Esempio n. 1
 * Loads an item from the db. If not found, it will return the dummy item.
struct item_data* itemdb_search(int nameid)
	struct item_data* id;
	if( nameid >= 0 && nameid < ARRAYLENGTH(itemdb_array) )
		id = itemdb_array[nameid];
		id = (struct item_data*)idb_get(itemdb_other, nameid);

	if( id == NULL )
		ShowWarning("itemdb_search: Item ID %d does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.\n", nameid);
		id = &dummy_item;
		dummy_item.nameid = nameid;
	return id;
/// retrieve data from db and store it in the provided data structure
static bool account_db_txt_load_num(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const int account_id)
	AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
	DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;

	// retrieve data
	struct mmo_account* tmp = idb_get(accounts, account_id);
	if( tmp == NULL )
	{// entry not found
		return false;

	// store it
	memcpy(acc, tmp, sizeof(struct mmo_account));

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
// ギルド解散要求
int mapif_parse_BreakGuild(int fd, int guild_id) {
	struct guild *g;

	g = idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if(g == NULL)
		return 0;

	guild_db->foreach(guild_db, guild_break_sub, guild_id);
	mapif_guild_broken(guild_id, 0);

		inter_log("guild %s (id=%d) broken" RETCODE, g->name, guild_id);

	idb_remove(guild_db, guild_id);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
// パ?ティ?設定?更要求
int mapif_parse_PartyChangeOption(int fd, int party_id, int account_id, int exp, int item) {
	struct party_data *p;
	int flag = 0;

	p = idb_get(party_db, party_id);
	if (p == NULL)
		return 0;

	p->party.exp = exp;
	if (exp>0 && !party_check_exp_share(p)) {
		flag |= 0x01;
		p->party.exp = 0;
	p->party.item = item&0x3;
	mapif_party_optionchanged(fd, &p->party, account_id, flag);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
// ギルドスキルアップ要求
int mapif_parse_GuildSkillUp(int fd, int guild_id, int skill_num, int account_id) {
	struct guild *g = idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	int idx = skill_num - GD_SKILLBASE;

	if (g == NULL || idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_GUILDSKILL)
		return 0;

	if (g->skill_point > 0 && g->skill[idx].id > 0 && g->skill[idx].lv < 10) {
		if (guild_calcinfo(g) == 0)
			mapif_guild_info(-1, g);
		mapif_guild_skillupack(guild_id, skill_num, account_id);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int chlogif_parse_ackchangesex(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd)
	if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 7)
		return 0;
	else {
		unsigned char buf[7];
		int acc = RFIFOL(fd,2);
		int sex = RFIFOB(fd,6);

		if (acc > 0) { // TODO: Is this even possible?
			unsigned char i;
			int char_id = 0, class_ = 0, guild_id = 0;
			DBMap* auth_db = char_get_authdb();
			struct auth_node* node = (struct auth_node*)idb_get(auth_db, acc);
			SqlStmt *stmt;

			if (node != NULL)
				node->sex = sex;

			// get characters
			stmt = SqlStmt_Malloc(sql_handle);
			if (SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Prepare(stmt, "SELECT `char_id`, `class`, `guild_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", schema_config.char_db, acc) || SqlStmt_Execute(stmt)) {

			SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT,   &char_id,  0, NULL, NULL);
			SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 1, SQLDT_SHORT, &class_,   0, NULL, NULL);
			SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 2, SQLDT_INT,   &guild_id, 0, NULL, NULL);

			for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS && SQL_SUCCESS == SqlStmt_NextRow(stmt); ++i) {
				chlogif_parse_change_sex_sub(sex, acc, char_id, class_, guild_id);

