Esempio n. 1
void PSMpositionNode::getMotion_can(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan,  std::vector <depthPoint> *depthLine)//*********************************************getMotion_can()
    ROS_DEBUG("Received scan");

    // **** if this is the first scan, initialize and leave the function here

    if (!initialized_can)
        initialized_can = initializeCan(scan);
        if (initialized_can) ROS_INFO("Matcher initialized");

    // **** attmempt to match the two scans

    // CSM is used in the following way:
    // The reference scan (prevLDPcan_) always has a pose of 0
    // The new scan (currLDPScan) has a pose equal to the movement
    // of the laser in the world frame since the last scan (btTransform change)
    // The computed correction is then propagated using the tf machinery

    prevLDPScan_->odometry[0] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->odometry[1] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->odometry[2] = 0;

    prevLDPScan_->estimate[0] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->estimate[1] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->estimate[2] = 0;

    prevLDPScan_->true_pose[0] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->true_pose[1] = 0;
    prevLDPScan_->true_pose[2] = 0;

    btTransform currWorldToBase;
    btTransform change;

    // what odometry model to use
    if (useTfOdometry_)
        // get the current position of the base in the world frame
        // if no transofrm is available, we'll use the last known transform

        getCurrentEstimatedPose(currWorldToBase, scan);
        change = laserToBase_ * prevWorldToBase_.inverse() * currWorldToBase * baseToLaser_;
    else if (useImuOdometry_)
        double dTheta = currImuAngle_ - prevImuAngle_;
        prevImuAngle_ = currImuAngle_;
        change.getRotation().setRPY(0.0, 0.0, dTheta);

    geometry_msgs::Pose2D p;
    tfToPose2D(change, p);
    LDP currLDPScan = rosToLDPScan(scan, p);

    input_.laser_ref  = prevLDPScan_;
    input_.laser_sens = currLDPScan;
    input_.first_guess[0] = 0;
    input_.first_guess[1] = 0;
    input_.first_guess[2] = 0;

    sm_icp(&input_, &output_);

    if (!output_.valid)
        ROS_WARN("Error in scan matching");
        prevLDPScan_ = currLDPScan;

    // **** calculate change in position

    double dx = output_.x[0];
    double dy = output_.x[1];
    double da = output_.x[2];

    // change = scan match result for how much laser moved between scans,
    // in the world frame
    change.setOrigin(btVector3(dx, dy, 0.0));
    btQuaternion q;
    q.setRPY(0, 0, da);

    frameP_ = worldFrame_;
    heightLine = ransac(depthLine);
    // **** publish the new estimated pose as a tf

    if(take_vicon == true) {
        prevWorldToBase_.setOrigin(btVector3(pos_vicon[0],pos_vicon[1], pos_vicon[2]));
        btQuaternion vicon_q(quat_vicon.x(),quat_vicon.y(),quat_vicon.z(),quat_vicon.w());

    currWorldToBase = prevWorldToBase_ * baseToLaser_ * change * laserToBase_;

    if (publishTf_  ) publishTf  (currWorldToBase, scan.header.stamp);
    if (publishPose_) publishPose(currWorldToBase, scan.header.stamp, frameP_, heightLine);

    // **** swap old and new

    prevLDPScan_ = currLDPScan;
    prevWorldToBase_ = currWorldToBase;

    // **** timing information - needed for profiling only

void initializeAllCan() {
    for(int i = 0; i < getCanBusCount(); i++) {