void conv3d_blas_cpu::fprop()

  // iterate over each training instance
  mwSize N = getVolN(X);
  for (mwSize i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    // make phiX: the convolution matrix
    vol_to_convmat(X, i);

    // convolution: Y_ = phiX * F_
    matw F_ = make_F_();
    matw Y_ = make_Y_(i);
    AxBtoC(convmat, F_, Y_, true); // overwrite Y_

    // plus the bias: Y_ += u * B
    matw B_ = make_B_();
    AxBtoC(u, B_, Y_, false); // accumulation on Y_

void conv3d_blas_cpu::bprop()

  mwSize N = getVolN(X);
  matw dF_ = make_dF_();
  matw dB_ = make_dB_();
  for (mwSize i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    // make phiX: the convolution matrix
    vol_to_convmat(X, i);

    // dF += phiX' * dY_
    matw dY_ = make_dY_(i);
    ATxBtoC(convmat, dY_, dF_, false); // accumulation on dF_

    // dB += u' * dY
    ATxBtoC(u, dY_, dB_, false); // accumulation on dB_

    // dphiX = dY * F'
    matw F_ = make_F_();
    // safe to reuse convmat memory, remember to overwrite it!
    AxBTtoC(dY_, F_, convmat, true);
    // dX(:,:,:,:,i) <-- dphiX
    vol_from_convmat(dX, i);

void find_control_points() {

    int L = qpoints-3, k = 6;
    float b, a;

    Point H, I, J, P, Q, R;

    init_u(); // Calcula os parametros
    control_points[0] = ds[0];
    control_points[1] = ds[1];
    a = d_u(1)/(d_u(1) + d_u(2));    
    b = d_u(2)/(d_u(1) + d_u(2));
    H.x = ds[1].x * b + ds[2].x * a;
    H.y = ds[1].y * b + ds[2].y * a;
    control_points[2] = H;
    a = d_u(L-1)/(d_u(L-1) + d_u(L));
    b = d_u(L)/(d_u(L-1) + d_u(L));
    I.x = ds[L].x * b + ds[L+1].x * a;
    I.y = ds[L].y * b + ds[L+1].y * a;
    control_points[(3*L)-2] = I;

	a = d_u(L-1)/(d_u(L-1) + d_u(L));
    b = d_u(L)/(d_u(L-1) + d_u(L));
    J.x = (control_points[(3*L) - 4].x * b) + (control_points[(3*L) - 2].x * a);
    J.y = (control_points[(3*L) - 4].y * b) + (control_points[(3*L) - 2].y * a);
    control_points[(3*L)-3] = J;
	control_points[(3*L) - 1] = ds[L+1];
    control_points[3*L] = ds[L+2];

    for(int i = 1; i <= L - 2; i++){

        a = d_u(i)/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1)); // a = 1-b   
        b = d_u(i+1)/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1));
        P.x = (control_points[(3*i) - 1].x * b) + (control_points[(3*i) + 1].x * a);
        P.y = (control_points[(3*i) - 1].y * b) + (control_points[(3*i) + 1].y * a);
        control_points[3*i] = P;
        a = d_u(i)/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1) + d_u(i+2)); // a = 1-b
        b = (d_u(i+1) + d_u(i+2))/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1) + d_u(i+2));
        Q.x = (ds[i+1].x * b) + (ds[i+2].x * a);
        Q.y = (ds[i+1].y * b) + (ds[i+2].y * a);
        control_points[(3*i)+1] = Q;
        a = (d_u(i) + d_u(i+1))/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1) + d_u(i+2)); // a = 1-b
        b = d_u(i+2)/(d_u(i) + d_u(i+1) + d_u(i+2));
        R.x = (ds[i+1].x * b) + (ds[i+2].x * a);
        R.y = (ds[i+1].y * b) + (ds[i+2].y * a);
        control_points[(3*i)+2] = R;

		k += 3;

int main(int argc, char** argv){


  //Initialisiere Felder
  vector<vector<double> > u_0;
  vector<vector<double> > v_0;
  vector<vector<double> > T;
  init_u(u_0, v_0);

