int main() { struct test *dummy; size_t size = 13; HASHTABLE init = init_hash(dummy, size, (void *)casting); strcpy(, "entry\0"); strcpy(, "hello\0"); strcpy(, "12345\0"); point_one.x = 5; point_one.y = 20; point_sec.x = 17; point_sec.y = 30; point_thi.x = 11; point_thi.y = 2350; insertHash(init,, &point_one); insertHash(init,, &point_sec); insertHash(init,, &point_thi); dummy = getHash(init,; printf("Output Name: %s, x: %d, y: %d\n", dummy->name, dummy->x, dummy->y); return 1; }
/* ================== buildHead ================= This function creates the header structure that contains pointers to the tree and the hash table. It also calls other functions to read in the data file. Pre pHeader - pointer to HEAD structure fileInput - name of the file Post both the tree and the hash table are created. Return pointer to create HEAD structure */ HEAD* buildHead (HEAD* pHeader, char* fileInput) { // Local Declarations DATA* newAirport; FILE* fpIn; // Statements fpIn = fopen(fileInput, "r"); if (!fpIn) { printf("Error opening input file\n"); exit(101); } if ((pHeader = (HEAD*) malloc(sizeof(HEAD)))) { pHeader->pHash = buildHash(2 * countLines(fileInput)); pHeader->pTree = BST_Create(compareCode); } else{ printf("Memory allocation error\n"); exit(100); } while (getData(pHeader->pTree, fpIn, &newAirport)) { BST_Insert(pHeader->pTree, newAirport); insertHash(pHeader->pHash, newAirport); } return pHeader; } // buildHead
/* ================== addAirport ================= This function adds another element of data into both the tree and hash table, through the user's input from keyboard. Pre pHeader - pointer to HEAD structure Post Return true if success false if fails */ bool addAirport (HEAD* pHeader) { // Local Declarations bool result = false; DATA tempAirport; DATA* newAirport = NULL; char tempCode [28]; char tempName [128]; int i; printf ("Enter airport code: "); scanf (" %s", tempCode); if (strlen(tempCode) != 3) { printf("Your airport code has to have 3 characters\n"); return result; } for (i = 0; i<strlen(tempCode); i++) { tempCode[i] = toupper(tempCode[i]); } strcpy(tempAirport.arpCode, tempCode); newAirport = findHash(pHeader->pHash, &tempAirport); if (newAirport == NULL) { if (!(newAirport = (DATA*) malloc(sizeof(DATA)))) { printf("Error allocating new airport\n"); exit(100); } strcpy(newAirport->arpCode, tempCode); printf("Enter airport city: "); scanf(" %[^\n]", tempName); newAirport->city = (char*) calloc(strlen(tempName) + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(newAirport->city, tempName); printf("Enter airport latitude: "); while(!(scanf("%f", &newAirport->latitude))) { printf("Invalid input, please try entering the latitude again: "); while(getchar() != '\n'); } printf("Enter airport longitude: "); while(!(scanf("%f", &newAirport->longitude))) { printf("Invalid input, please try entering the longitude again: "); while(getchar() != '\n'); } insertHash(pHeader->pHash, newAirport); BST_Insert(pHeader->pTree, newAirport); result = true; } else{ printf("This airport already exists\n"); processScreen(newAirport); } return result; } // addAirport
/** Reinitialize hash list. @internal */ void KZoneAllocator::initHash() { if (d->hashList) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d->hashSize; i++) { delete d->hashList[i]; } delete [] d->hashList; d->hashList = 0; } d->hashSize = 1; while (d->hashSize < d->num_blocks) { d->hashSize <<= 1; } if (d->hashSize < 1024) { d->hashSize = 1024; } if (d->hashSize > 64 * 1024) { d->hashSize = 64 * 1024; } d->hashList = new QList<MemBlock *> *[d->hashSize]; memset(d->hashList, 0, sizeof(QList<MemBlock *> *) * d->hashSize); d->hashDirty = false; for (MemBlock *b = d->currentBlock; b; b = b->older) { insertHash(b); } }