		// notify all mapservers about this change
		WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2b0d;
		WBUFL(buf,2) = acc;
		WBUFB(buf,6) = sex;
		chmapif_sendall(buf, 7);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 7
// Wisp/page transmission result
int mapif_parse_WisReply(int fd)
	int id, flag;
	struct WisData *wd;

	id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
	flag = RFIFOB(fd,6);
	wd = (struct WisData*)idb_get(wis_db, id);
	if (wd == NULL)
		return 0;	// This wisp was probably suppress before, because it was timeout of because of target was found on another map-server

	if ((--wd->count) <= 0 || flag != 1) {
		mapif_wis_end(wd, flag); // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
		idb_remove(wis_db, id);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int check_ttl_wisdata(void) {
    unsigned long tick = gettick();
    int i;

    do {
        wis_delnum = 0;
        wis_db->foreach(wis_db, check_ttl_wisdata_sub, tick);
        for(i = 0; i < wis_delnum; i++) {
            struct WisData *wd = idb_get(wis_db, wis_dellist[i]);
            ShowWarning("inter: wis data id=%d time out : from %s to %s\n", wd->id, wd->src, wd->dst);
            // removed. not send information after a timeout. Just no answer for the player
            //mapif_wis_end(wd, 1); // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
            idb_remove(wis_db, wd->id);
    } while(wis_delnum >= WISDELLIST_MAX);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 * Loads (and creates if not found) an item from the db.
struct item_data* itemdb_load(int nameid)
	struct item_data *id;

	if( nameid >= 0 && nameid < ARRAYLENGTH(itemdb_array) ) {
		id = itemdb_array[nameid];
		if( id == NULL || id == &dummy_item )
			id = itemdb_array[nameid] = create_item_data(nameid);
		return id;

	id = (struct item_data*)idb_get(itemdb_other, nameid);
	if( id == NULL || id == &dummy_item ) {
		id = create_item_data(nameid);
		idb_put(itemdb_other, nameid, id);
	return id;
Esempio n. 10
void party_booking_update (struct map_session_data *sd, short *job)
	int i;
	struct party_booking_ad_info *pb_ad;
	pb_ad = (struct party_booking_ad_info *) idb_get (party_booking_db, sd->status.char_id);

	if (pb_ad == NULL)

	pb_ad->starttime = (int) time (NULL); // Update time.

	for (i = 0; i < PARTY_BOOKING_JOBS; i++)
		if (job[i] != 0xFF)
			pb_ad->p_detail.job[i] = job[i];
		else pb_ad->p_detail.job[i] = -1;

	clif_PartyBookingUpdateNotify (sd, pb_ad);
Esempio n. 11
 * Player Requesting char-select from map_serv
 * @param fd: wich fd to parse from
 * @return : 0 not enough data received, 1 success
int chmapif_parse_authok(int fd){
	if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 19 )
		return 0;
		uint32 account_id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
		uint32 login_id1 = RFIFOL(fd,6);
		uint32 login_id2 = RFIFOL(fd,10);
		uint32 ip = RFIFOL(fd,14);
		int version = RFIFOB(fd,18);

		if( runflag != CHARSERVER_ST_RUNNING ){
			struct auth_node* node;
			DBMap*  auth_db = char_get_authdb();
			DBMap* online_char_db = char_get_onlinedb();

			// create temporary auth entry
			CREATE(node, struct auth_node, 1);
			node->account_id = account_id;
			node->char_id = 0;
			node->login_id1 = login_id1;
			node->login_id2 = login_id2;
			//node->sex = 0;
			node->ip = ntohl(ip);
			node->version = version; //upd version for mapserv
			//node->expiration_time = 0; // unlimited/unknown time by default (not display in map-server)
			//node->gmlevel = 0;
			idb_put(auth_db, account_id, node);