  //Erstelle den Temperaturvektor
  std::vector<double> T_Vec = reshape_vector(T);
  //Berechne die BTCS-Matrix
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > M = BCTS_implicit_Matrix(u_0,v_0);
  //Berechne die untere Dreiecksmatrix
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > LD = triangularize(M);

  long int t_start;//TIME LOG
  cout << "W = " << omega<< endl;

  int i_t = 0;//Zähler für die Snapshots
  for(int n=0; n*dt<t_fin; n++){
    //Füge Dirichlet-Randbedingungen in den Vektor ein
    //Löse das Gleichungssystem
    SOR(T_Vec,M,LD, omega, r_end);

    if( (n+1)*dt >= t_snap[i_t] && (n+1)*dt<t_snap[i_t+1]){
      ostringstream snap_name;
      snap_name <<dirname<< (n+1)*dt << "_" << Pe << "_"<< Nx<<"_"<<Ny<<"_"<<dt<<"_"<<b_Q<<".txt";
      save_data(shape_back(T_Vec, T_unten,T_oben), snap_name.str().c_str());
  T=shape_back(T_Vec, T_unten, T_oben);
  long int t_finished;
  cout << "\n\n"<< t_finished-t_start<<endl;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(void)
    /* Local scalars */
    char uplo, uplo_i;
    lapack_int n, n_i;
    lapack_int ncvt, ncvt_i;
    lapack_int nru, nru_i;
    lapack_int ncc, ncc_i;
    lapack_int ldvt, ldvt_i;
    lapack_int ldvt_r;
    lapack_int ldu, ldu_i;
    lapack_int ldu_r;
    lapack_int ldc, ldc_i;
    lapack_int ldc_r;
    lapack_int info, info_i;
    lapack_int i;
    int failed;

    /* Local arrays */
    float *d = NULL, *d_i = NULL;
    float *e = NULL, *e_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *vt = NULL, *vt_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *u = NULL, *u_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *c = NULL, *c_i = NULL;
    float *work = NULL, *work_i = NULL;
    float *d_save = NULL;
    float *e_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *vt_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *u_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *c_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *vt_r = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *u_r = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *c_r = NULL;

    /* Iniitialize the scalar parameters */
    init_scalars_cbdsqr( &uplo, &n, &ncvt, &nru, &ncc, &ldvt, &ldu, &ldc );
    ldvt_r = ncvt+2;
    ldu_r = n+2;
    ldc_r = ncc+2;
    uplo_i = uplo;
    n_i = n;
    ncvt_i = ncvt;
    nru_i = nru;
    ncc_i = ncc;
    ldvt_i = ldvt;
    ldu_i = ldu;
    ldc_i = ldc;

    /* Allocate memory for the LAPACK routine arrays */
    d = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    e = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    vt = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvt*ncvt * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    u = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldu*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    c = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldc*ncc * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    work = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( 4*n * sizeof(float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the C interface function arrays */
    d_i = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    e_i = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    vt_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvt*ncvt * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    u_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldu*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    c_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldc*ncc * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    work_i = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( 4*n * sizeof(float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the backup arrays */
    d_save = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    e_save = (float *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(float) );
    vt_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvt*ncvt * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    u_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldu*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    c_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldc*ncc * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the row-major arrays */
    vt_r = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(ncvt+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    u_r = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( nru*(n+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    c_r = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(ncc+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Initialize input arrays */
    init_d( n, d );
    init_e( n, e );
    init_vt( ldvt*ncvt, vt );
    init_u( ldu*n, u );
    init_c( ldc*ncc, c );
    init_work( 4*n, work );

    /* Backup the ouptut arrays */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        d_save[i] = d[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        e_save[i] = e[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvt*ncvt; i++ ) {
        vt_save[i] = vt[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldu*n; i++ ) {
        u_save[i] = u[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldc*ncc; i++ ) {
        c_save[i] = c[i];

    /* Call the LAPACK routine */
    cbdsqr_( &uplo, &n, &ncvt, &nru, &ncc, d, e, vt, &ldvt, u, &ldu, c, &ldc,
             work, &info );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        d_i[i] = d_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        e_i[i] = e_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvt*ncvt; i++ ) {
        vt_i[i] = vt_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldu*n; i++ ) {
        u_i[i] = u_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldc*ncc; i++ ) {
        c_i[i] = c_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < 4*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_cbdsqr_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, uplo_i, n_i, ncvt_i, nru_i,
                                  ncc_i, d_i, e_i, vt_i, ldvt_i, u_i, ldu_i,
                                  c_i, ldc_i, work_i );

    failed = compare_cbdsqr( d, d_i, e, e_i, vt, vt_i, u, u_i, c, c_i, info,
                             info_i, ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major middle-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major middle-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        d_i[i] = d_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        e_i[i] = e_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvt*ncvt; i++ ) {
        vt_i[i] = vt_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldu*n; i++ ) {
        u_i[i] = u_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldc*ncc; i++ ) {
        c_i[i] = c_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < 4*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_cbdsqr( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, uplo_i, n_i, ncvt_i, nru_i,
                             ncc_i, d_i, e_i, vt_i, ldvt_i, u_i, ldu_i, c_i,
                             ldc_i );

