Esempio n. 1
void names_initialize(void)
                   (unsigned char *) gettext("lucy mary patricia linda barbara elizabeth jennifer maria susan margaret dorothy lisa nancy karen betty helen sandra donna carol ruth sharon michelle laura sarah kimberly deborah jessica shirley cynthia angela melissa brenda amy anna rebecca virginia kathleen pamela martha debra amanda stephanie carolyn christine marie janet catherine frances ann joyce diane"));

                   (unsigned char *) gettext("steve james john robert michael william david richard charles joseph thomas christopher daniel paul mark donald george kenneth steven edward brian ronald anthony kevin jason matthew gary timothy jose larry jeffrey frank scott eric stephen andrew raymond gregory joshua jerry dennis walter patrick peter harold douglas henry carl arthur ryan roger"));

                   (unsigned char *) gettext("smith johnson williams brown jones miller davis rodriguez wilson martinez anderson taylor thomas hernandez moore martin jackson thompson white lopez lee gonzalez harris clark lewis robinson walker perez hall young allen sanchez wright king scott green baker adams nelson hill ramirez campbell mitchell roberts carter phillips evans turner torres"));
Esempio n. 2
void pepbayes_v3(double *Y, double *hyper_param, int *pstart,
		int *pnum, int *n_position, int *n_peptide, int *n_indiv, int *nP,
		int *cen_ind, int *cen_pep, int *cen_num, int *cen_pos,
		int *n_iter, int *n_sweep, int *n_burn,
		double *OutProbs, int *write)
	R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t)-1;
	// miscellaneous useful quantities
	int p, i, j, k = 0, c, d;
	int pep, pos, th_id;
	int *pos_ind_by_pep;
	double *ProbSum;
	int total_iterations = *n_burn+(*n_sweep)*(*n_iter);
	int percent_complete = 10;

	adpt zeta_adpt;
	adpt m_adpt;

	zeta_adpt.total_count = 0;
	zeta_adpt.count = 0;
	zeta_adpt.tune = 2.5;
	m_adpt.total_count = 0;
	m_adpt.count = 0;
	m_adpt.tune = 5.0;

	RngStream rng[*nP];

	//statically allocated struct for Adaptive Rejection Sampling
	ARS_workspace workspace;

	// missing data variables
	double *Exprs;			// censor-completed expressions
	int *Gamma;			// cluster membership indicator
	double *W;				// t-distribution weights
	double dof = 4.0;				// t-distribution degrees of freedom
	double *D;				// imputed censored tails

	// component membership probability parameters
	double *Omega_logit;	// membership probabilities, on logit scale
	int *Omega_ind;			// indicator for whether omega_{cp} > 0
	double *A, *B, *U; 		// prior parameters for omega probabilities
	double lambda_a, lambda_b; //hyperparameters for A, B
	double a_0, b_0;		// hyperparameters for U
	double **xA, **xB;		// vectors required for ARS

	// location-related parameters
	double *Mu;				// peptide specific means
	double kappa = 10.0;	// prior mean precision
	double *Alpha_pep;		// peptide effects
	double m = 2.0, zeta = 1.0;			// prior mean and variance of peptide effects
	double m_0, v_0;		// hyperparameters for m

	// variance parameters
	double *Sig2;			// peptide response variance
	double alpha = 10.0;	// prior parameter
	double beta = 10.0; 	// prior parameter
	double alpha_0, beta_0; // rates on alpha, beta (hyperparameters)
	double *xAlpha;			// vector needed for ARS

	// file pointers

	// retreive and initialize hyperparameter values
	a_0 = hyper_param[0];
	b_0 = hyper_param[1];
	lambda_a = hyper_param[2];
	lambda_b = hyper_param[3];
	alpha_0 = hyper_param[4];
	beta_0 = hyper_param[5];
	m_0 = hyper_param[6];
	v_0 = hyper_param[7];

	// begin memory allocation
	Gamma = (int*) R_alloc(*n_peptide*(*n_indiv), sizeof(int));
	Exprs = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide*(*n_indiv), sizeof(double));
	W = (double *) R_alloc(*n_peptide*(*n_indiv), sizeof(double));
	double *RB = (double *) R_alloc(*n_peptide*(*n_indiv), sizeof(double));

	// xA and xB hold starting values for ARS of a_p, b_p, and alpha.
	xA = (double**) R_alloc(*n_position, sizeof(double*));
	xB = (double**) R_alloc(*n_position, sizeof(double*));
	xAlpha = (double*) R_alloc(NMAX, sizeof(double));
	// initial values for hull quantiles.
	xAlpha[0] = 1.0;
	xAlpha[1] = 2.0;

	Omega_ind = (int*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(int));
	Omega_logit = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(double));
	pos_ind_by_pep = (int*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(int));
	ProbSum = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide*(*n_indiv), sizeof(double));

	for(p = 0; p < *n_position; p++)
		xA[p] = (double*) R_alloc(NMAX, sizeof(double));
		xB[p] = (double*) R_alloc(NMAX, sizeof(double));
		for(c = 0; c < pnum[p]; c++)
			pos_ind_by_pep[pstart[p] + c] = k;

