Esempio n. 1
void currentAnalyzer::saveData( const QString& prefix, QString delimiter )
    QString path = getSavePath();
    if( path.isEmpty() )

    QString filename = path + "/" + prefix +
            _startDateTime.toString( "yyyy-MM-dd__hh-mm-ss" ) + ".csv";
    QFile file( filename );
    if( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) )
        QTextStream stream( &file );
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < _dataVector.size(); i++ )
            stream << _dataVector[i].time.toString( "hh:mm:ss,zzz" )
                   << delimiter
                   << QString::number( _dataVector[i].compPosition )
                   << delimiter
                   << QString::number( _dataVector[i].compDepth )
                   << delimiter
                   << QString::number( _dataVector[i].ventVolume )
                   << "\r\n"; // \r so that it is readable on windows as well
        emit infoText( "Daten gespeichert (" + filename + ")." );
        emit infoText( "Fehler: Daten konnten nicht in " + path +
                       " gespeichert werden!" );
Esempio n. 2
QString currentAnalyzer::getSavePath()
    // QStandardPaths did not work ...
    QString path = qgetenv( "EXTERNAL_STORAGE" );
    if( path.isEmpty() )
        emit infoText( "Fehler: Pfad konnte nicht bestimmt werden!" );
        return path;

    path += "/rat";

    QDir dir( path );
    if( !dir.exists() )
        if( !dir.mkpath( path ) )
            emit infoText( "Fehler: Dateiordner konnte nicht erstellt "
                           "werden!" );
            return "";

    return path;
Esempio n. 3
ffmpegFileInfo Ffmpeg::getInfo() {
  QString ffmpegCachePath = getFfmpegCache().getQString();
  QString tempPath = ffmpegCachePath + "//" + cleanPathSymbols() + ".txt";
  if (QFile::exists(tempPath)) {
    QFile infoText(tempPath);;
    QByteArray ba = infoText.readAll();
    QString text = QString::fromStdString(ba.toStdString());
    m_lx         = text.split(" ")[0].toInt();
    m_ly         = text.split(" ")[1].toInt();
    m_frameRate  = text.split(" ")[2].toDouble();
    m_frameCount = text.split(" ")[3].toInt();
  } else {
    QFile infoText(tempPath);
    std::string infoToWrite =
        std::to_string(m_lx) + " " + std::to_string(m_ly) + " " +
        std::to_string(m_frameRate) + " " + std::to_string(m_frameCount);
    int infoLength = infoToWrite.length();
    infoText.write(infoToWrite.c_str(), infoLength);
  ffmpegFileInfo info;
  info.m_lx         = m_lx;
  info.m_ly         = m_ly;
  info.m_frameRate  = m_frameRate;
  info.m_frameCount = m_frameCount;
  return info;
 *if no BehaviourDescriptionFile was loaded (i.e. behaviourFile=="") then
 *the function reads the path of the BehaviourDescriptionFile, which is used last, out of the Config-XML-File. 
 *else it only returns the Name of the loaded BehaviourDescriptionFile (i. e. behaviourFile);

  // try to open policy editor config file
  QFile file(configFile_);
  if ( {
    QDomDocument doc("MiroConfigDocument");
    if (doc.setContent(&file)) {

      QDomNode n = doc.documentElement().firstChild();
      while (!n.isNull()) {
	QDomElement e = n.toElement();
	if (e.tagName() == "config_item" &&
	    e.attribute("name") == "files") {
	  QDomNode node = n.firstChild();
	  while (!node.isNull()) {
	    e = node.toElement();
	    if (e.tagName() == "parameter" &&
		e.attribute("name") == "file") {
	      //add behaviour description file to list
	    node = node.nextSibling();
	n = n.nextSibling();
    else {
      QString infoText("Error parsing configuration file\n" + 
		       configFile_ +
		       "\nStarting with empty configuration.");
      QMessageBox::information(0, "Policy Editor", infoText);
  else {
    QString infoText("Error opening configuration file\n" + 
		     configFile_ +
		     "\nStarting with empty configuration.");
    QMessageBox::information(0, "Policy Editor", infoText);
    // create a minimal config file for the next run

  bool okay = false;
  while (!okay) {
    delete generator_;
    generator_ = new Miro::CFG::Generator;
    delete handler_;
    handler_ = new Miro::CFG::Parser(*generator_);
    QStringList::Iterator first, last = descriptionFiles_.end();
    for (first = descriptionFiles_.begin(); first != last ; ++first) {

      // kill previous namespace nesting

      QString fileName = *first;
      QFile xmlFile( fileName );
      if (!xmlFile.exists()) {
      QString infoText("Error parsing behaviour description file: \n" +
		       fileName + "\n" +
		       "File not found.");
      QMessageBox::information(0, "Policy Editor", infoText);
      QXmlInputSource source( xmlFile );
      QXmlSimpleReader reader;
      Miro::CFG::TextErrorHandler errorHandler;
      reader.setContentHandler( handler_ );
      reader.setErrorHandler( &errorHandler);

      if (!reader.parse( source )) {
	QString infoText("Error parsing behaviour description file:\n" +
			 fileName + "\n" +
	QMessageBox::information(0, "Policy Editor", infoText);
    // parsing successfull
    okay = true;

