Esempio n. 1
int main() {
    // Load images from file
    SimpleImage imgA("a.jpg");
    SimpleImage imgA2("a_2.jpg");
    SimpleImage imgB("b.jpg");
    //float y, i, q;
    // Initialize result image
    SimpleImage result(imgA.width(), imgA.height(), RGBColor(0, 0, 0));
    // Iterate over pixels and set color for result image
    for (int y = 0; y < imgA.height(); ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < imgA.width(); ++x) {
            RGBColor p1 = imgA(x, y);
            RGBColor p2 = imgA2(x,y);
            RGBColor q1 = imgB(x,y);
            RGBColor q2;
            YIQ p1p(p1);
            YIQ p2p(p2);
            q2.r = p1p.y;
            q2.g = p1p.i;
            q2.b = p1p.q;
            result.set(x, y, q2);
            //printf("RGB: %.2f %.2f %.2f - YIQ %.2f - %.2f - %.2f\n", p.r , p.g , p.b , pp.y, pp.i, pp.q);
    // Save result image to file"./b_2.jpg");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
    void GenerateData()
        mitk::USImage::Pointer ni = this->GetInput(0);
        mitk::USImage::Pointer result = mitk::USImage::New();

            mitk::Image::Pointer image = ni.GetPointer();
            mitk::ImageWriteAccessor imgA(image, image->GetVolumeData(0));
            mitk::USImageMetadata::Pointer meta = ni->GetMetadata();
            SetNthOutput(0, result);
        catch(mitk::Exception& e)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Cannot open image for reading: " << e.GetDescription();
Esempio n. 3
   * Put masks to white, images are conserved
   * \param[out] maskLeft Mask of the left image (initialized to corresponding image size).
   * \param[out] maskRight  Mask of the right image (initialized to corresponding image size).
   * \return True.
  virtual bool computeMask(
    image::Image< unsigned char > & maskLeft,
    image::Image< unsigned char > & maskRight )
    std::vector< matching::IndMatch > vec_KVLDMatches;

    image::Image< unsigned char > imageL, imageR;
    image::ReadImage( _sLeftImage.c_str(), &imageL );
    image::ReadImage( _sRightImage.c_str(), &imageR );

    image::Image< float > imgA ( imageL.GetMat().cast< float >() );
    image::Image< float > imgB(imageR.GetMat().cast< float >());

    std::vector< Pair > matchesFiltered, matchesPair;

    for( std::vector< matching::IndMatch >::const_iterator iter_match = _vec_PutativeMatches.begin();
          iter_match != _vec_PutativeMatches.end();
          ++iter_match )
      matchesPair.push_back( std::make_pair( iter_match->i_, iter_match->j_ ) );

    std::vector< double > vec_score;

    //In order to illustrate the gvld(or vld)-consistant neighbors, the following two parameters has been externalized as inputs of the function KVLD.
    openMVG::Mat E = openMVG::Mat::Ones( _vec_PutativeMatches.size(), _vec_PutativeMatches.size() ) * ( -1 );
    // gvld-consistancy matrix, intitialized to -1,  >0 consistancy value, -1=unknow, -2=false
    std::vector< bool > valide( _vec_PutativeMatches.size(), true );// indices of match in the initial matches, if true at the end of KVLD, a match is kept.

    size_t it_num = 0;
    KvldParameters kvldparameters;//initial parameters of KVLD
    //kvldparameters.K = 5;
    while (
      it_num < 5 &&
      kvldparameters.inlierRate >
        imgA, imgB,
        _vec_featsL, _vec_featsR,
        matchesPair, matchesFiltered,
        vec_score, E, valide, kvldparameters ) )
      kvldparameters.inlierRate /= 2;
      std::cout<<"low inlier rate, re-select matches with new rate="<<kvldparameters.inlierRate<<std::endl;
      kvldparameters.K = 2;

    bool bOk = false;
    if( !matchesPair.empty())
      // Get mask
        &maskLeft, &maskRight,
        _vec_featsL, _vec_featsR,
      bOk = true;
      maskLeft.fill( 0 );
      maskRight.fill( 0 );

    return bOk;
Esempio n. 4
  void Decompress(const FasTC::DecompressionJob &dcj,
                  const EWrapMode wrapMode,
                  bool bDebugImages) {
    const bool bTwoBitMode = dcj.Format() == FasTC::eCompressionFormat_PVRTC2;
    const uint32 w = dcj.Width();
    const uint32 h = dcj.Height();

    assert(w > 0);
    assert(h > 0);
    assert(bTwoBitMode || w % 4 == 0);
    assert(!bTwoBitMode || w % 8 == 0);
    assert(h % 4 == 0);

    // First, extract all of the block information...
    std::vector<Block> blocks;

    const uint32 blocksW = bTwoBitMode? (w / 8) : (w / 4);
    const uint32 blocksH = h / 4;
    blocks.reserve(blocksW * blocksH);

    for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
      for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {

        // The blocks are initially arranged in morton order. Let's
        // linearize them...
        uint32 idx = Interleave(j, i);

        uint32 offset = idx * kBlockSize;
        blocks.push_back( Block(dcj.InBuf() + offset) );

    assert(blocks.size() > 0);

