Esempio n. 1
    Read a received character if one is
    available.  Return -1 otherwise.
int serial_getc(int channel)
	if (inreg(channel, LSR) & LSR_DR) {
		return inreg(channel, RBR);
	return -1;
Esempio n. 2
void serial_loopback(int flag)
    if (flag)
        outreg(MCR, inreg(MCR) | MCR_LOOP);		/* enable loop back mode */
        outreg(MCR, inreg(MCR) & ~MCR_LOOP);	/* disable loop back mode */
Esempio n. 3
/* Read a received character if one is available.  Return -1 otherwise. */
int serial_getc(void)
    if (inreg(LSR) & LSR_DR)
         return inreg(DataIn);

    return -1;
Esempio n. 4
/* Read a received character if one is available.  Return -1 otherwise. */
int serial_getc()
    if (inreg(LSR) & LSR_DR)
        return inreg(DataIn);
    return -1;
Esempio n. 5
static int bus_test ()
    unsigned char	out, in;
    int			bitpos;
    volatile int 	junk;

    junk = (int) &junk;	/* Don't let compiler optimize or "registerize" */

    outreg(SCR,0);		/* Clear scratchpad register */

    for (bitpos = 0; bitpos < 8; bitpos++)
        out = 1 << bitpos;

        outreg(SCR,out);	/* Write data to scratchpad reg. */

        junk = ~0;			/* Force data lines high */

        in = inreg(SCR);	/* Read data */

        printf ("%02X ", in);

        /* make sure it's what we wrote */
        if (in != out)
            return (0);
    outreg(SCR,0);	/* Clear scratchpad register */
    printf ("\n");

    return (1);
Esempio n. 6
 * Set the baud rate.
void serial_set(unsigned long baud)
    unsigned char sav_lcr;

    if(baud == 0)
        baud = 9600L;

     * Enable access to the divisor latches by setting DLAB in LCR.
    sav_lcr = inreg(LCR);
    outreg(LCR, LCR_DLAB | sav_lcr);

     * Set divisor latches.
    outreg(BaudLsb, XTAL/(16*baud));
    outreg(BaudMsb, (XTAL/(16*baud)) >> 8);

     * Restore line control register
    outreg(LCR, sav_lcr);
Esempio n. 7
 * Initialize the device driver.
void serial_init(void)
    /* If the serial port has been init'd before, there may be data in it  */
    /* Wait for the transmit FIFO to empty out before resetting anything   */
    if (duart_already_init == TRUE)
        while (!(inreg(LSR) & LSR_TSRE));

    * Configure active port, (uart_unit already set.)
    * Set 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
    * LCR<7>       0       divisor latch access bit
    * LCR<6>       0       break control (1=send break)
    * LCR<5>       0       stick parity (0=space, 1=mark)
    * LCR<4>       0       parity even (0=odd, 1=even)
    * LCR<3>       0       parity enable (1=enabled)
    * LCR<2>       0       # stop bits (0=1, 1=1.5)
    * LCR<1:0>     11      bits per character(00=5, 01=6, 10=7, 11=8)

    outreg(LCR, 0x3);

    /* Assert DTR and RTS to prevent hardware handshake problems with
       serial terminals, etc. which can be connected to the serial port */
    outreg(MCR, MCR_DTR | MCR_RTS);

    outreg(FCR, FIFO_ENABLE);   /* Enable the FIFO                 */
    outreg(IER, INT_ENABLE);    /* Enable appropriate interrupts   */

Esempio n. 8
   Set the baud rate.
void serial_set(int channel, unsigned long baud)
	unsigned char sav_lcr;

	 * Enable access to the divisor latches by setting DLAB in LCR.
	sav_lcr = inreg(channel, LCR);

#if 0
	 * Set baud rate
	outreg(channel, LCR, LCR_DLAB | sav_lcr);
	//  outreg(DLL,(XTAL/(16*2*(baud))-2));
	outreg(channel, DLL, XTAL / (16 * baud));
	//  outreg(DLM,(XTAL/(16*2*(baud))-2)>>8);
	outreg(channel, DLM, (XTAL / (16 * baud)) >> 8);
	 * Note: Set baud rate, hardcoded here for rate of 115200
	 * since became unsure of above "buad rate" algorithm (??).
	outreg(channel, LCR, 0x83);
	outreg(channel, DLM, 0x00);	// See note above
	outreg(channel, DLL, 0x02);	// See note above.
	outreg(channel, LCR, 0x03);

	 * Restore line control register
	outreg(channel, LCR, sav_lcr);
Esempio n. 9
static int mb862xx_i2c_read_byte(struct i2c_adapter *adap, u8 *byte, int last)
	struct mb862xxfb_par *par = adap->algo_data;

	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BCR, I2C_START | (last ? 0 : I2C_ACK));
	if (!mb862xx_i2c_wait_event(adap))
		return 0;
	*byte = inreg(i2c, GC_I2C_DAR);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 10
static int mb862xx_i2c_write_byte(struct i2c_adapter *adap, u8 byte)
	struct mb862xxfb_par *par = adap->algo_data;

	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_DAR, byte);
	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BCR, I2C_START);
	if (!mb862xx_i2c_wait_event(adap))
		return -EIO;
	return !(inreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BSR) & I2C_LRB);
Esempio n. 11
static void uart_isr (int unused)
    unsigned char iir;

    disable_uart_ints ();
    uart_int = 1;

    /* read the IIR to clear the interrupt */
    iir = inreg(IIR);

    return ;
Esempio n. 12
static int mb862xx_i2c_do_address(struct i2c_adapter *adap, int addr)
	struct mb862xxfb_par *par = adap->algo_data;

	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_DAR, addr);
	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_CCR, I2C_CLOCK_AND_ENABLE);
	outreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BCR, par->i2c_rs ? I2C_REPEATED_START : I2C_START);
	if (!mb862xx_i2c_wait_event(adap))
		return -EIO;
	par->i2c_rs = !(inreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BSR) & I2C_LRB);
	return par->i2c_rs;
Esempio n. 13
static int mb862xx_i2c_wait_event(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
	struct mb862xxfb_par *par = adap->algo_data;
	u32 reg;

	do {
		reg = inreg(i2c, GC_I2C_BCR);
		if (reg & (I2C_INT | I2C_BER))
	} while (1);

	return (reg & I2C_BER) ? 0 : 1;
Esempio n. 14
/* Transmit a character. */
void serial_putc(int c)
    while ((inreg(LSR) & LSR_THRE) == 0)
    outreg(DataOut, c);
Esempio n. 15
   Transmit a character.
void serial_putc(int channel, int c)
	while ((inreg(channel, LSR) & LSR_THRE) == 0);
	outreg(channel, THR, c);