Esempio n. 1
void MyTblPlnrAMUserAccess::insertRst(
			ListPlnrAMUserAccess& rst
			, bool transact
		) {
// IP myInsertRst.transact --- BEGIN
	if (transact) begin();
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
	if (transact) if (!commit()) for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
// IP myInsertRst.transact --- END
Esempio n. 2
void PgTblFmncRMFileMSample::insertRst(
			ListFmncRMFileMSample& rst
			, bool transact
		) {
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- BEGIN
	if (transact) begin();
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
	if (transact) if (!commit()) for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- END
Esempio n. 3
void PgTblPlnrJMUserState::insertRst(
			ListPlnrJMUserState& rst
			, bool transact
		) {
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- BEGIN
	if (transact) begin();
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
	if (transact) if (!commit()) for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- END
void PgTblFmncHistRMUserUniversal::insertRst(
			ListFmncHistRMUserUniversal& rst
			, bool transact
		) {
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- BEGIN
	if (transact) begin();
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
	if (transact) if (!commit()) for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
// IP pgInsertRst.transact --- END
Esempio n. 5
void MyTblFmncAMToolChar::insertRst(
			ListFmncAMToolChar& rst
			, bool transact
		) {
// IP myInsertRst.transact --- BEGIN
	if (transact) begin();
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
	if (transact) if (!commit()) for (unsigned int i=0;i<rst.nodes.size();i++) insertRec(rst.nodes[i]);
// IP myInsertRst.transact --- END
Esempio n. 6
ubigint TblFmncQPrsList::insertNewRec(
			FmncQPrsList** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const string Title
			, const string Firstname
			, const string Lastname
			, const ubigint grp
			, const string stubGrp
			, const ubigint own
			, const string stubOwn
			, const ubigint refFmncMOrg
			, const string stubRefFmncMOrg
			, const ubigint refFmncMAddress
			, const string stubRefFmncMAddress
			, const uint ixVSex
			, const string srefIxVSex
			, const string titIxVSex
			, const string Tel
			, const string Eml
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQPrsList* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQPrsList(0, jref, jnum, ref, Title, Firstname, Lastname, grp, stubGrp, own, stubOwn, refFmncMOrg, stubRefFmncMOrg, refFmncMAddress, stubRefFmncMAddress, ixVSex, srefIxVSex, titIxVSex, Tel, Eml);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 7
ubigint TblFmncQPrsMNOrg::insertNewRec(
			FmncQPrsMNOrg** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint mref
			, const string stubMref
			, const ubigint ref
			, const uint x1Startd
			, const string ftmX1Startd
			, const uint x1Stopd
			, const string ftmX1Stopd
			, const string srefKFunction
			, const string titSrefKFunction
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQPrsMNOrg* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQPrsMNOrg(0, jref, jnum, mref, stubMref, ref, x1Startd, ftmX1Startd, x1Stopd, ftmX1Stopd, srefKFunction, titSrefKFunction);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 8
ubigint TblFmncQFusMNTool::insertNewRec(
			FmncQFusMNTool** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint mref
			, const string stubMref
			, const ubigint ref
			, const ubigint trnRefFmncMPerson
			, const string stubTrnRefFmncMPerson
			, const string srefKLvl
			, const string titSrefKLvl
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQFusMNTool* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQFusMNTool(0, jref, jnum, mref, stubMref, ref, trnRefFmncMPerson, stubTrnRefFmncMPerson, srefKLvl, titSrefKLvl);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 9
ubigint TblPlnrQRtcList::insertNewRec(
			PlnrQRtcList** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const string sref
			, const uint hkIxVTbl
			, const string srefHkIxVTbl
			, const string titHkIxVTbl
			, const ubigint hkUref
			, const string stubHkUref
			, const ubigint refPlnrMDesign
			, const string stubRefPlnrMDesign
			, const ubigint refPlnrMLayer
			, const string stubRefPlnrMLayer
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrQRtcList* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrQRtcList(0, jref, jnum, ref, sref, hkIxVTbl, srefHkIxVTbl, titHkIxVTbl, hkUref, stubHkUref, refPlnrMDesign, stubRefPlnrMDesign, refPlnrMLayer, stubRefPlnrMLayer);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 10
ubigint TblFmncMSample::insertNewRec(
			FmncMSample** rec
			, const ubigint grp
			, const ubigint own
			, const ubigint supRefFmncMSample
			, const usmallint supLvl
			, const ubigint refFmncMArticle
			, const string sref
			, const string Material
			, const ubigint refJState
			, const uint ixVState
			, const string Comment
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncMSample* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncMSample(0, grp, own, supRefFmncMSample, supLvl, refFmncMArticle, sref, Material, refJState, ixVState, Comment);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 11
ubigint TblPlnrQArrKEnvKey::insertNewRec(
