Esempio n. 1
static void relax_snode
 const int_t n, /* number of columns in the matrix (input) */
 int_t       *et,   /* column elimination tree (input) */
 const int_t relax, /* max no of columns allowed in a relaxed snode (input) */
 int_t       *desc, /* number of descendants of each etree node. */
 int_t       *relax_end /* last column in a supernode (output) */
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   relax_snode() identifies the initial relaxed supernodes, assuming that 
 *   the matrix has been reordered according to an postorder of the etree.
    register int_t j, parent, nsuper;
    register int_t fsupc; /* beginning of a snode */
    ifill_dist(relax_end, n, EMPTY);
    ifill_dist(desc, n+1, 0);
    nsuper = 0;

    /* Compute the number of descendants of each node in the etree. */
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	parent = et[j];
	if ( parent != n )  /* not the dummy root */
	    desc[parent] += desc[j] + 1;

    /* Identify the relaxed supernodes by postorder traversal of the etree. */
    for (j = 0; j < n; ) { 
     	parent = et[j];
        fsupc = j;
 	while ( parent != n && desc[parent] < relax ) {
	    j = parent;
	    parent = et[j];
	/* Found a supernode with j being the last column. */
	relax_end[fsupc] = j; /* Last column is recorded. */
	/* Search for a new leaf. */
	while ( desc[j] != 0 && j < n ) ++j;

#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
    printf(".. No of relaxed snodes: %d\trelax: %d\n", nsuper, relax);
Esempio n. 2
void super_stats_dist(int_t nsuper, int_t *xsup)
    register int_t nsup1 = 0;
    int_t          i, isize, whichb, bl, bh;
    int_t          bucket[NBUCKS];

    max_sup_size = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <= nsuper; i++) {
	isize = xsup[i+1] - xsup[i];
	if ( isize == 1 ) nsup1++;
	if ( max_sup_size < isize ) max_sup_size = isize;	

    printf("    Supernode statistics:\n\tno of super = %d\n", nsuper+1);
    printf("\tmax supernode size = %d\n", max_sup_size);
    printf("\tno of size 1 supernodes = %d\n", nsup1);

    /* Histogram of the supernode sizes */
    ifill_dist (bucket, NBUCKS, 0);

    for (i = 0; i <= nsuper; i++) {
        isize = xsup[i+1] - xsup[i];
        whichb = (float) isize / max_sup_size * NBUCKS;
        if (whichb >= NBUCKS) whichb = NBUCKS - 1;
    printf("\tHistogram of supernode sizes:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < NBUCKS; i++) {
        bl = (float) i * max_sup_size / NBUCKS;
        bh = (float) (i+1) * max_sup_size / NBUCKS;
        printf("\tsnode: %d-%d\t\t%d\n", bl+1, bh, bucket[i]);

Esempio n. 3
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   symbfact() performs a symbolic factorization on matrix A and sets up 
 *   the nonzero data structures which are suitable for supernodal Gaussian
 *   elimination with no pivoting (GENP). This routine features:
 *        o depth-first search (DFS)
 *        o supernodes
 *        o symmetric structure pruning
 * Return value
 * ============
 *   < 0, number of bytes needed for LSUB.
 *   = 0, matrix dimension is 1.
 *   > 0, number of bytes allocated when out of memory.
 * </pre>
int_t symbfact
 superlu_options_t *options, /* input options */
 int         pnum,     /* process number */
 SuperMatrix *A,       /* original matrix A permuted by columns (input) */
 int_t       *perm_c,  /* column permutation vector (input) */
 int_t       *etree,   /* column elimination tree (input) */
 Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist,  /* output */
 Glu_freeable_t *Glu_freeable /* output */

    int_t m, n, min_mn, j, i, k, irep, nseg, pivrow, info;
    int_t *iwork, *perm_r, *segrep, *repfnz;
    int_t *xprune, *marker, *parent, *xplore;
    int_t relax, *desc, *relax_end;
    int_t nnzL, nnzU;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(pnum, "Enter symbfact()");

    m = A->nrow;
    n = A->ncol;
    min_mn = SUPERLU_MIN(m, n);

