int start_chess() { read_rcfile(); initialize_zobrist(); Variant = Normal; //Variant = Crazyhouse; memcpy(material, std_material, sizeof(std_material)); //memcpy(material, zh_material, sizeof(zh_material)); if (!init_book()) printf("No .OPN opening book found.\n"); lrn_standard = learn_open("standard", "standard"); lrn_zh = learn_open("crazyhouse", "bug"); lrn_suicide = learn_open("suicide", "suicide"); lrn_losers = learn_open("losers", "losers"); start_up (); init_game (); initialize_hash(); clear_tt(); init_egtb(); if (init_segtb()) SEGTB = TRUE_C; else SEGTB = FALSE_C; EGTBProbes = 0; EGTBHits = 0; ECacheProbes = 0; ECacheHits = 0; TTProbes = 0; TTStores = 0; TTHits = 0; bookidx = 0; total_moves = 0; ply = 0; braindeadinterface = 0; moves_to_tc = 40; min_per_game = 5; time_left = 30000; my_rating = opp_rating = 2000; maxdepth = 40; must_go = 1; tradefreely = 1; automode = 0; xb_mode = FALSE_C; force_mode = FALSE_C; comp_color = 0; show_board = TRUE_C; is_pondering = FALSE_C; allow_pondering = TRUE_C; is_analyzing = FALSE_C; is_edit_mode = FALSE_C; have_partner = FALSE_C; must_sit = FALSE_C; go_fast = FALSE_C; fixed_time = FALSE_C; phase = Opening; root_to_move = WHITE; kibitzed = FALSE_C; confirm_moves = FALSE_C; move_number = 0; memset(game_history, 0, sizeof(game_history)); memset(game_history_x, 0, sizeof(game_history_x)); hash_history[move_number] = hash; setbuf (stdout, NULL); setbuf (stdin, NULL); depth = 4; return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char input[STR_BUFF], *p, output[STR_BUFF]; char readbuff[STR_BUFF]; move_s move, comp_move; int depth = 4; bool force_mode, show_board; double nps, elapsed; clock_t cpu_start, cpu_end; move_s game_history[600]; move_x game_history_x[600]; int is_edit_mode, edit_color; int confirm_moves; int pingnum; int braindeadinterface; int automode; rtime_t xstart_time; read_rcfile(); initialize_zobrist(); Variant = Normal; //Variant = Crazyhouse; memcpy(material, std_material, sizeof(std_material)); //memcpy(material, zh_material, sizeof(zh_material)); if (!init_book()) printf("No .OPN opening book found.\n"); lrn_standard = learn_open("standard", "standard"); lrn_zh = learn_open("crazyhouse", "bug"); lrn_suicide = learn_open("suicide", "suicide"); lrn_losers = learn_open("losers", "losers"); start_up (); init_game (); initialize_hash(); clear_tt(); reset_ecache(); if (init_segtb()) SEGTB = TRUE; else SEGTB = FALSE; EGTBProbes = 0; EGTBHits = 0; ECacheProbes = 0; ECacheHits = 0; TTProbes = 0; TTStores = 0; TTHits = 0; bookidx = 0; total_moves = 0; ply = 0; braindeadinterface = 0; moves_to_tc = 40; min_per_game = 5; time_left = 30000; my_rating = opp_rating = 2000; maxdepth = 40; must_go = 1; tradefreely = 1; automode = 0; xb_mode = FALSE; force_mode = FALSE; comp_color = 0; show_board = TRUE; is_pondering = FALSE; allow_pondering = TRUE; is_analyzing = FALSE; is_edit_mode = FALSE; have_partner = FALSE; must_sit = FALSE; go_fast = FALSE; fixed_time = FALSE; phase = Opening; root_to_move = WHITE; kibitzed = FALSE; confirm_moves = FALSE; move_number = 0; memset(game_history, 0, sizeof(game_history)); memset(game_history_x, 0, sizeof(game_history_x)); hash_history[move_number] = hash; setbuf (stdout, NULL); setbuf (stdin, NULL); /* keep looping for input, and responding to it: */ while (TRUE) { /* case where it's the computer's turn to move: */ if (!is_edit_mode && (comp_color == white_to_move || automode) && !force_mode && !must_sit && !result) { /* whatever happens, never allow pondering in normal search */ is_pondering = FALSE; cpu_start = clock (); comp_move = think (); cpu_end = clock(); ply = 0; /* must_sit can be changed by search */ if (!must_sit || must_go != 0) { /* check for a game end: */ if (( ((Variant == Losers || Variant == Suicide) && ((result != white_is_mated) && (result != black_is_mated))) || ((Variant == Normal || Variant == Crazyhouse || Variant == Bughouse) && ((comp_color == 1 && result != white_is_mated) || (comp_color == 0 && result != black_is_mated) ))) && result != stalemate && result != draw_by_fifty && result != draw_by_rep) { comp_to_coord (comp_move, output); hash_history[move_number] = hash; game_history[move_number] = comp_move; make (&comp_move, 0); /* saves state info */ game_history_x[move_number++] = path_x[0]; userealholdings = 0; must_go--; /* check to see if we draw by rep/fifty after our move: */ if (is_draw ()) { result = draw_by_rep; } else if (fifty > 100) { result = draw_by_fifty; } root_to_move ^= 1; reset_piece_square (); if (book_ply < 40) { if (!book_ply) { strcpy(opening_history, output); } else { strcat(opening_history, output); } } book_ply++; printf ("\nNodes: %d (%0.2f%% qnodes)\n", nodes, (float) ((float) qnodes / (float) nodes * 100.0)); elapsed = (cpu_end-cpu_start)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; nps = (float) nodes/(float) elapsed; if (!elapsed) printf ("NPS: N/A\n"); else printf ("NPS: %d\n", (int32_t) nps); printf("ECacheProbes : %d ECacheHits : %d HitRate : %f%%\n", ECacheProbes, ECacheHits, ((float)ECacheHits/((float)ECacheProbes+1)) * 100); printf("TTStores : %d TTProbes : %d TTHits : %d HitRate : %f%%\n", TTStores, TTProbes, TTHits, ((float)TTHits/((float)TTProbes+1)) * 100); printf("NTries : %d NCuts : %d CutRate : %f%% TExt: %d\n", NTries, NCuts, (((float)NCuts*100)/((float)NTries+1)), TExt); printf("Check extensions: %d Razor drops : %d Razor Material : %d\n", ext_check, razor_drop, razor_material); printf("EGTB Hits: %d EGTB Probes: %d Efficiency: %3.1f%%\n", EGTBHits, EGTBProbes, (((float)EGTBHits*100)/(float)(EGTBProbes+1))); printf("Move ordering : %f%%\n", (((float)FHF*100)/(float)(FH+1))); printf("Material score: %d Eval : %d White hand: %d Black hand : %d\n", Material, (int)eval(), white_hand_eval, black_hand_eval); printf("Hash : %X HoldHash : %X\n", (unsigned)hash, (unsigned)hold_hash); /* check to see if we mate our opponent with our current move: */ if (!result) { if (xb_mode) { /* safety in place here */ if (comp_move.from != dummy.from || != printf ("move %s\n", output); if (Variant == Bughouse) { CheckBadFlow(FALSE); } } else { if (comp_move.from != dummy.from || != printf ("\n%s\n", output); } } else { if (xb_mode) { if (comp_move.from != dummy.from || != printf ("move %s\n", output); } else { if (comp_move.from != dummy.from || != printf ("\n%s\n", output); } if (result == white_is_mated) { printf ("0-1 {Black Mates}\n"); } else if (result == black_is_mated) { printf ("1-0 {White Mates}\n"); } else if (result == draw_by_fifty) { printf ("1/2-1/2 {Fifty move rule}\n"); } else if (result == draw_by_rep) { printf ("1/2-1/2 {3 fold repetition}\n"); } else { printf ("1/2-1/2 {Draw}\n"); } automode = 0; } } /* we have been mated or stalemated: */ else { if (result == white_is_mated) { printf ("0-1 {Black Mates}\n"); } else if (result == black_is_mated) { printf ("1-0 {White Mates}\n"); } else if (result == draw_by_fifty) { printf ("1/2-1/2 {Fifty move rule}\n"); } else if (result == draw_by_rep) { printf ("1/2-1/2 {3 fold repetition}\n"); } else { printf ("1/2-1/2 {Draw}\n"); } automode = 0; } } } /* get our input: */ if (!xb_mode) { if (show_board) { printf ("\n"); display_board (stdout, 1-comp_color); } if (!automode) { printf ("Sjeng: "); rinput (input, STR_BUFF, stdin); } } else { /* start pondering */ if ((must_sit || (allow_pondering && !is_edit_mode && !force_mode && move_number != 0) || is_analyzing) && !result && !automode) { is_pondering = TRUE; think(); is_pondering = FALSE; ply = 0; } if (!automode) { rinput (input, STR_BUFF, stdin); } } /* check to see if we have a move. If it's legal, play it. */ if (!is_edit_mode && is_move (&input[0])) { if (verify_coord (input, &move)) { if (confirm_moves) printf ("Legal move: %s\n", input); game_history[move_number] = move; hash_history[move_number] = hash; make (&move, 0); game_history_x[move_number++] = path_x[0]; reset_piece_square (); root_to_move ^= 1; if (book_ply < 40) { if (!book_ply) { strcpy(opening_history, input); } else { strcat(opening_history, input); } } book_ply++; if (show_board) { printf ("\n"); display_board (stdout, 1-comp_color); } } else { printf ("Illegal move: %s\n", input); } } else { /* make everything lower case for convenience: */ /* GCP: except for setboard, which is case sensitive */ if (!strstr(input, "setboard")) for (p = input; *p; p++) *p = tolower (*p); /* command parsing: */ if (!strcmp (input, "quit") || (!input[0] && feof(stdin))) { safe_fclose(lrn_standard); safe_fclose(lrn_zh); safe_fclose(lrn_suicide); safe_fclose(lrn_losers); free_hash(); free_ecache(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (!strcmp (input, "exit")) { if (is_analyzing) { is_analyzing = FALSE; is_pondering = FALSE; time_for_move = 0; } else { safe_fclose(lrn_standard); safe_fclose(lrn_zh); safe_fclose(lrn_suicide); safe_fclose(lrn_losers); free_hash(); free_ecache(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } } else if (!strcmp (input, "diagram") || !strcmp (input, "d")) { toggle_bool (&show_board); } else if (!strncmp (input, "perft", 5)) { sscanf (input+6, "%d", &depth); raw_nodes = 0; xstart_time = rtime(); perft (depth); printf ("Raw nodes for depth %d: %d\n", depth, raw_nodes); printf("Time : %.2f\n", (float)rdifftime(rtime(), xstart_time)/100.); } else if (!strcmp (input, "confirm_moves")) { confirm_moves = TRUE; printf("Will now confirm moves.\n"); } else if (!strcmp (input, "new")) { if (xb_mode) { printf("tellics set 1 Sjeng " VERSION " (2001-9-28/%s)\n", setcode); } if (!is_analyzing) { memcpy(material, std_material, sizeof(std_material)); Variant = Normal; // memcpy(material, zh_material, sizeof(zh_material)); //Variant = Crazyhouse; init_game (); initialize_hash(); if (!braindeadinterface) { clear_tt(); init_book(); reset_ecache(); } force_mode = FALSE; must_sit = FALSE; go_fast = FALSE; piecedead = FALSE; partnerdead = FALSE; kibitzed = FALSE; fixed_time = FALSE; root_to_move = WHITE; comp_color = 0; move_number = 0; hash_history[move_number] = 0; bookidx = 0; my_rating = opp_rating = 2000; must_go = 0; tradefreely = 1; automode = 0; CheckBadFlow(TRUE); ResetHandValue(); } else { init_game (); move_number = 0; } } else if (!strcmp (input, "xboard")) { xb_mode = TRUE; toggle_bool (&show_board); signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); printf ("\n"); /* Reset f5 in case we left with partner */ printf("tellics set f5 1=1\n"); BegForPartner(); } else if (!strcmp (input, "nodes")) { printf ("Number of nodes: %d (%0.2f%% qnodes)\n", nodes, (float) ((float) qnodes / (float) nodes * 100.0)); } else if (!strcmp (input, "nps")) { elapsed = (cpu_end-cpu_start)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; nps = (float) nodes/(float) elapsed; if (!elapsed) printf ("NPS: N/A\n"); else printf ("NPS: %d\n", (int32_t) nps); } else if (!strcmp (input, "post")) { toggle_bool (&post); if (xb_mode) post = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (input, "nopost")) { post = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (input, "random")) { continue; } else if (!strcmp (input, "hard")) { allow_pondering = TRUE; continue; } else if (!strcmp (input, "easy")) { allow_pondering = FALSE; continue; } else if (!strcmp (input, "?")) { continue; } else if (!strcmp (input, "white")) { white_to_move = 1; root_to_move = WHITE; comp_color = 0; } else if (!strcmp (input, "black")) { white_to_move = 0; root_to_move = BLACK; comp_color = 1; } else if (!strcmp (input, "force")) { force_mode = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (input, "eval")) { check_phase(); printf("Eval: %d\n", (int)eval()); } else if (!strcmp (input, "go")) { comp_color = white_to_move; force_mode = FALSE; } else if (!strncmp (input, "time", 4)) { sscanf (input+5, "%d", &time_left); } else if (!strncmp (input, "otim", 4)) { sscanf (input+5, "%d", &opp_time); } else if (!strncmp (input, "level", 5)) { if (strstr(input+6, ":")) { /* time command with seconds */ sscanf (input+6, "%d %d:%d %d", &moves_to_tc, &min_per_game, &sec_per_game, &inc); time_left = (min_per_game*6000) + (sec_per_game * 100); opp_time = time_left; } else { /* extract the time controls: */ sscanf (input+6, "%d %d %d", &moves_to_tc, &min_per_game, &inc); time_left = min_per_game*6000; opp_time = time_left; } fixed_time = FALSE; time_cushion = 0; } else if (!strncmp (input, "rating", 6)) { sscanf (input+7, "%d %d", &my_rating, &opp_rating); if (my_rating == 0) my_rating = 2000; if (opp_rating == 0) opp_rating = 2000; } else if (!strncmp (input, "holding", 7)) { ProcessHoldings(input); } else if (!strncmp (input, "variant", 7)) { if (strstr(input, "normal")) { Variant = Normal; memcpy(material, std_material, sizeof(std_material)); init_book(); } else if (strstr(input, "crazyhouse")) { Variant = Crazyhouse; memcpy(material, zh_material, sizeof(zh_material)); init_book(); } else if (strstr(input, "bughouse")) { Variant = Bughouse; memcpy(material, zh_material, sizeof(zh_material)); init_book(); } else if (strstr(input, "suicide")) { Variant = Suicide; Giveaway = FALSE; memcpy(material, suicide_material, sizeof(suicide_material)); init_book(); } else if (strstr(input, "giveaway")) { Variant = Suicide; Giveaway = TRUE; memcpy(material, suicide_material, sizeof(suicide_material)); init_book(); } else if (strstr(input, "losers")) { Variant = Losers; memcpy(material, losers_material, sizeof(losers_material)); init_book(); } initialize_hash(); clear_tt(); reset_ecache(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "analyze", 7)) { is_analyzing = TRUE; is_pondering = TRUE; think(); ply = 0; } else if (!strncmp (input, "undo", 4)) { printf("Move number : %d\n", move_number); if (move_number > 0) { ply = 1; path_x[0] = game_history_x[--move_number]; unmake(&game_history[move_number], 0); reset_piece_square(); root_to_move ^= 1; } result = 0; } else if (!strncmp (input, "remove", 5)) { if (move_number > 1) { ply = 1; path_x[0] = game_history_x[--move_number]; unmake(&game_history[move_number], 0); reset_piece_square(); ply = 1; path_x[0] = game_history_x[--move_number]; unmake(&game_history[move_number], 0); reset_piece_square(); } result = 0; } else if (!strncmp (input, "edit", 4)) { is_edit_mode = TRUE; edit_color = WHITE; } else if (!strncmp (input, ".", 1) && is_edit_mode) { is_edit_mode = FALSE; if (wking_loc == 30) white_castled = no_castle; if (bking_loc == 114) black_castled = no_castle; book_ply = 50; ep_square = 0; move_number = 0; memset(opening_history, 0, sizeof(opening_history)); clear_tt(); initialize_hash(); reset_piece_square(); } else if (is_edit_mode && !strncmp (input, "c", 1)) { if (edit_color == WHITE) edit_color = BLACK; else edit_color = WHITE; } else if (is_edit_mode && !strncmp (input, "#", 1)) { reset_board(); move_number = 0; } else if (is_edit_mode && isalpha(input[0]) && isalpha(input[1]) && isdigit(input[2])) { PutPiece(edit_color, input[0], input[1], input[2]); } else if (!strncmp (input, "partner", 7)) { HandlePartner(input+7); } else if (!strncmp (input, "$partner", 8)) { HandlePartner(input+8); } else if (!strncmp (input, "ptell", 5)) { HandlePtell(input); } else if (!strncmp (input, "test", 4)) { run_epd_testsuite(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "st", 2)) { sscanf(input+3, "%d", &fixed_time); fixed_time = fixed_time * 100; } else if (!strncmp (input, "book", 4)) { build_book(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "speed", 5)) { speed_test(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "result", 6)) { if (cfg_booklearn) { if (strstr (input+7, "1-0")) { if (comp_color == 1) book_learning(WIN); else book_learning(LOSS); } else if (strstr(input+7, "0-1")) { if (comp_color == 1) book_learning(LOSS); else book_learning(WIN); } else if (strstr(input+7, "1/2-1/2")) { book_learning(DRAW); }; } } else if (!strncmp (input, "prove", 5)) { printf("\nMax time to search (s): "); start_time = rtime(); rinput(readbuff, STR_BUFF, stdin); pn_time = atoi(readbuff) * 100; printf("\n"); proofnumbersearch(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "ping", 4)) { sscanf (input+5, "%d", &pingnum); printf("pong %d\n", pingnum); } else if (!strncmp (input, "fritz", 5)) { braindeadinterface = TRUE; } else if (!strncmp (input, "reset", 5)) { memcpy(material, std_material, sizeof(std_material)); Variant = Normal; init_game (); initialize_hash(); clear_tt(); init_book(); reset_ecache(); force_mode = FALSE; fixed_time = FALSE; root_to_move = WHITE; comp_color = 0; move_number = 0; bookidx = 0; my_rating = opp_rating = 2000; } else if (!strncmp (input, "setboard", 8)) { setup_epd_line(input+9); } else if (!strncmp (input, "buildegtb", 9)) { Variant = Suicide; gen_all_tables(); } else if (!strncmp (input, "lookup", 6)) { Variant = Suicide; printf("Value : %d\n", egtb(white_to_move)); } else if (!strncmp (input, ".", 1)) { /* periodic updating and were not searching */ /* most likely due to proven mate */ continue; } else if (!strncmp (input, "sd", 2)) { sscanf(input+3, "%d", &maxdepth); printf("New max depth set to: %d\n", maxdepth); continue; } else if (!strncmp (input, "auto", 4)) { automode = 1; continue; } else if (!strncmp (input, "protover", 8)) { printf("feature ping=1 setboard=1 playother=0 san=0 usermove=0 time=1\n"); printf("feature draw=0 sigint=0 sigterm=0 reuse=1 analyze=1\n"); printf("feature myname=\"Sjeng " VERSION "\"\n"); printf("feature variants=\"normal,bughouse,crazyhouse,suicide,giveaway,losers\"\n"); printf("feature colors=1 ics=0 name=0 pause=0 done=1\n"); xb_mode = 2; } else if (!strncmp (input, "accepted", 8)) { /* do nothing as of yet */ } else if (!strncmp (input, "rejected", 8)) { printf("Interface does not support a required feature...expect trouble.\n"); } else if (!strncmp (input, "warranty", 8)) { printf("\n BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY\n" "FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN\n" "OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES\n" "PROVIDE THE PROGRAM \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED\n" "OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF\n" "MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS\n" "TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE\n" "PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING,\n" "REPAIR OR CORRECTION.\n" "\n"); printf(" IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING\n" "WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR\n" "REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES,\n" "INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING\n" "OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED\n" "TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY\n" "YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER\n" "PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE\n" "POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\n\n"); } else if (!strncmp (input, "distribution", 12)) { printf("\n You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's\n" "source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you\n" "conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate\n" "copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the\n" "notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;\n" "and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License\n" "along with the Program.\n" "\n" "You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and\n" "you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.\n\n"); } else if (!strcmp (input, "help")) { printf ("\n%s\n\n", divider); printf ("diagram/d: toggle diagram display\n"); printf ("exit/quit: terminate Sjeng\n"); printf ("go: make Sjeng play the side to move\n"); printf ("new: start a new game\n"); printf ("level <x>: the xboard style command to set time\n"); printf (" <x> should be in the form: <a> <b> <c> where:\n"); printf (" a -> moves to TC (0 if using an ICS style TC)\n"); printf (" b -> minutes per game\n"); printf (" c -> increment in seconds\n"); printf ("nodes: outputs the number of nodes searched\n"); printf ("nps: outputs Sjeng's NPS in search\n"); printf ("perft <x>: compute raw nodes to depth x\n"); printf ("post: toggles thinking output\n"); printf ("xboard: put Sjeng into xboard mode\n"); printf ("test: run an EPD testsuite\n"); printf ("speed: test movegen and evaluation speed\n"); printf ("warranty: show warranty details\n"); printf ("distribution: show distribution details\n"); printf( "proof: try to prove or disprove the current pos\n"); printf( "sd <x>: limit thinking to depth x\n"); printf( "st <x>: limit thinking to x centiseconds\n"); printf( "setboard <FEN>: set board to a specified FEN string\n"); printf( "undo: back up a half move\n"); printf( "remove: back up a full move\n"); printf( "force: disable computer moving\n"); printf( "auto: computer plays both sides\n"); printf ("\n%s\n\n", divider); show_board = 0; } else if (!xb_mode) { printf ("Illegal move: %s\n", input); } } } return 0; }