			PlnrQArrKEnvKey** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const uint klsNum
			, const bool Fixed
			, const string yesnoFixed
			, const string sref
			, const string Avail
			, const string Implied
			, const ubigint refJ
			, const string Title
			, const string Comment
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrQArrKEnvKey* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrQArrKEnvKey(0, jref, jnum, ref, klsNum, Fixed, yesnoFixed, sref, Avail, Implied, refJ, Title, Comment);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 12
ubigint TblPlnrQUsgAAccess::insertNewRec(
			PlnrQUsgAAccess** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const uint x1IxPlnrVCard
			, const string srefX1IxPlnrVCard
			, const string titX1IxPlnrVCard
			, const uint ixPlnrWUiaccess
			, const string srefsIxPlnrWUiaccess
			, const string titsIxPlnrWUiaccess
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrQUsgAAccess* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrQUsgAAccess(0, jref, jnum, ref, x1IxPlnrVCard, srefX1IxPlnrVCard, titX1IxPlnrVCard, ixPlnrWUiaccess, srefsIxPlnrWUiaccess, titsIxPlnrWUiaccess);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 13
ubigint TblFmncQStpKSteppar::insertNewRec(
			FmncQStpKSteppar** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const uint klsNum
			, const bool Fixed
			, const string yesnoFixed
			, const string sref
			, const string Avail
			, const string Implied
			, const ubigint refJ
			, const string Title
			, const string Comment
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQStpKSteppar* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQStpKSteppar(0, jref, jnum, ref, klsNum, Fixed, yesnoFixed, sref, Avail, Implied, refJ, Title, Comment);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 14
ubigint TblPlnrQUsrList::insertNewRec(
			PlnrQUsrList** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const ubigint refPlnrMPerson
			, const string stubRefPlnrMPerson
			, const string sref
			, const ubigint refPlnrMUsergroup
			, const string stubRefPlnrMUsergroup
			, const uint ixVState
			, const string srefIxVState
			, const string titIxVState
			, const uint ixPlnrVLocale
			, const string srefIxPlnrVLocale
			, const string titIxPlnrVLocale
			, const uint ixPlnrVUserlevel
			, const string srefIxPlnrVUserlevel
			, const string titIxPlnrVUserlevel
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrQUsrList* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrQUsrList(0, jref, jnum, ref, refPlnrMPerson, stubRefPlnrMPerson, sref, refPlnrMUsergroup, stubRefPlnrMUsergroup, ixVState, srefIxVState, titIxVState, ixPlnrVLocale, srefIxPlnrVLocale, titIxPlnrVLocale, ixPlnrVUserlevel, srefIxPlnrVUserlevel, titIxPlnrVUserlevel);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 15
ubigint TblPlnrQStkList::insertNewRec(
			PlnrQStkList** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const string sref
			, const uint ixVBasetype
			, const string srefIxVBasetype
			, const string titIxVBasetype
			, const ubigint dsnRefPlnrMDesign
			, const string stubDsnRefPlnrMDesign
			, const uint ixVModtype
			, const string srefIxVModtype
			, const string titIxVModtype
			, const uint ixVFlrAligntype
			, const string srefIxVFlrAligntype
			, const string titIxVFlrAligntype
			, const uint ixVCeilAligntype
			, const string srefIxVCeilAligntype
			, const string titIxVCeilAligntype
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrQStkList* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrQStkList(0, jref, jnum, ref, sref, ixVBasetype, srefIxVBasetype, titIxVBasetype, dsnRefPlnrMDesign, stubDsnRefPlnrMDesign, ixVModtype, srefIxVModtype, titIxVModtype, ixVFlrAligntype, srefIxVFlrAligntype, titIxVFlrAligntype, ixVCeilAligntype, srefIxVCeilAligntype, titIxVCeilAligntype);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 16
ubigint TblFmncMStep::insertNewRec(
			FmncMStep** rec
			, const ubigint grp
			, const ubigint own
			, const ubigint refFmncMActivity
			, const uint rlvIxVTbl
			, const ubigint rlvUref
			, const ubigint tplRefFmncMStep
			, const uint ixWFilecfg
			, const string Title
			, const uint start
			, const ubigint refFmncMPerson
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncMStep* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncMStep(0, grp, own, refFmncMActivity, rlvIxVTbl, rlvUref, tplRefFmncMStep, ixWFilecfg, Title, start, refFmncMPerson);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 17
ubigint TblFmncQSmpList::insertNewRec(
			FmncQSmpList** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const string sref
			, const ubigint supRefFmncMSample
			, const string stubSupRefFmncMSample
			, const ubigint refFmncMArticle
			, const string stubRefFmncMArticle
			, const string Material
			, const uint ixVState
			, const string srefIxVState
			, const string titIxVState
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQSmpList* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQSmpList(0, jref, jnum, ref, sref, supRefFmncMSample, stubSupRefFmncMSample, refFmncMArticle, stubRefFmncMArticle, Material, ixVState, srefIxVState, titIxVState);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
		Node *insertRec(Node *root, point cell, unsigned depth)
			// Tree is empty?
			if (root == NULL)
			   return new Node(root,cell);