			//Set char to "@ char select" in online db [Kevin]
				struct online_char_data* character = (struct online_char_data*)idb_get(online_char_db, account_id);
				if( character != NULL ){
					character->pincode_success = true;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 12
int check_ttl_wisdata(void)
	int64 tick = gettick();
	int i;

	do {
		wis_delnum = 0;
		wis_db->foreach(wis_db, check_ttl_wisdata_sub, tick);
		for(i = 0; i < wis_delnum; i++) {
			struct WisData *wd = (struct WisData *)idb_get(wis_db, wis_dellist[i]);
			ShowWarning(read_message("Source.char.inter_checkttlwisdata"), wd->id, wd->src, wd->dst);
			// removed. not send information after a timeout. Just no answer for the player
			//mapif_wis_end(wd, 1); // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
			idb_remove(wis_db, wd->id);
	} while(wis_delnum >= WISDELLIST_MAX);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int mapif_parse_PartyLeaderChange(int fd,int party_id,int account_id,int char_id)
	struct party_data *p;
	int i;

	p = idb_get(party_db, party_id);
	if (p == NULL)
		return 0;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++)
			p->party.member[i].leader = 0;
		if(p->party.member[i].account_id == account_id &&
			p->party.member[i].char_id == char_id)
			p->party.member[i].leader = 1;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 14
// Delete member from guild
int mapif_parse_GuildLeave(int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag, const char *mes)
	int i, j;

	struct guild* g = (struct guild*)idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if( g == NULL )
		return 0;

	// Find the member
	ARR_FIND( 0, g->max_member, i, g->member[i].account_id == account_id && g->member[i].char_id == char_id );
	if( i == g->max_member )
		return 0;

	if( flag )
	{	// 追放の場合追放リストに入れる
		ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_GUILDEXPULSION, j, g->expulsion[j].account_id == 0 );
		{	// 一杯なので古いのを消す
			for(j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDEXPULSION - 1; j++)
				g->expulsion[j] = g->expulsion[j+1];
		// Save the expulsion entry
		g->expulsion[j].account_id = account_id;
		safestrncpy(g->expulsion[j].name, g->member[i].name, NAME_LENGTH);
		safestrncpy(g->expulsion[j].mes, mes, 40);

	mapif_guild_withdraw(guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag, g->member[i].name, mes);

	memset(&g->member[i], 0, sizeof(struct guild_member));

	if (guild_check_empty(g) == 0)
		mapif_guild_info(-1,g);// まだ人がいるのでデ??送信

	return 0;
Esempio n. 15
int mapif_load_pet(int fd,int account_id,int char_id,int pet_id)
	struct s_pet *p;
	p = (struct s_pet*)idb_get(pet_db,pet_id);
	if(p!=NULL) {
		if(p->incuvate == 1) {
			p->account_id = p->char_id = 0;
		else if(account_id == p->account_id && char_id == p->char_id)

	return 0;
Esempio n. 16
int mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad(int fd, int castle_id, int index) {
	struct guild_castle *gc = idb_get(castle_db, castle_id);

	if (gc == NULL) {
		return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(castle_id, 0, 0);
	switch(index) {
	case 1: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->guild_id);
	case 2: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->economy);
	case 3: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->defense);
	case 4: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->triggerE);
	case 5: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->triggerD);
	case 6: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->nextTime);
	case 7: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->payTime);
	case 8: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->createTime);
	case 9: return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->visibleC);
	case 10:
	case 11:
	case 12:
	case 13:
	case 14:
	case 15:
	case 16:
	case 17:
		return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->guardian[index-10].visible);
	case 18:
	case 19:
	case 20:
	case 21:
	case 22:
	case 23:
	case 24:
	case 25:
		return mapif_guild_castle_dataload(gc->castle_id, index, gc->guardian[index-18].hp);	// end additions [Valaris]

		ShowError("mapif_parse_GuildCastleDataLoad ERROR!! (Not found index=%d)\n", index);
		return 0;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 17
// オンライン/Lv更新
int mapif_parse_GuildChangeMemberInfoShort(int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int online, int lv, int class_)
	struct guild *g;
	int i, sum, c;

	g = (struct guild*)idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if (g == NULL)
		return 0;