    failed = compare_cbdsqr( d, d_i, e, e_i, vt, vt_i, u, u_i, c, c_i, info,
                             info_i, ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major high-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major high-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        d_i[i] = d_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        e_i[i] = e_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvt*ncvt; i++ ) {
        vt_i[i] = vt_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldu*n; i++ ) {
        u_i[i] = u_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldc*ncc; i++ ) {
        c_i[i] = c_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < 4*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];

    if( ncvt != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, ncvt, vt_i, ldvt, vt_r,
                           ncvt+2 );
    if( nru != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, nru, n, u_i, ldu, u_r, n+2 );
    if( ncc != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, ncc, c_i, ldc, c_r, ncc+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_cbdsqr_work( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, uplo_i, n_i, ncvt_i, nru_i,
                                  ncc_i, d_i, e_i, vt_r, ldvt_r, u_r, ldu_r,
                                  c_r, ldc_r, work_i );

    if( ncvt != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, ncvt, vt_r, ncvt+2, vt_i,
                           ldvt );
    if( nru != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, nru, n, u_r, n+2, u_i, ldu );
    if( ncc != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, ncc, c_r, ncc+2, c_i, ldc );

    failed = compare_cbdsqr( d, d_i, e, e_i, vt, vt_i, u, u_i, c, c_i, info,
                             info_i, ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major middle-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major middle-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        d_i[i] = d_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        e_i[i] = e_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvt*ncvt; i++ ) {
        vt_i[i] = vt_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldu*n; i++ ) {
        u_i[i] = u_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldc*ncc; i++ ) {
        c_i[i] = c_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < 4*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];

    /* Init row_major arrays */
    if( ncvt != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, ncvt, vt_i, ldvt, vt_r,
                           ncvt+2 );
    if( nru != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, nru, n, u_i, ldu, u_r, n+2 );
    if( ncc != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, ncc, c_i, ldc, c_r, ncc+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_cbdsqr( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, uplo_i, n_i, ncvt_i, nru_i,
                             ncc_i, d_i, e_i, vt_r, ldvt_r, u_r, ldu_r, c_r,
                             ldc_r );

    if( ncvt != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, ncvt, vt_r, ncvt+2, vt_i,
                           ldvt );
    if( nru != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, nru, n, u_r, n+2, u_i, ldu );
    if( ncc != 0 ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, ncc, c_r, ncc+2, c_i, ldc );

    failed = compare_cbdsqr( d, d_i, e, e_i, vt, vt_i, u, u_i, c, c_i, info,
                             info_i, ldc, ldu, ldvt, n, ncc, ncvt, nru );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major high-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major high-level interface to cbdsqr\n" );

    /* Release memory */
    if( d != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( d );
    if( d_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( d_i );
    if( d_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( d_save );
    if( e != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( e );
    if( e_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( e_i );
    if( e_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( e_save );
    if( vt != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vt );
    if( vt_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vt_i );
    if( vt_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vt_r );
    if( vt_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vt_save );
    if( u != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( u );
    if( u_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( u_i );
    if( u_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( u_r );
    if( u_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( u_save );
    if( c != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( c );
    if( c_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( c_i );
    if( c_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( c_r );
    if( c_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( c_save );
    if( work != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work );
    if( work_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work_i );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main()
  int enable_profiling = 0;
  #ifdef DO_TIMING
      enable_profiling = 1;

  cl_context ctx;
  cl_command_queue queue;
  create_context_on("NVIDIA", NULL, 0, &ctx, &queue, enable_profiling);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // load kernels
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // read the cl file

  char buf[100];
  sprintf(buf, "mg-kernel-ver%d.cl", VERSION);
  char *knl_text = read_file(buf);
  //get work group dimensions and gflop info.
  int wg_dims , wg_x, wg_y, wg_z, z_div, fetch_per_pt, flops_per_pt;
  if (sscanf(knl_text, "// workgroup: (%d,%d,%d) z_div:%d fetch_per_pt:%d flops_per_pt:%d", 
        &wg_x, &wg_y, &wg_z, &z_div, &fetch_per_pt, &flops_per_pt) == 6)
    wg_dims = 3;
  else if (sscanf(knl_text, "// workgroup: (%d,%d) fetch_per_pt:%d flops_per_pt:%d",
        &wg_x, &wg_y, &fetch_per_pt, &flops_per_pt) == 4)
    wg_dims = 2;
    wg_z = -1;
    z_div = -1;
    perror("reading workgroup spec");

  #ifdef USE_DOUBLE
  char *compile_opt = "-DFTYPE=double";
  char *compile_opt = "-DFTYPE=float";