    /* Allocate storage common to the symbolic factor routines */
    info = symbfact_SubInit(DOFACT, NULL, 0, m, n, ((NCPformat*)A->Store)->nnz,
			    Glu_persist, Glu_freeable);

    iwork = (int_t *) intMalloc_dist(6*m+2*n);
    perm_r = iwork;
    segrep = iwork + m;
    repfnz = segrep + m;
    marker = repfnz + m;
    parent = marker + m;
    xplore = parent + m;
    xprune = xplore + m;
    relax_end = xprune + n;
    relax = sp_ienv_dist(2);
    ifill_dist(perm_r, m, EMPTY);
    ifill_dist(repfnz, m, EMPTY);
    ifill_dist(marker, m, EMPTY);
    Glu_persist->supno[0] = -1;
    Glu_persist->xsup[0] = 0;
    Glu_freeable->xlsub[0] = 0;
    Glu_freeable->xusub[0] = 0;

    /*for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) iperm_c[perm_c[j]] = j;*/

    /* Identify relaxed supernodes. */
    if ( !(desc = intMalloc_dist(n+1)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for desc[]");;
    relax_snode(n, etree, relax, desc, relax_end);
    for (j = 0; j < min_mn; ) {
	if ( relax_end[j] != EMPTY ) { /* beginning of a relaxed snode */
   	    k = relax_end[j];          /* end of the relaxed snode */
	    /* Determine union of the row structure of supernode (j:k). */
	    if ( (info = snode_dfs(A, j, k, xprune, marker,
				   Glu_persist, Glu_freeable)) != 0 )
		return info;

	    for (i = j; i <= k; ++i)
		pivotL(i, perm_r, &pivrow, Glu_persist, Glu_freeable); 

	    j = k+1;
	} else {
	    /* Perform a symbolic factorization on column j, and detects
	       whether column j starts a new supernode. */
	    if ((info = column_dfs(A, j, perm_r, &nseg, segrep, repfnz,
				   xprune, marker, parent, xplore,
				   Glu_persist, Glu_freeable)) != 0)
		return info;
	    /* Copy the U-segments to usub[*]. */
	    if ((info = set_usub(min_mn, j, nseg, segrep, repfnz,
				 Glu_persist, Glu_freeable)) != 0)
		return info;

	    pivotL(j, perm_r, &pivrow, Glu_persist, Glu_freeable); 

	    /* Prune columns [0:j-1] using column j. */
	    pruneL(j, perm_r, pivrow, nseg, segrep, repfnz, xprune,
		   Glu_persist, Glu_freeable);

	    /* Reset repfnz[*] to prepare for the next column. */
	    for (i = 0; i < nseg; i++) {
		irep = segrep[i];
		repfnz[irep] = EMPTY;

	} /* else */
    } /* for j ... */

    countnz_dist(min_mn, xprune, &nnzL, &nnzU, Glu_persist, Glu_freeable);

    /* Apply perm_r to L; Compress LSUB array. */
    i = fixupL_dist(min_mn, perm_r, Glu_persist, Glu_freeable);

    if ( !pnum && (options->PrintStat == YES)) {
	printf("\tNonzeros in L       %ld\n", nnzL);
	printf("\tNonzeros in U       %ld\n", nnzU);
	printf("\tnonzeros in L+U     %ld\n", nnzL + nnzU - min_mn);
	printf("\tnonzeros in LSUB    %ld\n", i);

#if ( PRNTlevel>=3 )
    PrintInt10("lsub", Glu_freeable->xlsub[n], Glu_freeable->lsub);
    PrintInt10("xlsub", n+1, Glu_freeable->xlsub);
    PrintInt10("xprune", n, xprune);
    PrintInt10("usub", Glu_freeable->xusub[n], Glu_freeable->usub);
    PrintInt10("xusub", n+1, Glu_freeable->xusub);
    PrintInt10("supno", n, Glu_persist->supno);
    PrintInt10("xsup", (Glu_persist->supno[n])+2, Glu_persist->xsup);

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(pnum, "Exit symbfact()");

    return (-i);

} /* SYMBFACT */