void searchName (HEAD* head) { HASH* hashTable = head->pHash; int found = 0; int i; int key; LIST_NODE* tempNode = NULL; LIST_NODE* tempPre = NULL; CRICKET* player = NULL; char* searchVal; char searchValTemp[30]; printf(" Enter a name to search: "); gets(searchValTemp); searchVal = makeString(searchValTemp); searchVal = makeToupper(searchVal); key = convertToHash(searchVal); tempNode = hashTable[key].list; while (tempNode != NULL && !found) { if (strcmp(searchVal, ((CRICKET*)(tempNode->dataPtr))->name)==0) { player = tempNode->dataPtr; found = 1; playerStats(player); disconnectNode(tempNode, tempPre, hashTable, key); } if (!found) { tempPre = tempNode; tempNode = tempNode->next; } } if (!found) printf(" Player not found\n"); else { insertHash(player, hashTable, key); free(tempNode); hashTable[key].count--; } free(searchVal); return; }
/** Add a new memory block to the pool of blocks, and reorganize the hash lists if needed. @param b block to add @internal */ void KZoneAllocator::addBlock(MemBlock *b) { b->newer = 0; b->older = currentBlock; if (currentBlock) b->older->newer = b; currentBlock = b; num_blocks++; /* If we either have no hashList at all, or since it's last construction there are now many more blocks we reconstruct the list. But don't make it larger than a certain maximum. */ if (hashList && ((num_blocks / 4) > hashSize && hashSize < 64*1024)) hashDirty = true; /* Only insert this block into the hashlists, if we aren't going to reconstruct them anyway. */ if (hashList && !hashDirty) insertHash (b); }
/** Reinitialize hash list. @internal */ void KZoneAllocator::initHash() { if (hashList) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashSize; i++) delete hashList[i]; delete [] hashList; hashList = 0; } hashSize = 1; while (hashSize < num_blocks) hashSize <<= 1; if (hashSize < 1024) hashSize = 1024; if (hashSize > 64*1024) hashSize = 64*1024; hashList = new QValueList<MemBlock *> *[hashSize]; memset (hashList, 0, sizeof(QValueList<MemBlock*> *) * hashSize); hashDirty = false; for (MemBlock *b = currentBlock; b; b = b->older) insertHash(b); }
/** * Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false. */ bool load(const char* dictionary) { // open the dictionary file FILE* dict = fopen(dictionary, "r"); //check to make sure the dictionary file opened if (dict != NULL) return false; //create a hashTable of words HashTable ht[HASHTABLE_SIZE]; //read in the words one at a time int word[LENGTH]; do { for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) { word[i] = fgetc(dict); //check if the eol marker was reached if (word[i] == '\n') break; } //calculate the hash value for the word int hash = getHash(word, HASHTABLE_SIZE); insertHash(ht, word, hash); }while (feof(dict) != 0); //close the dictionary file fclose(dict); return false; }
int main() { int Msize,n,i=0,ctrl,flag=0; hash hashTable; scanf("%d %d",&Msize,&n); while(!isPrime(Msize)) //如果不是素数 Msize++; hashTable.table=(int*)malloc(Msize*sizeof(int)); memset(hashTable.table,0,Msize*sizeof(int)); hashTable.Msize=Msize; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ ctrl=insertHash(&hashTable); if(!flag) flag=1; else printf(" "); if(ctrl!=-1) printf("%d",ctrl); else printf("-"); } return 0; }
void BufRead(int blkno, void* pData) { Buf* pBuf; pBuf = BufFind(blkno); if( pBuf != NULL ) { removeLru(blkno); insertLru(pBuf); copyBlock((char*)pBuf->pMem, (char*)pData); return; } pBuf = popFree(); pBuf->blkno = blkno; //pBuf->pMem = (void*)malloc(BLOCK_SIZE); DevReadBlock(blkno, (char*)pBuf->pMem); insertHash(pBuf); insertClean(pBuf); removeLru(blkno); insertLru(pBuf); copyBlock((char*)pBuf->pMem, (char*)pData); }
int main(void) { printf("\n"); printf("TESTING HASHTABLE ADT\n"); printf("\n"); /* createHash testing */ hashTable * newTable; newTable = createHash(10); printf("\t---CREATEHASH\n"); printf("Input to createHash: 10\n"); printf("Return from createHash: %p\n", newTable); printf("The element of the hashtable representing table size: %d\n", newTable->hashSize); printf("\n"); /* phoneHashFunction testing */ printf("\t---PHONEHASHFUNCTION\n"); printf("Input: integer array containing {9, 0, 5, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4, 7, 0},\n"); printf(" %p (the pointer value for the table we just created)\n", newTable); int testNum[10] = {9, 0, 5, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4, 7, 0}; printf("Output: %d\n", phoneHashFunction(testNum, newTable)); printf("Expecting