	ARR_FIND( 0, g->max_member, i, g->member[i].account_id == account_id && g->member[i].char_id == char_id );
	if( i < g->max_member )
			g->member[i].online = online;
			g->member[i].lv = lv;
			g->member[i].class_ = class_;
			mapif_guild_memberinfoshort(g, i);

	g->average_lv = 0;
	g->connect_member = 0;
	c = 0; // member count
	sum = 0; // total sum of base levels

	for(i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++)
		if( g->member[i].account_id > 0 )
			sum += g->member[i].lv;
		if( g->member[i].online )

	if( c ) // this check should always succeed...
		g->average_lv = sum / c;

	//FIXME: how about sending a mapif_guild_info() update to the mapserver? [ultramage] 

	return 0;
Esempio n. 18
// ギルド脱退/追放要求
int mapif_parse_GuildLeave(int fd, int guild_id, int account_id, int char_id, int flag, const char *mes) {
	struct guild *g = NULL;
	int i, j;

	g = idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if (g != NULL) {
		for(i = 0; i < MAX_GUILD; i++) {
			if (g->member[i].account_id == account_id && g->member[i].char_id == char_id) {
//				printf("%d %d\n", i, (int)(&g->member[i]));
//				printf("%d %s\n", i, g->member[i].name);

				if (flag) {	// 追放の場合追放リストに入れる
					for(j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDEXPULSION; j++) {
						if (g->expulsion[j].account_id == 0)
					if (j == MAX_GUILDEXPULSION) {	// 一杯なので古いのを消す
						for(j = 0; j < MAX_GUILDEXPULSION - 1; j++)
							g->expulsion[j] = g->expulsion[j+1];
					g->expulsion[j].account_id = account_id;
					memcpy(g->expulsion[j].acc, "dummy", NAME_LENGTH-1);
					memcpy(g->expulsion[j].name, g->member[i].name, NAME_LENGTH-1);
					memcpy(g->expulsion[j].mes, mes, 40);

				mapif_guild_leaved(guild_id, account_id, char_id, flag, g->member[i].name, mes);
//				printf("%d %d\n", i, (int)(&g->member[i]));
//				printf("%d %s\n", i, (&g->member[i])->name);
				memset(&g->member[i], 0, sizeof(struct guild_member));

				if (guild_check_empty(g) == 0)
					mapif_guild_info(-1,g);// まだ人がいるのでデータ送信

				return 0;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 19
 * PIN Code was incorrectly entered too many times.
 * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv)
 * @return 0 fail (packet does not have enough data), 1 success (continue parsing)
int logchrif_parse_pincode_authfail(int fd){
	if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 )
		return 0;
		struct mmo_account acc;
		AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
		if( accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, RFIFOL(fd,2) ) ){
			struct online_login_data* ld;

			ld = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db,acc.account_id);

			if( ld == NULL )
				return 0;

			login_log( host2ip(acc.last_ip), acc.userid, 100, "PIN Code check failed" );
	return 1;
Esempio n. 20
 * Map-serv request to save mmo_char_status in sql
 * Receive character data from map-server for saving
 * @param fd: wich fd to parse from
 * @param id: wich map_serv id
 * @return : 0 not enough data received, 1 success
int chmapif_parse_reqsavechar(int fd, int id){
	if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 4 || RFIFOREST(fd) < RFIFOW(fd,2))
		return 0;
		int aid = RFIFOL(fd,4), cid = RFIFOL(fd,8), size = RFIFOW(fd,2);
		struct online_char_data* character;
		DBMap* online_char_db = char_get_onlinedb();