	Alpha_pep = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(double));
	Sig2 = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(double));
	A = (double*) R_alloc(*n_position, sizeof(double));
	B = (double*) R_alloc(*n_position, sizeof(double));
	U = (double*) R_alloc(*n_position, sizeof(double));
	Mu = (double*) R_alloc(*n_peptide, sizeof(double));
	double* likworkspace = (double *) R_alloc((*n_peptide)*(*n_indiv), sizeof(double));

	// check whether our data is censored at all,
	// if so prepare for augmentation.

	if(*cen_num > 0)
		D = (double*) R_alloc(*cen_num, sizeof(double));
		for(i = 0; i < *cen_num; i++)
			D[i] = 0.0;

	if(*write == 1)
		AFILE = fopen("afile.txt", "w");
		BFILE = fopen("bfile.txt", "w");
		PFILE = fopen("pfile.txt", "w");
		OFILE = fopen("ofile.txt", "w");
		ALPHAFILE = fopen("alphafile.txt", "w");
		VARFILE = fopen("varfile.txt", "w");
		Sig2FILE = fopen("sig2file.txt", "w");
		MUFILE = fopen("mufile.txt", "w");
		if(*cen_num > 0)
			DFILE = fopen("dfile.txt", "w");
	for(i = 0; i < *nP; i++)
		rng[i] = RngStream_CreateStream("");

	initialize_chain(ProbSum, Exprs, Y, W, Omega_ind, Omega_logit, Alpha_pep,
			Gamma, Sig2, Mu, A, B, U,
			n_position, pstart, pnum, n_peptide, n_indiv,
			xA, xB, RB);

	Rprintf("parameters initialized \n");
	for(i = 1; i <= total_iterations; i++)
		update_dof_integrated(&dof, Exprs, W, Alpha_pep, Gamma,
				Sig2, Mu, likworkspace, *n_indiv, *n_peptide, rng[0]);

#pragma omp parallel private(th_id, workspace, pos) num_threads(*nP)
			th_id = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp for
			for(pep = 0; pep < *n_peptide; pep++)
				pos = pos_ind_by_pep[pep];
				update_peptide(Exprs, Mu + pep, Alpha_pep + pep,
						W, Omega_ind + pep, Omega_logit + pep, Gamma,
						Sig2 + pep, alpha, beta,
						U[pos], A[pos], B[pos],
						m, zeta, dof, kappa, *n_indiv, *n_peptide, pep, rng[th_id], RB);
#pragma omp for
			for(p = 0; p < *n_position; p++)
				update_position_p(Omega_ind, Omega_logit,
						A + p, B + p, U + p,
						a_0, b_0, lambda_a, lambda_b,
						p, *n_indiv, pnum, pstart, rng[th_id],
						xA[p], xB[p], &workspace);
			// update gammas, alphas, omegas

			if((i > *n_burn) && ((i - *n_burn) % (*n_sweep) == 0 ))
#pragma omp for
				for(d = 0; d < (*n_indiv)*(*n_peptide); d++)
					ProbSum[d] += RB[d];

		update_global_params(&m, &zeta, &alpha, &beta, &kappa,
				Mu, Sig2, Alpha_pep, Omega_ind,
				m_0, v_0, alpha_0, beta_0,
				*n_indiv, *n_peptide, rng[0], &m_adpt, &zeta_adpt,
				&workspace, xAlpha, *nP);

		if(i % TEST_INT_LENGTH == 0)
			update_tuning(&m_adpt, i, *n_burn);
			update_tuning(&zeta_adpt, i, *n_burn);

		// check whether we need to update complete data
		if((*cen_num > 0) & (i > *n_burn/2))
			update_censoring(W, D, *cen_num, cen_ind, cen_pep, Y, Exprs,
					Gamma, Alpha_pep, Mu, *n_indiv, Sig2, rng[0]);

		if((i > *n_burn) && ((i - *n_burn) % (*n_sweep) == 0 ) && *write == 1)
			store_mcmc_output(Alpha_pep, Mu, A, B, U, Sig2, D, Omega_logit,
					Omega_ind, kappa, alpha, beta, m, zeta,
					dof, *n_peptide, *n_indiv, *n_position, cen_num,

		if( 100*((double) i)/total_iterations >= percent_complete)
			Rprintf("MCMC %d percent complete\n", percent_complete);
			percent_complete += 10;

	// finalize marginal PPA
	for(d = 0; d < (*n_indiv)*(*n_peptide); d++)
		OutProbs[d] = ProbSum[d]/(*n_iter);

	Rprintf("M acceptance rate: %.3lf, Zeta acceptance rate: %.3lf\n", (double)(m_adpt.total_count)/(*n_iter*(*n_sweep)),

	Rprintf("closing files\n");
	if(*write == 1)
		if(*cen_num > 0)