Esempio n. 1
 * In this destructor we need to put messages back to process,
 * and we need to replace the SolveFinfos on zombies with the
 * original ThisFinfo. This should really just use the clearFunc.
void HSolveHub::destroy( const Conn* c )
	static Finfo* origCompartmentFinfo =
		const_cast< Finfo* >(
			initCompartmentCinfo()->getThisFinfo() );
	static Finfo* origHHChannelFinfo =
		const_cast< Finfo* >(
			initHHChannelCinfo()->getThisFinfo() );
	Element* hub = c->target().e;
	unsigned int eIndex = c->target().i;

	Conn* i = hub->targets( compartmentSolveFinfo->msg(), eIndex );
	while ( i->good() ) {
		i->target().e->setThisFinfo( origCompartmentFinfo );
	delete i;

	i = hub->targets( hhchannelSolveFinfo->msg(), eIndex );
	while ( i->good() ) {
		i->target().e->setThisFinfo( origHHChannelFinfo );
	delete i;

	Neutral::destroy( c );
Esempio n. 2
Finfo* initHHChannelZombieFinfo()
	static Finfo* hhchannelFields[] =
		new ValueFinfo( "Gbar", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getHHChannelGbar ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setHHChannelGbar )
		new ValueFinfo( "Ek", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getEk ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setEk )
		new ValueFinfo( "Gk", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getGk ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setGk )
		new ValueFinfo( "Ik", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getIk ), 
		new ValueFinfo( "X", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getX ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setX )
		new ValueFinfo( "Y", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getY ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setY )
		new ValueFinfo( "Z", ValueFtype1< double >::global(),
			GFCAST( &HSolveHub::getZ ), 
			RFCAST( &HSolveHub::setZ )

	static const ThisFinfo* tf = dynamic_cast< const ThisFinfo* >( 
		initHHChannelCinfo()->getThisFinfo() );
	assert( tf != 0 );

	static SolveFinfo hhchannelZombieFinfo( 
		sizeof( hhchannelFields ) / sizeof( Finfo* ),

	return &hhchannelZombieFinfo;
Esempio n. 3
static const Finfo* hubCompartmentChannelFinfo =
	initHSolveHubCinfo()->findFinfo( "compartmentChannel" );

 * Finfos from biophysical objects. Needed so that 'set' operations are done
 * on the solver as well as the objects. Also needed for redirecting any dest
 * messages on these finfos to the solver (e.g.: to the inject field).
static const Finfo* compartmentInjectFinfo =
	initCompartmentCinfo()->findFinfo( "injectMsg" );
static const Finfo* compartmentChannelFinfo =
	initCompartmentCinfo()->findFinfo( "channel" );
static const Finfo* compartmentVmFinfo =
	initCompartmentCinfo()->findFinfo( "Vm" );
static const Finfo* channelGbarFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Gbar" );
static const Finfo* channelEkFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Ek" );
static const Finfo* channelGkFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Gk" );
static const Finfo* channelXFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "X" );
static const Finfo* channelYFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Y" );
static const Finfo* channelZFinfo =
	initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Z" );
static const Finfo* caConcCaFinfo =
	initCaConcCinfo()->findFinfo( "Ca" );
// Replacement fields for aspiring zombies
void adaptSig2Chan( TreeNode& t, 
	map< string, Element* >& m,
	unsigned int offset,
	const string& mol, Id chanId )
	static const Finfo* inputFinfo = 
		initAdaptorCinfo()->findFinfo( "input" );
	static const Finfo* outputFinfo = 
		initAdaptorCinfo()->findFinfo( "outputSrc" );
	static const Finfo* scaleFinfo = 
		initAdaptorCinfo()->findFinfo( "scale" );
	static const Finfo* inputOffsetFinfo = 
		initAdaptorCinfo()->findFinfo( "inputOffset" );
	static const Finfo* outputOffsetFinfo = 
		initAdaptorCinfo()->findFinfo( "outputOffset" );
	// Not sure if these update when solved
	static const Finfo* molNumFinfo =  
		initMoleculeCinfo()->findFinfo( "nSrc" );
	static const Finfo* nInitFinfo =  
		initMoleculeCinfo()->findFinfo( "nInit" );

	// This isn't yet a separate destMsg. Again, issue with update.
	static const Finfo* hhChanGbarFinfo =  
		initHHChannelCinfo()->findFinfo( "Gbar" );

	static const Finfo* synChanGbarFinfo =  
		initSynChanCinfo()->findFinfo( "Gbar" );

	// Set up the correct Finfo. Complain if we try to connect up an 
	// unknown chan type.
	const Finfo* gbarFinfo = 0;
	if ( chanId()->cinfo()->isA( initHHChannelCinfo() ) )
		gbarFinfo = hhChanGbarFinfo;
	if ( chanId()->cinfo()->isA( initSynChanCinfo() ) )
		gbarFinfo = synChanGbarFinfo;
	if ( gbarFinfo == 0 ) {
		cout << "Error: attempt to set up adaptor from signaling to \n" <<
		" biophysics for an unknown channel type: " << 
		chanId()->cinfo()->name() << endl <<
		"for channel " << chanId.path() << endl;

	// Look up matching molecule
	map< string, Element* >::iterator i = m.find( mol );
	if ( i != m.end() ) {
		Element* e = i->second;
		// cout << "Adding adaptor from " << e->name() << " to " << chanId.path() << endl;
		assert( t.sigStart >= offset );
		assert( t.sigEnd - offset <= e->numEntries() );

		// Create the adaptor
		string name = "adapt_" + mol + "_2_" + chanId.eref().e->name();
		Element* adaptor = Neutral::create( "Adaptor", name,
			t.compt, Id::childId( t.compt ) );
		assert( adaptor != 0 );
		Eref adaptorE( adaptor, 0 );

		double n = 0.00;
		Eref MolE( e, t.sigStart - offset );
		bool ret = get< double >( e, nInitFinfo, n );
		assert( ret );
		if ( n > 0.0 ) {
			double gbar = 0.0;
			ret = get< double >( chanId.eref(), gbarFinfo, gbar );
			assert( ret );
			double scale =  gbar / n;
			ret = set< double >( adaptorE, scaleFinfo, scale );
			assert( ret );
		ret = set< double >( adaptorE, inputOffsetFinfo, 0.0 );
		assert( ret );
		ret = set< double >( adaptorE, outputOffsetFinfo, 0.0 );
		assert( ret );

		for ( unsigned int j = t.sigStart; j < t.sigEnd; ++j ) {
			// Connect up the adaptor.
			Eref molE( e, j - offset );
			ret = molE.add( molNumFinfo->msg(), adaptorE,
				inputFinfo->msg(), ConnTainer::Default );
			assert( ret );

			// Here we set the parameters of the adaptor.
		ret = adaptorE.add( outputFinfo->msg(), chanId.eref(), 
			gbarFinfo->msg(), ConnTainer::Default );
		assert( ret );