Esempio n. 1
* @brief Search for a color. Supports IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL. 
* @param color Definition for the hue range 
* @param trackReport Values for tracking: center of particle, particle size, color
* @return 0 = error
int FindColor(FrcHue color, ParticleAnalysisReport* trackReport)
	int success = 0;		// return: 0 = error
	/* track color */
	// use ACTIVE_LIGHT or WHITE_LIGHT for brightly lit objects
	TrackingThreshold td = GetTrackingData(color, PASSIVE_LIGHT);

	success = FindColor(IMAQ_HSL, &td.hue, &td.saturation, &td.luminance, trackReport); 
	if ( !success )	{ 
		DPRINTF (LOG_INFO, "did not find color - errorCode= %i",GetLastVisionError());	
		return success;

	/* set an image quality restriction */
	if (trackReport->particleToImagePercent < PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE_PERCENT) {
		success = 0;
	return success;
Esempio n. 2
* @brief Search for a color. Supports IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL and IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB. 
* @param mode Color mode, either IMAQ_HSL or IMAQ_RGB
* @param plane1Range The range for the first plane (hue or red)
* @param plane2Range The range for the second plane (saturation or green)
* @param plane3Range The range for the third plane (luminance or blue)
* @param trackReport Values for tracking: center of particle, particle size, etc
* @param colorReport Color charactaristics of the particle
* @param rect Rectangle to confine search to
* @return 0 = error
int FindColor(ColorMode mode, const Range* plane1Range, const Range* plane2Range, 
		const Range* plane3Range, ParticleAnalysisReport *trackReport, 
		ColorReport *colorReport, Rect rect)
	int errorCode = 0;
	int success = 0;
	/* create an image object */
	Image* cameraImage = frcCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL);
	if (!cameraImage)  { return success; }
	/* get image from camera - if the camera has not finished initializing,
	 * this will fail 
	double imageTime;
	success = GetImage(cameraImage, &imageTime);
	if (!success){
		DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "No camera Image available Error = %i %s", 
				errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		imaqSetError(errorCode, __FUNCTION__);	//reset error code for the caller	
		return success;		
	/* save a copy of the image to another image for color thresholding later */
	Image* histImage = frcCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL);
	if (!histImage)  { frcDispose(cameraImage); return success; }
	success = frcCopyImage(histImage,cameraImage);
	if ( !success )	{ 
		errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
		return success; 
	/* Color threshold the image */
	success = frcColorThreshold(cameraImage, cameraImage, mode, plane1Range, plane2Range, plane3Range);
	if ( !success )	{ 
		errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
		DPRINTF (LOG_DEBUG, "Error = %i  %s ", errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		return success; 

	int largestParticleIndex = 0;
	success = GetLargestParticle(cameraImage, &largestParticleIndex, rect );
	if ( !success )	{
		errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
		DPRINTF (LOG_DEBUG, "Error after GetLargestParticle = %i  %s ", errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		return success; 
	DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "largestParticleIndex = %i\n", largestParticleIndex);

	/* Particles were found  */
		 * Fill in report information for largest particle found
		success = frcParticleAnalysis(cameraImage, largestParticleIndex, trackReport);
		trackReport->imageTimestamp = imageTime;
		/* clean up */
		if (!success) {frcDispose(__FUNCTION__,cameraImage,histImage,NULL); return success;}
		/* particle color statistics */
		/* only if a color report requested */
		if (colorReport != NULL)
			/* first filter out the other particles */
			ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria;
			ParticleFilterOptions* options = NULL;
			Rect rect;
			int numParticles;
			success = frcParticleFilter(cameraImage, cameraImage, &criteria, 1, options, 
					rect, &numParticles);
			if ( !success )	{ 
				DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "frcParticleFilter errorCode %i", GetLastVisionError()); 
			/* histogram the original image using the thresholded image as a mask */
			int numClasses = 10; //how many classes?
			ColorHistogramReport* chrep = imaqColorHistogram2(histImage, numClasses, IMAQ_HSL, 
						NULL, cameraImage);
			if (chrep == NULL) { 
				DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "NULL Color Histogram");
				errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
			} else {
				colorReport->particleHueMax = chrep->plane1.max;
				colorReport->particleHueMin = chrep->plane1.min;
				colorReport->particleHueMean = chrep->plane1.mean;
				colorReport->particleSatMax = chrep->plane2.max;
				colorReport->particleSatMin  = chrep->plane2.min;
				colorReport->particleSatMean = chrep->plane2.mean;
				colorReport->particleLumMax = chrep->plane3.max;
				colorReport->particleLumMin = chrep->plane3.min;
				colorReport->particleLumMean = chrep->plane3.mean;
				colorReport->numberParticlesFound = numParticles;

	/* clean up */
	return success;	
Esempio n. 3
* @brief Search for color particles. Supports IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL and IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB. 
* @param mode Color mode, either IMAQ_HSL or IMAQ_RGB
* @param plane1Range The range for the first plane (hue or red)
* @param plane2Range The range for the second plane (saturation or green)
* @param plane3Range The range for the third plane (luminance or blue)
* @param hitReport Contains array of numberHits largest targets
* @param rect Rectangle to confine search to
* @param numberHitsRequested maximum number to return
* @return 0 = error
int FindColorHits(ColorMode mode, const Range* plane1Range, const Range* plane2Range, 
		const Range* plane3Range, ImageHits* hitReport, Rect rect, 
		int numberHitsRequested)
	char funcName[]="FindColorHits";
	int errorCode = 0;
	int success = 0;
	/* fixed limit to number of hits processed
	 * larger # takes more processing time but can eliminate failure due to 
	 * interference for instance, a red or green area in the stands or 
	 * closer targets of the wrong alliance
	if (numberHitsRequested > FRC_MAX_HITS)  numberHitsRequested = FRC_MAX_HITS;
	/* create an image object */
	Image* cameraImage = frcCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_HSL);
	if (!cameraImage)  { return success; }

	/* get image from camera - if the camera has not finished initializing,
	 * this will fail */
	success = GetImage(cameraImage,NULL);
	if (!success){
		DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "No camera Image available Error = %i %s", 
				errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		imaqSetError(errorCode, funcName);	//reset error code for the caller	
		return success;		

	/* Color threshold the image */
	success = frcColorThreshold(cameraImage, cameraImage, mode, plane1Range, plane2Range, plane3Range);
	if ( !success )	{ 
		errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
		DPRINTF (LOG_DEBUG, "Error = %i  %s ", errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		return success; 
	/* get largest particles that meet criteria */
	/* GetLargestParticles fills out only the indices in the hitReport */
	success = GetLargestParticles(cameraImage, hitReport, rect, numberHitsRequested);
	if ( !success )	{
		errorCode = GetLastVisionError(); 
		DPRINTF (LOG_DEBUG, "Error after GetLargestParticles=%i  %s ", errorCode, GetVisionErrorText(errorCode));
		imaqSetError(ERR_COLOR_NOT_FOUND, funcName);
		return success; 
	if (hitReport->numberOfHits==0) {
		imaqSetError(ERR_COLOR_NOT_FOUND, funcName);
		return 0; 
	//DPRINTF(LOG_INFO, "number hits found = %i\n", hitReport->numberOfHits);	
	/* Particles were found --
	 * Fill in report information for the largest particles 
	double imageTime = GetTime();
	for (int i=0; i<hitReport->numberOfHits; ++i) {
		hitReport->pars[i].imageTimestamp = imageTime;	
		success = frcParticleAnalysis(cameraImage, hitReport->indices[i], &hitReport->pars[i]);
	/* clean up */
	return success;	