    // Extract the endpoints into A and B images
    Image imgA(blocksW, blocksH);
    Image imgB(blocksW, blocksH);

    for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
      for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {

        uint32 idx = j * blocksW + i;
        assert(idx < static_cast<uint32>(blocks.size()));

        Block &b = blocks[idx];
        imgA(i, j) = b.GetColorA();
        imgB(i, j) = b.GetColorB();

    // Change the pixel mode so that all of the pixels are at the same
    // bit depth.
    const uint8 scaleDepths[4] = { 4, 5, 5, 5 };

    // Go through and change the alpha value of any pixel that came from
    // a transparent block. For some reason, alpha is not treated the same
    // as the other channels (to minimize hardware costs?) and the channels
    // do not their MSBs replicated.
    for(uint32 j = 0; j < blocksH; j++) {
      for(uint32 i = 0; i < blocksW; i++) {
        const uint32 blockIdx = j * blocksW + i;
        Block &b = blocks[blockIdx];

        uint8 bitDepths[4];
        if(bitDepths[0] > 0) {
          Pixel &p = imgA(i, j);
          p.A() = p.A() & 0xFE;

        if(bitDepths[0] > 0) {
          Pixel &p = imgB(i, j);
          p.A() = p.A() & 0xFE;

    // Bilinearly upscale the images.
    if(bTwoBitMode) {
      imgA.BilinearUpscale(3, 2, wrapMode);
      imgB.BilinearUpscale(3, 2, wrapMode);
    } else {
      imgA.BilinearUpscale(2, 2, wrapMode);
      imgB.BilinearUpscale(2, 2, wrapMode);

    if(bDebugImages) {

    // Change the bitdepth to full resolution

    if(bDebugImages) {

    if(bTwoBitMode) {
      Decompress2BPP(imgA, imgB, blocks, dcj.OutBuf(), bDebugImages);
    } else {
      Decompress4BPP(imgA, imgB, blocks, dcj.OutBuf(), bDebugImages);
void ImageProcessing::getDisparity() {

    int windowSize = 9;
    int DSR = 20;
    //char *leftImgPath, *rightImgPath;
    //cout<<"Enter full path of Left image ";
    //cout<<"Enter full path of Left image ";
    IplImage *LeftinputImage = cvLoadImage("../outputs/raw/left-0.pgm", 0);
    IplImage *RightinputImage = cvLoadImage("../outputs/raw/right-0.pgm", 0);

    //    int width = LeftinputImage->width;
    //    int height = LeftinputImage->height;

    /****************8U to 32F**********************/
    IplImage *LeftinputImage32 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(LeftinputImage->width, LeftinputImage->height), 32, 1);
    IplImage *RightinputImage32 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(LeftinputImage->width, LeftinputImage->height), 32, 1);
    cvConvertScale(LeftinputImage, LeftinputImage32, 1 / 255.);
    cvConvertScale(RightinputImage, RightinputImage32, 1 / 255.);

    int offset = floor((double) windowSize / 2);
    int height = LeftinputImage32->height;
    int width = LeftinputImage32->width;
    double *localNCC = new double[DSR];

    int x = 0, y = 0, d = 0, m = 0;
    int N = windowSize;

    IplImage *leftWinImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(N, N), 32, 1);
    IplImage *rightWinImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(N, N), 32, 1);
    IplImage *disparity = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 1);
    //or IPL_DEPTH_8U
    BwImage imgA(disparity);

    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            imgA[y][x] = 0;

    CvScalar s1;
    CvScalar s2;
    for (y = 0; y < height - N; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < width - N; x++) {
            cvSetImageROI(LeftinputImage32, cvRect(x, y, N, N));
            s1 = cvAvg(LeftinputImage32, NULL);
            cvSubS(LeftinputImage32, s1, leftWinImg, NULL); //zero-means
            cvNormalize(leftWinImg, leftWinImg, 1, 0, CV_L2, NULL);
            d = 0;

            //initialise localNCC
            for (m = 0; m < DSR; m++) {
                localNCC[m] = 0;

            do {
                if (x - d >= 0) {

                    cvSetImageROI(RightinputImage32, cvRect(x - d, y, N, N));
                    s2 = cvAvg(RightinputImage32, NULL);
                    cvSubS(RightinputImage32, s2, rightWinImg, NULL); //zero-means
                    cvNormalize(rightWinImg, rightWinImg, 1, 0, CV_L2, NULL);
                } else {
                localNCC[d] = cvDotProduct(leftWinImg, rightWinImg);
            }            while (d <= DSR);

            //to find the best d and store
            imgA[y + offset][x + offset] = getMaxMin(localNCC, DSR, 1) *16;
        } //x
        if (y % 10 == 0)
            cout << "row=" << y << " of " << height << endl;
    } //y


    cvSaveImage("disparity.pgm", disparity);
    cout << "Displaying Disparity image" << endl;
    // cvShowImage( "Disparity", disparity);
    //return disparity;