  // creation of the kernel
  cl_kernel poisson_knl = kernel_from_string(ctx, knl_text, "fd_update", compile_opt);
  free(knl_text); // my compiler complains about this one.  OJO!!
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // set up grid
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const unsigned points = POINTS;
  const ftype minus_bdry = -1, plus_bdry = 1;

  // We're dividing into (points-1) intervals.
  ftype dx = (plus_bdry-minus_bdry)/(points-1);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // allocate and initialize CPU memory
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  int use_alignment;
  unsigned dim_other = points; //if order 2 then 1 point extra on each side
  // adjusts dimension so that the next row starts in a number divisible by 16
  unsigned dim_x = ((dim_other + 15) / 16) * 16; 
  unsigned field_start = 0;
  use_alignment = 1; 
  unsigned dim_x = dim_other;
  unsigned field_start = 0;// this one puts me right at the beginning
  use_alignment = 0;
  // --------Allocate forcing uexact, r and u vectors -------------------------
  const size_t field_size = 0+dim_x*dim_x*dim_x;  // extra large to fit the 2^n constrain in GPU
  ftype *f = malloc(field_size*sizeof(ftype));
  CHECK_SYS_ERROR(!f, "allocating f");
  ftype *u = malloc (field_size*sizeof(ftype));
  CHECK_SYS_ERROR(!u, "allocating u");  
  ftype *uexact = malloc (field_size*sizeof(ftype));
  CHECK_SYS_ERROR(!uexact, "allocating uexact");
  ftype *r = malloc(field_size * sizeof(ftype));
  CHECK_SYS_ERROR(!r, "allocating residual r");

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // initialize
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // zero out (necessary to initialize everything bec. I measure norms)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < field_size; ++i){
      f[i] = 0;
      u[i] = 0;
      uexact[i] = 0;
      r[i] = 0;
    // set up the forcing field
    init_f (points, f, dx, field_start, dim_x, dim_other, minus_bdry);
    // Initialize u with initial boundary conditions
    init_u ( points, u , minus_bdry, plus_bdry, dx, field_start, dim_x, dim_other);
    // Initialize the exact solution
    init_uexact(points, u, uexact, dx, field_size, field_start, dim_x, dim_other);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Setup the v-cycles
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    unsigned n1, n2, n3, ncycles;
    n1 = 50;
    n2 = 60;
    n3 = 1;
    ncycles = 2;
    ftype *sweeps = malloc (ncycles*sizeof(ftype));
    ftype *rnorm = malloc (ncycles*sizeof(ftype));
    ftype *enorm = malloc (ncycles*sizeof(ftype));
    ftype rtol = 1.0e-05;

    // Find the norm of the residual (choose your method)
    sweeps[0] =0;
    resid (r, f, u, dx, field_size, field_start, dim_x, dim_other);
    rnorm[0] = norm( r , field_size) * dx;
    U_error(u, uexact, r, field_size);
    enorm[0] = norm( r, field_size ) * dx;

    for(unsigned icycle = 1; icycle <= ncycles; icycle++){
       mgv(f, u, dx, n1, n2, n3, field_size, points, use_alignment, dim_x, ctx, queue, poisson_knl, wg_dims , wg_x, wg_y, wg_z, z_div, fetch_per_pt, flops_per_pt);  //update u through a v-cycle 
       sweeps[icycle] = sweeps[icycle -1] + (4 * (n1 + n2)/3);
       resid (r, f, u, dx, field_size, field_start, dim_x, dim_other);
       rnorm[icycle] = norm( r, field_size ) * dx;
       U_error(u, uexact, r, field_size);
       enorm[icycle] = norm( r, field_size ) * dx;
       //cfacts = (rnorm(icycle)/rnorm(icycle - 1))^(1 / (n1 + n2)) not necessary
       //disp something here if I want to.
       //printf("norm of the cycle %f", enorm[icycle]);
       if(rnorm[icycle] <= rtol * rnorm[0])
    #ifdef DO_TIMING
  printf(" ftype:%d ver:%d align:%d pts:%d\tgflops:%.1f\tmcells:%.1f\tgbytes:%.1f [/sec]\tout_gflops:%.6f\n", (int) sizeof(ftype), VERSION, use_alignment, points, gflops_performed/seconds_taken, mcells_updated/seconds_taken, gbytes_accessed/seconds_taken, gflops_performed/tot_secs);
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // clean up
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  CALL_CL_GUARDED(clReleaseKernel, (poisson_knl));
  CALL_CL_GUARDED(clReleaseCommandQueue, (queue));
  CALL_CL_GUARDED(clReleaseContext, (ctx));