Esempio n. 1
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  int		row, col, iter, keep_going;
  int 		*result = 0;
  double 	re, im;

  keep_going = initRanges (argc, argv);
  if (!keep_going) {
      usage (argc, argv);
      exit (-1);

  result = (int *) malloc (XPIX * YPIX * sizeof (*result));

  for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++) {
      im = IM_START + row * (IM_STOP - IM_START) / (YPIX - 1.0);
      for (col = 0; col < XPIX; col++) {
	  re = RE_START + col * (RE_STOP - RE_START) / (XPIX - 1.0);
	  iter = iterate (re, im, MAXITER);
	  result[row * XPIX + col] = iter;
      //fprintf (stdout, "%8d\r", row); fflush (stdout);

  writeOut (argv[0], 1, result);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * Calculate prediction relations for the ranges of parameters
 * The prediction relations are simply filtered from the prediction relations in the current recommendation algorithm
 * So the constraints must be tighter in the ranges
 * @param itemsInCommonFrom The loosest value for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param itemsInCommonTo The tightest value for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param itemsInCommonStep The incremental step for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param fracInCommonFrom The loosest value for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param fracInCommonTo The tightest value for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param fracInCommonStep The incremental step for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param maxDiffFrom The tightest value for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
 * @param maxDiffTo The loosest value for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
 * @param maxDiffStep The incremental step for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
void Scaling::relateRanges
( int const itemsInCommonFrom, int const itemsInCommonTo, int const itemsInCommonStep
, double const fracInCommonFrom, double const fracInCommonTo, double const fracInCommonStep
, double const maxDiffFrom, double const maxDiffTo, double const maxDiffStep
) {
   ( itemsInCommonFrom, itemsInCommonTo, itemsInCommonStep
   , fracInCommonFrom, fracInCommonTo, fracInCommonStep
   , maxDiffFrom, maxDiffTo, maxDiffStep
} // relateRanges
Esempio n. 3
 * Predict ratings specified by a file for the ranges of parameters
 * The prediction relations are simply filtered from the prediction relations in the current recommendation algorithm
 * So the constraints must be tighter in the ranges
 * @param predictionsFile A file specifying ratings to predict
 * @param itemsInCommonFrom The loosest value for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param itemsInCommonTo The tightest value for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param itemsInCommonStep The incremental step for the first horting condition hort_common
 * @param fracInCommonFrom The loosest value for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param fracInCommonTo The tightest value for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param fracInCommonStep The incremental step for the second horting condition hort_frac
 * @param maxDiffFrom The tightest value for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
 * @param maxDiffTo The loosest value for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
 * @param maxDiffStep The incremental step for the maximum average difference for the transformation functions t_diff_max
void Scaling::predictRanges
( std::string const predictionsFile
, int const itemsInCommonFrom, int const itemsInCommonTo, int const itemsInCommonStep
, double const fracInCommonFrom, double const fracInCommonTo, double const fracInCommonStep
, double const maxDiffFrom, double const maxDiffTo, double const maxDiffStep
) {
   ( itemsInCommonFrom, itemsInCommonTo, itemsInCommonStep
   , fracInCommonFrom, fracInCommonTo, fracInCommonStep
   , maxDiffFrom, maxDiffTo, maxDiffStep
} // predictRanges
Esempio n. 4
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  int 		row, col, iter, keep_going, nprocs, myrank;
  int 		*result = 0;
  double 	re, im;
  MPI_Request 	*recv_reqs = 0;

  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);

  if (nprocs < PROCLIMIT) {
      MPI_Finalize ();
      exit (-1);

  if (0 == myrank) keep_going = initRanges (argc, argv);
  MPI_Bcast (&keep_going, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (!keep_going) {
      if (0 == myrank)usage (argc, argv);
      MPI_Finalize ();
      exit (-1);

  distributeRanges ();

  /* for simplicity we allow the full matrix in each rank: */
  result = (int *) malloc (XPIX * YPIX * sizeof (*result));

  /* set up the MPI_Irecvs needed. We use the tag of the
     MPI messages to let each result fall into place:
  if (0 == myrank) {
      recv_reqs = (MPI_Request *) malloc (YPIX * sizeof (MPI_Request));
      for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++)
	  MPI_Irecv(result + (row * XPIX), XPIX, MPI_INT,
		    MPI_ANY_SOURCE /* we do not care who does the job */ ,
		    row /* tag */ ,
		    MPI_COMM_WORLD, recv_reqs + row);

  if (myrank != 0)
    for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++)
      if (MYROW (nprocs, myrank, row)) {
	  im = IM_START + row * (IM_STOP - IM_START) / (YPIX - 1.0);
	  for (col = 0; col < XPIX; col++) {
	      re = RE_START + col * (RE_STOP - RE_START) / (XPIX - 1.0);
	      iter = iterate (re, im, MAXITER);
	      result[row * XPIX + col] = iter;
	  /* report row back to root: */
	  MPI_Send(result + row * XPIX, XPIX, MPI_INT,
		   0, row, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* complete all Irecvs: */
  if (0 == myrank) MPI_Waitall (YPIX, recv_reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);

  MPI_Finalize ();

  if (0 == myrank) writeOut (argv[0], nprocs, result);
  return 0;