		if (size - 13 != sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus))
			ShowError("parse_from_map (save-char): Size mismatch! %d != %d\n", size-13, sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus));
			return 1;
		//Check account only if this ain't final save. Final-save goes through because of the char-map reconnect
		if (RFIFOB(fd,12) || RFIFOB(fd,13) || (
			(character = (struct online_char_data*)idb_get(online_char_db, aid)) != NULL &&
			character->char_id == cid))
			struct mmo_charstatus char_dat;
			memcpy(&char_dat, RFIFOP(fd,13), sizeof(struct mmo_charstatus));
			char_mmo_char_tosql(cid, &char_dat);
		} else {	//This may be valid on char-server reconnection, when re-sending characters that already logged off.
			ShowError("parse_from_map (save-char): Received data for non-existant/offline character (%d:%d).\n", aid, cid);
			char_set_char_online(id, cid, aid);

		if (RFIFOB(fd,12))
		{	//Flag, set character offline after saving. [Skotlex]
			char_set_char_offline(cid, aid);
			WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x2b21; //Save ack only needed on final save.
			WFIFOL(fd,2) = aid;
			WFIFOL(fd,6) = cid;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 21
static int auction_end_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct auction_data *auction;
	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, id)) != NULL )
		if( auction->buyer_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(202), 0, &auction->item);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(203), auction->price, NULL);
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(204), 0, &auction->item);

		ShowInfo("Auction End: id %u.\n", auction->auction_id);

		auction->auction_end_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 22
/// rewrite the data stored in the account_db with the one provided
static bool account_db_txt_save(AccountDB* self, const struct mmo_account* acc)
	AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
	DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
	int account_id = acc->account_id;

	// retrieve previous data
	struct mmo_acount* tmp = idb_get(accounts, account_id);
	if( tmp == NULL )
	{// error condition - entry not found
		return false;
	// overwrite with new data
	memcpy(tmp, acc, sizeof(struct mmo_account));

	// modify save counter and save if needed
	if( --db->auths_before_save == 0 )

	return true;
Esempio n. 23
/// Add a new entry for this account to the account db and save it.
/// If acc->account_id is -1, the account id will be auto-generated,
/// and its value will be written to acc->account_id if everything succeeds.
static bool account_db_txt_create(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc)
	AccountDB_TXT* db = (AccountDB_TXT*)self;
	DBMap* accounts = db->accounts;
	struct mmo_account* tmp;

	// decide on the account id to assign
	int account_id = ( acc->account_id != -1 ) ? acc->account_id : db->next_account_id;

	// absolute maximum
	if( account_id > END_ACCOUNT_NUM )
		return false;

	// check if the account_id is free
	tmp = idb_get(accounts, account_id);
	if( tmp != NULL )
	{// error condition - entry already present
		ShowError("account_db_txt_create: cannot create account %d:'%s', this id is already occupied by %d:'%s'!\n", account_id, acc->userid, account_id, tmp->userid);
		return false;

	// copy the data and store it in the db
	CREATE(tmp, struct mmo_account, 1);
	memcpy(tmp, acc, sizeof(struct mmo_account));
	tmp->account_id = account_id;
	idb_put(accounts, account_id, tmp);

	// increment the auto_increment value
	if( account_id >= db->next_account_id )
		db->next_account_id = account_id + 1;

	// flush data

	// write output
	acc->account_id = account_id;

	return true;
Esempio n. 24
void pincode_handle ( int fd, struct char_session_data* sd ) {
	struct online_char_data* character = (struct online_char_data*)idb_get(chr->online_char_db, sd->account_id);

	if( character && character->pincode_enable > pincode->charselect ){
		character->pincode_enable = pincode->charselect * 2;
		pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_OK );

	if( strlen(sd->pincode) == 4 ){
		if( pincode->changetime && time(NULL) > (sd->pincode_change+pincode->changetime) ){ // User hasn't changed his PIN code for a long time
			pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_EXPIRED );
		} else { // Ask user for his PIN code
			pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_ASK );
	} else // No PIN code has been set yet
		pincode->sendstate( fd, sd, PINCODE_NOTSET );