    //    cout << "parsing complete. known types: " << endl;
    //    cout << *generator_ << endl;
Esempio n. 6
LookAndFeelSettingsView::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg)
	switch (msg->what) {
		case kMsgSetDecor:
			BString newDecor;
			if (msg->FindString("decor", &newDecor) == B_OK)

		case kMsgDecorInfo:
			DecorInfo* decor = fDecorUtility.FindDecorator(fCurrentDecor);
			if (decor == NULL)

			BString authorsText(decor->Authors().String());
			authorsText.ReplaceAll(", ", "\n\t");

			BString infoText(B_TRANSLATE("%decorName\n\n"
				"URL: %decorURL\n"
				"License: %decorLic\n\n"

			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorName", decor->Name().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorAuthors", authorsText.String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorLic", decor->LicenseName().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorURL", decor->SupportURL().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorDesc", decor->ShortDescription().String());

			BAlert *infoAlert = new BAlert(B_TRANSLATE("About decorator"),
				infoText.String(), B_TRANSLATE("OK"));
			infoAlert->SetFlags(infoAlert->Flags() | B_CLOSE_ON_ESCAPE);


		case kMsgArrowStyleSingle:

		case kMsgArrowStyleDouble:

Esempio n. 7
int VellemanOut_Test::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: initial(); break;
        case 1: openClose(); break;
        case 2: infoText(); break;
        case 3: outputDMX(); break;
        default: ;
        _id -= 4;
    return _id;
DecorSettingsView::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg)
	switch (msg->what) {
		case kMsgSetDecor:
			BString newDecor;
			if (msg->FindString("decor", &newDecor) == B_OK)
		case kMsgDecorInfo:
			DecorInfo* decor = fDecorUtility.FindDecorator(fCurrentDecor);
			if (decor == NULL)

			BString authorsText(decor->Authors().String());
			authorsText.ReplaceAll(", ", "\n    ");

			BString infoText("Name: %decorName\n"
				"Authors:\n    %decorAuthors\n"
				"URL: %decorURL\n"
				"License: %decorLic\n"
				"Description:\n    %decorDesc\n");

			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorName", decor->Name().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorAuthors", authorsText.String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorLic", decor->LicenseName().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorURL", decor->SupportURL().String());
			infoText.ReplaceFirst("%decorDesc", decor->ShortDescription().String());

			BAlert *infoAlert = new BAlert(B_TRANSLATE("About Decorator"),
				infoText.String(), B_TRANSLATE("OK"));
			infoAlert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE); 


Esempio n. 9
    virtual QwtText trackerTextF( const QPointF &pos ) const
        // the white text is hard to see over a light canvas background

        QColor bg( Qt::darkGray );
        bg.setAlpha( 160 );

        QwtText text;

        const int idx = dynamic_cast<const Plot*>( plot() )->frameAt( pos.x() );
        if ( idx >= 0 )
            text = infoText( idx );
            text.setBackgroundBrush( QBrush( bg ) );

        return text;
Esempio n. 10
void currentAnalyzer::newDataString( const QString &dp )
    if( dp.indexOf( "<" ) != 0 || dp.indexOf( ">" ) != 4 )
        if( dp.left( 3 ) != "aye" )
            emit infoText( "Ungültiges Übertragunsprotokoll! "
                           "(Alte Programmversion?)" );

   // _mutex.lock();
   _tempDataPoint.time         = QTime::currentTime();
   _tempDataPoint.compPosition = dp.mid( 1, 1 ).toInt();
   _tempDataPoint.compDepth    = dp.mid( 2, 1 ).toInt();
   _tempDataPoint.ventVolume   = dp.mid( 3, 1 ).toInt();

