int set_xtaccess(std::vector<std::string> & parameters, std::string & response)
 std::string ifacefile    = "/var/smoothwall/red/iface";
 std::string cmdprefix    = "/var/smoothwall";
 std::string configfile   = cmdprefix + "/xtaccess/config";
 std::string aliasfile    = cmdprefix + "/portfw/aliases";

 ConfigSTR ifacef(ifacefile);
 ConfigCSV config(configfile);
 ConfigCSV aliases(aliasfile);

 std::vector<std::string> ipb;
 std::string red_ip            = "";
 std::string iface             = ifacef.str();
 std::string destination       = "";
 std::string dport_out         = "";
 int error                     = 0;

 // preset the response to a success, changed only on error, always return zero

 response = "External Access Rules set";

 if (ifacef.str() == "")
  response = "Abort, could not open red local interface file (" + ifacefile + ")";
  return errrpt (response);
 if (iface.find_first_not_of(INTERFACE) != std::string::npos)
  response = "Abort, bad interface: " + iface;
  return errrpt (response);

 rmdupes(ipb, "iptables -t filter -F xtaccess");
 rmdupes(ipb, "iptables -t nat -F portfw_pre");

 // Any destination IP that is local and not forwarded goes to us through INPUT

 for (int line = config.first(); line == 0; line = config.next())
  const std::string & alias    = config[0];
  const std::string & protocol = config[1];
  const std::string & remip    = config[2];
  const std::string & locport  = config[3];
  const std::string & enabled  = config[4];

  if (protocol.find_first_not_of(NUMBERS) != std::string::npos)
   response = "Abort, bad protocol: " + protocol;
   return errrpt (response);
  if (remip.find_first_not_of(IP_NUMBERS) != std::string::npos)
   response = "Abort, bad remote IP: " + remip;
   return errrpt (response);
  if (locport.find_first_not_of(NUMBERS_COLON) != std::string::npos)
   response = "Abort, bad port: " + locport;
   return errrpt (response);
  dport_out = "";
  if (locport !=  "0" && locport !=  "") dport_out = " --dport " + locport;

  red_ip = "";
  for (int aline = aliases.first(); aline == 0; aline = aliases.next())

  // we need to find the alias IP of the red interface
   const std::string & f_ifalias = aliases[1];
   const std::string & f_ipaddress = aliases[3];

   if (alias == f_ifalias)
    red_ip = f_ipaddress;
  if (red_ip == "")
   response = "Abort, could not find an alias match in (" + configfile + ") with (" +
    aliasfile + ") for an IP in the XTAccess rule";
   return errrpt(response);
  destination = " -d " + red_ip;

  // This only creates the rules if they are present and enabled, the alias
  // may be disabled which would make the rule ineffective since the IP would
  // not be present in ifconfig

  if (enabled == "on")
   rmdupes(ipb, "iptables -t filter -A xtaccess -i " + iface + " -d " + red_ip + 
    " -p " + protocol + dport_out + " -s " + remip + " -j ACCEPT");

 error = ipbatch(ipb);

 if (error) response = "ipbatch failure";

 return errrpt (response);
Esempio n. 2
int set_xtaccess(std::vector<std::string> & parameters, std::string & response)
	int error = 0;
	ConfigSTR ifacef("/var/smoothwall/red/iface");
	ConfigCSV config("/var/smoothwall/xtaccess/config");
	std::string::size_type n;
	std::string iface = ifacef.str();

	if (iface.substr(0, 3) == "ppp" || iface.substr(0, 4) == "ippp")
		iface = ""; // ignore ppp
	if (iface != "" && ((n = iface.find_first_not_of(LETTERS_NUMBERS)) != std::string::npos))
		response = "Bad iface: " + iface; 
		error = 1;
		goto EXIT;
	ipb.push_back("iptables  -F xtaccess");

	for (int line = config.first(); line == 0; line = config.next())
		const std::string & protocol = config[0];
		const std::string & remip = config[1];
		const std::string & locport = config[2];
		const std::string & enabled = config[3];

		// are we complete?
		if (protocol == "" || remip == "" || locport == "" || enabled == "")

		if ((n = protocol.find_first_not_of(LETTERS)) != std::string::npos)
			response = "Bad protocol: " + protocol;
			error = 1;
			goto EXIT;
		if ((n = remip.find_first_not_of(IP_NUMBERS)) != std::string::npos)
			response = "Bad remote IP: " + remip;
			error = 1;
			goto EXIT;
		if ((n = locport.find_first_not_of(NUMBERS_COLON)) != std::string::npos)
			response = "Bad port: " + locport;
			error = 1;
			goto EXIT;
		if (enabled == "on")
			ipb.push_back("iptables -A xtaccess -i ppp0 -p " + protocol + 
				" -s " + remip + 
				" --destination-port " + locport + " -j ACCEPT");
			ipb.push_back("iptables -A xtaccess -i ippp0 -p " + protocol + 
				" -s " + remip + 
				" --destination-port " + locport + " -j ACCEPT");

			if (iface != "")
				ipb.push_back("iptables -A xtaccess -i " + iface + " -p " + protocol + 
					" -s " + remip + 
					" --destination-port " + locport + " -j ACCEPT");

	error = ipbatch(ipb);
	if (error)
		response = "ipbatch failure";
		response = "xtaccess set";

	return error;