	if( character )
		character->pincode_enable = -1;
Esempio n. 25
static int auction_end_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct auction_data *auction;
	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, id)) != NULL )
		if( auction->buyer_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "Thanks, you won the auction!.", 0, &auction->item);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "Payment for your auction!.", auction->price, NULL);
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "No buyers have been found for your auction.", 0, &auction->item);
		ShowInfo("Auction End: id %u.\n", auction->auction_id);

		auction->auction_end_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 26
// ギルドメンバ追加要求
int mapif_parse_GuildAddMember(int fd, int guild_id, struct guild_member *m) {
	struct guild *g;
	int i;

	g = idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if (g == NULL) {
		mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);
		return 0;

	for(i = 0; i < g->max_member; i++) {
		if (g->member[i].account_id == 0) {
			memcpy(&g->member[i], m, sizeof(struct guild_member));
			mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 0);
			mapif_guild_info(-1, g);

			return 0;
	mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 27
// ギルドメンバ追加要求
int mapif_parse_GuildAddMember(int fd, int guild_id, struct guild_member *m)
	struct guild *g;
	int i;

	g = (struct guild*)idb_get(guild_db, guild_id);
	if (g == NULL) {
		mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);
		return 0;

	ARR_FIND( 0, g->max_member, i, g->member[i].account_id == 0 );
	if( i < g->max_member )
		memcpy(&g->member[i], m, sizeof(struct guild_member));
		mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 0);
		mapif_guild_info(-1, g);
		mapif_guild_memberadded(fd, guild_id, m->account_id, m->char_id, 1);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 28
// 情報所得
int guild_recv_info(struct guild *sg)
	struct guild *g,before;
	int i,bm,m;
	struct eventlist *ev,*ev2;
	struct map_session_data *sd;
	bool guild_new = false;


	if((g = (struct guild*)idb_get(guild_db,sg->guild_id))==NULL)
		guild_new = true;
		g=(struct guild *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct guild));

		// 最初のロードなのでユーザーのチェックを行う
		if ((sd = map_nick2sd(sg->master)) != NULL)
			//If the guild master is online the first time the guild_info is received,
			//that means he was the first to join, so apply guild skill blocking here.
			if( battle_config.guild_skill_relog_delay )
				guild_block_skill(sd, 300000);

			//Also set the guild master flag.
			sd->state.gmaster_flag = g;
			clif_charnameupdate(sd); // [LuzZza]
	memcpy(g,sg,sizeof(struct guild));

	if(g->max_member > MAX_GUILD)
		ShowError("guild_recv_info: Received guild with %d members, but MAX_GUILD is only %d. Extra guild-members have been lost!\n", g->max_member, MAX_GUILD);
		g->max_member = MAX_GUILD;
			sd = g->member[i].sd = guild_sd_check(g->guild_id, g->member[i].account_id, g->member[i].char_id);
			if (sd) clif_charnameupdate(sd); // [LuzZza]

	for(i=0;i<g->max_member;i++){	// 情報の送信
		sd = g->member[i].sd;
		if( sd==NULL )

		if(	before.guild_lv!=g->guild_lv || bm!=m ||
			before.max_member!=g->max_member ){
			clif_guild_basicinfo(sd);	// 基本情報送信
			clif_guild_emblem(sd,g);	// エンブレム送信

		if(bm!=m){		// メンバー情報送信

		if( before.skill_point!=g->skill_point)
			clif_guild_skillinfo(sd);	// スキル情報送信

		if( guild_new ){	// 未送信なら所属情報も送る

	// イベントの発生
	if( (ev = (struct eventlist*)idb_remove(guild_infoevent_db,sg->guild_id))!=NULL )

	return 0;
Esempio n. 29
/// lookup: castle id -> castle*
struct guild_castle* guild_castle_search(int gcid)
	return (struct guild_castle*)idb_get(castle_db,gcid);
Esempio n. 30
/// lookup: guild id -> guild*
struct guild* guild_search(int guild_id)
	return (struct guild*)idb_get(guild_db,guild_id);