Esempio n. 1
 // Keep only these band numbers
 GeoImage GeoImage::select(vector<int> nums) {
     GeoImage imgout(*this);
     vector<GeoRaster> _bands;
     vector<string> _names;
     vector<int> _bandnums;
     // TODO - for fun, replace with lambda function and map
     for (vector<int>::const_iterator i=nums.begin(); i!=nums.end(); i++) {
     imgout._RasterBands = _bands;
     imgout._BandNames = _names;
     return imgout;
Esempio n. 2
Mat ImageTransforms::QImage2Mat_ROI(QImage *image, Rectangle<int> *region)
    int w = image->width(), h = image->height();

    Mat imgout(h,w,CV_8UC1);

    return imgout;
//    QImage *f = m_data->fgImage;
//    uchar *pixels = f->bits();
//    uchar *color_pixels = image.bits();
//    int color_bpl = image.bytesPerLine();
//    int x, y, x0 = rect.xleft, y0 = rect.ytop, w = f->width(),
//        x1 = std::min(w - 1, x0 + rect.width), h=f->height(),
//        y1 = std::min(f->height() - 1, y0 + rect.height),
//        bpl = f->bytesPerLine();
Mat BallClasificationModule::QImage2Mat_ROI(QImage *image, Rectangle<int> region, int outFormat)
    int w = image->width(), h = image->height();
    int x0 = region.xleft, y0 = region.ytop;
    int x1 = std::min(w - 1, x0 + region.width), y1 = std::min(h - 1, y0 + region.height);
//    qDebug() << y1-y0 << "--" << x1-x0;
    Mat imgout(y1-y0,x1-x0,outFormat);
    uchar *pixels =;
    uchar *img_b = image->bits();
    int formato_imagen = image->format();
    int bpl_img = image->bytesPerLine();
    int bpl_out = imgout.step;
//    qDebug() << "Formato Imagen: " << formato_imagen;
    //8UC4 a 8UC1
    if(formato_imagen == 5 && outFormat== CV_8UC1)
//        qDebug() << "Salida en gris";
        for(int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
            for(int y=y0;y<y1;y++)
                int pos = y*bpl_img +x*4;
                uchar B = img_b[pos+0];
                uchar G = img_b[pos+1];
                uchar R = img_b[pos+2];
                uchar gray = (B+G+R)/3;
//                qDebug() << "[x,y] = " << x << "." << y;
                pixels[(y-y0)*bpl_out+(x-x0)+0] = gray;
    else if(formato_imagen == 5 && outFormat== CV_8UC3)
//        qDebug() << "Salida a Color";
        for(int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
            for(int y=y0;y<y1;y++)
                int pos = y*bpl_img +x*4;
                uchar B = img_b[pos+0];
                uchar G = img_b[pos+1];
                uchar R = img_b[pos+2];
                pixels[(y-y0)*bpl_out+(x-x0)*3+0] = B;
                pixels[(y-y0)*bpl_out+(x-x0)*3+1] = G;
                pixels[(y-y0)*bpl_out+(x-x0)*3+2] = R;
    else if(formato_imagen == 3 && outFormat== CV_8UC1)
//        qDebug() << "Salida en gris";
        for(int x=x0; x<x1; x++)
            for(int y=y0;y<y1;y++)
                int pos = y*bpl_img +x;
                uchar G = img_b[pos];
                pixels[(y-y0)*bpl_out+(x-x0)+0] = G;
        qDebug() << "Formato no soportado ";

    return imgout;
Esempio n. 4
void run(const std::string& filename, bool highpass) {
    // A gray image
    cv::Mat_<float> img = cv::imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

    //Pad the image with borders using copyMakeBorders. Use getOptimalDFTSize(A+B-1). See G&W page 251,252 and 263 and dft tutorial. (Typicly A+B-1 ~ 2A is used)
    int rows = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(2*img.rows);
    int cols = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(2*img.cols);
    int imgRows = img.rows;
    int imgCols = img.cols;

    //Copy the gray image into the first channel of a new 2-channel image of type Mat_<Vec2f>, e.g. using merge(), save it in img_dft
    //The second channel should be all zeros.
   cv::Mat_<float> imgs[] = {img.clone(), cv::Mat_<float>(img.rows, img.cols, 0.0f)};
   cv::Mat_<cv::Vec2f> img_dft;
   cv::merge(imgs, 2, img_dft);

   // Compute DFT
   cv::dft(img_dft, img_dft);

   // Split
   cv::split(img_dft, imgs);

   // Compute magnitude/phase
   cv::Mat_<float> magnitude, phase;
   cv::cartToPolar(imgs[0], imgs[1], magnitude, phase);

   // Shift quadrants for viewability

   // Logarithm of magnitude
   cv::Mat_<float> magnitudel;

   // Output image for HPF
   cv::Mat_<float> imgout;

   if(highpass) {
      // High-pass filter: remove the low frequency parts in the middle of the spectrum
      const int sizef = 50;
      magnitude(cv::Rect(magnitude.cols/2-sizef/2, magnitude.rows/2-sizef/2, sizef, sizef)) = 0.0f;

      // Take logarithm of modified magnitude
      magnitudel = magnitude + 1.0f;
      cv::log(magnitudel, magnitudel);

      // Shift back quadrants of the spectrum

      // Compute complex DFT output from magnitude/phase
      cv::polarToCart(magnitude, phase, imgs[0], imgs[1]);

      // Merge DFT into one image and restore
      cv::merge(imgs, 2, img_dft);
      cv::dft(img_dft, imgout, cv::DFT_INVERSE + cv::DFT_SCALE + cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);

      //Cut away the borders
      imgout = imgout(cv::Rect(0,0,imgCols,imgRows));
   } else {
      // Take logarithm of magnitude
      magnitudel = magnitude + 1.0f;
      cv::log(magnitudel, magnitudel);

   // Show
   cv::normalize(img, img, 0.0, 1.0, CV_MINMAX);
   cv::normalize(magnitudel, magnitudel, 0.0, 1.0, CV_MINMAX);
   cv::normalize(phase, phase, 0.0, 1.0, CV_MINMAX);
   cv::imshow("Input", img);
   cv::imshow("Magnitude", magnitudel);
   if(highpass) {
      cv::normalize(imgout, imgout, 0.0, 1.0, CV_MINMAX);
      cv::imshow("Output", imgout);