k = 0; k < vect_len; k++ )
                state->log_var_val[m] += (float)log( invar[k] );
            state->log_var_val[m] *= 0.5;
            /* compute inv_var = 1/sqrt(2*variance) */
            icvScaleVector_32f(invar, invar, vect_len, 2.f );
            icvbInvSqrt_32f(invar, invar, vect_len );
    /* normilize gammas - i.e. compute mixture weights */
    //compute weights
    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        int gamma_total = 0;
        float norm;

        for (m = 0; m < first_state[i].num_mix; m++)
            gamma_total += ((int*)(first_state[i].weight))[m];  

        norm = gamma_total ? (1.f/(float)gamma_total) : 0.f;
        for (m = 0; m < first_state[i].num_mix; m++)
            first_state[i].weight[m] = ((int*)(first_state[i].weight))[m] * norm;

    icvDeleteVector( tmp_vect);
    return CV_NO_ERR; 
/* for now this function works bad with singular cases
   You can see in the code, that when some troubles with
   matrices or some variables occur -
   box filled with zero values is returned.
   However in general function works fine.
static CvStatus icvFitEllipse_32f( CvSeq* points, CvBox2D* box )
    CvStatus status = CV_OK;
    float u[6];

    CvMatr32f D = 0;
    float S[36];            /*  S = D' * D  */
    float C[36];

    float INVQ[36];

    /* transposed eigenvectors */
    float INVEIGV[36];

    /* auxulary matrices */
    float TMP1[36];
    float TMP2[36];

    int i, index = -1;
    float eigenvalues[6];
    float a, b, c, d, e, f;
    float offx, offy;
    float *matr;

    int n = points->total;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    int is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(points) == CV_32FC2;


    /* create matrix D of  input points */
    D = icvCreateMatrix_32f( 6, n );

    offx = offy = 0;
    cvStartReadSeq( points, &reader );

    /* shift all points to zero */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        if( !is_float )
            offx += (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x;
            offy += (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y;
            offx += ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->x;
            offy += ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->y;
        CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( points->elem_size, reader );

    c = 1.f / n;
    offx *= c;
    offy *= c;

    /* fill matrix rows as (x*x, x*y, y*y, x, y, 1 ) */
    matr = D;
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        float x, y;
        if( !is_float )
            x = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x - offx;
            y = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y - offy;
            x = ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->x - offx;
            y = ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->y - offy;
        CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( points->elem_size, reader );
        matr[0] = x * x;
        matr[1] = x * y;
        matr[2] = y * y;
        matr[3] = x;
        matr[4] = y;
        matr[5] = 1.f;
        matr += 6;

    /* compute S */
    icvMulTransMatrixR_32f( D, 6, n, S );

    /* fill matrix C */
    icvSetZero_32f( C, 6, 6 );
    C[2] = 2.f;  //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 0, 2, 2.f );
    C[7] = -1.f; //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 1, 1, -1.f );
    C[12] = 2.f; //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 2, 0, 2.f );
    /* find eigenvalues */
    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( S, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 6, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, S );
    _EIGVECS = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, INVEIGV );
    _EIGVALS = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_32F, eigenvalues );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    //avoid troubles with small negative values
    for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
        eigenvalues[i] = (float)fabs(eigenvalues[i]);

    cvbSqrt( eigenvalues, eigenvalues, 6 );
    cvbInvSqrt( eigenvalues, eigenvalues, 6 );

    for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
        icvScaleVector_32f( &INVEIGV[i * 6], &INVEIGV[i * 6], 6, eigenvalues[i] );

    // INVQ = transp(INVEIGV) * INVEIGV
    icvMulTransMatrixR_32f( INVEIGV, 6, 6, INVQ );
    /* create matrix INVQ*C*INVQ */
    icvMulMatrix_32f( INVQ, 6, 6, C, 6, 6, TMP1 );
    icvMulMatrix_32f( TMP1, 6, 6, INVQ, 6, 6, TMP2 );

    /* find its eigenvalues and vectors */
    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( TMP2, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 6, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, TMP2 );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    /* search for positive eigenvalue */
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        if( eigenvalues[i] > 0 )
            index = i;

    /* only 3 eigenvalues must be not zero 
       and only one of them must be positive 
       if it is not true - return zero result
    if( index == -1 )
        box->center.x = box->center.y = 
        box->size.width = box->size.height = 
        box->angle = 0.f;
        goto error;

    /* now find truthful eigenvector */
    icvTransformVector_32f( INVQ, &INVEIGV[index * 6], u, 6, 6 );
    /* extract vector components */
    a = u[0];
    b = u[1];
    c = u[2];
    d = u[3];
    e = u[4];
    f = u[5];
        /* extract ellipse axes from above values */

           1) find center of ellipse 
           it satisfy equation  
           | a     b/2 | *  | x0 | +  | d/2 | = |0 |
           | b/2    c  |    | y0 |    | e/2 |   |0 |

        float x0, y0;
        float idet = 1.f / (a * c - b * b * 0.25f);

        /* we must normalize (a b c d e f ) to fit (4ac-b^2=1) */
        float scale = cvSqrt( 0.25f * idet );

        if (!scale) 
            box->center.x = box->center.y = 
            box->size.width = box->size.height = 
            box->angle = 0.f;
            goto error;
        a *= scale;
        b *= scale;
        c *= scale;
        d *= scale;
        e *= scale;
        f *= scale;

        //x0 = box->center.x = (-d * c * 0.5f + e * b * 0.25f) * 4.f;
        //y0 = box->center.y = (-a * e * 0.5f + d * b * 0.25f) * 4.f;
        x0 = box->center.x = (-d * c + e * b * 0.5f) * 2.f;
        y0 = box->center.y = (-a * e + d * b * 0.5f) * 2.f;

        /* offset ellipse to (x0,y0) */
        /* new f == F(x0,y0) */
        f += a * x0 * x0 + b * x0 * y0 + c * y0 * y0 + d * x0 + e * y0;

        if (!f) 
            box->center.x = box->center.y = 
            box->size.width = box->size.height = 
            box->angle = 0.f;
            goto error;

        scale = -1.f / f;
        /* normalize to f = 1 */
        a *= scale;
        b *= scale;
        c *= scale;
    /* recover center */
    box->center.x += offx;
    box->center.y += offy;

    /* extract axis of ellipse */
    /* one more eigenvalue operation */
    TMP1[0] = a;
    TMP1[1] = TMP1[2] = b * 0.5f;
    TMP1[3] = c;

    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( TMP1, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 2, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 2, 2, CV_32F, TMP1 );
    _EIGVECS = cvMat( 2, 2, CV_32F, INVEIGV );
    _EIGVALS = cvMat( 2, 1, CV_32F, eigenvalues );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    /* exteract axis length from eigenvectors */
    box->size.height = 2 * cvInvSqrt( eigenvalues[0] );
    box->size.width = 2 * cvInvSqrt( eigenvalues[1] );

    if ( !(box->size.height && box->size.width) )

    /* calc angle */
    box->angle = cvFastArctan( INVEIGV[3], INVEIGV[2] );


    if( D )
        icvDeleteMatrix( D );

    return status;