zero if the hash table size is 10 and the last digit in the number is 0"); printf("\n"); /* insertHash testing */ printf("\t---INSERTHASH\n"); char * name = "John Smith\0"; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array containting the same numbers inputed for phone hash Function,\n"); printf(" %s (a string representing the name we wish to add)\n", name); insertHash(newTable, testNum, name); printf("Expected to be in the first index of the table and in the first node of the separate chain\n"); printf("Printing that location: Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->name); int x; for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); //Testing anotuher name printf("-\n"); printf("- Adding another name corresponding to the same index -\n"); printf("-\n"); char * name2 = "Jane Doe\0"; testNum[0] = 3; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array corresponding with the same number with a changed first digit,\n"); printf(" %s (a string representing the name submitted\n", name2); insertHash(newTable, testNum, name2); printf("Expected to be in the first index of the table and in the first node of the separate chain since we added it to the front\n"); printf("Printing that location: Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->name); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); printf("Printing the second node: Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->next->data)->name); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->next->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); printf("-\n"); printf("- Adding another name corresponding to a different index\n"); printf("-\n"); char * name3 = "Jake Hurrell\0"; testNum[9] = 1; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array corresponding with the same number as Jane Doe with a changed last digit,\n"); printf(" %s (a string representing the name submitted\n", name2); insertHash(newTable, testNum, name3); printf("Expected to be in the SECOND index of the table and in the first node of the separate chain.\n"); printf("Printing that location: Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[1]->data)->name); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[1]->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); printf("And just to be absolutely certain, printing the first index-first node, first index-second node respectively below\n"); printf("Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->name); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); printf("Name: \"%s\", Number: \"", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->next->data)->name); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d", ((person*)newTable->listHead[0]->next->data)->phoneNum[x]); printf("\"\n"); printf("\n"); /* lookUpHash testing */ printf("\t---LOOKUPHASH\n"); int lookUpNum[10] = {9, 0, 5, 4, 1, 6, 6, 4, 7, 0}; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array: "); for (x = 0; x < 10; ++x) printf("%d ", lookUpNum[x]); printf("\n"); printf("Expected output: <John Smith>\n"); char * output; output = lookUpHash(newTable, lookUpNum); printf("Output: <%s>\n", output); free(output); printf("- Another -\n"); lookUpNum[0] = 3; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array corresponding to a phone number for Jane Doe previously inserted\n"); printf("Expected output: <Jane Doe>\n"); output = lookUpHash(newTable, lookUpNum); printf("Output: <%s>\n", output); free(output); lookUpNum[9] = 1; lookUpNum[0] = 9; printf("- Another -\n"); printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" integer array corresponding to a phone number for Jake Hurrell previously inserted\n"); printf("Expected output: <Jake Hurrell>\n"); output = lookUpHash(newTable, lookUpNum); printf("Output: <%s>\n", output); free(output); printf("- Another -\n"); lookUpNum[0] = 3; lookUpNum[9] = 1; printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printf(" an integer array corresponding to a person not in the table (0054166471)\n"); printf("Expected output: an error message\n"); output = lookUpHash(newTable, lookUpNum); printf("Output: <%s>\n", output); printf("\n"); /* printTable testing */ printf("\t---PRINTTABLE\n"); printf("Input: %p (the pointer value for the table we just created),\n", newTable); printTable(newTable); printf("\n"); printf("END TESTING HASHTABLE ADT\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; }