			// Calculate current dimension (cd) of comparison
			unsigned cd = depth % k;

			// Compare the new point with root on current dimension 'cd'
			// and decide the left or right subtree
			double* firstLoc = cell.getLocation();
			double* secondLoc = root->cell.getLocation();
			if (firstLoc[cd] < (secondLoc[cd]))
				root->leftChild  = insertRec(root->leftChild, cell, depth + 1);
				root->rightChild = insertRec(root->rightChild, cell, depth + 1);

			return root;
Esempio n. 19
ubigint TblFmncRMFileMSample::insertNewRec(
			FmncRMFileMSample** rec
			, const ubigint refFmncMFile
			, const ubigint refFmncMSample
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncRMFileMSample* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncRMFileMSample(0, refFmncMFile, refFmncMSample);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 20
ubigint TblFmncSvcRMOrgMTool::insertNewRec(
			FmncSvcRMOrgMTool** rec
			, const ubigint refFmncMOrg
			, const ubigint refFmncMTool
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncSvcRMOrgMTool* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncSvcRMOrgMTool(0, refFmncMOrg, refFmncMTool);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 21
ubigint TblPlnrJMUserState::insertNewRec(
			PlnrJMUserState** rec
			, const ubigint refPlnrMUser
			, const uint x1Startd
			, const uint ixVState
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrJMUserState* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrJMUserState(0, refPlnrMUser, x1Startd, ixVState);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 22
ubigint TblFmncJMRunState::insertNewRec(
			FmncJMRunState** rec
			, const ubigint refFmncMRun
			, const uint x1Start
			, const uint ixVState
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncJMRunState* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncJMRunState(0, refFmncMRun, x1Start, ixVState);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 23
ubigint TblPlnrAMUserAccess::insertNewRec(
			PlnrAMUserAccess** rec
			, const ubigint refPlnrMUser
			, const uint x1IxPlnrVCard
			, const uint ixPlnrWUiaccess
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrAMUserAccess* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrAMUserAccess(0, refPlnrMUser, x1IxPlnrVCard, ixPlnrWUiaccess);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 24
ubigint TblFmncQStpRef1NFile::insertNewRec(
			FmncQStpRef1NFile** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint ref
			, const string stubRef
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQStpRef1NFile* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQStpRef1NFile(0, jref, jnum, ref, stubRef);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 25
ubigint TblPlnrRMStackMStructure::insertNewRec(
			PlnrRMStackMStructure** rec
			, const ubigint refPlnrMStack
			, const ubigint refPlnrMStructure
			, const string fromSrefPlnrMLayer
			, const string toSrefPlnrMLayer
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrRMStackMStructure* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrRMStackMStructure(0, refPlnrMStack, refPlnrMStructure, fromSrefPlnrMLayer, toSrefPlnrMLayer);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 26
ubigint TblFmncQSelect::insertNewRec(
			FmncQSelect** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const uint ix
			, const ubigint ref
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQSelect* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQSelect(0, jref, jnum, ix, ref);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 27
ubigint TblFmncAMToolChar::insertNewRec(
			FmncAMToolChar** rec
			, const ubigint refFmncMTool
			, const string x1OsrefFmncKToolchar
			, const string Val
			, const string Comment
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncAMToolChar* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncAMToolChar(0, refFmncMTool, x1OsrefFmncKToolchar, Val, Comment);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 28
ubigint TblFmncMUsergroup::insertNewRec(
			FmncMUsergroup** rec
			, const ubigint grp
			, const ubigint own
			, const string sref
			, const string Comment
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncMUsergroup* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncMUsergroup(0, grp, own, sref, Comment);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 29
ubigint TblPlnrAccRMUserUniversal::insertNewRec(
			PlnrAccRMUserUniversal** rec
			, const ubigint refPlnrMUser
			, const uint unvIxPlnrVMaintable
			, const ubigint unvUref
			, const uint ixPlnrVAccess
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	PlnrAccRMUserUniversal* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new PlnrAccRMUserUniversal(0, refPlnrMUser, unvIxPlnrVMaintable, unvUref, ixPlnrVAccess);

	retval = _rec->ref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;
Esempio n. 30
ubigint TblFmncQPrsMNRun::insertNewRec(
			FmncQPrsMNRun** rec
			, const ubigint jref
			, const uint jnum
			, const ubigint mref
			, const string stubMref
			, const ubigint ref
		) {
	ubigint retval = 0;
	FmncQPrsMNRun* _rec = NULL;

	_rec = new FmncQPrsMNRun(0, jref, jnum, mref, stubMref, ref);

	retval = _rec->qref;

	if (rec == NULL) delete _rec;
	else *rec = _rec;

	return retval;