static void purple_login( account_t *acc ) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new( acc ); PurpleAccount *pa; if( ( local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee ) || ( global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv( "BITLBEE_DEBUG" ) ) ) { imcb_error( ic, "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! " "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead." ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return; } local_bee = acc->bee; /* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events on dead connections. */ purple_connections = g_slist_prepend( purple_connections, ic ); ic->proto_data = pa = purple_account_new( acc->user, (char*) acc->prpl->data ); purple_account_set_password( pa, acc->pass ); purple_sync_settings( acc, pa ); purple_account_set_enabled( pa, "BitlBee", TRUE ); }
static void msn_login( account_t *acc ) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new( acc ); struct msn_data *md = g_new0( struct msn_data, 1 ); ic->proto_data = md; ic->flags |= OPT_PONGS | OPT_PONGED; if( strchr( acc->user, '@' ) == NULL ) { imcb_error( ic, "Invalid account name" ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return; } md->ic = ic; md->away_state = msn_away_state_list; md->domaintree = g_tree_new( msn_domaintree_cmp ); md->ns->fd = -1; msn_connections = g_slist_prepend( msn_connections, ic ); imcb_log( ic, "Connecting" ); msn_ns_connect( ic, md->ns, MSN_NS_HOST, MSN_NS_PORT ); }
static void purple_login(account_t *acc) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new(acc); struct purple_data *pd; if ((local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee) || (global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv("BITLBEE_DEBUG"))) { imcb_error(ic, "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! " "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead."); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return; } local_bee = acc->bee; /* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events on dead connections. */ purple_connections = g_slist_prepend(purple_connections, ic); ic->proto_data = pd = g_new0(struct purple_data, 1); pd->account = purple_account_new(acc->user, (char *) acc->prpl->data); pd->input_requests = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free); pd->next_request_id = 0; purple_account_set_password(pd->account, acc->pass); purple_sync_settings(acc, pd->account); purple_account_set_enabled(pd->account, "BitlBee", TRUE); if (set_getbool(&acc->set, "mail_notifications") && set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle")) { imcb_add_buddy(ic, set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle"), NULL); } }
void Skype_login (account_t* account) { im_connection* connection = imcb_new(account); SkypeData* skype = g_new0(struct SkypeData, 1); connection->proto_data = skype; imcb_log(connection, "Connecting"); skype->ssl = ssl_connect( set_getstr(&account->set, "server"), set_getint(&account->set, "port"), Skype_connected, connection ); skype->fd = skype->ssl ? ssl_getfd(skype->ssl) : -1; skype->username = g_strdup(account->user); skype->connection = connection; if (set_getbool(&account->set, "skypeconsole")) { imcb_add_buddy(connection, "skypeconsole", NULL); } }
static void discord_login(account_t *acc) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new(acc); discord_data *dd = g_new0(discord_data, 1); dd->keepalive_interval = DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; ic->proto_data = dd; discord_http_login(acc); }
/** * Creates a new #SteamData with an #account_t. The returned #SteamData * should be freed with #steam_data_free() when no longer needed. * * @param acc The #account_t. * * @return The #SteamData or NULL on error. **/ SteamData *steam_data_new(account_t *acc) { SteamData *sata; g_return_val_if_fail(acc != NULL, NULL); sata = g_new0(SteamData, 1); sata->api = steam_api_new(); sata->ic = imcb_new(acc); sata->ic->proto_data = sata; sata->api->umqid = g_strdup(set_getstr(&acc->set, "umqid")); sata->api->token = g_strdup(set_getstr(&acc->set, "token")); sata->api->sessid = g_strdup(set_getstr(&acc->set, "sessid")); sata->game_status = set_getbool(&acc->set, "game_status"); steam_api_rehash(sata->api); return sata; }
