Esempio n. 1
/** \ingroup dbprim_link
 * \brief Dynamically initialize a linked list element.
 * This function dynamically initializes a linked list element.
 * \param elem	A pointer to a #link_elem_t to be initialized.
 * \param object
 *		A pointer to \c void used to represent the object
 *		associated with the element.  May not be \c NULL.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	A \c NULL pointer was passed for \p
 *				elem or \p object.
unsigned long
le_init(link_elem_t *elem, void *object)
  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  if (!elem || !object) /* verify arguments */
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  elem->le_next = 0; /* initialize the element */
  elem->le_prev = 0;
  elem->le_object = object;
  elem->le_head = 0;
  elem->le_flags = 0;

  elem->le_magic = LINK_ELEM_MAGIC; /* set the magic number */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/** ingroup dbprim_smat
 * \brief Flush a row or column of a sparse matrix.
 * This function flushes a sparse matrix row or column--that is, it
 * removes each element from that row or column.  If a \p flush_func
 * is specified, it will be called on the entry after it has been
 * removed from the row or column, and may safely call
 * <CODE>free()</CODE>.
 * \param list	A pointer to a #smat_head_t.
 * \param flush_func
 *		A pointer to a callback function used to perform
 *		user-specifed actions on an entry after removing it
 *		from the row or column.  May be \c NULL.  See the
 *		documentation for #smat_iter_t for more information.
 * \param extra	A \c void pointer that will be passed to \p
 *		flush_func.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	An argument was invalid.
unsigned long
sh_flush(smat_head_t *head, smat_iter_t flush_func, void *extra)
  struct _sh_flush_s sf;

  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  if (!sh_verify(head)) /* verify arguments */
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  /* initialize extra data... */
  sf.sf_table = head->sh_table;
  sf.sf_elem = head->sh_elem;
  sf.sf_flush = flush_func;
  sf.sf_extra = extra;

  /* call into linked list library to flush the list */
  return ll_flush(&head->sh_head, _sh_flush_iter, &sf);
Esempio n. 3
/** \ingroup dbprim_hash
 * \brief Move an entry in the hash table.
 * This function moves an existing entry in the hash table to
 * correspond to the new key.
 * \param table	A pointer to a #hash_table_t.
 * \param entry	A pointer to a #hash_entry_t to be moved.  It must
 *		already be in the hash table.
 * \param key	A pointer to a #db_key_t describing the new key for
 *		the entry.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	An invalid argument was given.
 * \retval DB_ERR_UNUSED	Entry is not in a hash table.
 * \retval DB_ERR_WRONGTABLE	Entry is not in this hash table.
 * \retval DB_ERR_FROZEN	Hash table is frozen.
 * \retval DB_ERR_DUPLICATE	New key is a duplicate of an existing
 *				key.
 * \retval DB_ERR_READDFAILED	Unable to re-add entry to table.
unsigned long
ht_move(hash_table_t *table, hash_entry_t *entry, db_key_t *key)
  unsigned long retval;

  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  if (!ht_verify(table) || !he_verify(entry) || !key) /* verify arguments */
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  if (!entry->he_table) /* it's not in a table */
    return DB_ERR_UNUSED;
  if (entry->he_table != table) /* it's in the wrong table */

  if (table->ht_flags & HASH_FLAG_FREEZE) /* don't mess with frozen tables */
    return DB_ERR_FROZEN;

  if (!ht_find(table, 0, key)) /* don't permit duplicates */
    return DB_ERR_DUPLICATE;

  /* remove the entry from the table */
  if ((retval = ll_remove(&table->ht_table[entry->he_hash], &entry->he_elem)))
    return retval;

  /* rekey the entry */
  entry->he_key = *key; /* thank goodness for structure copy! */

  /* get the new hash value for the entry */
  entry->he_hash =
    (*table->ht_func)(table, &entry->he_key) % table->ht_modulus;

  /* Now re-add it to the table */
  if ((retval = ll_add(&table->ht_table[entry->he_hash], &entry->he_elem,
		       LINK_LOC_HEAD, 0))) {
    table->ht_count--; /* decrement the count--don't worry about shrinking */
    entry->he_table = 0; /* zero the table pointer */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/** \ingroup dbprim_smat
 * \brief Remove an entry from a sparse matrix.
 * This function removes the given entry from the specified sparse
 * matrix.
 * \param table	A pointer to a #smat_table_t.
 * \param entry	A pointer to a #smat_entry_t to be removed from the
 *		table.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	An invalid argument was given.
 * \retval DB_ERR_WRONGTABLE	Entry is not in this sparse matrix.
 * \retval DB_ERR_UNRECOVERABLE	An unrecoverable error occurred while
 *				removing the entry from the table.
unsigned long
st_remove(smat_table_t *table, smat_entry_t *entry)
  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  /* verify arguments */
  if (!st_verify(table) || !se_verify(entry))
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  /* verify entry is in this table */
  if (entry->se_table != table)

  /* remove the entry from the linked lists and from the hash table */
  if (_st_remove(table, entry, (ST_REM_HASH | ST_REM_FIRST | ST_REM_SECOND |

  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
/** \ingroup dbprim_smat
 * \brief Dynamically initialize a sparse matrix row or column head.
 * This function dynamically initializes a sparse matrix row or column
 * linked list head.  The \p elem argument specifies whether the
 * object is to be associated with a #SMAT_LOC_FIRST list or a
 * \param head	A pointer to a #smat_head_t to be initialized.
 * \param elem	Either #SMAT_LOC_FIRST or #SMAT_LOC_SECOND.
 * \param object
 *		A pointer to the object containing the sparse matrix
 *		row or column head.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	An invalid argument was given.
unsigned long
sh_init(smat_head_t *head, smat_loc_t elem, void *object)
  unsigned long retval;

  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  /* verify arguments... */
  if (!head || (elem != SMAT_LOC_FIRST && elem != SMAT_LOC_SECOND))
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  /* initialize list head */
  if ((retval = ll_init(&head->sh_head, object)))
    return retval;

  head->sh_elem = elem; /* initialize list head */
  head->sh_table = 0;

  head->sh_magic = SMAT_HEAD_MAGIC; /* set magic number */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
/** \ingroup dbprim_link
 * \brief Flush a linked list.
 * This function flushes a linked list--that is, it removes each
 * element from the list.  If a \p flush_func is specified, it will be
 * called on the entry after it has been removed from the list, and
 * may safely call <CODE>free()</CODE>.
 * \param list	A pointer to a #link_head_t.
 * \param flush_func
 *		A pointer to a callback function used to perform
 *		user-specified actions on an element after removing it
 *		from the list.  May be \c NULL.  See the documentation
 *		for #link_iter_t for more information.
 * \param extra	A \c void pointer that will be passed to \p
 *		flush_func.
 * \retval DB_ERR_BADARGS	An argument was invalid.
unsigned long
ll_flush(link_head_t *list, link_iter_t flush_func, void *extra)
  link_elem_t *elem;
  unsigned long retval;

  initialize_dbpr_error_table(); /* initialize error table */

  if (!ll_verify(list)) /* Verify arguments */
    return DB_ERR_BADARGS;

  while ((elem = list->lh_first)) { /* Walk through the list... */
    ll_remove(list, elem); /* remove the element */
    /* call flush function, erroring out if it fails */
    if (flush_func && (retval = (*flush_func)(list, elem, extra)))
      return retval;

  list->lh_count = 0; /* clear the list head */
  list->lh_first = 0;
  list->lh_last = 0;

  return 0;