/* Rehashing the hash table whenever the load factor is greater than or equal to 75% PRE: hash - pointer to the header of the hash table load - int ( the load factor) POST: return the updated hash table (either the new one after rehash or the old one) */ HASH *rehash(HASH *hash, int load) { int i, count, success; int size = ((load*100)/hash->size); int flag = 0; DATA exc; DATA *temp; HASH *out = NULL; if( size >= 75) { printf("The hash table is going to rehash!\n"); printf(".\n"); printf("..\n"); printf("...\n"); size = getPrime(load*2); out = createHashTable(size); for (i = 0; i < hash->size; i++) { flag = 0; if(hash->table[i] != NULL) { strcpy(exc.CCN, hash->table[i].card.CCN); exc.cvc = hash->table[i].card.cvc; = hash->table[i]; strcpy(exc.exp,hash->table[i].card.exp); insertHash(out, exc); if (hash->table[i].list->count != 0) { count = hash->table[i].list->count; while(flag < count) { success = removeSNODE(hash->table[i].list, hash->table[i].list->head->dataPtr, (void**)&temp); if(success) { strcpy(exc.CCN, temp->CCN); exc.cvc = temp->cvc; = temp->name; strcpy(exc.exp, temp->exp); insertHash (out, exc); free(temp); } flag++; } } } free(hash->table[i].list); } free(hash->table); free(hash); hash = out; printf("DONE rehashing!\n"); } else printf("The efficiency is less than 75. No rehashing!\n"); return hash; }
//=================================================================== // Reads in the data from a file and inserts into BST and hashed // array. //=================================================================== void readInFile(DATA_HEAD *data) { FILE *dataFile; COMPANY *companyNode; char filename[MAX_CHARS], tmpName[MAX_CHARS]; char ch; int tmpRev, tmpProfit, tmpNumEmployee; int i = 0, isDuplicate, len, size; do { printf("Please enter a filename [enter for default]:"); fgets(filename, MAX_CHARS, stdin); if (filename[0] == '\n') strcpy(filename, default_file); else { //flush new line len = strlen(filename); if (filename[len - 1] == '\n' || filename[len - 1] == '\r') filename[len - 1] = '\0'; // change '\n' to '\0' else // no '\n' read, so flush to '\n' while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != '\r'); } dataFile = fopen(filename, "r"); } while(!dataFile); //Creates structures data->pTree = createBST(myStringCompare); data->pStack = createStack(); size = getArrSize(dataFile); //need to reopen connection dataFile = fopen(filename, "r"); data->arraySize = size; data->count = 0; data->pHash = (HASH *)malloc(sizeof(DATA_HEAD) *data->arraySize); //initialize hashed array for (i = 0; i < data->arraySize; i++) { data->pHash[i].status = 0; data->pHash[i].numOfCollisions = 0; data->pHash[i].numOfProbes = 0; data->pHash[i].hashData = NULL; } //Reads in, parses, mallocs, assigns while (fscanf(dataFile, " %[^,],%d,%d,%d[^\n]", tmpName, &tmpRev, &tmpProfit, &tmpNumEmployee) != EOF) { companyNode = (COMPANY *)malloc(sizeof(COMPANY)); //Checks to see if allocated properly if (!companyNode) exit(1); companyNode->companyName = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmpName) + 1); //Checks to see if allocated properly if (!(companyNode->companyName)) exit(1); strcpy(companyNode->companyName, tmpName); companyNode->numberOfEmployees = tmpNumEmployee; companyNode->revenuePerBillion = tmpRev; companyNode->profitPerMillion = tmpProfit; //Inserts company data (name, revenue, profit, employees) into the BST //If duplicate, print an error isDuplicate = searchHash(data, tmpName, companyNode); if (isDuplicate == 1) printf("ERROR: DUPLICATE DATA\n"); else { insertHash(data, companyNode); insertBST(data->pTree, companyNode); data->count++; } } printf("\nNumber Of Data Records read in: %d\n\n", data->count); fclose(dataFile); }