static void jabber_login( account_t *acc ) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new( acc ); struct jabber_data *jd = g_new0( struct jabber_data, 1 ); char *s; /* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events on dead connections. */ jabber_connections = g_slist_prepend( jabber_connections, ic ); jd->ic = ic; ic->proto_data = jd; jabber_set_me( ic, acc->user ); jd->fd = jd->r_inpa = jd->w_inpa = -1; if( jd->server == NULL ) { imcb_error( ic, "Incomplete account name (format it like <*****@*****.**>)" ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return; } if( ( s = strchr( jd->server, '/' ) ) ) { *s = 0; set_setstr( &acc->set, "resource", s + 1 ); /* Also remove the /resource from the original variable so we won't have to do this again every time. */ s = strchr( acc->user, '/' ); *s = 0; } jd->node_cache = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, jabber_cache_entry_free ); jd->buddies = g_hash_table_new( g_str_hash, g_str_equal ); if( set_getbool( &acc->set, "oauth" ) ) { GSList *p_in = NULL; const char *tok; jd->fd = jd->r_inpa = jd->w_inpa = -1; if( strstr( jd->server, "" ) ) jd->oauth2_service = &oauth2_service_mslive; else if( strstr( jd->server, "" ) ) jd->oauth2_service = &oauth2_service_facebook; else jd->oauth2_service = &oauth2_service_google; oauth_params_parse( &p_in, ic->acc->pass ); /* First see if we have a refresh token, in which case any access token we *might* have has probably expired already anyway. */ if( ( tok = oauth_params_get( &p_in, "refresh_token" ) ) ) { sasl_oauth2_refresh( ic, tok ); } /* If we don't have a refresh token, let's hope the access token is still usable. */ else if( ( tok = oauth_params_get( &p_in, "access_token" ) ) ) { jd->oauth2_access_token = g_strdup( tok ); jabber_connect( ic ); } /* If we don't have any, start the OAuth process now. Don't even open an XMPP connection yet. */ else { sasl_oauth2_init( ic ); ic->flags |= OPT_SLOW_LOGIN; } oauth_params_free( &p_in ); } else jabber_connect( ic ); }
/** * Login method. Since the twitter API works with separate HTTP request we * only save the user and pass to the twitter_data object. */ static void twitter_login(account_t * acc) { struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new(acc); struct twitter_data *td; char name[strlen(acc->user) + 9]; url_t url; char *s; if (!url_set(&url, set_getstr(&ic->acc->set, "base_url")) || (url.proto != PROTO_HTTP && url.proto != PROTO_HTTPS)) { imcb_error(ic, "Incorrect API base URL: %s", set_getstr(&ic->acc->set, "base_url")); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return; } if (!strstr(, "") && set_getbool(&ic->acc->set, "stream")) { imcb_error(ic, "Warning: The streaming API is only supported by Twitter, " "and you seem to be connecting to a different service."); } imcb_log(ic, "Connecting"); twitter_connections = g_slist_append(twitter_connections, ic); td = g_new0(struct twitter_data, 1); ic->proto_data = td; td->user = g_strdup(acc->user); td->url_ssl = url.proto == PROTO_HTTPS; td->url_port = url.port; td->url_host = g_strdup(; if (strcmp(url.file, "/") != 0) td->url_path = g_strdup(url.file); else { td->url_path = g_strdup(""); if (g_str_has_suffix(, "")) /* May fire for people who turned on HTTPS. */ imcb_error(ic, "Warning: Twitter requires a version number in API calls " "now. Try resetting the base_url account setting."); } /* Hacky string mangling: Turn into and into twitter, and try to be sensible if we get anything else. */ td->prefix = g_strdup(; if (g_str_has_suffix(td->prefix, ".com")) td->prefix[strlen( - 4] = '\0'; if ((s = strrchr(td->prefix, '.')) && strlen(s) > 4) { /* If we have at least 3 chars after the last dot, cut off the rest. (mostly a www/api prefix or sth) */ s = g_strdup(s + 1); g_free(td->prefix); td->prefix = s; } if (strstr(acc->pass, "oauth_token=")) td->oauth_info = oauth_from_string(acc->pass, get_oauth_service(ic)); sprintf(name, "%s_%s", td->prefix, acc->user); imcb_add_buddy(ic, name, NULL); imcb_buddy_status(ic, name, OPT_LOGGED_IN, NULL, NULL); td->log = g_new0(struct twitter_log_data, TWITTER_LOG_LENGTH); td->log_id = -1; s = set_getstr(&ic->acc->set, "mode"); if (g_strcasecmp(s, "one") == 0) td->flags |= TWITTER_MODE_ONE; else if (g_strcasecmp(s, "many") == 0) td->flags |= TWITTER_MODE_MANY; else td->flags |= TWITTER_MODE_CHAT; twitter_login_finish(ic); }