   // start();
void GenericLinuxDeviceConfigurationWizardFinalPage::initializePage()
LHDictionary::LHDictionary(std::stringstream& fileIN)
    std::string lastKey = "";
    int objCounter = 0;
    std::string objText;
    //printf("DICT START\n");
    //std::cout << fileIN.str() << std::endl;
    //file needs to start with <dict> else its not a LHDictionary file
        std::string line;
        //printf("D: c:%d %s\n", objCounter, line.c_str());
        if (std::string::npos != line.find("<key>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                lastKey = valueForField(line);                    
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<string>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(valueForField(line)), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<real>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(floatFromString(valueForField(line))), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<integer>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(intFromString(valueForField(line))), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<true/>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(true), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<false/>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(false), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<dict>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("</dict>")){
            if(1 < objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
            if(1 == objCounter)
                std::stringstream infoText(objText);
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(new LHDictionary(infoText)), lastKey);
                objText = "";
            if(0 > objCounter)
                objText = "";
                objCounter = 1;
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<dict/>")){
            std::stringstream dummyText;
            setObjectForKey(new LHObject(new LHDictionary(dummyText)), lastKey);
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<array>")){
            if(1 != objCounter){
                    objText+= line+"\n";
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("</array>")){
            if(1 != objCounter){
                objText+= line+"\n";
            if(1 == objCounter)
                std::stringstream infoText(objText);
                setObjectForKey(new LHObject(new LHArray(infoText)), lastKey);
                objText = "";
            if(0 > objCounter)
                objText = "";
                objCounter = 1;
        else if (std::string::npos != line.find("<array/>")){
            setObjectForKey(new LHObject(new LHArray()), lastKey);
            //objText = "";
            //objCounter = 1;
    //printf("DICT END   ................................................................\n");    
Esempio n. 13
QString UnicodeDialog::unicodeInfo(QString unicode)
    QString infoText(i18n("<small>(no character selected)</small>"));
    if (unicode.length() == 0) return infoText;

    QString u = trimmedUnicodeNumber(unicode).toLower();

    if (controlCharacter(u)) {
        infoText = i18n("Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Control_character</a>");
    } else if (u == "a") {
        infoText = i18n("Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)");
    } else if (u == "20") {
        infoText = i18n("Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U+2000&#x2013;200b, U+202f)");
    } else if (u == "a0") {
        infoText = i18n("No-break space. &amp;nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020.");
    } else if (u == "ab" || u == "bb" || u == "2039" || u == "203a") {
        infoText = i18n("<p><strong>&laquo;</strong> (u+00ab, <code>&amp;lfquo;</code> in HTML) and <strong>&raquo;</strong> (u+00bb, <code>&amp;rfquo;</code> in HTML) are called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France (with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.</p><p><strong>&lsaquo;</strong> and <strong>&rsaquo;</strong> (U+2039/203a, <code>&amp;lsaquo;/&amp;rsaquo;</code>) are their single quote equivalents.</p><p>See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Guillemets</a></p>");
    } else if (u == "2002") {
        infoText = i18n("En Space (width of an n)");
    } else if (u == "2003") {
        infoText = i18n("Em Space (width of an m)");
    } else if (u == "2004") {
        infoText = i18n("Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one <em>em</em>");
    } else if (u == "2005") {
        infoText = i18n("Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one <em>em</em>");
    } else if (u == "2006") {
        infoText = i18n("Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one <em>em</em>");
    } else if (u == "2007") {
        infoText = i18n("Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in this font.");
    } else if (u == "2008") {
        infoText = i18n("Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the next character.");
    } else if (u == "2009") {
        infoText = i18n("Thin space, in HTML also &amp;thinsp;. See U+202f and <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)</a>");
    } else if (u == "200a") {
        infoText = i18n("Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009.");
    } else if (u == "2019") {
        infoText = i18n("Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Apostrophe</a>");
    } else if (u == "2013") {
        infoText = i18n("<p>An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).</p><p>Usage examples: In English language for value ranges (1878&#x2013;1903), for relationships/connections (Zurich&#x2013;Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with spaces!) for showing thoughts: &ldquo;Es war &#x2013; wie immer in den Ferien &#x2013; ein regnerischer Tag.</p> <p>See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Dash</a></p>");
    } else if (u == "2014") {
        infoText = i18n("<p>An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).</p><p>Usage examples: In English language to mark&#x2014;like here&#x2014;thoughts. Traditionally without spaces. </p><p>See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Dash</a></p>");
    } else if (u == "202f") {
        infoText = i18n("<p>Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.</p><p>Usage: For units (spaces are marked with U+2423, &#x2423;): 230&#x2423;V, &#x2212;21&#x2423;&deg;C, 50&#x2423;lb, <em>but</em> 90&deg; (no space). In German for abbreviations (like: i.&#x202f;d.&#x202f;R. instead of i.&#xa0;d.&#xa0;R. with U+00a0).</p><p>See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen</a></p>");
    } else if (u == "2026") {
        infoText = i18n("Ellipsis: If text has been left o&#x2026; See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Ellipsis</a>");
    } else if (u == "2212") {
        infoText = i18n("Minus sign. For numbers: &#x2212;42");
    } else if (u == "2423") {
        infoText = i18n("Open box; stands for a space.");
    } else if (u == "2669") {
        infoText = i18n("Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Quarter_note</a>");
    } else if (u == "266a" || u == "266b") {
        infoText = i18n("Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U+2669). See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Eighth_note</a>");
    } else if (u == "266c") {
        infoText = i18n("Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U+266a). See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note</a>");
    } else if (u == "1D162") {
        infoText = i18n("Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a sixteenth note (U+266b). See <a href=\"\">Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note</a>");
    } else {
        infoText = i18n("<small>No additional information available for this character.</small>");

    return infoText;