Esempio n. 1
hipError_t hipStreamWaitEvent(hipStream_t stream, hipEvent_t event, unsigned int flags) {
    HIP_INIT_SPECIAL_API(hipStreamWaitEvent, TRACE_SYNC, stream, event, flags);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    auto ecd = event->locked_copyCrit();

    if (event == nullptr) {
        e = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;

    } else if ((ecd._state != hipEventStatusUnitialized) && (ecd._state != hipEventStatusCreated)) {
        if (HIP_SYNC_STREAM_WAIT || (HIP_SYNC_NULL_STREAM && (stream == 0))) {
            // conservative wait on host for the specified event to complete:
            // return _stream->locked_eventWaitComplete(this, waitMode);
                ecd.marker(), (event->_flags & hipEventBlockingSync) ? hc::hcWaitModeBlocked
                                                                     : hc::hcWaitModeActive);
        } else {
            stream = ihipSyncAndResolveStream(stream);
            // This will use create_blocking_marker to wait on the specified queue.

    }  // else event not recorded, return immediately and don't create marker.

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
Esempio n. 2
hipError_t hipMemset(void* dst, int  value, size_t sizeBytes )
    hipStream_t stream = hipStreamNull;
    // TODO - call an ihip memset so HIP_TRACE is correct.
    HIP_INIT_API(dst, value, sizeBytes, stream);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    stream =  ihipSyncAndResolveStream(stream);

    if (stream) {

        hc::completion_future cf ;

        if ((sizeBytes & 0x3) == 0) {
            // use a faster dword-per-workitem copy:
            try {
                value = value & 0xff;
                unsigned value32 = (value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | (value) ;
                cf = ihipMemsetKernel<unsigned> (stream, static_cast<unsigned*> (dst), value32, sizeBytes/sizeof(unsigned));
            catch (std::exception &ex) {
                e = hipErrorInvalidValue;
        } else {
            // use a slow byte-per-workitem copy:
            try {
                cf = ihipMemsetKernel<char> (stream, static_cast<char*> (dst), value, sizeBytes);
            catch (std::exception &ex) {
                e = hipErrorInvalidValue;


        if (HIP_LAUNCH_BLOCKING) {
            tprintf (DB_SYNC, "'%s' LAUNCH_BLOCKING wait for memset [stream:%p].\n", __func__, (void*)stream);
            tprintf (DB_SYNC, "'%s' LAUNCH_BLOCKING memset completed [stream:%p].\n", __func__, (void*)stream);
    } else {
        e = hipErrorInvalidValue;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
Esempio n. 3
hipError_t hipMemcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind)
    HIP_INIT_API(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind);

    hipStream_t stream = ihipSyncAndResolveStream(hipStreamNull);

    hc::completion_future marker;

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    try {

        stream->locked_copySync(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind);
    catch (ihipException ex) {
        e = ex._code;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
Esempio n. 4
hipError_t hipMemcpyAsync(void* dst, const void* src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind, hipStream_t stream)
    HIP_INIT_API(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind, stream);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    stream = ihipSyncAndResolveStream(stream);

    if ((dst == NULL) || (src == NULL)) {
        e= hipErrorInvalidValue;
    } else if (stream) {
        try {
            stream->copyAsync(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind);
        catch (ihipException ex) {
            e = ex._code;
    } else {
        e = hipErrorInvalidValue;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);